//------------------------------// // Chapter Seventeen: Flight of the Pegasi! // Story: A Gentle Breeze of Change // by kwr2k13 //------------------------------// A Gentle Breeze of Change Chapter 17 Flight of the Pegasi! "So, ponies, as far as we know, probably half of Equestria is in Iowa, doing family reunions. If you want to go and rediscover your...mates, I would suggest that somepony give us an idea how to get to Iowa." Aqua Splash addressed the room of Pegasi in front of her, munching on some (simulated) Fish Fingers and Custard in a bowl. Summer raises a hoof, “Uhm, Aqua, I may have a plan, if every pony would like to listen.” She then headed up to address the assembled ponies. Autumn, Winter, Spring, Cherry Cloud, Axel, and Solar Bolt were all there, with Axel waiting on the ground near his vehicle, listening to the Pegasi plan the next course of action. Summer continued, “I recommend a small recon force, maybe of Pegasi do a fly over and make contact with some of the Elements of Harmony Bearers. Or, we can just up and move the entire caravan of ponies to Iowa in the cloud house. Mr. Axel here can take any pony who is not a Pegasi. The cloud house is mobile and can be moved over Iowa. We can even invite Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy up to talk to us.” "A recon group would be good I guess, since there's always the chance of animal control being called onto us by the...humans." Aqua muttered, surpassing a shiver. She had ran into them before and it wasn't a pleasant memory. Summer nods, “Yeah, I agree with Aqua here. A recon group will be formed soon. We have several Pegasi who are able to fly well enough to possibly join up in the Wonderbolts recruitment class, if we ever get back to Equestria and rebuild it. If you want on the recon group, let myself or Aqua Splash know. Once we have assembled the team, we can try to get some communication between us and the home team established. Then, the cloud house can be moved closer to Iowa so we can have a permanent home to go to, once we find out what the ponies out there are needing from us.” Meanwhile. Cherry Cloud, who had earlier volunteered as the team's scout, was flying around, scouting the ground for any other ponies. I'm pretty sure I heard something or some pony over here she thought with frustration. Suddenly, a rustle sounded near a bush. Cherry's ears perked up as she tried to locate the sound. She looked at a bush and saw a white bunny hop out. She narrowed her eyes in confusion. She gently flapped her wings and glided down to the ground. The rabbit seemed to look gleeful once seeing her, and jumped back into the bush. He then came out again, this time pulling a pink tail with him. Cherry cloud grinned with excitement; another pony! "Uhmmm, hello?" Asked Cherry, careful not to scare the newcomer. "Hi..." Squeaked the tiny voice from inside the bush. Cherry Cloud then introduced herself, hoping to coax the pony hiding in the bush out. "I'm Cherry Cloud, I was turned into a pony on my birthday, what happened to you?" A pale yellow face popped out from the bush. The pony was revealed to be none other than Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness herself. "Oh my! You are another pony!" Fluttershy smiled happily, "Rainbow Dash will be so glad." The yellow Pegasus' light blue eyes shone brightly at the sight of the young filly. It was Cherry's turn to smile. She was a member of the Rainbow Dash fan club in Ponyville. "You know others!?" Cherry Cloud exclaimed in excitement. Fluttershy nodded. "I-I can take them to you.. if you want." The pink maned pony offered. "Well," Cherry began, "I'd need to get my friends first. Could you tell me where it is?" The pony nodded again. "Its over-" Fluttershy pointed her nose toward a building on the horizon. "-there." The building in question was the farm house where Applejack, her little sister, Apple Bloom, and her elder brother, Big MacIntosh called home. "Oh, okay then! Thanks!" Cherry Cloud began to fly off in the direction of the farm house in anticipation of surprising Rainbow Dash. The yellow shy pony blushed and muttered an inaudible ‘you’re welcome.’ Cherry turned to go, then stopped, "Wait, what was your name?" "Oh, I’m Fluttershy. Pleased to meet you, Cherry Cloud. I see that Angel Bunny was able to help you find me." The yellow Pegasus softly said to Cherry Cloud. Angel then heard rustling in the nearby bushes, and alerted Fluttershy and Cherry Cloud to the source of the noise, pointing a paw towards the grove of shrubbery that Fluttershy hid in earlier. Just then, another rustle in another patch of bushes came. Fluttershy squeaked and jumped behind Cherry Cloud. A dark yellow stallion with a blue and orange mane came out from the bushes the mare and filly heard the rustle come from earlier. “I could of sworn I heard-” The stallion had just caught sight of Fluttershy and Cherry Cloud. His bright green eyes widened and he let out an unmanly squeal. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Fluttershy!” He then fainted. Summer Breeze, who was flying in a formation with her sisters when the new unicorn stallion fainted, broke formation and glided down towards where Cherry Cloud and Fluttershy were trying to revive the fallen pony. “Hi there! What seems to be the problem?” Summer smiles to the group as she landed, “Oh, I’m Summer Breeze, and my sisters, Autumn, Spring, and Winter will be joining me soon. They wanted to continue flying a bit more.” The pegasi who was talking had a light grey coat, a blue-green mane and tail, and had a blue green west wind Cutie Mark on her flanks, Her eyes were turquoise and shined brightly, while also showing compassion towards the fallen pony. The stallion was almost fully awake by now and was just shaking away the stars that remained floating around his head. "Well hi Summer! My name is Pencil Lead." The yellow stallion replied happily. Summer nodded, “Pleased to meet you, Pencil Lead! This little filly gave my sister and I a scare a while back during a thunderstorm. Her name is Cherry Cloud, and she’s been staying with us, learning to fly better. Those flying lessons sure paid off.” Summer indicated the small light green filly with the bluish green mane and tail. “Hello Cherry,” Said Pencil nodding to the filly in question. “Where are you staying. I’m pretty sure any apartment or hotel wouldn’t service to pastel ponies.” Cherry Cloud nodded and pointed a hoof towards the cloud house that Summer’s sisters were bringing in, “I am staying with Summer and her sisters in the large cloud house. I don’t think you can come up, since you aren’t a pegasus, but Ms. Fluttershy is welcome to come with us.” “Well I think I can fix that! I looked deeper into the episodes when I was a human. I figured out the spell Twilight used to make her friends walk on clouds. I can cast that and be able to live in the cloud house.” Maybe make some pegasi think they’re going crazy too. Pencil thought snickering. “What’s so funny?” asked Cherry Cloud. “It’s nothing.” replied Pencil dismissively. “I should go and talk with Rainbow Dash…” Fluttershy said while backing away. Soon she was enveloped by a leafy bush. Summer watched as Fluttershy shyly disappeared into the bush, “Uhm, Fluttershy, you okay? You kinda remind me of my little sister, Spring Breeze. She’s been really wanting to meet you and your friends.” “Really?” asked the butter yellow pegasus, her voice barely heard. Cherry Cloud went over to the bush to talk to Fluttershy. “Can you come out and introduce us to your friends? We haven’t seen many of our pony friends since Discord attacked Ponyville.” The bush shuddered probably from Fluttershy either leaving or shuddering in memory of Discord. Cherry Cloud shrugged, “What? Was it something I said?” Summer went over to the filly and draped a wing over to her little friend, “We all have been affected by Discord’s chaotic spell, and were transformed into ‘humans’. Then, the spell broke, and now, everypony we know and love are changing back into ponies. Not that it had its share of challenges along the way.” The bush shuddered again this time most likely because Fluttershy had left. Pencil Lead walked over to the bunch of leaves and poked his head through. “Yep, she’s gone,” The stallion called from the bush. He trotted back to the group and levitated some leaves and twigs from his mane. “So… What now? I can check out the cloud house. What do you call it? It would get annoying just calling it ‘The Cloud House’ all the time.” Summer smiled at the stallion warmly, “Well, Pencil Lead, we call the Cloud House ‘One Cloud Lane.’ It is our mobile home and training facility for the Pegasi. We did have this Earth Pony named Axel who showed up, but he preferred to be closer to the ground.” “Then let’s head up to One Cloud Lane!” Pencil declared. His horn started glowing and a burst of magic wrapped around him. The green magic died out. “Wait. How will I get up?” asked the yellow stallion. Summer shook her head, “Yeah, you are an unicorn, and last time I checked, only Pegasi can walk on clouds, unless you used a spell to walk on clouds for 3 days. Since you can cast spells, you did cast a walk on clouds spell on yourself, right?” “Yep! Just did.” Pencil replied. Summer flew up to grab a cloud from the sky and flew it down to the group. “Hop on the cloud elevator! Next stop, One Cloud Lane!” Pencil jumped onto the cloud and laid down. Cherry Cloud flew up and landed on the cloud next to Pencil Lead, followed by Summer. “My sisters are waiting up for us, probably have something yummy for meal time. You hungry, Pencil Lead?” “Famished. Should my entrance be a surprise?” responded Pencil. Summer nodded, “Yes, that would be fine. There are other Pegasi at One Cloud Lane; Aqua Splash and Solar Bolt. We helped both of them when they were going through their transitions into ponies. You wouldn’t believe how many more humans have been affected by Discord’s curse. Some of them are still regaining their memories, like us. Do you remember anything about Ponyville or Equestria?” “I visibly remember Twilight bursting into my book store saying something along the lines of ‘Must have books! Must have precious!’” replied Pencil, laughing. Summer and Cherry Cloud looked at each other, then laughed along with Pencil Lead of the sight of Ponyville’s resident alicorn princess demanding books like Gollum needing his connection to the One Ring. Eventually, the group made it to One Cloud Lane. Its architecture was reminiscent of the Athenian Parthenon, with its columns and arches on the front porch. “That’s just the outside. The inside is pretty awesome too. We’ll get you a room, unless you want to crash in the front room. You know you’ll have to recast your spell after three days, right?” Summer asked as she maneuvered the cloud elevator with her wings towards the porch, allowing for Cherry Cloud and Pencil Lead to disembark. Pencil was still gawking at the massive structure before him. “I think I’ll need a room. And I’m really good at remembering things so I should be able to stay up there for a while.” Summer nodded and sent Cherry Cloud ahead of the group to inform her sisters they had a guest, and he needed a room. “I’ll let our junior messenger pony inform my sisters of your request. I’m sure Winter, Spring, and Autumn will be more glad to get you something to your liking. Winter’s an artist, Autumn is an athlete, and Spring is somewhat shy and introspective.” “I’d like to meet Winter. And I think that if what I’ve seen so far contributes for everything, anything will be to my liking.” said Pencil. Summer showed Pencil Lead some of Winter’s paintings, depicting winter scenes from Ponyville, Canterlot, and Cloudsdale. “This is my sister’s art. She paints winter scenes. She was working on Canterlot in Winter when she started to change back to a pony. She was able to complete her painting by holding the brush with her mouth. We had an art studio built here for her to continue her special talent. Her Cutie Mark has a paint palette and a snowflake with a paintbrush.” “I think I might of ordered a painting from her in Ponyville. Small world.” commented Pencil. Summer smiled, “Perhaps you will finally get to meet the artist behind these paintings at dinner time. We can discuss what’s happened to us and how we can work together to work with the others at the farm down there.” “Sounds like a good idea to me. Do you know if you can eat chocolate pie as a pony? All I’ve had is salad and grass.” Summer nods, “I’ve had it at Sugarcube Corner with my sisters for when we had a tiring day at work. I used to work with my sister Spring in the cloud factory, and Autumn was in the rainbow factory, mixing rainbow colors. Winter chose her art studio in Ponyville.” Summer reminisced about her adventures in Ponyville with her sisters and friends. “Good! My human mom used to make it for me all the time.” Pencil sighed. “I miss mom.” Summer sighed as well, “I miss my parents as well. I am not sure if they are on this earth as ponies or as humans, or transitioning