Night of Night Shade

by HexGirl

A Midnight Visitor

Tap... tap... tap tap... A small, quiet knock on the library door echoed. Tap tap. Becoming alert of the sound, the owner of the library rushed forth from her bed to greet the visitor. She opened the door to reveal a midnight sky clouded over. No moon hung and no stars twinkled brightly, just an eerie glow. A pony draped in a dark green cloak was the source of the knocking and stood silently awaiting admission.

"Come on in." spoke the librarian. "It has been awhile since you have come at this late of an hour."

"Yes, indeed." whispered the pony still hiden under the cloak.

"Please do get comfortable. Here let me take your cloak and..."

"No, I'm fine. I would prefer to keep my garments on." the pony interupted.

"Are you okay?"

The pony was in fact not okay.Just moments before her arrival at the library a remarkable transformation had begun to take place in her cells. Her genetics were being rearranged in every blink and breath she took.

"I'm fine just um... looking for a good book to read."

"Okay just let me know if you need any help." stated the librarian in a skeptical manner.

"Thanks Twilight." the pony hurried away deep into the library's dark corners. Shelves upon shelves basked in intellectual glory. Where to go, where to start. Finally deciding to check the inventory, off went the shadowy figure. After flipping through several pages she found what she was looking for and swiflty crept to the section on supernatural beings. Lurking through the columns of books, scrambling page after page desperate to locate much desired information. After hours of searching, she found the book she needed. Vamponies the Ultimate Research Guide. A satisfied hiss escaped her throat. Hooves clamped down on the book holding it as one would a glorious treasure. A green light emitted from under the hood of the cloak and moved to the book from her hooves. Embracing the book, the light levitated it and tucked it safely under the cloak.

"You have no idea how much you have helped me in my cause Twilight Sparkle. My debt is to you." The mare whispered before stealthily slithering out of the library and into the moonlit night.

On her way home visions processed through her mind. Her amnesia was slowly beginning to lift. Even with the presence of some memories one questioned remained. How did this happen? Subconsciously Night Shade halted in her tracks. Stress piled onto her brain forcing it to remember the start of this madness, but nothing came. She had only been like this not one full night yet and she couldn't remember. Only the sounds of the nightly crickets chirping and the dripping of the ponyville fountain answered back. Disappointed she trudged to her home on the outskirts of ponyville to the far west trying still to remember any clues. Upon arrival to her humble abode she opened the wooden door with a quick flash of light green and ventured in closing the door behind her. A heavy sigh was released as she gave up on her memory.

Once inside Shade placed the stolen book on a small, glossy black desk. She levitated her cloak off her body and hung it on a rack across the room finally showing her state of being. Tufts of fur perked at the ends of her ears, her canines barely protruded from her lips, and webbed wings clung to her sides. Her eyes remained a bright aqua which was the only normal attribute of her physicality besides her average jade coloration. A simple stretch of her wings followed by a yawn promoted her to retire to her bed and welcome any dream that may pass her way. She hadn't slept well these past few nights, that she did know.

Light sprinkled into Night Shade's home waking her from a deep slumber. Light seared her eyes as she slowly opened them into a new day. An aggresive hiss aimed at the sun came from the pony as she yanked a blanket over her head. The sun was persistant as usual and burned through the window, into the miniscule gap between the curtains, through the even smaller spaces between the fabric of the blanket and ending at Night Shade's side. A low growl vibrated in the mare's throat before she gave up by throwing the blanket off and standing from her bed. "I hope you're happy." she grumbled aloud scooting over to the curtains and sealing the sun out.

Now that she was half awake she decided to go ahead and eat breakfast. Stumbling into the kitchen she located her pantry. She opened the door and grabbed a box of cereal with her magic and placed it on the counter. After she gathered a bowl, spoon, and milk she sat down and prepared her usual breakfast. She dropped the end of her spoon into the milk coated cereal and lifted the spoon to her mouth. From a cereal's point of view it probably seemed like an amusement park ride into a dark cavern. A single crunch and out the food came.

"Blech! Is this expired or something?" she asked scanning for the expiration dates on the cereal and milk. The milk wouldn't expire until next week and cereal was good for another month. "What? But..." Night Shade pondered. Her eyes drifted to her solid black desk in the living room and landed on a book. She stood from the table and walked towards the book mesmerized. "I forgot... I forgot about you being here." She spoke to the book while sitting down at the desk. The cover shimmered as if it were calling Night Shade. "Let's see what secrets you hide from me shall we."