The CMC Defense of Equestria

by Dark Colt Sabata

A Meeting Of Generals

Arriving at Ponyville’s hospital, the three fillies and Cheerilee rushed in. It was obvious to any who witnessed the distressed ponies that they were worried about what had just happened. The group hurriedly approached the desk and called for a nurse. When she arrived the group hurriedly asked her for the room numbers of both Applejack and Rarity.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t see them right now.” the nurse said, sadness plain in her voice.

“Why not?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“They are still in the ER.” the nurse said.

“Can you at least tell us what happened?” Scootaloo asked.

“I’ll tell you what happened...” came a familiar voice from behind the fillies, said as she walked up behind the three fillies. The three turned around to see Rainbow Dash, in all her athletic glory. Scootaloo was overcome with relief, she ran to Rainbow Dash and gave her a hug when she saw that her idol was alright.

“Rainbow Dash! You’re ok!” Scootaloo said excitedly.

“Of course I’m ok, I don’t go down that easy.” Rainbow said cockily. Her expression then changed to one of worry as she said, “I don’t know if the others are going to make it though.”

The thought that their sisters might die within the next few hours had a very sobering effect on Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. The air was filled with nervous tension as the five ponies waited for news of some kind to come. As they waited, Rainbow told them everything that she had seen happen that day. The attack at the parade, the big explosion, and then the finding of the other Elements injured in the alley.

“Woah,” Scootaloo said, ”I wonder where those guys came from...”

“Yeah, one second they weren’t there and the next they were blasting the stage to bits,” Rainbow said.

A white Earth pony with a red cross for a cutie mark came out of the ER and approached the group to tell them the news.

“Miss Dash,” the pony said, “I am Nurse Redheart, I have some good news... and some bad news.”

Those words didn’t bode well, everypony was now more worried than ever, wanting to know what had happened.

“Well what are you wating for? tells us!” Rainbow said.

“Well, the good news is that everypony has survived and now they are resting,” the nurse said. Everypony gave sighs of relief knowing that they are going to be ok.

“What’s the bad news nurse?” Cheerilee asked.

“The bad news is, well...” The nurse said looking for the right words to say “Rarity has suffered a severe internal damage.”

Sweetie Belle panicked at hearing this. She wondered what horrible thing has happened to her big sister “Wh-what do you mean?” She asked with fear in her voice.

“A part of her magic has been locked away, so the spells she use will be very weak,” The nurse said, remorse coming into her voice. ”But that is only half...”

“W-what is the other half?” Cheerlie asked.

Nurse Redheart had a hard time trying to work up the courage to tell them.

“Well... Her uterus was almost completely destroyed and-”

“You mean she won’t be able to have foals?!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“I’m afraid so.”

Everypony, with the exception of Scootaloo, was taken aback. At that time Cheerlie and Sweetie Belle had fainted on the floor since the news where too much to handle. Rainbow Dash and Applebloom had remained strong but they still were as shocked as everypony else.

“How are foals and Rarity’s urte- utre... whatever it is, part of the same problem?” Scootaloo asked.

“I’ll tell you when you’re older, kid,” Rainbow said awkwardly. “Anyways, can we see them?”

The nurse nodded and motioned to the two to the rooms where the five Elements were sleeping. ”Be sure not to wake them.”

The five ponies were resting peacefully, evident by the serene looks on their faces. This was despite the fact that almost every part of their bodies were bandaged up. Rainbow Dash took a look to her friends, this had been an unbelievable day; Not only had she discovered that her friends were trying to steal her thunder, some guys came out of nowhere and had tried to kill them, and now Rarity couldn’t give birth anymore. This lead Rainbow down a different path of thought, how would Rarity react when she heard the news?

Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle were taken to a pair of unoccupied beds in the same room as the five sleeping ponies so they could comfortably sleep off their unconsciousness.

After a few moments of silence in the presence of the sleeping Elements Applebloom slowly walked over to her sister’s bed. Time ticked away so slowly to the little filly and after what seemed like an hour at her sister’s side she finally spoke, “Ah don’ know why this happened... Any of this.” She stopped for a moment, tears beginning to form in her eyes despite how much she tried to hold them back, “jus’ don’ die sis.”