into ponies. I don’t know how to contact them or even if they have a way to reach me or my sisters.” “My mom always said that if I remember her she’ll always be in my heart. Right now I don’t know that after this I’ll remember them at all. Now lets get to dinner. I will not stand for us to be sad for this long.” said Pencil Lead. Summer trotted to the kitchen, looking back to see if Pencil Lead was going to join her. “Here we are; the kitchen. There should be some food in the refrigerator.” She opened the fridge door with her mouth to reveal a plethora of food and drink choices. “Thanks Summer!” said the hungry stallion while levitating an apple out and munching on it happily. “When will I get my room? I’d like a bit of privacy to practice my spells. I doubt you or anypony else would like to have a fireball to the face. Wait. Did I use a ponyism? Weird.” Summer giggled, “I know, right? I was using ponyisms about the 3rd day after my Cutie Mark appeared. I used to be a weather reporter before I ended up as a pony. Probably since I am a Pegasus, I have some connection to the weather now.” Summer then went to check on the progress of the room, and flew back with some good news; her sisters got the message from Cherry Cloud about needing a room, so they worked together to fix up one for Pencil Lead. “Looks like your room’s ready. I’m glad you met us, Pencil Lead. I’m going to get something to eat, and you can follow Cherry Cloud to your private room. Let us know if you need anything else, okay?” “Okay. Thanks for everything Summer.” replied Pencil. Cherry Cloud got an apple from the kitchen and munched on it as she waited for Pencil to finish his meal. “Once you get done with your meal, I can show you your room.” The little filly said to the stallion. Her time among the older mares had opened her up to a world of friendship and adventure. “Got it, Cherry.” said Pencil as he finished off his fruit. “Ready to go when you are.” Cherry swallowed her last bite of apple, and tossed the core into the trash. Pencil Lead did the same. The filly spread her wings and glided through the kitchen, waving to Summer, who waved back, while contemplating what to have for her meal. Cherry lead Pencil Lead to the living room. “Here’s where we have our house meetings to discuss stuff, or just hang out and talk. I think Aqua Splash calls this room, ‘The Common Room.’” The room had a couch and several living room furniture items for ponies to sit and relax. “As in Harry Potter common rooms?” asked Pencil Lead. “I love that series.” Cherry Cloud nodded, “I think that’s where Aqua Splash got the idea from; she’s sort of the den mother around here. She’s really nice.” “You’d think Summer would be the den mother. Do you meen Aqua Splash, as in the supervisor of the weather factory?” questioned Pencil. “Managing Supervisor for the Cloudsdale Weather Factory,” Summer said, flying in to help take part in the tour. She showed up at my doorstep while I was in the middle of my transformation; I was half human, half pony then. When I checked on her, she finished her transformation back into the pony she once was and I recognized her as my old supervisor from work. I called my sisters and they came to help.” “Oh. I heard her name a couple times around Ponyville.” quipped Pencil. Cherry Cloud nods, “Same here. Anyway, you think there are some fillies my age to hang out with? Everypony I have talked to are older than me.” “Maybe the Cutie Mark Crusaders will be there. I’m hoping Pinkie Pie will be there. And Twilight. She has to apologize for buying all my books that one time I told you about.” said Pencil Lead. Cherry Cloud’s eyes lit up, “You mean Scootaloo’s here? Cool! I wonder if Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle would remember me. I joined their club back when I moved to Ponyville with my family, and then I got my Cutie Mark when my mother asked me to help her bake a pie to take to my friends for a picnic.” “Now I want pie. And I just had an apple.” whined the yellow stallion. Summer laughed, “I’m sure we could ask Applejack for some pies. She and her brother invited all the ponies here after that sonic rain boom incident a while back. That’s probably why there are ponies all over the farm.” “I have a brilliant idea! Let’s stop talking about pies so I don’t keep regretting for not grabbing the slice that