//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Apple Ran Away With The Spoon // by gwg //------------------------------// “Are ya sure she lived here? It look’s like it used tah be an old warehouse.” Apple Bloom asked incredulously as she inspected the building uncertainly. “One of my uncles converted a few warehouses here in Canterlot into loft apartments several years ago. When it was complete, he gave the top floor to Octavia.” Silver Spoon explained as they entered the building. To the right of the entrance were three mailboxes, the ones marked ‘1’ and ‘2’ had the name of the resident underneath; the mailbox marked ‘3’ had the tag removed. “We can have your mail sent here for the duration of your stay. Come on, the elevator will take us up to the loft.” The two mares walked down the small hallway to the elevator, where to their left was the door to apartment 1. The elevator itself wasn’t modern but rather one from a hundred years ago, or at least it looked that way.They hopped inside and pressed the button for the third floor. Despite it’s antiquated appearance, the elevator made hardly any noise as it traversed. When they reached their destination, Silver Spoon slid open the gate and walked to the door, procuring a key from her saddlebag. “Ya always have that key on ya?” Silver Spoon blushed slightly upon hearing the question and she waited until the key was in the door before she answered. “Well, I was planning on offering the apartment to you if you didn't already have a place to stay. Your...situation makes this more appropriate I should think." “Um, Ah guess Ah have tah thank you again; this is very generous of you, and Ah should know, mah sister-in-law was the bearer of Generosity.” “Huh, didn’t think that Rarity and Big Macintosh would get together.” “Um, actually Rarity is Applejack’s wife.” Silver Spoon’s eyes widened in shock and she blushed with embarrassment. “It’s ok; Ah didn’t expect ya tah know. You and Diamond Tiara left for some Canterlot private school after the Equestria Games years back, before Rarity and AJ started datin’. Big Mac got hitched tah Fluttershy and they had a colt. So Ah’m related to three of the Elements of Harmony and Ah’m an aunt.” “Congradulations! How old is he?” Silver Spoon asked excitedly, happy that her blunder was easily overlooked. “His name is Jonagold Apple an’ he’ll be seven in three months. He’s the exact opposite of his ma and pa so he can be a real hoofful. But he’s a sweetheart and a master of the puppy dog eyes, better than Ah was when Ah was his age apparently.” Apple Bloom loved to talk about her nephew, and she would do it all day, but there was business at hoof. “So are ya gonna show me the place or what?” “Oh, sorry. Come on in and look around.” She opened the door to reveal the spacious apartment. The loft was quite impressive with the lower level consisting of a work space, a living room type area, and a kitchen and half-bath at the end. Next to the kitchen were a set of stairs that led to the upper level, which was where the bedroom and full bathroom were located, but Apple Bloom was too distracted by the view through the large windows to notice. “Sweet Celestia, that is some view! Ah can see Ponyville from here! And Ah didn’t know the Everfree Forest was so huge!” Silver Spoon enjoyed the look of amazement on the fellow mare’s face, turning so she could admire the view as well. “Octavia gushed about the view when she first showed me the place; said it helped with practicing her instruments.” “Ah see...So why did you keep the place if you’re not livin’ here? Ya could probably rent it out and get quite a few bits.” “Well, first, I don’t need bits, so that isn’t necessary. And second, um, I kind of wanted to use this place for...guests.” Silver Spoon was blushing slightly as she said this. “Guests…?” Apple Bloom asked with a confused look on her face, before she grinned slyly when it came to her. “Oh, ‘guests’. So do ya have ‘guests’ here often?” Apple Bloom’s grin only added to Silver Spoon’s embarrassment and intensifying her blush. “I-I actually haven’t brought anypony up here before except for Diamond Tiara.” In the moment it took for her to realize what she said, Apple Bloom’s grin only grew wider. “S-she wasn’t that type of guest; I’m not interested in her that way!” “Relax, Ah’m just teasin’! So should we discuss the details of the contract or-” She was interrupted by a growl from her stomach, after which she offered a sheepish smile to the silver-maned mare. “We can talk about it while we get some lunch; I know a place nearby that has some good food.” Silver Spoon looked around the place for a moment, noticing the rather spartan decor before she continued. “Then afterwards we can go furniture shopping so that it can be a bit more comfortable for you. And then we can go get you some groceries so that you are all set for a couple of weeks. Sound good?” Apple Bloom shook her head furiously. “That is too much, Ah can’t accept that!” “Oh please, I want to do this; think of this as one of the perks of having a friend who is wealthy.” “Oh, so we’re friends now?” At Apple Bloom’s question Silver Spoon became dejected; she was unable to look at the yellow earth pony