the secrets of the north, shinings new hope.

by RC

chapter 2 the enemy is near

Chapter 2
The secret life of shining armor
The next morning Shining woke up to the sounds of Octavia’s cello. As he was looking around thinking he was in a random hotel room he saw Cadence listening to Octavia as she was in the corner playing a simple yet hard felt tune. “Octie? What are you doing here?” asked Shining, as he got up and started towards the bathroom.
“Oh hi, Shining. I invited Octavia to help me understand this whole issue with your second life. She’s been a real help.” Said Cadence as she and Octavia went towards the bathroom door. “Well it been easy to explain the basic overview of my secret but it’s time for the rest of the truth to come out. *sigh* I’ve learned how to use illusions to change how I looked with the help of a certain traveling road showmare, Trixy. She taught me how to disguise myself and it also helped that she knew a spell to put a ‘gate’ on how I change. If I hear a down beat I change from myself to the pony you know as Vinyl scratch in mindset. She is in control then. When I need to get in my guard mindset, I listen to my recording of a drill Sergeant.” He starts walking towards his ‘hammer space’ pocket and withdraws his headphones and glasses, “these are enchanted so that when I where them I sound like a mare. The ‘phones are so I can hear the beat and they are enchanted so that I appear to have a different cutie mark. The shield I usealy have is what everyone sees, except when I am at a gig or talking cash before or after it.” Shining started to put the glasses and ‘phones on. Everyone was startled when he t’ported away.
“OH COME ON! Where did he go? He was supposed to explain his disposition to us.” Said an exasperated Cadence. “I’m pretty sure s/he went to get pay'd for the gig last night where you showed up and made him realize he had to go fast so he could tell you about the issue during your honey moon.” Octavia explained as they went to the kitchen. As Cadence started to make breakfast shining t’ported back from wherever he went. “Sorry for that. I got called by pinkie for a party tomorrow so I had to explain that I had to go on my honeymoon and that Neon light’s owed me a few favors. I told pinkie to get him for it and say that I told her to ask him to take over for me.”
“Ok. Now than, where was I?” asked shining to noponie in particular. “Oh ya, now I remember. I was about to explain that that you are technically marred to both me and Vinyl. It complicated but when I’m her I am not me. But at the same time I am me. And when I am me I am not her but am her. Understand?” said shining as he got some apple juice and cereal. “no.” said both Cadence and Octavia. “*sigh* ok, it’s like this: Me and Vinyl scratch are two ponies with one body and mind. We think differently but know everything about ourselves. Think of it like one pony with two souls within his being, one mind, one body, two souls. Better?” shining said as he ate while Octavia table-faced and Cadence started to lose her scenes with what he had been saying.” I think so” said Cadence before she lost consciences and fell off her chair only to be caught by shining as he walked towards their room and set her on the bed while she tried to auto restart her bran from the knowledge overload she received from him.
“So, Octie, do you still have that bottle of bourbon?” asked shining hopefully.”*sigh* yes, you want a glass don’t you? Don’t answer that. I already know the answer.” She said interrupting the immanent response from shining armor. “Here. But save me some this time ok?” she tossed him a half-full bottle of 1970 apple bourbon. “No promises!” shouted Vinyl as she ran with her glasses on and the illusion already in place. She ran and Octavia chased her with a vengeance. “GIVE ME BACK MY BOURBON, Scratch!!!!”She cashed her across town and in to a wall, but sadly the bourbon was almost all gone by that time. “NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!! MY bourbon!!” cried Octavia as she finished the last quarter ounce of bourbon, savoring the taste of her last bottle. She started to cry so Vinyl t’ported them to Octavia’s apartment and shining went out to a local shoppie he knew.
“Welc’me to the happy hops shop. What can I do fer ya?” asked the owner o this particular shop, happy hops. “Hey hops, it me. I need that bottle I asked ya to save for me last time I was here. Of and if ya got any, could you give me a 1979 red? The bour’ is for her and the red if for my honeymoon.” Said shining as he removed his glasses and happy started to reach under the counter. “Here ya go my friend. And we don’t got a 1979 red but we got a 1970 red, that ok?” asked hops as he bagged the bourbon and wine. “Sure, same as last time?”Asked shining. “Yes” sad hopes as he opened the register. “Ok, here ya go.” Said shining as he gave hops the usual 10 bits for the well aged liquor. “Thanks.” Said shining as he t’ported to Octavia’s apartment and left her the bourbon.
“Hey Cadence, I got us something special for the honeymoon. Wakie, wakie, time to leave.” Said shining as he tried to awaken his sleeping lover before they left for the honeymoon in the bahamanes. “*sigh* Cadence, twily want to play.” Said shining she he jumped away from his sleeping wife as she jumped up and started to look for her favorite filly. “Shining! That’s not funny!” she said when she realized twilight wasn’t there. “I know. But I tried 17 different ways to wake you up. None worked. So I tried to wake you like I did when we were younger.” He was still stifling laughter at how fast his wife woke up and fixed her mane, if I may quote Rainbow Dash: 10. seconds. Flat.
“Anyway, we need to leave now, because our train to the bahamanes is leavening in 3 minutes and it’s a crowded place so I don’t want to risk a t’port there, if I did it could end up with one of us having a extra person in our little group.” Said Shining to his wife as he grabbed their bags in his magic and started to the station. Cadence lifted the small one that Shining packed his phones and shades in and started after him in a full sprint, they barely made it to the station in time. As they boarded their train a shadow entered the last car while watching them.

Et alors... ça commence.