The Crystal's Shadow

by HexGirl

Chapter 9

"Greetings, this is Luna and I am Celestia. We are here to ask your resignation from the Crystal Kingdom." the taller of the two spoke.
Silently I formed a black crystal behind me. "A reasonable request excpet for a couple things. Kingdom has 'king' in it therefore a king such as I must rule by definition. Two, I am not a reasonable pony." The black crystal shot forth from its concealed state through the gaurd's armor and body. Screams filled the air as blood thickened around the wounds. The blood soaked crystal shimmered at the alicorns in triumph for they were stunned. The macabre scene lingered on long enough to emphasize my cautious warning. When I felt my message was clearly revealed I allowed the body to fall with the crystal to the ground far below. Trails of shimmering crimson left the corpse but followed swiftly after. "Leave now and be spared. You shall never return again. Oh and if you do send somepony else to rob me of my throne, expect their head on an obsidian platter."
Luna was petrified at what had just occurred. Her countenance suggested disbelief as her head bobbed back and forth. Her eyes searching for the dead and finding me when she looked back up was priceless.
"Your tyranny can not stand any longer. Release the crystal ponies from your rule." Celestia boldy challenged on.
"You are both imcompetent fools! I give the orders and any who dares to defy me have their worst nightmare come true."
"Nightmare?" Luna whispered almost unaudibly.
"Fine but we will not go easy." Spoke Celestia.
"So be it."