and scuffed her hoof on the ground. “S-sorry, I j-just thought that things were going so well...that w-we were having a good time and t-that-” Her apology was cut short when she felt a leg wrap around her shoulders pulling her into a hug. She feels so warm and comforting, and she smells nice; I wonder what shampoo she uses. “Hey, don’t worry about it. Of course we’re friends now; ya certainly proved yer different than before.” Apple Bloom squeezed the other mare one more time before letting go, recieving a thankful smile. “Come on, let’s get some grub and then we can do that other stuff.” “Thank you, Apple Bloom. It’s just down the street, if we go now we might get a good seat.” -GWG- “So apparently before Rainbow Dash can say a word, mah sister turns around and bucks her square in the chest; sent her flyin’.” Apple Bloom said as she laughed at the memory. The two mares were sitting at the cafe, waiting for their food to arrive. “She wasn’t too hurt was she?” “Well, she broke a coupla ribs and she had tah spend a week in the hospital. Once she recovered, everypony admitted how funny it was, though Dash didn’t think so; she was cross wit’ Twi’ for a little while cause she was gigglin’ on the way tah the hospital with Dash in her magic. That was a really good day though.” “So Scootaloo was the one that caused the three of you to get your cutie marks that day?” “Yep! Cause of her, we were no longer blank flanks!” Silver Spoon shifted uncomfortably in her seat, having been reminded of her history as a bully. “I’m truly am sorry for my part in that. It’s ok if you don’t forgive me; I haven’t really forgiven myself for it.” Apple Bloom reached across the table to touch the distraught mare’s foreleg. “Hey, don’t work yerself up over that. As far as Ah’m concerned, yer forgiven. In fact, if it weren’t for you, Ah probably wouldn’t have even met Scoots and Sweetie, so Ah guess Ah really be thankin’ ya.” Silver Spoon could hardly believe what she heard and didn’t know why her face was heating up so much, just that she was blushing hard. Thankfully, the waiter came over with their food at that moment, giving her the chance to regain control of herself. “Who ordered the dandelion salad?” Silver Spoon raised her hoof, not trusting herself to speak and still combating her blush. “And hay fries. Is there anything else I can get for you ladies?” “No thanks,” Apple Bloom answered for the two of them. As the waiter left, the two mares dug into their meal. As they nearly finished, she decided it was time to discuss the matter at hoof. “So, what am Ah doin’ here?” “Ah, yes, down to business.” Silver Spoon rummaged through her saddlebag before she produced a contract. “Well, you probably know from the letter that Diamond Tiara wants to start a jewelry store franchise, and that she feels that the best place to start is here in Canterlot. This is where you come in; she needs her store to draw attention to itself with its design, otherwise her merchandise won’t sell. Like I said earlier, you are the best up and coming architect right now, so we would be honored if you would take the job.” “Well, Ah’m here so it’s clear that Ah wanna do it; Ah just have tah design a jewelry store?” “This is to be the flagship of the franchise, so it has to be top notch, but I’m sure you can do it. If you want to take the job, then all you have to do is sign here and you’ll be all set.” She produced a pen from her saddlebag and passed it to Apple Bloom, who signed immediately. Silver Spoon then took the contract and pen and signed as a witness before putting both items away. “I like your signature, very neat.” “Thanks. Ah sign all mah designs and Ah’ve signed quite a lot of contracts, so Ah got some practice.” When she finished speaking, the waiter came by and took the plates, leaving behind the bill for the meal. Silver Spoon checked it over and then payed before getting up with the other mare to head to their next destination. “All Ah really need is a work desk; Ah don’t need much else.” Silver Spoon just looked at her and smiled before continuing on her way. “Nonsense. I don’t know how long you are going to be here, but the least I can do is make sure that your stay is as comfortable as possible. You will like what they have at this store, it’s where I got my couch.” -GWG- Celestia had already set her sun a few hours ago when the two mares rode the elevator back up to the apartment. They each had a bag full of groceries while Apple Bloom had a bag on her back which held the things required for her new bed. “So the store will deliver your furniture tomorrow; I’ll come by to help you set it all up. And you have enough food to last you two weeks. You have any questions before I go?” Apple Bloom thought for a moment before she remembered something important. “Each Wednesday Ah have tah head back to Ponyville; it’s for mah weekly get together with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. It shouldn’t interfere with mah work, but it’s somethin’ Ah have tah do.” “That shouldn’t be a problem; you don’t really have any deadlines so don’t worry about it. Well, I’ll be going home now; if you have any pressing issues while I am not here, you have my address. See you