//------------------------------// // Starstruck // Story: Something About Her // by LightningBass94 //------------------------------// Two days had passed, and Twilight had spent most of that time helping -watching, rather- Trixie prepare for her show. The mayor offered to let her rent the stage outside of Town Hall for a small cut of the profit, and Trixie was determined to make this show more spectacular than ever. Just as Fluttershy had shown her, she planned to let her actions speak for her. For that, she needed all the spells she could find. Trixie really did have great magical power, but it was all illusion magic. She was a novice at best when it came to Arcana. That was Twilight's forté. Twilight mostly sat and stared in awe. She would clap her hooves at any spell she deemed especially impressive, and offer encouragement when Trixie failed. This was usually rewarded with a kind smile and words of thanks. Trixie was refusing to practice one spell, the final blow to seal the deal between her and her audience. She didn't want Twilight to see it just yet. She had been practicing the spell alone, but she couldn't actually guage if the spell was working correctly without some form of audience. It would have to be a surprise, even for herself. She hoped Twilight would like it. Her show was, in fact, later that night. She breathed a contented sigh and stared at Twilight a moment, just a hint of longing hidden away in her purple orbs. "I think that's enough for now. I don't want to be exhausted before my show starts." Twilight smiled at this and stood up to give her friend a hug. It was a warm, gentle embrace, but as her hooves wrapped around the magician's neck, she shivered in satisfaction. She had been sitting some distance away from her all day, and had longed for even a simple embrace such as this. She sighed. How easily she would sleep if she could just hold this mare in her arms each night. "Your show is going to be magnificent," She whispered. Her hot breath tingled Trixie's ear and made it twitch. She smiled and wordlessly thanked her friend by returning the hug and nuzzling into the fur of her neck. Trixie took in the princess' scent. She smelled of lavendar and the sweet, homey scent of an old book, with just a hint of maple. "Perfect," She thought simply. The embrace lingered for several more moments, and they eventually took a step away from each other. Neither seemed overly embarrassed by that, despite finding it hard to talk to one another at times. "So," Trixie broke their serene silence, "Earlier you told me that Rarity had a surprise for me? We should get going." She gave Twilight a confident, playful smile, then walked to the door with a bit more sway in her hips than usual. Twilight blushed at her sudden sultry attitude and stood frozen in the room for what felt like decades as she studied the curves of Trixie's flanks. Her wings threatened to pomf on their own, extending slightly from her body. She snapped out of it when Trixie opened the door and looked back over her shoulder. "Coming?" She asked innocently. "Y-yes. Right behind you!" Twilight gave a quick gallop to catch up to the magician. "Is Trixie coming onto me?" She thought. She had read many a novel on the subject, but romance was still a foreign language to her. The closest thing she'd ever had to a relationship was a two day blushing contest with Flash Sentry that she was fairly certain she won. "Tonight will be...interesting." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Darlings!" Rarity boomed as she opened her door. As she stared the two down, she could practically smell the sexual tension of two mares not sure how to express their feelings toward each other. She had an eye for such things and it had been increasingly obvious to her the past two weeks. "It's so good to see you both again." She ushered them inside. "Now, the main treat is for Trixie, but I have a little something for you as well, Twilight." She stated matter-of-factly as she levitated two white boxes to the mares, Trixie's noticibly larger. Twilight began to open her mouth in protest to recieving anything at all, but Rarity's practiced hoof was quickly over her muzzle. "Sush, dear." She turned toward Trixie and pointed her horn toward the changing room. "You can try it on over there." Trixie didn't know what to say. Rarity had a way about her that just left Trixie speechless. She decided to make her way to the changing room without a word in fear of saying something stupid in her dumbfoundedness. There was a gasp that could be heard from the room as the unicorn opened her box. Twilight raised a brow, but Rarity beamed at the unseen reaction, "Go ahead and put it on, Dear." There was a rustling, then silence. A suddenly bashful unicorn stepped from behind the curtain and it was now the others' turns to gasp. She was beautiful. The design was of a simple cloak and hat, very similar to Trixie's classic outfit; however, this outfit was anything but simple. The stitch somehow allowed the cloak to hug tight to her curves, effectively showing them off in a classy but sexy way, yet still allowed it to flow freely as a cloak should. The hat was fit to Trixie's head better than her old hat ever had. It's tip ended in a small, silver bell. Both items were black with a matching design; a design that was moving? The -very realistic- galaxies adorning the outfit were not just spinning slowly upon the fabric, but they also gave off their own faint glow. They were of a light blue color, mixed with lavendar, matching Trixie's coat and eyes. Ever so often, a stray comet would rocket swiftly and quietly down her back. It was clasped with a bright sapphire, nearly identical to Trixie's classic broach. To finish the ensemble, Rarity had added short, black boots, the tops of which lolled over the sides like an elf shoe, the toe coming to a point with Trixie's hoof. Twilight's mouth had been hanging open for the last thirty seconds as her lavendar orbs rolled over Trixie's body with the ensemble on, eliciting a small blush from the blue unicorn. Rarity, on the other hand, was beaming like a mad mare. "Oh it fits you so well!" She commented. "The enchantment was a special request I had to make of Princess Luna. I'm satisfied, to say the least. I never looked at it after she sent it back, and the comets were her idea, I presume. You look ravishing, Darling." "Th-thank you, Rarity," Trixie smiled back at her friend, "I can't believe you went through all this trouble just for my performance!" Rarity dismissed the comment, "Oh it was no trouble at all, Darling. I'm glad you like it." She turned to Twilight, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She spoke just slightly lower in a sultry tone, "Now, Twilight. I believe you have a gift as well." She gave a confusing wink. Twilight walked into the changing room and closed the curtain behind her as Trixie sat down next to Rarity. There was a rustling as the package was opened. "WHAT? I CANNOT WEAR THIS IN PUBLIC!" "Just put it on, Dear~," Rarity replied slyly, giving a small wink to Trixie to reassure her everything was alright. "And put your hair up in a bun like you did for the gala!" Time passed and a very flustered alicorn tentatively walked from behind the curtain. Trixie gasped, her own jaw hanging as she looked on at the gorgeous alicorn princess with a mixture of excitement, surprise, longing and lust. With her hair in a bun, Twilight wore a black gold tiara, very much like her -seldomly worn- golden, royal tiara. She had on a small, sexy black silk dress, fit specifically to her to show off all the right curves. It twinkled like stars when the light hit it at an angle. Her back hooves were adorned with black, thigh-high stockings. It was just enough to be sexy, while retaining some class; pretty, without drawing too much attention. 'H-how do I look?" She asked them both, but she really only wanted to hear from Trixie. Rarity knew it, and kept her mouth shut. She nodded in silent approval. Trixie shook her head to clear her mind and responded with an awkward, "Y-you look amazing!" Rarity grinned. Her work here was done, and it was nearly sundown. Time for the show!