Out of Hatred Came Love

by Scooty Dash

Chapter 1: I'm on my way

Out of Hatred Came Love
Chapter 1: On My Way
It has been many days since I left my old life behind to start anew. Even though I have reached the age where I could leave, I will still have a burden that I will have to carry. A burden that I have carried for 3 years. A burden that will turn ponies against me. A burden that I could’ve fixed a long time ago. It is like a cancer of my mind, destroying all that I help precious and yet some ponies say it’s ok. It turned my family against me, it made my friends leave me, but the worst part of it though is everypony is happy that I’m leaving.
“RAGE!!!” A voice hollered out, “wake up you damn bugger, captain wants ta see ya!” Rage was groggy and disoriented from being awake suddenly. He was having a wonderful dream, too. He was dreaming about when he was a little boy and his mother was baking him some blueberry pies. He could still smell the blueberry that would be in the air dancing around his nose.
“You better get up mate, or da captain is gonna skin you a new coat,” The voice hollered out again.
“Damnit Tomas, why you got wake me up when I’m having wonderful dreams,” Rage said scratching his eyes with his hoof.
“I didn’t wake you up sunshine, the captain did so go complain to him you damn scaly wag,” Tomas said walking away. Tomas was really an OK guy compared to the other guys on the boat. Unlike the others he didn’t have a last name. He always said that his parents didn’t give him a name, but most of the crew just thought he forgot it. He was the dumbest of the crew and was always doing something stupid. He had a grey coat and black, out of shape mane.
Rage proceeded to get up still groggy but he was able to see straight. He started walk his way to the cargo hold door to get up on deck. He felt that everypony eyes were on him. He shrugged it off and climbed out of below deck and was immediately met with the bright light of the sun. The thing Rage hated most about mornings was having to get his eyes to adjust. He raised his hoof to his eyes and waited a minute for his eyes to adjust. Finally his eyes adjusted and he proceeded to walk to the captain.
“You called for me sir,” he asked with a polite and gentle voice. The captain did scared him at time. He learned very quickly that you should never get on his bad side. The captain had a white coat and dark black hair and wore a dark blue uniform.
“Follow me to my quarter’s Rage,” he said with a firm and serious voice and started to walk to his quarters. Rage followed him a little worried about what the captain had to say. He walked into the captain’s quarters and was left in awe. He never knew that the luxury of a mansion could be put on a ship. The captain motion for hip to sit down and Rage obeyed.
“Rage I am not happy about the news I found out about you and that is why that you will be kicked off my ship at the closest port,” he said in a cold, hard voice. Scooty mouth hung wide open. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. All he wanted to do was get as far away from home but now he was going to be dropped off a mere 200 miles from home.
“B-b-bu-but-but,” he tried to get out before he was silenced when the captain put his hoof up to silence him.
“Rage, go pack your things and await to be escorted to shore. You will not leave your quarters till I summon you,” he said in a very serious and threatening look in his eye. Rage knew he could not talk himself out of this, so with his head hung low and with tears in his eyes he left the cabin. He went straight to his bed and cried. Sailors walked past him and chuckle and called him names like cry baby and such, but one stopped in his tracks. A griffon with a white head and a dark gray body.
The griffon came up to him and said “Hey buddy are you alright.” Rage lifted his head with damp spots below his eyes from the tears.
“N-n-no,” he said with a big sniff.
“What’s wrong,” the powerful griffon said taking seat next to the Pegasus.
“I-I’m getting kicked off the ship,” he said in a quivering voice and tears rushing down his face.
“Why, what happened, did you do something wrong,” the griffon ask with a gentle and concern voice.
“I did something terrible. Something that got me kicked out by my family and made my friends leave me,” he said with tears all over his face and a voice more scared and worried than ponies who were minors talking to the cops about why they were smoking poison joke.
“Oh Celesia what did you do,” the griffon said wrapping his wing around the startled pony. The griffon pondered what it could be that this little pony could of done that would of cause him this much distraught.
“I can’t tell you, you’ll hate me if I do,” he said putting his head into the griffon fur.
“I promise I won’t hate you,” he said now taking his claw and putting it around him.
“OK, what’s your name,” the devastated pony asked with a sniff.
“My name is Leeroy, Leeroy, Leeroy Jenkins,” the griffon said with a warm smile on his face.
“Ok,” Rage started to speak, “Leeroy, can you keep a secret.”
“Yes, I can. I promise whatever you say, I will not judge you,” he said with a gentle warm smile.
“OK, Leeroy,” Rage started to talk, “I’m a coltcuddler,”