Me and Mr. B

by Onomonopia

The Leshy

Dinky had been mostly quiet since the grave, slightly concerning the Big Daddy as he ushered her around the town. She had wanted to stop back home and once they were back there she just laid on the couch for a few hours, only occasionally sitting up quickly and looking around before sitting back down. Mr. Bubbles thoughts were on the silver mare still and every once in a while his drill would start up with a flash of red before he would calm down again.

"Did you have a daddy?" Dinky eventually asked him out of the blue around lunch. Mr. Bubbles turned his eyes towards her before letting out a small moan, which wasn't much of an answer for Dinky. "Sorry if that question just seems out of the blue, I was just wondering. Do humans even have daddies? Heck, I don't even think you're human." Mr. Bubbles let out another moan and Dinky sat up, a small smile on her face.

"But I know somepony that would be able to tell me. Come on Mr. B., we're going to see Lyra," Dinky said as she jumped off the couch, the Big Daddy following her as she ran out the door. While she tried to avoid the more crowded portions of town, some of the ponies did come face to helmet with Mr. Bubbles, an encounter that sent them away screaming. She eventually made it to Lyra's front door, where she knocked twice before the mare with the lyre on her flank answered.

"Dinky? What are you doing...?" she began before her voice trailed off as she looked past her to see the metal daddy standing behind the filly. A normal pony would have run for their life at the site of something like that, but Lyra was not a normal pony. "Well, you brought the talk of the town as well. Please, come on in." Dinky followed her inside, but both of them flinched when they heard the sound of a door getting ripped off its hinges.

"I am so sorry," Dinky said as Mr. Bubbles threw the door to the side and walked over to Dinky, before looking down at the mare that was looking up at him. "I can pay for the door eventually, but you can't get too close to me. He doesn't like it."

"Think nothing of it," Lyra said, barely paying the filly any mind as she studied the tin daddy in front of her. After a moment of staring she ran off into the back, bringing back one of her books a moment later. She sat down in front of him and began to search through the book, smiling when she came to a certain page. "Engravings that show where the parts were made, check. Use of technology that would be around that era, check. Five fingers on both hands...half check." Lyra closed the book as she said this and went back to looking at the Big Daddy, confusion in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Lyra, what's the matter?" Dinky asked her eventually, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"I can't figure this guy out," she muttered. "He's not a human, at least not like one I've ever seen. But despite looking like one of the machines from the past, he's a living creature, so he can't totally be manmade."

"Um, Lyra? He's an iron golem," Dinky said, which only gained her a look from Lyra.

"No, he is not whatever those teachers are telling you in school," she said as she pulled out a book and showed it to Dinky. "This is what a human is supposed to look like. Very similar to your friend, but notice the key missing factor. He has no head on top of his body." Dinky looked from the picture to the Big Daddy, seeing the semi-resemblance. "And this is what their machines looked like back in the day." She then showed her a picture with a giant drill, but this one had treads and was a lot more box like, not at all like Mr. Bubbles.

"So what you're saying is, you don't know what he is?" Dinky asked, getting her a sigh from Lyra as she put the books back.

"What I'm saying is, he definitely is from the human era, but I'm not sure where he would fit," Lyra said as she looked through her books. "He's too complex to be from the knight area and not modern enough to be from the gangster era or else he'd have a gun. I just can't place him in a time. Of course, if I had that book..."

"Well, thank you for trying, but I have to go," Dinky said with a thankful smile as she walked back out what remained of the front. "Sorry about the door."

"No need, but to pay me back, I want to be able to see...him whenever I think I figure out what he is," Lyra said as the two left. Dinky looked down at the ground the entire time they walked back to their home, Mr. Bubbles looking down at her the entire time as well.

"Come on, princess Celestia said that she was going to meet mom and me today some time," Dinky said as she walked, barely paying attention to where they were going. Mr. Bubbles followed her blindly for a few minutes until he realized that they were on the outskirts of town, close to the Everfree forest. He looked down at Dinky to see that she seemed out of it, with her eyes looking glazed over a bit. Then she shot up and looked towards the forest.

