An Unwelcome Change

by Night Spark

Heretic, Hero

Heretic, Hero:


Night Spark listened to the fierce discussion his “room mates” were having. He could hardly understand how they could get so angry over a board game. While chess seemed interesting Night Spark did not want to interrupt their free time. He walked around the safe house. Violet had told him Luna ordered it to be built when Ponyville finally accepted her. It was used by both Princesses when they came to visit. Unlike the Castle the house was relatively simple. The only Luxuries Night Spark noticed was the large bath tub downstairs and a balcony equipped with telescopes. He carefully approached the bedroom upstairs. He knew neither Luna nor Celestia were their yet the home resonated with their presence. It was disrespectful to enter a pony’s bedroom uninvited however Night Spark allowed his curiosity to get the better of him. After all the only normal pony homes he had ever been in was his childhood one and Derpy’s. He carefully pushed the door open and was greet by a simple yet large bed. It had golden sheets with purple pillows that matched Luna’s coat. The walls were a cream color with beautifully treated wooden beams that rose from the floor and wrapped around the ceiling. The thing that caught Night Spark’s eye was the wall on the left side of the room.

The wall was completely covered by bookshelves. He timidly approached the books. Each step was taken with extreme caution as to not disturb anything. When he reached the books he stood in awe. Reading was a luxury for Night Spark. When he lived with the other changelings he felt trapped. Every one had a role and to deviate from your role was considered heresy. Night Spark and his siblings were taught to fight, hate, and kill ponies. They were expected to lead. That life began to make Night Spark feel trapped. He remembered sneaking into his mothers chamber’s and stealing books about the outside world. They provided an escape for him. They gave him the idea of changing his fate. He scanned the princesses collection. There were at least 200 books before him. From those 200 only one caught his eye.

Uncontrollable Magic: Defect or Curse? by Star Swirled the Bearded.

The book was worn and covered in enough dust that by simply removing the book from the shelf Night Spark polluted the area around him. His hoof gently wiped the dust away. Right as he was about to open it a voice nearly scared him to the point of shifting.

“…and here I thought I’d find you putting on the Princesses clothes or doing something equally scandalous. Way to disappoint Spark.”

Night Spark was confused. Was Violet wanting him to wear Princess attire?

“I do not understand Vi…Do you desire me to dress like a Princess?”

She smiled and face hooved.

“Do changelings understand jokes?”

Instead of waiting for a reply she continued.

“Look I thought you said you wanted to meet the guys. We’ve been here almost half a day now and you haven’t said anything to them.”

Night Spark just shrugged. He then sighed and spoke to Violet as he began walking out the room.

“I do not wish to disturb them. They have been playing the chess game for quite sometime. In fact I believe they have been at it since we have arrived. They seem to enjoy it very much despite the arguments. I would hate to have them stop so that they could instruct me.”

Vi looked at him shocked.

“Wait you don’t know how to play chess? Not cool. We need to…change…that!”

Her face was beaming. Violet believed that she had just made the funniest joke in Equestria at that moment. Night Spark sighed and rolled his eyes. He replied dryly.

“I suppose that due to the fact that I am a changeling…what you have just said is supposed to be humorous? Any how Miss Vi I do not know how to play this game. I will learn later at a later time though. Right now I want to leave this place and visit Miss Doo.”

Violet didn't say anything as they both walked down the stairs to the first floor. They reached the door when Violet spoke.

“…Is she hot?”

Night Spark once again turn to look at her with a confused expression. Vi immediately knew the changeling was not familiar with what she was saying. She facehooved. This time she grunted as her hooves pulled on her face. She then grabbed Night Spark by the shoulder’s and shook him.

“Is she GOOD looking?! When you look at her do you want to flip her on her back and-“

Night Spark blushed and interrupted her as he realized what she was asking.


Violet gave him a saucy smile.

“Man you are good…real good. If you learn to play chess as well as you can play mares? You’ll be legendary! The whole super respectful and chivalrous changeling who somehow only has mare friends thing is working. I should have realized the moment we spoke to one another. You barely even know me and your already complementing my name and only speaking to me. Now I see why you don’t want to know these guys. Those idiots will ruin what you got going for you. The changeling in shining armor…mares eat that kind of stuff up.”

Night Spark looked at her with wide eyes and furiously blushing cheeks. He was angry, embarrassed, and confused. He pointed his hoof at her to scold her but somehow her smile stalled his mind. He then opened the door and left the home. As he was galloping away he heard her voice.

“Bring back some food with you Spark!!!”

He galloped harder towards the town. If he felt like she deserved it he would share a muffin with her later. However he only had two left in his bag at home. He needed more. He shifted his legs into Applejacks. The extra strength boosted his galloping speed significantly. Despite being able to fly he enjoyed the occasional exercise. Night Spark also knew that pony’s felt uncomfortable upon seeing him. So instead of flying down upon them as changelings typically do when invading, he would simply walk into town calmly. Due to the safe house being near the Everfree forest it took a short time for him to reach his destination: The Ponyville Market.

She gift’s these muffins to me without asking for anything in return…now it is my turn to do the gifting.

He slowly walked through the market. The staring ponies were not what concerned him. Night Spark was waiting for crazed market ponies to swoop down upon him like the ones in Canterlot did. As he past each stand he noticed the items being sold were not scandalous or disrespectful to the royalty. The stand were selling basic goods. While observing a stand selling tea a voice called out to him.

“Howdy Mister! Do you want to buy some of the best Apples in Equestria?”


Night Spark hadn't had the best luck with Apples recently. He cautiously turned to see a little filly with a yellow coat and bright red mane. Even with no Cutie mark her resemblance to Applejack was visible. He gulped and replied politely.

“No thank you little miss. I am searching for a gift for a close friend.”

The filly rushed up to him with a beaming smile.

“I guess since you are a changeling you really don’t know do you? These apples ARE gifts. They have a taste sweeter than life! If Applejack were here she would…”

Pummel my face in for even speaking with a relative…yes I know…

“…tell you all about the 42 different things that she does to get these apples to be the best. Oh by the way my name is Applebloom mister. So how many apples are ya’ gonna’ buy!?”

Night Spark smiled. She was fearless, bold, but most of all kind. She may be trying to push him into buying apples but at least she was treating him with respect.

“Very well then Miss Applebloom. I would like to purchase two apples from you one for my friend and one for myself. If they live up to your praise than I am sure these will be well worth it.”

Apple Bloom smiled and placed two apples in a bag and handed them to him.

“Trust me mister y'all are gonna be back beggin’ for more! Now that’ll be 5bits.”

Night Spark handed her 10bits and pointed at the bottled cider behind Apple Bloom.

“I will take one bottle of cider as well Miss Apple Bloom. Keep the change.”

Her eyes lit up like stars when he said that. She placed everything in one bag and handed it off to him. As he walked away he could hear her speaking to two other fillies who seemed to appear from nowhere. He frowned a bit. While walking past multiple buildings only one thought rang out through his head.

I wish that Applejack could see that I am different from other changelings… I wish all ponies could…

The thought remained on his mind until he approached the Pony Express Post Office. This is where Luna had said that he would find Derpy. He entered the small building and walk up to the counter. The mare in front of him stared with wide eyes. Night Spark smiled to try to make her feel more comfortable. It didn't work. He saw he quivering in fear. The changeling sighed then spoke.

“Hello Miss. Yes, I am a changeling. I mean no harm to anypony and wish to contribute to this wonderful community. If you could be so kind and let me know if Miss Doo is in I would very much appreciate it.”

The mare’s jaw dropped. He thought she was about to speak but then they both heard the voice of an older stallion through roaring from one of the rooms behind the counter.


Derpy’s voice was barely audible.

“I- I’m sorry sir…I just don’t know what…”

He cut her off.

