//------------------------------// // A Morning with a Dragon Edited // Story: A Dragon's Pride and a Mare's Kindness // by DARKPHANTOM13 //------------------------------// Third-Person P.O.V. It was a very early morning in Ponyville. Celestia's sun was just appearing over the horizon. In the guest room of Golden Oaks Library, a large figure was laying curled-up on top of the bed, completely covered by a blanket, and loudly snoring in a peaceful sleep. On the floor was a black and green book bag and a large claymore leaning against the wall. Both items were placed easily within reach of the bed. On a nearby nightstand, a digital alarm clock changed it's screen to 6:00 a.m.. Doing it's programmed duty, it came alive with a loud, monotone beeping... *Beep...* *Beep...* *Beep...* *BOOM* ...only to be blasted to pieces by a double barrel, hand-held shotgun. The barrels of the gun smoke as it was held by a clawed hand rising out of the cover. Both the hand and the gun soon disappear under the blanket and the snoring continued. Thirty minutes later, the door opened to reveal a dressed and wide awake Twilight. "Good morning Spike," She said in a cheery tone. *Grunt* That was the drake's reply. "Don't be like that Spike. It's the start of a beautiful day, and the start of your time here in Ponyville." She said as she walked over to the bed with a smile on her face. The dragon in question finally moved the blanket and sat up. He stared at Twilight with a blank look on his face while sitting in his long-sleeved night shirt. "Listen Twilight,' Spike started. 'Since we're going to spend some time living together I want to make one thing clear right now. I'm not a morning person. Until it's at least nine o' clock or I have at least one cup of coffee, I'm likely to shoot anyone or anything that gets on my nerves." Spike stated. The response dampened Twilight's good mood. When the dragon saw this, he sighed and decided to give her something that would cheer her up and get her out of his scales for a few hours. "Since you're up you can start studying a new spell that I want you to learn." That put a smile back on Twilight's face as she cheered like a grade school filly. Spike rolled his eyes, though he had a small smile on his face, and reached inside of his book bag. He pulled out a small book and handed it to Twilight. The book had a gold-yellow leather binding with a symbol that looked like a bird on the cover. "What kind of spell is it?" Twilight was already reading the book's contents. "It's a beginner level self-healing spell that I want you and Rarity to learn. It shouldn't take either of you more than a day or two at most to learn it. While it's only good for minor injuries and stuff, it is a good place to start getting into the School of Restoration." Spike laid back down and covered himself with his blanket again. "'School of Restoration'? What is that?" "Don't worry about it. I'll cover it in the lecture I'm going to give you girls later. Now can you please let me sleep?" "Sure," Twilight stated with her nose in the book as she left the room. She was about to close the door when she remembered something. "Hey Spike?" "Yeah?" "What happened to the alarm clock that was in this room?" "I shot it." "...Why?" "Because it woke me up." "...Okay. Anyway have a nice rest." *Snore* And with that Twilight closed the door and turned her attention back to the book in her hand. It was time for one of her favorite past times... learning a new spell. ------------------------------------------------ Twilight's P.O.V. I was reading the new book Spike had given me. While it is a pretty simple spell it can be pretty useful. After reading the book, I understood why Spike wanted me and Rarity to learn it. Though it's different from any spells that I know off. Most, if not all, the Unicorn spells in Equestria use similar formulas at their base. This spell's base formula is complete different from what I'm use to. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle, but still. Maybe this spell is a Dragon healing spell? It would make sense since he did use magic when he tested us in that fight. The book also briefly mentioned other more advanced spells, but it doesn't mention where I can find out more about them. And what was Spike talking about when he mentioned the 'School of Restoration'? Maybe a type of magic that's foreign to Equestria? I would ask him right now but I'm afraid I would end up like the alarm clock in his room. I decided that for the moment I should focus on learning this spell. After a few hours, I was able to do it with some focus. With time and practice I should be able to do it without much effort. I suddenly heard a loud yawn upstairs, probably Spike finally waking up. The drake in question got out of the room and went down the stairs towards where I was sitting. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and black sweatpants. The weird this is that his gun holsters were strapped to his pants. I couldn't help but ask myself, 'Did he go sleep with those things on?' "Hey Spike, feeling better now?" I asked with a smile. "For the most part," The drake replied as he stretched his body. "How's that spell coming along?" "Pretty good. I should have it down pat by the end of the day." "That's good. So what are our plans for the day?" "Well I was thinking about going out for breakfast and showing you around town. Maybe see if we can meet up with the girls later today." "Sounds like a plan, besides I want to tell the six of you what I have planned for your training. Just give me a minute to wash up and get dressed." And with that, he walked back upstairs and into his room. I turn my attention back to learning this new spell as I daydream of all the new kinds of magic I'm going to learn in the future. -------------------------------------------------- Spike's P.O.V. I gathered my things and went into the bathroom that was connected to the guest room I was sleeping in. I put my sword against a wall, unstrapped my guns, and put them next to the bathroom sink next to my bag. I reached into my book bag and pulled out a fresh set of my usual clothes and small bag to put my night clothes in. I take off my clothes and put them away, revealing my scar-covered body to the world. Slashes, stabs, bite marks, bullet wounds, and more, thank Akatosh for magic and thick scales. Let it be known that being a badass isn't easy. When I look at all my scars and remember how I got them, I can't help but wonder how the hell I'm still alive. I'm honestly surprised that I didn't get any scars on my face after everything I've been through. I've always had mixed feelings about them. On the one hand, these are proof of my trials and hardships; I had been taught that a scar earned in battle isn't something I shouldn't be ashamed of. On the other hand, if anyone who isn't a fighter saw these, I would get looks of shock, disgust, or sympathy. I have no problem with the first, and anyone that has the second I would just flip them the bird, but I can't stand the last. I don't need a pity party. That's why I prefer to cover my scars when I'm around civilians. I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. As I started to wash my body, I went over what kind of training I was going to give those girls in my mind. First order of business is to give them information on the different types of magic and powers that can be found in our world. Then, investigate the magic of the non-Unicorns and find out what kind of powers they possess. Hopefully Pinkie and or Applejack can learn Earthbending, though it will most likely be Applejack who has the potential to learn it. It feels like it would be a good match for her. After messing around with their magic for a bit, I can start on their physical training. Applejack and Rainbow Dash will be the easiest in that regard while Rarity and Twilight will probably have a problem with it. Having them wear some enchanted gravity weights will be a good place to start. When they all get into decent shape I'll teach them the art of free running. I'll plan the rest as we go along. Thankfully, this isn't my first time taking on students so I at least have some idea of what I'm doing. Funnily enough, my first students were a Pegasus mare and her Unicorn daughter. I met them while they were going on adventures with this Earth Pony who was a lot more than meets the eye. After going on this adventure with them I decided to join them for while. After I got to know them, they asked me to teach them how to fight. Apparently the three of them would often get into dangerous situations and the two girls didn't want the burden the Earth Pony who can take care of himself. I will admit that it was a bit of a challenge. The Pegasus was very clumsy and the unicorn wasn't old enough for most of the physical training that I was taught. After a year of training, I taught them everything I could and it was up to them to grow and learn for themselves. The last time I met up with them, they had grown quite strong; maybe not S-rank like me, but they're strong enough to be able to stand their ground against some pretty strong opponents. I wonder where or when those three are now? I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. After I dried myself and brushed my teeth, I put my clothes for the day on. I wasn't exactly looking forward to the tour around town. This isn't my first time in Equestria and my other visits hadn't always been very pleasant. I've faced my fair share of discrimination in my time and, depending on where you are going, Equestria is one of the most racist nations for anyone who's not a Earth Pony, Unicorn, or Pegasus. In places like Canterlot, racism is at it's finest due to the nobles who live there, while in places like Manehatten, you have many different races living there but discrimination is still present, though admittedly a lot less than in Canterlot. Hopefully, since Ponyville is out in the sticks, I won't have any problems. The last thing I need is to kick someone's ass for starting something with me because I'm a dragon on my first day here. I sigh to myself as I put my weapons on and put my bag on my shoulder. "Well, might as well get this over with," I said to myself as I opened the door. "If I can take on the World Eater and live, then this will be a frigging breeze."