"Dad?" she whispered slightly. Mr. Bubbles followed her gaze to see a pony standing at the edge of the forest, although from the distance he couldn't see who it was. "Dad!" Dinky yelled before taking off. Mr. Bubbles took a step forward to chase after her before a voice behind him caused him to stop dead in his tracks.

"Mr. Bubbles." He slowly turned around towards the voice, turning to see a small child standing at his feet, looking up at him with a smile. She had a yellow head of hair and yellow, glowing eyes. But he knew her all too well. He slowly reached out a hand to touch her, but the moment he did pain flooded through him, causing him to roar as he fell to one knee. He looked up at her face for a brief moment before he collapsed to the ground, her voice ringing in his ears.

"We'll be together again soon Mr. Bubbles. Soon."


"...and I found him laying here just like this, but I didn't know what to do. He's far too heavy to move, not that I would try to get close to him..." The softness of the voice was new to Mr. Bubbles as he let out a soft moan, causing a number of yelps around him. He slowly got back up to see a number of ponies around him, some he remembered, others he didn't. The purple one, the white tall one, rainbow and the grey one with the eyes that was always trying to take his little sister. Two others he didn't recognize, but he didn't care about them.

"So you've awake," Celestia said to him as he got back up. "I wonder what kind of beast could knock you out like that. But I have a more important question. Where is-?" Celestia was cut off at this point by Ditzy, who flew right into Mr. Bubbles face with rage.

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" she screamed at him. Anything else Mr. Bubbles had been thinking of vanished at that moment as he looked around for Dinky, before looking up at the sun to realize that it was close to sun down. He roared in rage and spun towards the forest, heading towards where he had last seen her. The ponies said nothing to him as they began to chase after him, but they did whisper amongst themselves.

"What kind of creature could do that to him?" one of them asked. "His head's made of metal. Even I don't think I could punch through it."

"Whatever it is, I feel for it when he finds it," Celestia said as she flew. Mr. Bubbles tore through the forest, causing all sorts of wildlife to flee at his approach. Trees, rocks or anything else that got in his way were pulverized as he ran, until he came to a stop at the clearing where Dinky had taken him earlier. But much to his rage, he found the single stone alone. He let loose his roar into the sky as he began to look around, unable to feel her presence like he could his sister in the past.

"He doesn't know where she is," Twilight said before looking to Celestia. "What do we do now?"

"We split up into groups and search the forest," she said. "He was certain that she was in the forest at least, so we'll begin our search here. Twilight, Rainbow, and I will take the skies. Applejack, Fluttershy, talk to the animal life that won't kill you and see if they know anything. Ditzy...Do what you feel is right." The group split off at this point into different directions, leaving Ditzy to glare up at Mr. Bubbles with wrath in her eyes.

"She was under your protection," she seethed. "As much as I hated what you did in the past, at the very least I knew that you wouldn't hurt her. But now she's gone off to Faust knows where and it's your fault!" Mr. Bubble felt all of her words upon him and knew them to be true, but that didn't stop him from looking around to see if he could still find her.

'This is why I never leave you alone for more than a day,' a very annoying voice said over his radio. 'Because you get others into trouble.' Mr. Bubbles roared at her voice, but she laughed at him. 'Can you afford to yell at me now, especially since I can lead you to Dinky?' He still continued to rage at her, causing the mare to sigh.

'Look, I get that you don't like me and I probably haven't done the best job showing you that I'm on your side. You're only the third potential champion I've tried and I'm still new at this whole outside help thing. So please, for Dinky's sake, just listen to me.' The Big Daddy stopped raging and stood still, waiting for her to talk. 'That's better. Head east of here and look for a cave where the entrance glows green. There is a barrier that prevents magical beings or spirits to enter, so there is-" He stopped listening after hearing where Dinky was and he tore off to the east, Ditzy yelping before following after him.