“That may have worked the first 25 times but we do know what’s wrong Derpy…you.”

She was nearly begging.

“No please it’s just my sister and I and we-“
His voice cut like a newly sharpened knife.

“You’re fired Derpy.”

The silence in the office was louder than anything Night Spark had heard. It pounded against his ears and made him feel like he was suffocating. He simply stood there until a puffy eyed Derpy walked out from the back. Seeing her in such a state hurt him.

“Miss Doo? Are you all right?”

She saw him and for a brief moment her eyes lit up but then the pain returned to them. Night Spark led her out of the building. Once outside he asked her again.

“Miss Doo? Would you like to speak what is on your mind?”

She looked up and saw her cloud. He noticed that she was about to fly towards it. Night Spark shot a blast of magic and destroyed it. She look at him with tear filled eyes. She looked at him as if he had betrayed her. Night Spark grabbed one of her hooves and looked in her eyes as he spoke.

“You no longer need to suffer alone and away from others. I am…your friend. Friends are there for one another. So if you are suffering or are in pain then share that pain with me so that we may get through it together.”

She watched him silently for a moment and looked down at her hoof in his hooves. Derpy rushed up to him and hugged him. She sobbed violently and squeezed him tightly. Despite the physical pain the mare was placing him in Night Spark felt happy that he was there for her. For nearly an hour they sat together with Derpy occasionally crying on his shoulder.

“I-I am wrong aren’t I?”

Night Spark looked down at her in anger. He wasn’t angry at her but he knew she only felt like she was wrong because of what her boss had said.

“Miss Doo…you are absolutely perfect the way you are. The only wrong ponies are the ones who cannot see you how I see you. They see a clumsy helpless pony. I see a beautiful and good hearted one.”

She gave him a light smile but frowned again. His words seem to not get through to her. He thought for a moment the spoke again.

“Accidents happen Miss Doo. We all trip. We all fall. However what matters in life is the action you take after you fall. What do you do after all your tears have been shed? Your fate is what you make it. So when you are ready, pick yourself up and should you need help in doing so…I will be here for you…”

She said nothing for some time. Her sniffles seemed to become less frequent and she eventually was just sitting there holding on to his arms. Many ponies passed and muttered things. Night Spark just shot them all angry glares. He hated gossipers. Just then he remembered he had gifts. He pulled the cider bottle out. Using the very tip of his horn he zapped the bottle with a little magic to warm it up. He then popped off the lid and held it before her. She looked at it for a moment and then snatched the bottle out of his hoof. The Gray pegasus drank the entire bottle in a few chugs then smiled at Night Spark.

“Thank you Night Spark…If you weren’t here…I would probably be on that cloud until poor Dinky thought that I ran away or something. I wouldn’t trade my life for anything you know? Despite everything I’ve been through I would never trade. I know I mess up everything and I know a lot of ponies have to put up with me. Though I just wish that…ponies would be nicer sometimes…every now and then I do feel wrong…”

He stood up and offered his hoof to her. She took it and he helped her up. Night Spark held one hoof up before her. It shifted through every form he knew while he spoke.

“Believe me when I say that I used to believe that I was wrong. After I lost my original family…when I learned what I truly was…all I could think about was how wrong I was. But it was Princess Luna, Miss Sprinkle, and you who showed me that being a changeling was not wrong. You did not judge me for the actions of my people. So it is with great respect for you that I say this. Buck them. Buck them all. You are Miss Ditzy Doo and any who sees you as just some derpy wrong pony can go buck themselves. I know that you will be able to find a new job so that you may take care of Dinky and yourself. However until then take this bag of bits. It is money the princess gave me to-“

She interrupted with an angry glare. Her hoof pushed his out of the way.

“Now listen Night Spark I don’t need charity. I might have trouble with work from time to time but I am not some broken pony incapable of working. I earn my bits fair and square you got that?”

He held up his hooves defensively.

“Miss Doo this is not charity. Think of it as a gift. I have no use for this amount of currency. For starters I can borrow funds from the soldiers here with me. Secondly…I may seem like a decent changeling but do not put me on a pedestal. I am not above shifting into Luna’s form in order to receive food from ponies. She is actually fairly easy to imitate. All one must do is speak with a thundering voice and make crude and childish jokes with other ponies.”

She walked away angry. He began to follow her.

“NO Night Spark. You can’t go and steal from ponies. I don’t need any bits that I haven’t worked for. If I take them then…then I’ll really be just some dumb useless pony who mooches off every pony else's pity. Dinky and I always take care of each other. Now is no different.”

Night Spark understood. She felt the need to work to prove herself to others. To prove that despite everything she was just another pony. While he admired that about her, the thought of her and her sister struggling to make ends meet disturbed him. Then a thought nearly stopped him in his tracks.


He smiled at her while he was speaking.

“Very well Miss Doo. If you wish to work for every bit you shall. If you are up to it I would like to employ you. I need you to bake enough muffins for all of Ponyville.”

She looked at him like he was an idiot.

“Uh…That’s a lot of muffins. Even if I had bits to buy enough supplies I just don’t think I can do it. I would need to make at least a thousand of them.”

Night Spark replied quickly even though he knew they would be angry with him.

“I have command of four wonderful ponies who would be happy to help you. I will also make sure they are paid as well. This is an opportunity for both of us Miss Doo. It is a chance for me to do something friendly for this town and give aid to a friend. It is a chance for you to start your new career: owning a bakery. I would wager my life that the moment these ponies taste your muffins they will grovel for you to make more. It is perfect.”

She smiled sadly.

“Look Night Spark…I…I appreciate what you are trying to do. I just can’t. For starters I always thought about owning a muffin bakery. I know how good my muffins are. They are yummier than yum. I-“

All of a sudden the gray mare seemed to trip on absolutely nothing. Just before her chin hit the ground Night Spark caught her. He helped her up and looked worried. She continued on sadly.

I can’t run anything… I’m not good at some things…well lot’s of things. If I got a job at the Sugarcube Corner I would ruin the Cake’s lives and Pinkie Pie’s too. I won’t do that…ever. I’ll leave the baking to the ponies with pastries for cuties marks.”

At the mention of cutie marks Night Spark observed Derpy’s. It was a group of bubbles floating next to each other. She caught him staring and blushed. He immediately looked away but then looked at his own flank. Nothing. As they walked together he thought about the meaning of her cutie mark. While he was tempted to ask he felt timid to do so because he did not have one. This was not a surprise to Night Spark. He knew changelings never had cutie marks. Normally something like this wouldn't bother him but it reminded him that he was not a pony. It reminded him that no matter what, he would alway be something else.

They reached her home and both stood outside. She watched him in silence for a moment. Her face had a calm expression. Night Spark felt her gentle gaze. It somehow could effect him more so than Luna’s thunderous voice or Applejacks powerful hooves. He felt like the world around him was melting away and that her gaze was the only thing anchoring him to reality. While he knew it was a brief moment Night Spark felt as if he had lived in it for a thousand years.

Dammit princess…you were right…

He felt his heart beat slightly faster when thinking about her. Night Spark cared for her more than he was brave enough to admit. However the problem was that he did not know if Derpy had similar feelings or even liked changelings. He frowned when thinking about it. No matter who he could transform into it wasn’t real. No pony could actually enjoy the appearance of a changeling. While other negative thoughts played through his head Derpy noticed his frown. She took a step away from her front door and approached him.

“Night Spark what’s wrong?”

He could not tell her. The risk of damaging their friendship was not something he took lightly. He thought of something else to bring up.

“I just find cutie marks…strange Miss Doo.”

She looked down sadly.

“Yea I don’t like mine either…”

He reacted quickly.

“No! That is not what I meant. You cutie mark is perfect. It is just…cutie marks in general. I am interested in them. It is impossible for changelings to receive one and I do not know why.”