was in the fridge.” complained Pencil. Summer nodded, and stuck out her hoof, “Deal! We can get some you-know-what’s at a later time from Applejack when she’s available.” “Deal! But that technically counts as talking about pie.” Said Pencil, sticking his hoof out. The light grey pegasus mare and the unicorn stallion hoof-bumped in a sign of friendship. “Great, we are getting along so well. Now that you are settled into your new home, and got some food, what do you want to do?” The stallion put his hoof up to his chin. “Hmmmm. How about making stuff explode! That’s always fun.” suggested Pencil. Summer shook her head, “Uh, not sure about exploding stuff in One Cloud Lane is my idea of fun. Your room’s ready by the way.” “Great! I just have one question. Would it count as breaking the fourth wall if I hum the My Little Pony theme song?” asked the stallion. Summer shrugged, “We ponies break into song at the drop of a hat. Feel free to sing away, Pencil.” She flapped her wings, as did Cherry as they gave Pencil the floor to sing or hum his tune. “Are you just going to stay there hovering until I sing?” Summer shook her head, “Nah, we can sing with you. What do you want to sing first?” “I have no idea! How about the Smile Song or whatever Pinkie is calling it.” Summer shakes her head, “I don’t think Pinkie Pie would want us to sing her song, unless she joined us with her friends.” After Summer had finished her sentence a pink head popped through the floor. “Did somepony say my name?” asked a chipper Pinkie before she disappeared through a hole in the cloud home. Cherry Cloud saw Pinkie Pie pop up, and flew back a bit. “Was that who I thought that was?” Summer giggled, “Yep, that’s Pinkie Pie. She’s known for her love of parties and songs. I think you need a party to welcome you back, Pencil.” Pinkie appeared again through the hole in the floor. “Did somepony say party?” she asked before disappearing once again. Summer facehooved, “Pencil, can you cast your walk-on-cloud spell on Pinkie Pie so she can throw you a…” she stopped to plan with Pencil to cast the spell when Pinkie popped up through the hole. “Sure, Summer. Pinkie, can you please stay still?” asked an exasperated Pencil as Pinkie proceeded to pop in the hole a couple more times before coming to a stop with her head still in the hole. “Sure!” replied Pinkie. “Wha? How?” asked Pencil. “Nevermind just Pinkie being Pinkie.” The stallion’s horn glowed and Pinkie was cast in a green light before it disappeared completely. “Yay!” Pinkie shouted as she hopped into the cloud house. Summer got a cloud from outside to patch up the hole before somepony fell through it. “There, safety first. Now then, since we have a party planner, and the guest of honor is Pencil Lead here, what do you have planned, Pinkie?” “Nothing. Just my party cannon!” The cannon in question shot streamers, confetti, balloons and much more. All of the supplies blanketed the area and came out as a perfect party including music and food. Cherry Cloud helped herself to the punch bowl, getting a cup. She was a bit short when it came to reach the table to pour some punch into her cup. “Can I get some help with the punch bowl, please?” asked the filly politely. “Sure, Cherry.” Pencil trotted over to the punch and poured himself and the filly some. Cherry thanked the kind stallion for his help and sipped her punch, “What flavor is the punch? I assume Pinkie made it?” Summer also sampled the punch as well, “It has an interesting flavor. Maybe Pinkie wouldn’t mind sharing the recipe?” “Where is Pinkie anyway?” asked Pencil who had drank all of his punch and was getting more. “She probably went back to the farm.” replied Cherry Cloud who began to yawn. Summer smiled, tired from partying with her friends, “Yeah, and looks like somepony can barely keep her eyes open. C’mon, Cherry. Time for bed.” Pencil began to yawn too. “Yeah, looks like it’s time to hit the hay. ‘Night Summer. ‘Night Cherry.” Summer carried the sleepy Cherry Cloud in her fore legs while flying at a slow pace towards the bedroom, “Bathroom’s right here, in case you need it. We have separate bathrooms for stallions and mares, so no funny ideas. Got it?” Pencil Lead chuckled, “Got it. See you in the morning.” He made his way to the fluffy cloud bed. Meanwhile in the sky the stars glimmered as Luna’s moon looked down on Earth.