//------------------------------// // Chapter Two: The Cutie Mark Crusaders // Story: Gravity Falls: Secrets of Equestria // by Pentrath //------------------------------// ‘’And here we are…Sweet Apple Acres, home of the apple family.’’ AppleJack said with pride as she and the others walked through the gate leading into the farm. As they approached the farm house, they were greeted by the shouts of a little filly that was running toward AppleJack at a hurrying pace. ‘’ Big sis, do you know where some shovels are me, Scootaloo, and Sweetiebelle want to get our cutie marks in…’’ Was all Applebloom said as she saw Dipper, Mable and Soos. She gasped as she ran up to the other ponies in excitement. ‘’Big sis, who are they’’ Applebloom asked standing close to Dipper. ‘’Ah these are our guest… they will be staying here until tomorrow; that’s when Twilight should be able to send them home.’’ AppleJack said as she headed toward the door. ‘’Ah tomorrow!’’ Applebloom pouted. ‘’B-but they just got her can’t they stay just a little longer?’’ Applebloom asked. ‘’ Now Applebloom, I am sure these fillies have a family that they miss and wish to get back to and I am also certain that that family misses them too.’’ Apple Jack said. ‘’He-he you could say that’’ Dipper said as he recalled all the times Stan had ignored them when they were in trouble. ‘’Can I atleast show them around Ponyville.’’ Applebloom asked. ‘’That will be up to them, but first they should have a tour of the house and where they will be staying’’ AppleJack stated before trotting over to the farmhouse in order to inform Granny Smith of their new guest. ‘’So will you guys come exploring Ponyville with me’’ Applebloom asked with excitement ‘’I’m not sure that would be…’’ Dipper said as he was interrupted by Mable. ‘’Sure we would love too, isn’t that right Soos’’ Mable said as she looked at him. ‘’ Sure thing dudes’’ Soos said nonchalantly. Dipper just sighed as he reluctantly agreed. Applebloom jump up with joy at the thought of making new friends. After agreeing to their tour later, Dipper, Mable and Soos heard AppleJack call for them from the farm house to come in. Dipper and the others began trotting toward the farmhouse, leaving Applebloom excited for their tour latter on. Strangely though as Dipper trotted away, Applebloom began to feel a strange sensation as she watch the young colt descend closer to the house, but she quickly shook this feeling off though it did not completely disappear. Suddenly SweetieBelle jolted out of the barn while looking for Applebloom and accidently ran in to Dipper and they both tumbled over. As Dipper hit the ground a red journal flew out of a pocket in his jacket and slid toward Applebloom. Applebloom looked at the journal for a moment before noticing a 2 embedded in the centre of a 6 fingered hand. She turned to see Dipper and SweetieBelle getting up off the ground and was about to give the journal back when a spark of curiosity made her reconsider as she hid the book behind her. Dipper and SweetieBell was finally off the ground and regained their composure before SweetieBelle began to apologize for what happened. ‘’Oh I am so sorry, I was just coming to get Applebloom’’ SweetieBelle said innocently before walking toward Applebloom. ‘’Oh it’s no problem’’ Dipper said as he brushed some dirt off of his jacket before he, Soos and Mable headed inside the farm house leaving Applebloom and SweetieBell with journal number 2. ‘’Hey, have you two found the shovels yet’’ Scootaloo called out, peaking her head out of the door of the barn. ‘’Actually Scoots I have a change of plan’’ Applebloom replied before holding up the journal. ‘’ Whoa what kind of book is that?’’ Scootaloo asked ‘’ Ah don’t know… Dipper dropped it when he bumped into SweetieBelle.’’ Applebloom responded. ‘’Shouldn’t we return it to him?’’ SweetieBelle asked ‘’ I think we should read it’’ Scootaloo said. ‘’ No we should return it; it could be a personal item of his and we should respect his privacy’’ SweetieBelle argued. ‘’Gals ah don’t think this is a diary’’ Applebloom stated as she revealed the contents of the journal. As SweetieBelle and Scootaloo skimmed through the page the journal was opened to, they began to realise that this journal was unlike any book they had seen before. After they finishing skimming the page, the three fillies quickly ran to their clubhouse so they could further read the mysterious book. After touring the house, Applejack lead Dipper, Soos, and Mable to the guest room. Inside was a single bunk bed and a small captain’s bed on the opposite side and a dresser against the wall adjacent from the captain’s bed. Applejack moved out of the passage in order to allow the three ponies to enter the room. ‘’ Ah hope this is alright with yall, ah wasn’t expecting company to be staying over.’’ AppleJack said as the three ponies made themselves comfortable. ‘’I will do, thank you Miss Applejack’’ Dipper said. ‘’ Don’t yall worry about a thing it is always a pleasure to help ponies in need… also you can just call me AppleJack ah don’t wanna hear any of this ‘’miss’’ business’’ AppleJack said firmly. ‘’ Gottcha’’ Dipper said as he, Mable and Soos settled into the room they would be spending the night in. ‘’Isn’t this exciting Dipper’’ Mable said with glee as she hoped around the room. ‘’ No Mable it isn’t, what if this Twilight pony cannot send us back… We will never see mom or dad or even Grunkle Stan again’’ Dipper said sadly. ‘’ Don’t forget about Wendy dude’’ Soos said nonchalantly. ‘’Ohhh’’ Dipper sulked as he hid his face into a pillow leaving Soos regretting what he said. ‘’ It’s ok Dipper… I am sure we will find a way back to Gravity Falls eventually.’’ Mable said in a cheerful tone. Dipper could not help but to smile at his sisters attempt to comfort him. ‘’We can always go exploring with that adorable little pony we met earlier to look forward to’’ Mable said jumping off of Dippers bed and began to look around the room. ‘’ Yeah your right, we did kind of promise’’ Dipper said. ‘’ I say we should go explore the farm a bit before finding that little one, this might be the only chance we have to explore before we go home.’’ Mable said. ‘’ Well what are we waiting for, let’s do some exploring before we are introduce to this town, it would be kind of nice to learn a bit more about this new world and what secrets it might hold. Also it beats having Stan give us chores all day’’ Dipper said as he jumped out of bed and threw open the door to the guest room and they all headed outside to see the farm. After arriving back at their club house the cutie mark crusaders began to read through the journal, Applebloom had acquired. As they read through the journal the saw creatures that they have never seen before. The more they read in the journal, the more they began to believe the journal was just a work of fiction, albeit a strange one. But as they continued to reading, two words stuck out that made this book lean more toward reality than fiction, and that was Gravity Falls. ‘’I am starting to believe this is just a bad fairy tale book’’ Scootaloo said. ‘’ I have to agree, there is nothing to this book that could help us get our cutie marks’’ SweetieBell stated. ‘’ Wait gals, don’t dismiss this journal just yet, there might be som’thin to it.’’ Applebloom pointed out. ‘’ The journal keeps mentioning Gravity Falls… that the place ma sis said they were from, maybe they live there just like the weird creatures that live in ta Everfree Forest.’’ She stated. ‘’Well even if that is the case, how is this journal going to help us get our cutie marks? ‘’ Scootaloo asked. ‘’Yeah, all it seems to mention in this weird book is creatures we have never seen and don’t know if they even exist’’ SweetieBell added. ‘’ Well going by the off chance these here creatures are real… then maybe one of them can help us get our cutie marks’’ Applebloom said. ‘’WHAT’’ SweetieBell and Scootaloo yelled at once. ‘’ Are you serious, all of these monsters look terrifying, we don’t even know if they are friendly and even if we found one, there is no guarantee that it would not eat us or .... WORSE!’’ Scootaloo said as she placed her hooves on her cheeks in terror. ‘’ W-what could be worse than being eaten’’ SweetieBell asked nervously. ‘’ Trust me you don’t want to know’’ Scootaloo added. ‘’Don’t be so certain gals, look at this here creature’’ Applebloom said as she pointed to the picture of the creature in question. The two of them began to read the passage in the book below as small picture of what looked like a cute cat-like creature, with blue and black fur,rose petals around its neck and four little antennas on its head. It wore what looked like a red tutu and held a small black stick in its paw, was tapped on the page just below the text. The passage read: Creature # 223”: THE FAIRY LILLY This cute cat like creature, is capable of causing two people to become infatuated with each other. After long observation, the couple that have been affected by The Fairly Lillies spell has lived a seemingly