She cocked her head to the side in the same adorable fashion when he first met her at the diner.

“It’s because only ponies have them. Just like how only changelings…can um…change. I’d rather be able to change instead of having a boring cutie mark. Changing is so cool. I would change into a giant muffin…”

Her words repeated in his head.

….so cool.

He smiled at her. He was going to tell her that such a transformation was impossible for changelings. Though he thought Miss Doo had enough disappointment for one day.

“Changing into an object such as a muffin…requires some of the most potent and powerful magic available. I fear that no changeling alive not even Chrysalis could perform such a feat.”
Her face was full with the same kind of amazement a foal had when first reading a Daring Do novel. A slightly hurt expression reached her face when she realized that changelings could not become muffins because in order to become a muffin you would have to bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for nearly 20 minutes and such heat would kill anypony. She shoved Night Spark lightly and grumbled.

“…not funny…no muffins for you!”

Night Spark began to apologize to her.

“Miss Doo I am sorry I just did not wish for you too suffer anymore disappointment today. I cannot even begin to understand how hard it must be for you to take care of yourself as well as your sister. While not possible I think you would make a wonderful muffin…uh…well not to eat of course just too…um…I…I shall stop speaking.”

She smiled lightly at his words and invited him in. The moment the door opened Derpy was tackled by Dinky. They both laughed while briefly wrestling on the floor. Eventually Derpy was in the air. Dinky’s horn was glowing as she trapped her older sister in magic. Derpy spoke through laughter.

“DINKY!!! Put me down!”

The little filly laughed and slammed Derpy down into the sofa cushion. While Derpy was struggling to get her head out of the cushions Dinky notice Night Spark.

“Oh hi Night Shark. What are you doing here?”

Night Spark walked up to her and gave her an apple.

“Well Little Miss Doo I walked your sister home from the-“

Dinky’s face lit up with a smile that nearly shined with brightness. At the top of her lungs she began to tease her sister.


She looked at Night Spark confused for a moment then continued.


Derpy freed her self from the sofa and chased her sister.

“Shut up Dinky!!! That’s not nice!!”

They both raced around the home knocking things over. They nearly collided with Night Spark a few times. He watch as the sisters proceed to storm around the home in a destructive manner. It was adorable to him. Derpy finally caught up to Dinky and held her in her front hooves while they wrestled again.

“Say sorry Dinky!”

The filly smiled while using her magic to attempt to shove Derpy off her.



“SO is it tomorrow? Do you have a reservation at a fancy place?”

Derpy was angry. She gave Dinky a look and then let her go. Dinky stuck her tongue out and continued to tease Derpy as she walked closer to Night Spark. Derpy had a frown on her face.

“Dinky…I got fired…again…”

The little filly’s voice died down. The beaming smile was instantly replaced by a sorrowful expression. She walk up to Derpy and held her in a gentle hug.

“I’m sorry sis. I didn’t mean it…are you ok?”

Derpy’s tears had been shed with Night Spark in front of the post office. Her eyes remained glassy with tears that she had yet to release. Tears she would hold back for her sister. She nuzzled Dinky and sniffled.

“Yea muffin…I’m gonna be ok. I just need to find something else to do.”

Dinky looked at Night Spark sadly and walked up to him.

“I’m sorry for teasing you Night Shark. I really am…thanks for taking care of my sis.”

Night Spark thought about Dinky. The filly was eagerly awaiting his forgiveness and if she had committed unspeakable transgressions.

“There is nothing to forgive miss. You were simply trying to have fun. However next time perhaps ask your sister how she is doing before you assault her with cuddling.”

Night Spark and Derpy sighed as Dinky ran off to her room. Derpy shook her head and motioned Night Spark to sit down on the sofa. They both sat and Derpy opened a tray of muffins. After they both ate a few she spoke.

“Sorry you had too see ….and um… hear all that. I just don’t know what gets in her head sometimes. So why are you in Ponyville Night Spark? I thought the princess wanted you to do special stuff.”

I am here because I am slowly dying Miss Doo.

“I am here to…learn about what I am fighting for…yes the Princess believes that in order to do so I must experience what normal ponies do on a daily basis.”

She eyed him suspiciously.

“Well then…I guess you think we’re really weird.”

He chucked than pointed at himself.

“Really weird is finding out that you are a changeling when you are only seven years old. Believe me Miss Doo I do not find you or your sister weird…I find you quite adorable to be completely honest…oh…I…well…you both are quite adorable. It is obvious you both love each other very much. The last time I spoke with my sister she threatened to kill me. I…envy the bond you and Dinky have. It is something that I had once long ago. That time however is past. All I can do is work to build new and stronger bonds with the ponies around me.”

She swallowed a muffin whole then asked him a question he did not expect.

“Do you love your sister?”

Who could ask such a stup-

He stopped his thoughts. When Night Spark had thought of his changeling family he felt more anger than love. His siblings were usually cruel to each other as well as to him. It was Chrysalis that he had mixed feelings about. While he knew she was the one responsible for ruining his early life part of him was still the young changeling who used to be a pony. She took him in when all ponies abandoned him. She comforted him when his family only saw a monster. After that day his life became different. He was forced to train and study in methods of defeating the ponies. For a short time he really and truly wanted revenge. His new family had become a band of monsters and torturers. Though however terrible things became, deep down he still had a small spark of love for his family. Simply thinking about it upset him and made him question his place in the world even more.

“…I suppose…so.”

Luna’s Throne Room:

Luna looked out from her balcony. Equestria was a beautiful sight. The setting sun gave the land a deep orange and red glow that under normal circumstance would be a heart warming sight for Luna. What disturbed her was the storm far in the distance. Most ponies would have dismissed such a thing but Luna made sure to be kept in the loop on everything during a war. No storm was scheduled for anytime soon. Rather than jumping to conclusions Luna invited Twilight and her friends to her room. Twilight arrived early. The lavender Alicorn approached and stood next to Luna.

“Twilight you are a dear friend of mine. I wish to apologize for how I spoke to you. While I am still displeased in how you and your friends have treated Night Spark I had no right to speak to my friends in such a vile manner. I do wish tha-“

Twilight shook her head.

“Luna I am sorry too. We both acted inappropriately. I gave it some thought though and well…the girls and I had decided to at least try to…communicate…with Night Spark. So if we see him in the courtyard then we will try to-“

“I sent him away Twilight. He is in Ponyville with Miss Ditzy Doo and four of my best soldiers. With the way ponies have treated him and they way he reacted in the courtyard I believe Ponyville will be a temporary home for him…until he passes. I do not think we shall seen him for sometime.”

Twilight felt a deep wave of guilt wash over her. Her friends finally decided to attempt proper communication with him and he is gone. She sighed as Luna continued.

“Twilight. I am worried. The changelings should have reached Fillydelphia a day ago. Yet I continue to receive reports claiming there has been no changelings spotted. To add to my worry is that black storm in the distance. I pray that Rainbow Dash knows why a storm is approaching Ponyville because as far as I know there were to be no storms for a month. What do you think Twilight?”

Twilight thought of logical reasons for the storm. She crossed Derpy off the list as she was in Ponyville. Discord was a possibility however he was reformed…somewhat. The idea of rogue Pegasi sounded silly to her so that was tossed from her mind. After analyzing the situation in a thousand different ways Twilight came to one conclusion.

“Luna…do you think that he…that Night Spark-“

Luna turned calmly and spoke with confidence.

“No Twilight. I used a spell that allowed me to live through his memories. I saw and heard his sister and her troops claiming to march towards Fillydelphia. I have literally seen their plans…yet…something is not right.”