tomorrow, Apple Bloom.” “Bloom.” Apple Bloom said smiling. “You can call me Bloom.” “Alright, Bloom. And I guess you can call me Silver.” With that she left the apartment and hopped on the elevator. On the way down, she closed her eyes and held a hoof to her heart. What is happening to me? I have never felt this way before; my heart flutters and I am blushing far too much to be comfortable. Perhaps I can find out what this is later, or maybe it will go away on its own. Besides my body acting weirdly, this day went better than I expected; I can’t believe we’re friends now. Apple Bl- No, just Bloom, is quite the amazing mare. I’m looking forward to seeing more of her. -GWG- One Week Later Silver Spoon hopped on the elevator and pressed the button that would bring her to her newest friend. Normally this would make her happy, but today was different; today she brought bad news. She left the elevator and entered the apartment where she found Apple Bloom waiting for her excitedly. “Well, did she like it? What did she have to say about it?” Silver Spoon could see the excitement in her friend, which made her feel worse about what she was going to say. “Erm...She...she didn’t like it. She said she hated it in fact.” Apple Bloom’s smile instantly dropped into a frown, though she didn’t look as disappointed as Silver Spoon thought she would be. “You don’t look that upset.” “Well, not everypony likes the first design anyhow; ya shoulda seen me the first time somepony said they didn’t like mah design, Ah was bawlin’ mah eyes out. That night, Rarity told me that not everypony likes what we designers first come up with, and that Ah should use their criticism to make a better design next time. So tell me what she said, Ah’ll need it for the next design.” “She really didn’t tell me what she wanted. In fact, she said she doesn’t know what she wants but it wasn’t what you came up with; stating that it was ‘tacky and tasteless’. She’s my friend, but sometimes she can be a real brat.” “Ah don’t understand why you two are still friends. You’ve changed a lot from who you were years ago, but it sounds like she hasn’t changed at all.” Silver Spoon thought about it for a while and couldn’t come up with a better answer than- “Loyalty I guess; she is my oldest friend and you can’t really ignore that. Though you are definitely a better friend than she is.” Apple Bloom showed her appreciation for the compliment by giving Silver Spoon a friendly hug, causing her to blush. Why does this keep happening whenever I’m around her? They separated and Apple Bloom went to lay down on the couch they bought last week, Silver Spoon sitting next to her so they could chat. “So you went to Ponyville yesterday; how was everypony?” “Not much has changed since Ah left. Sweetie and Scoots asked about things here. AJ and Rarity made me dinner and kept me company while the two love birds swapped spit.” She faked a shudder, but internally she was jealous of what they had. She had no idea that Silver Spoon was thinking the same thing. “Ah know that they are just showing their affection for each other, but they coulda done it when Ah wasn’t there. Anyways, after that Ah took the evenin’ train back here.” “Sounds like you had fun. I wish I could come with you sometime.” “That sounds like a good idea; Ah’ll see if Scoots and Sweetie would mind if ya came along one of these times.” “Good. I really want to make amends with all of you; I must have hurt you three so much.” Apple Bloom waved a dismissive hoof at the notion. “Like Ah keep tellin’ ya: that’s all in the past. Ah’m sure they’ll forgive ya like Ah did. Now come on, let’s go back to that cafe. Have ya tried their ice cream? It’s delicious.” With that they left to enjoy the rest of the day together despite the bad news in the beginning. -GWG- Two Weeks Later Silver Spoon galloped as fast as she could to Apple Bloom’s place, hoping she hadn’t missed her. She reached the third floor just as Apple Bloom was closing the door. “Thank Celestia, I didn’t miss you. Sorry, she turned down this design, too.” Apple Bloom was only slightly saddened by this, but she was not about to let it affect her trip. “Damn, that’s three so far. Ah’ll worry about that later though, Ah got a train to catch.” She was about to get on the elevator when she stopped and turned to face her friend. “Actually, do ya wanna come with me this week? It could be your chance to make amends with those two and Ah could use some company while they have their ‘alone time’.” “Sure! That sounds like a lot of fun. I haven’t been to Ponyville in so long; perhaps you could give me a tour to show me what has changed? I heard a lot of the new buildings were made by you.” The silver mare could hardly contain her excitement, practically buzzing the entire way to the train station. Apple Bloom, on the other hoof, was concerned. Ah hope this goes off without too many problems, Ah don’t want Silver to think Ah lied to her last week when Ah said they were fine with her visitin’. Ah know Sweetie Belle said she was cool with it, but Scoots...well Ah hope Sweetie can work her magic and keep her marefriend on a short leash. The anxious concerns occupied her mind during the entire trip to Ponyville.