"So you know where she is? What changed?" Ditzy asked as they ran, Mr. Bubbles giving her no answer. Only a minute later did Twilight fly down from overhead, not that it stopped Mr. B. at all.

"So now he knows where she is?" Twilight asked as the two flew behind him. "Why would he only pick now to-?" Her words were cut off when a roar sounded from the trees and a manticore burst out from the foliage, roaring at the group before charging towards them. "Crap, a manticore. We're probably on his turf and-" She never got to finish that sentence as Mr. Bubbles ran right up to the manticore and drove his drill through the beasts brains, hardly even slowly down as he left the almost headless beast on the ground. Twilight and Ditzy both took a moment to look at the dead creature before they continued to chase after him.

"Great, now I know they'll be nothing left of whoever took my daughter for me to beat up once he gets his drill on them," Ditzy muttered as they flew. The three then came upon a cave that glowed with an eerie green light, causing two of the three to approach it with caution.

"Now we don't know what's in there, but we need to be..." Twilight began before Mr. Bubbles tore into the cave with his drill spinning at full power. The others ran in after him to find Dinky...being tickled by magic. "What the heck is that thing?" Twilight asked as she looked at the thing that had Dinky caught in its magic. It looked humanoid, had two hooves instead of four and had horns on its head. Its body was covered in leaves and twigs, while its beard was made of moss.

"You don't know what that thing is?" Ditzy asked. "Then how are we supposed to-?" Mr. Bubbles roar cut off whatever she was going to say next as he went barreling towards the creature. It let out a horrifying cry as Mr. Bubbles approached and in a swirl of leaves turned into a massive gray bear that would have scared any pony. But all it did was make Mr. Bubbles angrier and he slammed into the side of it, driving it into the cave wall as he swung its drill towards the creature. But much to Bubbles surprise, it quickly shrunk down to a small mouse and scampered towards the exit. Mr. Bubbles retaliated with blasts of ice that almost hit the others.

"Watch where you're firing!" Twilight yelled at him, only to yelp as she dove out of the way of another blast. The creature grew back to its regular size and began firing its own brand of magic at Mr. Bubbles, but these spells bounced off of him and began to ricochet around the room. One of the bolts headed for Dinky, who would have been hit had her mother not dove in front of the spell right before impact. She yelled out and fell to the ground, Twilight running to her side as Bubbles charged forward and rammed into the creature, sending the both of them tumbling out of the cave and to the ground below.

"Leave me alone!" it said in a voice that sounded remarkably similar to Dinky's. Mr. Bubbles froze for only a moment, but after that moment passed he rushed forward with his drill, swinging at the creature as it changed into a number of animals to escape him.

'Looks like you need a little fire power,' a voice said from his radio. A weird sensation washed over him and he looked down at his hand to see flames dancing from his fingertips. With a roar of approval he sent the flame crackling towards the creature, which howled in agony once it had been sent ablaze. It didn't cry for long, as his drill punched through its chest, allowing Mr. Bubbles to rip it in half and throw it to the floor, where he stomped the flames and the rest of it out of existence. With the foe vanquished, he turned back towards the cave and walked up to it, where Twilight was helping Ditzy back to her hooves.

"You...didn't think...that I'd just rely on you to protect her...did you...?" she asked Mr. Bubbles as he walked up to her. "I'll...fight to the death...for her safety," she muttered before passing out. Mr. Bubbles said nothing as he walked over to where Dinky lay breathing heavily on the ground. He scooped her up and placed her on his head before turning to where Ditzy lay. He looked down at her for a few moments, remembering what she had did for Dinky. Then he picked her up as well and carried her in his arm, much to Twilight's amazement.

"Wait, what are you doing?" she asked him as he walked out of the cave and into the light of the setting sun, letting out a moan before he began to head for home.