As they sat in silence the storm released a low rumble. Its approach seemed slow however Luna knew it would reach Ponyville in a short time. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly. Twilight took notice and observed her silently. Luna’s horn lit up with her dark blue magic and soon the balcony became dark. While Twilight could still see the view of Equestria it was distorted by the shadow the seemed to be emitting from Luna herself. Luna’s eyes crept opened as she exhaled. She knew Twilight must have been curious on what she just did but she did not have the desire to tell her. Ever since she came back from the moon Luna would briefly meditate in darkness to ease her stress and help her think clearly. These dark meditations helped her mind expand and see new paths or possibilities. When she thought once more on why the changelings were delayed a terrifying realization hit her. She looked at Twilight with wide eyes.

“Twilight…where are the others? It is urgent we speak to them for I believe that ponies may be in danger and…I do not know if we can help them…I…I think we have fallen for a ruse. Chrysalis’ treachery is more cunning than previously imagined.”

Twilight looked at her with confusion. She wondered what Luna was talking about.

“Luna I don’t get it. How could we have been tricked if you’ve seen what Night Spark has seen…”

She paused when she connected the same dots Luna connected. Luna’s face betrayed her might and power. It was fearful. She finished Twilight’s thought.

“…and only what he has seen…”

Twilight’s eyes widened.

Sweet Celestia…

Sugarcube Corner:

In order to cheer up Derpy Night Spark insisted on taking her to the Sugarcube Corner. He had yet to go there himself and Luna made it sound amazing. He also invited Dinky who was more than happy to come along. On the way there rain began to pour over the town. They sat soaked waiting for their orders. Instead of talking the group could only focus on the loud argument at the table near them. Two mares were arguing. One had a white coat with a blue mane of different shades. Despite being a rainy day and being indoors the white mare wore large sunglasses. The mare sitting across from her had a coat similar to Derpy’s and a long straight black mane.

“Tavi listen to me girl! Your solo is great and all but it just doesn't fit! Your style works for big fancy parties but I need QUANTIZED RYTHMS! Otherwise it throws off my beats.”

Octavia scoffed and pointed a hoof at her chest.

“Now you listen here! My style is not simply fit for ‘big fancy parties’. I play with pure and raw emotion Scratch! There is a reason I have been a soloist up until now! I refuse to control my emotions to fit in with other players. Such a thing can only harm my music.”

Night Spark tried to ignore the ponies and speak to Derpy and Dinky.

“So Miss Doo’s I have meant to ask you how long you have been in-“


The other mare fumed with rage.

“SCRATCH DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND THE FEELINGS I RECEIVE WHEN PLAYING!? One cannot simply be a robot. I am not some strange synthesizer that you can control to you exact needs and specifications. When I play I am like a leaf in the wind. I go where it takes me without question or complaint. I flow with my music. I-“

The white mare pulled her shades down slightly and spoke much quieter.

“Tavi? Are you high? Because damn…I-“

Night Spark tried once more to speak to the ponies he brought to dinner. The arguing mares were ruining his evening.

“What is your opinion of Princes Twilight? I have hardly spoken to her and-“

The gray mare erupted with anger.


“Cut the crap Tavi you sound like a really bad fashonista or something. Seriously though, I need you to match the rhythm I got goin’ in the main synth and-“

Night Spark snapped.


Night Spark turned to face his table with a sigh. He looked at both Derpy and Dinky and smiled. They still had stunned faces. Suddenly Ms.Cake arrived with a plate of muffins. She placed it down before them and Night Spark noticed she gave them an extra one. He pointed to the plate and spoke.

“Excuse me miss I believe you have placed an extra on our-“

Ms.Cake smiled and placed a hoof on his shoulder. He may have been a changeling but he managed to shut up Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. She spoke quiet enough to where only their table could hear.

“Those two always come here every evening to argue about music. They are both talented dears but…they are always arguing. These muffins are on the house mister. All three of you are welcome to back every evening.”

Derpy and Dinky smiled. Night Spark did as well. He knew the muffins they ordered were not Derpy’s yet somehow he knew they were going to be delicious. However a problem arose in his head. Dinky had persuaded Derpy to let her order two muffins. Night Spark and Derpy each ordered one muffin. Above the four ordered muffins sat the extra one. Derpy noticed him glaring at the muffin and smirked. She leaned in over the table and looked him in the eyes. Her voice made his skin raise.

“I’ll hoof wrestle you for it…unless you’re scared…”

Normally Night Spark would have let her have the muffin. Allowing her to have it would have made her happy and after today’s events that was his goal. However when he looked at the hoof in front of him all he wanted was to hold it in his own. Fear struck him for the briefest of moments. He wasn’t afraid of Derpy and yet he was. It was something that made no sense in his mind. His expression changed but Dinky had noticed the brief fear and exploded.


He gave Dinky a challenging glare then grabbed Derpy’s hoof.

It is only because you call me Night Shark that I will let that slide…

Night Spark began to shift into Applejack’s form. A muffin hit the side of his head hard enough to make him stop changing. Dinky’s horn was glowing and she looked at him in angry. She slammed one hoof down and pointed the other at him.


Night Spark sighed. Instead of shifting he began to channel magic to bolster his strength. A faint cyan aura began to glow around his horn. Once more a muffin smacked him across the face. Dinky’s voice screeched into his ears.


Night Spark grumbled to himself then shifted to a more comfortable position. Derpy chuckled at him and threw him a determined look. Even though he was nervous Night Spark thought she looked cute. He returned her a determined look as well and spoke.

“Prepare yourself Miss Doo…you will experience first hoof the power of- AHHHH”

She applied a massive amount of force down catching him off guard. He quickly stopped his hoof before it touched the table. He applied more strength and managed to push her hoof closer to her side. He was surprised by her strength. He knew ponies naturally had more physical strength but Derpy seemed on par with him. Night Spark pushed more and managed to get her hoof near the table.

Just a little more…

He noticed Derpy was looking at Dinky. They were both smiling. Dinky nodded at her and Derpy returned the nod. She turned to look at Night Spark with a devious smile. A strange feeling occurred in his gut. He wondered why she was smiling. Derpy whispered.

“My. Muffin.”

As if his hoof was not there Derpy slammed her own hoof instantly to the opposite side. A sharp pain rose up Night Sparks arm as he fell to the side. Dinky laughed as Derpy stuffed the muffin into her mouth. Night Spark could only focus on the pain she had caused him. He look at her with a betrayed look.

“Miss Doo! How are you so powerful? You are nearly as strong as a member of the Apple family!”

Derpy spread her wings and clapped her hooves. She spoke while laughing.

“You should’a seen your face!!! You looked like a stale muffin!!!”

Both sisters continued to laugh as Night Spark wondered what stale muffins looked like. While they continued to laugh something caught his eye. He stood up and focused out the window. The storm had gotten much more severe. Lightning struck the ground across the street. The thunder silenced the laughter of the sisters. Night Spark recognized that lightning. It was something he had seen before. Once more it struck. Dinky screamed and held her sister. Derpy spoke up.

“Night Spark…what’s the matter?”

The lighting struck the building across from them. It caught fire and began to burn. Night Spark turned around and spoke to every pony before.

“All of you stay here in this room. Miss Doo retrieve the owner and have her stay here with you. You all must not allow anypony and I mean ANYPONY to come in here. If I can direct some to here I will. Ask them for a safe word. It will be…um…muffins! If they do not know the passcode do not let them pass.”

Vinyl interrupted.

“Hey what the buck is goin’ on?”

He turned and looked at the purplish lightning out side. It struck another building which also caught fire.

“Ponyville is under attack…and my brother is leading the charge. I have a few of Luna’s elite guard at my safe house. I will retrieve them and counter the changelings. Be watchful they will blend in with the shadows.”

Derpy ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders.

“YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!!! Night Spark it’s…it’s…the lightning and the…LIGHTNING!!!”

She looked absolutely terrified. Night Spark hugged her. He smiled and pulled away. Looking her in her eyes he spoke.