“Don’t worry Applebloom,” Scootaloo said, ”She’ll be alright. The nurse said so.”

“We need to tell Princess Celestia about this,” Rainbow Dash said with a determined tone that broke the forming emotional silence.

Applebloom nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes, Cheerilee began to regain consciousness. “Wha- where am I?” Cheerilee said as she took in her surroundings, with a growing confusion.

Sweetie Belle was still unconscious of course and the other three ponies were looking at the resting ponies. They noticed that the magenta earth pony had just woke up and they had an idea.

“Hey Mrs. Cheerilee.” Scootaloo said, “Could you write a letter to Princess Celestia for us? she needs to know about... well... you know...”

“Oh, you’re right I guess,” She said as she recalled the exact reason for why she had fainted.

Taking a pen form one of the nurses and a piece of paper she began to write the letter according to what Rainbow Dash said. After a few minutes she finished writing the letter and she wondered how they would deliver it.

“I could take it,” Rainbow said.

“Wait, what?” Cheerilee said obviously confused.

“You did just ask who would take it,” Scootaloo said.

“I did? That’s odd.. Oh well, I guess I was just thinking out loud.” Cherilee said with a shrug before holding the letter up. Rainbow Dash immediately took the letter and bolted out of the room via a window and was flying as fast as she could, keeping in mind her endurance flight training, to deliver the letter.


Meanwhile in the dark world’s castle Fleetrain and Herbtail were discussing the masked pony’s escape and eating some cupcakes.

“It was obviously your fault that the master had to catch that one, Fleetrain.” Herbtail said.

“You were the one that was trying to go against orders, Herbtail,” Fleetrain said.

“UGGHHHHHH, you two are bickering like a married couple,” Said a third voice.

“I see you’re back, Frostfall,” Fleetrain said.

“We are not bickering, we are trying to decide who’s to blame,” Herbtail said.

“Sure, and I’m Queen Faust herself,” Frostfall said. Frostfall took a light blue cupcake from the platter. “by the way, where did you get these from?”

“Let’s just say Moonfire might not be happy once he sees that they are missing,” Fleetrain said.

“Looks like he outdid himself this time,” Frostfall said while taking a bite of the cupcake.

“Just so you know, I felt a presence in that town that might be a problem,” a dragon said as it walked into the room to meet up with the rest of his fellows.

“And what, Flare, would cause such a problem?” Herbtail asked.

“A Keyblade.” Replied the dragon, his words carrying a worried undertone.

“A Keyblade? Seriously? We killed every Keyblade bearer between here and Earth,” Frostfall said with finality.

“Apparently not the ones that have been born in the last fifteen years,” Fleetrain countered.

“And it’s not just one that I sensed, it was four. And it felt like I had known one of those before...”

“You can’t mean-” Frostfall replied with a glance towards Flare.

“It has to be her. Who else could it be?” Herbtail responded.

“But how has she stayed alive all this time?” Fleetrain asked.

“What’s going on here?” A new voice asked which all of them were familiar with. Entering the room was the two legged cloaked figure who apparently had been standing there the whole time.

“We were talking about a new threat that Flare sensed in that town that we raided, Boss.” Fleetrain said as he swept into a bow.

“Rise up,” Commanded the boss. “What do you mean by ‘a new threat?’”

“I had sensed four Keyblade wielders, one felt like... HER,” Flare said.

He was taken aback by this new information, this certainly complicated issues. “...Interesting.” The boss said. “What about the other three?”

“I didn’t find out anything about them except that they were around ten years old.”

“They could be a problem; by experience I know that Keyblade wielders at that age tend to be powerful,we must make our move.”

“But they could be-”

“A problem! If we don’t do something they will ruin our plans to destroy Equestria!”

“I agree with you Master.” Frostfall said.

“First, let’s see how strong they are, send some Shadows after them.” The boss said.

“As you wish.” Herbtail said with a bow before fading into a dark portal.

“I see that you’ve persuaded Moonfire to give you some of his cupcakes.” The boss said with a glance to the confections that sat on the platter.

“WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CUPCAKES?!” could be heard coming from the other side of the castle.

“Looks like he finally saw that they were missing,” Fleetrain said with a wide grin.

“Not again...” The boss said as he face-palmed.