normal life. The creature cast as spell that causes a purple mist to surround its potential victims causing them to fall in love with the first person they come in contact with. This creature is not native to Gravity Falls, and must be summoned by meeting the requirements in the list below: 1: 6 rose pedals 2: 6 candles (preferably scented) 3: A small a patch of cat's fur Once items are collected, follow these instructions in order to perform the ritual: Step One: Place candles onto a soft patch of dirt in a shape of a circle, once placed move on to Step Two. Step Two: Place rose pedals in the centre of the candles in the shape of a even smaller circle. Step Three: Place the patch of fur in the centre of the rose pedals. Step Four: Once you complete Steps 1-3, carefully light the candles ‘’ one at a time’’ and then state the following sentence: "I LOVE YOU", three times and the "Fairly Lilly" will be summoned and obey the commands of the one that summoned her. ‘’Awww its sooo cute’’ SweetieBell said after she finished reading. ‘’Well it does look harmless, but what exactly does it mean by (victim).’’ Scootaloo asked. ‘’I don’t know, it might have been a typo.’’ Applebloom said. ‘’ Anyway the journal says we can summon it by performing this ritual.’’ Applebloom stated as she points to the list of items they need. ‘’It says her that we are going to need the following items: 6 rose pedals, 6 candles, a patch of fur and an ounce of unicorn’s magic’’ Applebloom read. ‘’ I can get the rose pedals and candles, but where will we get the unicorns magic? Scootaloo asked. ‘’I could possibly get it from Rarity’’ Sweetiebell stated; ‘’But she may not be too keen on what we are about to do, I mean what if it is dangerous’’ Sweetiebell stated with uncertainty. ‘’ No we are gonna have to get it from Twilight’’ Applebloom stated. ‘’I am sure she will be happy to give us some and don’t worry, just look at how adorable it is, it’s going to be fine’’ Applebloom said. ‘’But Twilight won’t be home until tomorrow’’ SweetieBelle said. ‘’ I know…. (gasp) I almost forgot, I promised to show Dipper and the others around Ponyville before Twilight sends them back to "Gravity Falls’’ Applebloom said as she ran out of her clubhouse to give the new fillies the tour the promised. ‘’What was that all about?’’ Scootaloo asked in which SweetieBelle only shrugged in response. The two fillies were preparing to leave in order to collect the other materials, so they could summon the creature.As they left the clubhouse, they left the journal placed on top of a small wooden table before exited. As they disappeared from view a shadow like figure appeared from one of there posters and floated in front of the journal. After examining what the fillies were reading, the shadow took the picture of the "Fairy Lilly'' and flipped through the book the book until he happened upon a page for summoning a creature called "Bill Cipher" and placed the picture over 'Bill's' picture before disappearing with a light chuckle. Applebloom rushed back home so she could see what Dipper and the others are doing. As she arrived back, she rushes up to the guest room only to find them not there. Applebloom gasped as she ran back down stairs to ask if her sister new were they went. ‘’Big sis, big sis do yall know where Dipper and the others went’’ Applebloom asked franticly. ‘’Oh they said they wanted to explore around the orchard.’’ AppleJack said. With this knowledge, Applebloom immediately runs outside only to bump into Dipper as they were heading back into the house. ‘’Oww’’ Applebloom said as she rubbed her head with her hooves. ‘’Oh sorry, I did not see you’’ Dipper said as he raise a hoof out to pick her up. Applebloom slightly blushed as she accepted his hoof, once she was back on her feet Mable was the first to ask ‘’ So are you ready to go’’ she asked with a smile. ‘’ Yeah I am ready’’ Applebloom stated as she headed toward the door and motioned them to follow. As they exist the gate leading into the farm she was extremely excited to show her new friends around town, but at the same time she felt a little sadden that they will be leaving so soon. Clearing those thoughts from her mind she quickened her pace as the others followed behind, excited to see the town and the new world they are in. They quickly see a small town come into view over the hill; Applebloom who was leading them comes to a sudden stop as she turns around to view the other ponies following her before saying. ‘’Welcome to Ponyville’’ End of Chapter Two