“Miss Doo do not worry for me or for anypony. I will not stand by and do nothing for a second time… If my brother does not halt this attack. Then I will destroy him. Stay here and use your mysterious strength to protect these ponies.”

She looked down and murmured quietly enough for only him to hear.

“…but…what if…you…the lightning…You’re my…friend.”
Night Spark smiled and lifted her chin with his hoof and channeled magic. His eyes glowed brightly and his horn surged with electricity. He chuckled then spoke.

“You are my friend as well Miss Doo. I’ll not have anything come in between our friendship, least of all these monsters. When this passes I would like a rematch. Nopony is going to embarrass me in such a way again.”

With that he ran out into the storm.

Luna’s Throne Room:

“This isn’t right. I don’t know what going on but…this…isn’t cool”

Luna observed Rainbow Dash who wore a fearful face. Luna had just questioned her about the weather in Ponyville. Rainbow confirmed that no rain was supposed to drop until much later. Twilight spoke up.

“So girls you now know the weather is acting up…when it’s not supposed to. That wasn’t the only reason Luna and I brought you here. The changelings should have reached Fillydelphia by now. Not that it’s a bad thing that the city isn’t under attack. That’s good. What’s bad is that we don’t know where a massive changeling force is.”

Applejack shifted and was the first to bring up Night Spark.

“Wasn’t Night Spark the one to warn y’all ‘bout Fillydelphia? What if this is all some sort of trap? A setup or something…What if-“

Luna shook her head and interrupted.

“Applejack I have no doubt that there is a trap. Night Spark however is just as unaware of what that trap is as we are. I have seen everything he has seen and as far as he knows…Fillydelphia was next on the list of cities for the changelings to attack.”

Fluttershy quietly chimed in.

“Yes but…um…why did they attack Manehattan then?”

Luna thought about it. She knew Chrysalis was planning something but it hardly made sense to her. She understood that she could no longer go off what Night Spark had seen. What puzzled the moon goddess was why Manehattan was attacked. From the reports she has received Celestia nearly melted the bridge from her attack. The changelings were quickly slaughtered. Celestia left some troops behind in the city then began to head towards Fillydelphia to regroup with Luna’s legion. Everything seemed too easy. Luna spoke up.

“Fluttershy. I do not know. Chrysalis plans to strike and I do not know where. The storm that has mysteriously appeared has worried me enough to ready a small regiment of soldiers. Should Ponyville be attacked tonight my soldiers will be ready.”

Rainbow looked out the window and saw the lightning above her home. Her gut told her it wasn’t natural. She turned and looked at Luna and Twilight.

“I think we should go to Ponyville with those soldiers…that storm isn’t right.”


Night Spark barged through the front door of the safe house. Violet was in full armor along with the three other guards. She looked at him as if she already knew.

“Where do you want us?”

Night Spark pointed back at the town.

“Get all the ponies you can. Take them to the Sugarcube Corner. Inside should be some ponies already. They have been instructed to only allow you in with a safeword. Once you get as many ponies as you can find there protect them at all costs.”

She nodded.

“Alright Night Spark what’s the safe word?”




Vi raised an eyebrow then shook her head. She began to leave when Night Spark grabbed her.

“Find a way to call for help. I do not know how large of a force is attacking. When you have gathered up the ponies in the Sugarcube Corner organize a tight evacuation of the city. Stay together and fight together. Unless I can stop my brother or we receive reinforcements this town is lost. However we can preserve its ponies. I wish you luck Vi. You and your friends.”

She smiled and saluted him then rushed out.

Night Spark shifted his body. He took the best parts from the ponies he knew. In an instant he had Rainbow’s wings, Applejacks rear hooves, Braeburn’s front hooves, and his horn. He quickly shifted to make each new part proportional and changed their color to match his own. The power he felt was incredible. He stepped outside of the safe house and watched as a few buildings burned brightly in the night. Memories of Appaloosa crept up and scratched at his mind. Rather than ignoring them he allowed that pain to resurface. It was a burning reminder of what would happen to Ponyville if he did not succeed.

“I will protect this town…I swear I will never allow Appaloosa to happen again.”

He rose up faster than he expected. Lightning struck again. He dashed forward and in a few seconds landed on the ground in front of town hall. A small group of changelings approached him. One of them spoke.

“What are you doing? Night Storm has ordered that we destroy the bakery. If we make haste we will be the first one to set it ablaze.”

Night Spark looked at the changeling with disgust. It reminded him of Night Fire. He closed the distance between the two and spoke.

“I have a better idea. I burn you.”

Night Sparks horn shot forth a visceral arc of chain lightning that electrocuted the group of changelings. They screeched as their bodies began to smoke. When he finished they fell to the ground blackened. Night Spark looked at them. He felt no pity. They were no longer his people. They had become monsters that were proud to do the dark deeds their Queen requested of them. A voice rang out from behind him.

“What have they done to you?”

Night Spark turned and faced the Town Hall. Frequent lightning and burning buildings granted enough light for him to notice the changeling on the roof. It was Night Storm. He flew down and stood a few meters away from Night Spark. They stared at each other in silence for a moment before Night Spark spoke.

“They did nothing to me. In fact I want to ask you the same thing brother. What have they done to you? YOU specifically. What are we fighting for? For our mother’s grudge against what happened a millennia ago?”

Night Storm replied viciously. Lightning exploded across the sky as he spoke.

“I FIGHT…WE FIGHT…because THAT is the will of mother. OUR QUEEN!!! The ponies are a vile lot. No matter how many forms we can change into the ponies still hide behind a facade greater than any we can construct. What? You believe they are peaceful creatures? Kind perhaps? What kindness was shown to any changeling? What kindness was shown to any Griffon? Or any Dragon? The only ones that receive kindness are the pets they keep like you or the baby dragon that pathetic new princess keeps. That is all you are to them Night Spark. A convenient pet that they believe they control. Show them that they control NOTHING!!! Show them the price for their sins. Come back to us. Reclaim your spot in our empire and assist me in destroying this town.”

Night Spark shook his head. He would never turn on ponies. His brother still stood there with a fierce gaze. Night Spark wondered if he could persuade him to join him instead. He knew it was a foolish notion but in the end…Night Storm was his brother. At the very worst he could at least claim he tried to settle things before killing him.

“Ask yourself this brother. When was the last time changelings showed kindness to anything? Our people continue to blacken what it means to be a changeling. You know our past…we were never meant to be warriors or monsters. We were just like the ponies. What happened to our kind was a terrible act of cruelty and selfishness. However we cannot justify the genocide of the ponies for the transgressions of their ancestors. Ask yourself what is to become of Equestria should the ponies be eradicated. What then? She will assault the Griffons. She will assault the Dragons. She will slaughter until there is nothing but our kind! That is the irony brother and you know it as well as I do. These soldiers of yours are nothing more than the culmination of the dust and echoes of past. We are all that is left. She will destroy everything and for what? Herself and her six children? No. We are not simple minded monsters. I believe that we can be more.”

Night Storm stayed silent and shook his head slowly. He appeared to be giving thought to Night Spark’s words. He looked up and took slow steps towards Night Spark. The rain poured down upon both of them and gave them a black sheen. Night Spark saw his brother’s face from the light of the nearby fires. Night Storm stopped a foot away from Night Spark. His words were quiet yet they sliced though the sounds of showering rain and crackling fire.

“You are a fool in every sense of the word Night Spark. You help these ponies in hopes that you can do what I wonder? Become a pony? Blend in? You wish to no longer be a monster yet THAT IS THE DAMNED IRONY HERE!!! You saw first hoof what monsters do.”

Night Storm took a step closer and the words slithered out from his mouth.

