the secrets of the north, shinings new hope.

by RC

and begins.

Chapter 1
"Hey Honey? Have you seen my night dress?"Shouted Cadence while looking through her closet She doesn’t hear reply...Honey? Hon...Wait, its Friday. He’s at the club. Even on the eve of our honey moon he goes out “She sighs I really hope he’s not cheating on me. I best go find him. Oh there’s my night dress.'
"ARE YALL REDY TO DROP THIS BASS?! CAUSE IT TIME TO KICKIT UP A NOTCH!!!!" yelled vinyl scratch as she was getting ready for her latest gig. She decided to start with something new; faster, harder, better, stronger. 'Well time for my last gig as a free stallion before the honey moon. Waite is that... No, it couldn’t be!' "Looks like we gota guest here tonight folks, princess cadence is here to party! Let’s give her a show she will never forget."
Time passes
"Well folks! That it for tonight! Starting tomorrow I’m going on a 3 week vacation with my some of my friends. My new album, scratch that schist, will be released in a week and a half. Till them my friends! GOODNIGHT CANTERLOT!"'I’d better book it home double time to get back in shining armor status soon.'
"Well, I didn’t see shining at the club. That settles it. When he gets home he and I are having a long hard talk about loyalty. Hopefully he isn’t cheating on me." thought Cadence as she was walking home. "I wonder where vinyl will perform next. Maybe I could talk to Octavia. Oh well, one challenge at a time." she thought as she came home. When she walked in she noticed that there was a familiar pair of purple sunglasses where on her bed. Next to some headphones that looked eerily familiar. "Honey? Do we have guests?" she shouted.
"No!" shouted a voice that was familiar to her yet more of a mares voice, rather than the rugged voice of her husband. "I was just training!" 'Shining' voice was coming from the exercise room. Cadence starts to walk their only to be met with an unusual sight. Vinyl scratch dispelling a disguise spell and becoming shining armor. "Shining? Is that you?" whispered Cadence as she saw the spectacle unfolding before her. "So, now you know where I go every Friday night, huh? Well, I was going to tell you during the honeymoon but I guess now is the best time, I am vinyl scratch. I’ve been vinyl scratch since I was 15. She was the result of a failed spell that I tried to use to make me better at magic. I’ve been DJ'n ever since. That a good 7 years to make a name for myself, and to think I have two great names made out for me, a name as a guard, and a name as a DJ." shining sighed after this revelation, "I’ve always been true to me but she is the one the crowds want to see." he laughs at his own joke.
"Ok, let me get this straight, you are my husband Shining Armor and my music idol, Vinyl scratch?" shining nods "ok than. Who else knows." she inquired. "Only you Octavia and pinkie pie. I can only wonder how pinkie discovered my secret, but I’ve been her go to 'j for the past 3 years because of it. And Octie knows because I had to take her home after she tried to take a straight everfree at the club one night after her concert. That was hey to explain. But I managed. Still wish I had kept that bottle of 1980 cider. That would help this situation more than my explanation can. But having two famous people with one person is pretty cool, unless twilight finds out I had to learn illusions from Trixy for when I couldn’t make a gig because I had to go to the gig. “Shining replied as they went to their bed room. Shining put his glasses and 'phones in a draw of hammer space. So that’s where he keeps them so i wouldn’t find them. Cleaver. "Well then. That that. We continue this conversation in the morning." shining said to cadence. She just nods. "godnight honey." "Same to you, sweetie."