“They turn on you when you are weak. They cast you out. No matter who you are whether it be a friend, a lover….or even a special little brother…”

Night Storm chuckled as he saw Night Spark’s reaction. Night Spark’s face lowered as memories of his pony family abandoning him surfaced. Seeing the open wound Night Storm aimed to twist the blade further.

“Now we stand here at the brink of a changing world and can you imagine the toll it takes on our hearts? The pain you cause us? Our brother…her son…turning on us…ABANDONING US WHEN WE WERE THE ONES TO PICK YOU FROM THE DEPTHS WHICH YOU SANK!!!”

Lightning surged through the clouds once more. The silence between them lasted for a short eternity. Night Spark thought about the words his brother spoke. He understood that Night Storm was trying to twist his view yet for some reason his words carried a sense of truth to them. He gritted his teeth and clenched his eyes shut. Night Storm knew he was breaking into him. A voice rang out in through the storm. Night Spark immediately recognized it and a wave of fear washed over him.



Another voice rang out which only increased Night Spark’s fear.


It was Derpy. She ran up to Dinky and grabbed her with her front hooves. Derpy glanced at Night Spark with a worried look then began to fly away towards the road to Canterlot. Night Storm’s anger over losing his brother’s attention faded. He saw the fear on Night Spark’s face. It told him more than enough. Whoever the two mares were, Night Storm knew Night Spark was concerned for their well being. His eyes glowed with a deep purple and the light spread to his horn. Night Spark quickly took notice and charged into his brother. It was too late. One of the clouds above shot a massive lightning bolt and struck the two mares out of the sky. They landed motionless in the mud. Night Spark stood perfectly still as if not moving was going to somehow make the situation better. His senses caught a hold of him and he dashed forward to the two ponies. He leaned close to Derpy. She was breathing and had some burns on her side. It was severe but nothing that would not heal. Night Spark’s world stopped when his eyes set their gaze upon Dinky. The lightning hit her directly. On her side was a large burn. It exposed some of the filly’s muscle tissue and was seared. The wound was still smoking. Ever so delicately Night Spark held her in his hooves. Her breathing was severely labored. The filly just breathed slowly and that was more than enough for Night Spark. The tears he was shedding were concealed under the rain.


He nuzzled the small pony in his hooves. Not an hour ago she was laughing and ridiculing him. Now she was on the edge between life and death. Night Storm began to laugh softly.

“I knew you were no killer…however I never suspected your heresy to extend as far as actually loving ponies. I find it amusing.”

That voice. It had carved into to his mind far too long. Night Spark’s body began to shake with fury, wrath, and hate. He gently placed Dinky under Derpy’s wing. He could not assist them without placing them in danger. The other ponies had already fled. He stood and turned to face Night Storm. His eyes glared at the bug before him. Night Spark was going to kill him. However he wanted that blood on his hooves. He shifted back to his normal form. Magic flowed violently throughout his body. Night Storm chuckled.

“Let us see how long you can play brother…before you run out…”

Night Spark charged forward and slammed into Night Storm. He continued to push until he slammed his brother through the doors of the Town Hall. Night Storm slid toward the center of the building. He stood and snarled. Once more is horn and eyes glowed. Lighting struck the town hall continuously from the sky until the entire building was covered in flames. The fact that his lightning was directed from the clouds rather than casted from his horn is what made Night Storm unpredictable. That wasn't going to stop Night Spark. Nothing was. He would kill his brother or die trying. Night Storm dashed forward and head butted Night Spark. When he fell Night Storm landed on top of him and began pounding away. He used both hooves to slam Night Spark’s head against the ground. Dazed for only a moment Night Spark released a massive burst of electric energy from the tip of his horn. Unlike the situation with the soldiers back at the castle he held nothing back. Night Storm was sent flying through the wall and landed in the mud outside. His body had seared burns all over. The attack severely damaged the large support beams for the town hall. They creaked and moaned as the flames continued to consume them. Night Spark flew out the whole he created and watched Night Storm get up. His brother’s entire body was encased in a bright purple glow. Night Storm snarled.

“Let us see how you enjoy the lightning Night Spark…AHHHHHH!!!”

The clouds swirled above them and suddenly multiple arcs of lightning slammed down upon Night Spark.

Canterlot Entrance:

“Twilight…Protect your friends…we do not know what form of treachery is attacking Ponyville. You can teleport you friends and your self to the town. My troops are all batponies. We shall fly with great haste to reach you.”

Twilight frowned. Her friends huddled up close to her. She began to charge her magic. She spoke to them.

“Girls…whatever you do…if you see Night Spark or any changeling that looks like him…run. All it takes it one blast of lightning to…well…you know. Our main focus is the ponies. Then we look for Night Spark. Luna…please hurry.”

Luna nodded then addressed her troops. All she did was nod in the direction of Ponyville and the bat ponies darted off into the storm. Luna watched Twilight and her friends disappear in a flash.

“Be safe my friends…”

Luna spread her wings and rose into the sky. She closed her eyes and once more was surrounded by darkness. When they opened they glowed bright white. Her wings began to glow with magic as well. She took a deep breath then darted through her night faster than she has ever flown before. She would allow no harm to come to her friends pony or otherwise.


Twilight and the girls flashed before Violet and the fleeing ponies. Violet and the three other soldiers bowed then checked the surrounds for changelings. Twilight spoke.

“Soldiers how many are there? What’s causing all this chaos?”

Violet stood straight and answered.

“Princess a small band of changelings began the assault. Me and my stallions put down 10 but we haven’t encountered anymore. The changeling leading the charge….he looked an awful lot like Night Spark. Night Spark ordered me to evac the ponies and get help but it looks like we already got it.”

Twilight turned to rainbow.

“Rainbow take Pinkie and go through this crowd. Pinkie will know if anypony is missing. Soldier what about Night Spark? Where is he?”

Violet looked back towards the town. They could not see the town hall from their location however the arcs of lightning spewing down from the sky answered Twilight’s question. She placed a hoof on Violet’s shoulder.

“Keep leading these ponies to safety soldier.”

Twilight flew off towards the center of town. She grounded her self before getting to close to the battle. Before she had a chance to witness what was happening she spotted Derpy in the mud crying. Dinky was in her hooves. Twilight immediately rushed over. She was going to ask if Derpy was ok but she saw Dinky’s wound. Twilight lowered herself and spoke softly to Derpy who was crying silently over her dying sister.

“Ditzy I need to see her.”

Derpy shot Twilight a glare that could kill. Twilight understood the mare’s emotions and placed a hoof on her.

“Ditzy she needs immediate medical attention. I can’t fix this but I can help. I have some magic that will numb pain and accelerate the healing process. Her wound is very deep. I need you to hand her to me…I swear I’ll do everything in my power to save her.”

Derpy looked at Twilight and then back down at her little sister. Dinky was her world. She was the one pony who had always been there for her. Without her little sister…she doubted if she would have made it so long. She gently handed Dinky to Twilight.

“Twilight…please don’t let my sister die…I…I…just…she takes care of me….she’s my….muffin…please”

Twilight stood close to Derpy and started to channel her magic again. It was only then she saw the battle. Night Storm was standing a few meters away from a small crater in front of the now collapsed town hall. While she could not see him Twilight knew Night Spark was at the bottom of the crater underneath the smoldering arcs of lightning. She wanted to help him but it was his life or Dinky’s. Twilight knew Dinky’s fate was ultimately tied to Derpy’s as well. She made the logical choice.

I’m sorry…

With a flash she was gone. Instead of regrouping with the escaping ponies Twilight reappeared in the Canterlot medical center.


Twilight focused her magic on Dinky’s wound and allowed as much as possible to flow out.

That should help with the healing…

Even with all her magic Twilight knew she could not assist much with the pain. A broken bone? Twilight could fix. Exposed muscle tissue? She shuddered. It wasn’t fair for a such a young pony to experience such pain. Derpy sat shaking in the waiting room. She refused any treatment. Twilight sat next to her and wrapped a hoof around her. Derpy leaned on her shoulder and silently cried as she stared at nothing. Twilight began to tear up as well due to how violently she was shaking. If Dinky did not come through…Equestria would lose two bright and loving ponies.

Luna arrived and repeated Twilight’s process. After Violet briefed her she rushed towards the town. Her bat ponies swarmed the sky looking for straggling changelings or any missing ponies. Luna’s eyes focused on the intense flashing. She immediately became concerned for Night Spark because whether he was dishing out damage or receiving it made no difference. It was a losing situation for him as his magic was limited. She landed and stared at the crater. The ground around it was crackling as the lightning surged down. She became furious and was about to assault Night Storm but she then noticed something rising out of the crater slowly.

The initial strike had burned him all across his back. By simply moving his wings he felt as if he were on fire. However that pain meant nothing to him. Night Spark would not allow Night Storm to win. Not after what he had done. The image of the two ponies he cared about most being shot out of the sky burned his mind worse than any fire or lighting could burn his physical body. His horn glowed as he collected the lighting his brother had so foolishly thought he was killing him with. The purple arcs began to flow around his body as they changed to a cyan tone. He began to push back against the pillar of pure energy slamming down from the sky. He could now see his brother’s face. It seemed shocked then quickly returned to anger. Night Storm roared and his horn glowed even brighter. More lightning struck Night Spark as the entire storm above Ponyville condensed above the two changelings. Night Spark continued to collect the lightning he was being struck with. He looked into his brother’s eye and snarled.

“You ignorant bastard…You think the storms will kill me?”

Night Spark grunted as he rose up further out of the crater. His eyes glowed as bright as the lightning surrounding him. When he continued his voice reverberated as if powered by the storm.


Night Spark spread his wings and screamed. His horn grew so bright that Luna had to shield her eyes. The ponies outside the town could see Night Spark illuminating the sky above their home. The lightning that was striking him seemed to instantly bind to him and flowed violently from his body. He looked down at Night Storm.

“You're words were true brother…I am a monster. I AM LIGHTNING!!!!”

The sky flashed as hundreds of arcs of energy erupted from Night Spark’s body. A few hit buildings and cut through them but the rest wrapped around Night Storm. Luna watched in shock. The lightning was burning Night Storm. As each arc passed over his body it seemed to carve away at him. Outside of the sounds of rain and lightning all that could be heard was Night Storm’s screams. Luna looked at Night Spark with tears in her eyes. He could have instantly vaporized his brother. Yet she watched as brother mutilated brother. She had to stop it.

“Night Spark! Night Spark enough!”

She knew she could be heard. She knew her voice carried through the storm. Yet he ignored her. All that mattered to Night Spark was avenging the harm done to his friends. Luna flew up next to him. Her eyes glowed and she spoke as she did when she scolded him at the castle.


Unlike before and unlike every other time she commanded him Night Spark did not back down. He continued to electrocute his brother as he turned his head slowly and only enough to glance at Luna. He spoke in a tone much quieter than hers yet unimaginably cold.

“He will die and I shall be the one to end him. Do not interfere.”

His tone gave her a chill. She did not fear the changeling, instead she feared at what the consequences of this night would do to him. However he just told her…ordered her to not interfere. Celestia may ask of her something…but Luna takes orders from no one. She growled. Her anger spiked and brought winds stronger than the ones from the storm. Pitch black clouds appeared in the sky bringing their own celestial lightning. Her voice now shook the foundation of the land beneath them.


She could have destroyed a mountain with her voice yet he would not have cared. Each second he burned Night Storm was draining his own life. He could feel the blood on his muzzle. Night Spark didn’t care. His brother was going to suffer and then die. He now turned his head sharply at Luna and roared back.


She replied more emotional than angry.


He shook his head violently and grinded his teeth. He glanced at his brother. Night Storm was shaking violently as the current flowed through him. The wings on his back were completely burnt and shriveled. Burn marks were laced all over his body. Muscle tissue was exposed in multiple places from his legs to his chest. The skin on his face was partially melted. Night Spark stopped. He landed on the ground a few meters from where the smoking body of his still breathing brother lay. Luna landed next to him and immediately embraced him. Her anger washed away as she thought she had stopped him. She wrapped her wings around him and spoke in the same way a concerned mother speaks to a child.

“Thank you Night Spark. You made the right choice. While delayed you chose the right path. I am so sorry…I would have arrived sooner but…I am sorry. The important thing is that no pony is dead. ”

He spoke calmly which worried Luna as Night Spark had many severe lacerations and burns himself. He should have been in severe pain.

“Miss Doo…Dinky…they…where are they?”

Luna tightened her grip on him as she spoke.

“Violet explained to me that Twilight came through here to find you. I am assuming that she found your friends and took them to safety. They are in good hooves Night Spark. You however…you are severely injured. We must get you medical attention. Your brother will be interrogated for information. I will personally do to him what I did to you…we will then learn more of you mothers-“

A raspy voice spoke. It was only loud enough to hear. Night Storm stuttered as his body was still spasming.

“T-t-the pet r-returns t-t-to itssss m-master…”

His burnt body awkwardly twisted around in the mud to face Luna. Night Storm was on his back and watching her upside down. A terrifying grin formed on his burnt face. His eyes widened on her as he spoke.

“…or…or….p-per-perhaps it is you……w-who are the pet?”

Night Spark pushed out of Luna’s wings and approached his brother.

“You will not speak to her in such a way. Do so again and I will burn your tongue until you cough on its ash. If you’ve something to say then say it and make sense of it.”

He lifted his head up just enough to where he could look Night Spark in the eyes. His smile reduced to a victorious smirk. When he spoke he made sure that only Night Spark could hear him. He spoke in a calm and collected manner; and no longer stuttered.

“Four Princesses. Two concerned for their country. One concerned for her home and the other concerned for her empire. Three concerned for their little pet. He is good says one. Nay says the others. All he will do is cause a mess. The one princess that stands by her pet’s side has seen what he has seen. Her pet is pure and true. Her pet will benefit them all with its knowledge. Reluctant at first the others begin to indulge the one princess. They accept this pet and his knowledge. Surely if the one princess loves her pet it must be good? Surely its knowledge will be sound? They take the knowledge and use it not knowing its true intent. Even so the little pet does not know the intent of its own knowledge. The little pet does not even know that it is the key to the bringing an entire empire to its knees.”

Night Spark stood with tears in his eyes as his realized what his brother was telling him. Once again his mother had used him. She knew he would never kill ponies. She knew he would defect and surrender to the princesses. She knew Luna would relate to him and push the idea of accepting him. Chrysalis had given him yet another lie to live. He shook in anger. Night Storm released a raspy series of coughs as he laughed. His eyes flared wide as he tried to speak.

“From Special little brother to Special little pet. It is twice now that you have failed to realize that you do not belong. You never will. Whether it be with them or with us. There is no room in this world for something like you. You are an anomaly mother created to gain an advantage nothing more. For that I applaud you. You alone ensured the destruction of the Crystal Empire…in a way you are responsible for more pony deaths than-“

Night Spark stomped one hoof down on Night Storm’s chest. His brother screeched in pain. He charged up his horn and shot more lightning at Night Storm point blank. He could feel his brother squirming under his hoof. Luna called out to him.


It was too late. He focused the lightning until all the arcs condensed into a bright cyan-white beam. He shot it and Night Storm’s head and screamed. Luna’s mouth gaped as Night Storm’s head was completely disintegrated. Night Spark kicked the body towards Luna. The charred corpse arrived near her hooves. Night Spark walked up to her and spoke.

“No interrogation. No prisoners. We kill every single last one of them. This was all a waste of time…the Crystal Empire is under attack. Because of me your subjects are dying.”

Night Spark walked past her and began to leave the small town. Luna stared at the corpse at her feet. She wanted to feel anger towards Chrysalis for devising such a terrible plan. She wanted to feel a desire for revenge. Yet all she felt was pity for her friend. She turned around to follow him. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a pony in cover behind a building. It was someone she recognized.

“Applejack what are you doing here? You could have been harmed.”

The orange pony came out from cover and followed Luna as she walked out of Ponyville. She looked up at Luna and spoke.

“Luna you’d be crazier than a fruit bat dipped in cider to think that I’d let ya’ put yourself in danger without back up. I saw all that lightning and…”

Applejack paused. She looked worried as they continued to walk. Luna looked at her and sighed. She admired the bravery of the earth pony.

“Applejack you are a true friend. I am honored to even call you so. However I do not want you or any other pony to ever put yourself in harms way again for my sake. I do my best to treat my friends fairly…to treat them in these new common ways that Celestia is so fond of. While I want us to see each other in the same manner…we will always be different. Had any of that lightning hit me? I would be unharmed…more angry than hurt. Had it struck you? I could have very well lost one of the best ponies I know. However I know you will simply ignore my request so allow me to thank you for your concern nonetheless.”

Apple smiled lightly at the princess but her face regained its worried look. She had not forgotten what she had seen. The very changeling she had pummeled in to the ground destroying his own kind in a terrible fashion. Luna noticed her worried face and knew what she was thinking about.

“Tell me Applejack…did you see what Night Spark did?”

The farm pony stared at the mud beneath them as they were getting closer to the main group of evacuated ponies.

“Yea Luna I did. I’m still processin’ it. Only time I’ve seen magic like that was a few experiments Twi’ did and well..uh…the whole Nightmare Moon thing. What Night Spark did…I still don’t know about him…but I respect his actions.”

Luna look down at the pony next to her confused. How could she respect such monstrous behavior? Applejack continued.

“If some pony hurt my friends…to the point where I dunno if they’re gonna live or die? Then threaten to hurt my family…I would end them or die tryin’. I know it’s strange hearin’ me back him up…but I think every pony has a little Nightmare Moon in them Luna. We do a mighty hard thing tryin’ to always be rational, good, nice, or what have ya’. Yet every pony has a line…and when you cross that line they snap. That’s why I forgave you Luna. It’s why I’m giving Discord the benefit of the doubt. I suppose I’ve been selfish due to my own friends and family bein’ involved but…now I think I ought to at least give Night Spark the same chance too.”

Luna pulled Applejack close to her with her wing. She nuzzled the farm pony and released her.

“Thank you for your wisdom…I wish more ponies shared it. Equestria would benefit from your words.”

They both reached the crowd of ponies. Night Spark walked alone to the side of the crowd. Applejack frowned at the sight and decided to approach him. Luna smiled at seeing her do so.
When she reached Night Spark she walked beside him silently. They said nothing to each other for quite some time before Night Spark broke the silence.

“I suppose you’ve come to blame me for this attack? For once your accusations will be sound. As we walk to Canterlot the Crystal Empire burns. Luna’s most powerful soldiers are sitting in Fillydelphia for an attack that will never come.”

Applejack thought of how to reply to the changeling. Part of her was still angry with him. That same part was even more furious because he could have used the strength he used to kill Night Storm to save Appaloosa. The other part of her was trying to give him a chance.

“Listen Night Spark…This ain’t easy for me to say but I got to say it still. Thank you.”

Night Sparks body wanted to turn and give her a confused look. His mind however still burned with the scene of a dying Dinky in his hooves. He spoke as if ignoring what she had said.

“I tried to make sure Appaloosa would not occur twice. I told myself that I would never sit and do nothing again. I told myself that no harm would come to anypony and yet…I…I watched the two ponies I love the most fall from the sky…I held little Miss Doo in my hooves…and…she was dying. It seems that no matter what course of action I take…I fail some pony…First my family, then my kind, then you, Luna, and now…”

Applejack watched the changeling as they walked. It seemed only she could tell the difference between the raindrops and his tears. She pointed a hoof to the large crowd and spoke.

“Look at those ponies over there. They get a chance to rebuild and live. That is not failure Night Spark that is a blessin’. You’ve got the Princess of Magic by Dinky’s side. Twi’ won’t let nothin’ happen to her. You’ve had some bad luck but so have others. Luna tried to kill her sister and rule like a tyrant. Look at her now. She is loved by most and feared by some. She was always a good pony but she let the negative things get to her. Just like I did with you. I-I saw you based of the action of your kind. I labeled you a monster without even gettin’ to know you…and I am mighty sorry.”

Night Spark couldn’t smile, not today. He merely looked at her and gave her a small nod. He looked forward and saw Canterlot. It seemed so perfect from where he was. For a moment he believed that if he were in those walls everything would be all right. However he knew that wasn’t the case. Somewhere in those walls was the mare he loved and her dying sister. The thought of not being there for them ate away at him.

I could fly there…I could fly to be by her side…to be there for both of them.

The idea was tempting but dangerous. He already felt light headed from both his injuries and the heavy use of his magic. The blood on his muzzle was fresh. He wondered how Derpy was fairing. She may not be on the verge of life and death but she was injured too. Just then words he spoke to her rang out through his mind.

…if you are suffering or are in pain then share that pain with me so that we may get through it together…

Night Spark charged his horn and focused on taking Rainbow Dash’s form. His wings felt like they were being torn off as they shifted into much stronger and wider ones. He grunted in pain and spat out some blood. Changing was easy when your body was in good condition. However changing while injured was like shifted into another beings body then suffering the injuries all over again. Each impact, cut, and burn was recreated on his new form. Applejack stared at him with wide eye. He appeared to be a near black version of Rainbow Dash. He spoke to her softly.

“I forgive you Miss Applejack. When we meet again I hope we can get to know one another better. However I cannot stand to be here when my friends are injured. I must be by their sides.”

With that he looked towards the castle and flew faster than he had ever flown in his life. He barely heard Rainbow Dash scold him for stealing her wings again. His eyes fixed on the massive city as everything else became a blur. Luna’s stars looked like large white streaks across the sky. As he flew faster more pressure built up on his body. He figured Rainbow Dash was used to it but it felt like something was prodding every cut and burn on his body. He tried to push through it and for the briefest of moments noticed a barely visible cone form. The pain was to much and forced him to slow down. He had stopped above the city and stared at all kinds of lit up buildings. He spotted one with a large illuminated red cross on the top.


He dove down and landed hard at the entrance, startling a few ponies nearby. As Night Spark limped inside a medical pony approached him.

“Dear Celestia! Are you alright miss?!”

Night Spark looked down at himself. He was still in Rainbow Dash’s form. He sighed but knew it would allow him easier access into the hospital. He replied in a tired version of Rainbow’s voice.

“I’m a friend of Miss Ditzy Doo and Princess Twilight. Dinky Doo is injured and I’ve come to see her. I will refuse any medical attention until I am able to be by my friends.”

The brown pony frowned. His face fell completely which was not a good sign. Night Spark grabbed him and asked him louder.


He pointed down the hall and said nothing else. Night Spark shoved him aside and galloped until her heard Twilight’s voice. She sounded emotional. Night Spark entered the room and saw her and Dinky engulfed in a pinkish purple aura. Twilight’s eyes were glowing with pure white energy as she was performing some kind of magic on Dinky from the side of the hospital bed. The bright light could not conceal her tears.


Derpy was shaking in the corner of the room. He shifted back to normal and gritted his teeth again at the pain. Derpy didn't glance at him as he sat next to her. Night Spark tried to think of something to say but there was nothing. Derpy muttered something that broke him on the inside.

“She’s dead…my muffin is dead…”