Thy Flesh Consumed

by tankmanbrony

Chapter Nine: Blood Pact.

Several days passed and Gorrog had eaten only twice more, however the second time, it was observed by the Empress, which made Gorrog think that this pony had done something to upset the Empress greatly, if she were to condemn him and to sentence him to this type of execution.
Gorrog turned his back to the bars ignoring the various soldiers clustered around the bars. Even chained and imprisoned he still scared them, they would back away when he moved around the cell.
“So this is the demon who killed Celestia, doesn’t look like much, he doesn’t even speak.”
Gorrog looked over his shoulder and stared at the soldiers his eyes watching them, then turned his attention to the torch they brought to illuminate the area.
“Don’t be so foolish, that Hell Knight single handily routed an entire battalion, and lead the invasion of Fillydelphia and Canterlot.”
The soldiers all turned to face Twilight, and they bowed.
“Soldiers, I watched that demon” pointing to Gorrog, “Tear the limbs off ponies from shock divisions. I’d try not to enrage him”
Gorrog smirked as the soldiers edged away from the cage walls. Twilight sat in her usual spot and pulled out a note book and quill from her saddle bags and start her usual routine of observing his every movement.
“When does the meat arrive?”
“Gorrog you are an execution method and an exotic one at that.”
Gorrog stared at her, so what Luna had told him was true, than how long before he was cast out of this dungeon to be a meat shield. He had seen what a Trite horde would do to Hell Knights.
Gorrog knew that he had to maintain the illusion of being docile, as these restrains were far too complex and powerful to break out of.
He struggled against them for the first time, throwing his weight and strength against them, the bonds showing no signs of breaking or giving way.
“Stop now, Gorrog you won’t get free of those chains. Besides if you did we would put you down like the rabid beast you are.”
Gorrog glared at Twilight, his rage at containment returning, if only he could call upon Hell…
“Than my child do so” a voice whispered in his mind.
Gorrog paused in his assault on his restraints, that voice was familiar.
“Go forth my son, break your bondage and bring terror once more!” This time the voice sounded in the air deep and crackling with rage.
Gorrog felt he strength of Hell flow into him, once more.
Gorrog felt the pentagram glow as his body struggled against the chains.
“Empress Luna, he is breaking through the chains!” Twilight screamed, fear clouding her voice. Screams from other prisoners echoed down the passageway.
Gorrog felt the chains slowly give way, flakes of stone falling on his head, than the sphere slammed back into him.
“What is this?”
Gorrog looked up and stared Luna in the eyes, his eyes clouded with rage, the very air around him seemed colored red.
Uttering a guttural roar he tried to rush forward only to be snapped back into the wall. He surged forward, the great machinery of his restraints holding him back, as his wrath reached higher and higher, desiring only to sink his teeth into the body of the dark blue alicorn.
“Send word to the Crystal Empire and your fellow Elements, if this demon should break free we shall need all of our power to defeat him.”
“Empress, he needs to die NOW!” Twilight screamed and bent one of the thick rods of Gorrog’s cage, snapping it into a point and started to rip it from the stone.
Gorrog struggled against the chains every harder now, his rage addled mind still aware that his life was in the balance. With a great cracking noise Gorrog tore one arm free from the wall, his body lurching forward.
“You haven’t learned have you Moon tyrant, that when you play with fire, you get burned!”
Gorrog’s free hand erupted with green plasma, and it lite the dungeon, its blaze blinding several of the other prisoners and causing even Gorrog to look away.
Gorrog slammed it into his left restraint and gritted his teeth as shards of metal imbedded into his arm. Curling his arm Gorrog felt the chains give way and felt their impact on the ground.
“Hell has granted me my freedom, I shall in return bring it a fresh harvest of BLOOD!”
Gorrog than felt the jarring impact of the bar as Twilight hurled it through his chest, stopping him midstride.
“You know pony, I think I’ve had enough of you,” Gorrog rushed forward and slammed his uninjured shoulder into the bars, leaving large dents in two.
“Ready the Paladins, he cannot escape!”
This time Twilight obeyed and teleported up the stairs.
“Now Moon Tyrant, it’s just me and you. Soon I shall relish the taste of your flesh!” Gorrog said as he started slamming into the bars.
“Gorrog, I have an entire army at my command, and your enemies are legion, even among your own kind, word has it that there is a new leader of Hell’s Fists.”
Gorrog froze and stared into her eyes.
“Why tell me this, Moon Tyrant, if my rule has been usurped…”
“Because Gorrog, you could achieve much by my side, this was simply a test to see how far you would go for your freedom. Swear yourself to me and I shall release you from your bonds, you would become the greatest warrior in my armies, lead the drakes into battle in my name, and I shall reward you.”
Gorrog was still registering the betrayal of his horde, when Luna’s offer finally hammered home on him, she offered him vengeance and once that was done he could destroy her and claim this world in the name of Hell.
Gorrog dropped to one knee, opened his mouth to say he words, than stopped. A throbbing pain in his head had suddenly appeared.
“I, Gorrog lord of Hell’s Fists, swear my loyalty to Luna, Empress of Equestria. I shall bring those under my command to heal and shall be your loyal vassal.”
Luna looked down on him, a gloating smile on her face, her victory over one of her fiercest opponents achieved and his loyalty hers.
Gorrog stared at her, even on one knee slightly taller than Luna and lowered his head, as she opened the door of his cell, signaling the end of his imprisonment.
“Rise Gorrog and take your place at my side.”
Gorrog walked through the door and stood behind her as they walked up the stairs, leading Gorrog back into the light.
When they entered the entrance to the of prison, ten fully armored drakes were arrayed at its entrance, each carrying massive two hand weapons.
One detached himself from the formation and bowed to Luna before rising and removing his helmet, revealing the face of Spike.
“Empress, why is the demon free?”
“Commander of the Paladin Guard Spike, meet the newest addition to your service, Gorrog.
“Empress, forgive me but that is the demon lord Gorrog, the very monster who killed your sister and cast down our thousand years of peace. I cannot help but wonder at your reasons for this?”
“Gorrog has sworn his loyalty to our cause and to myself, he is now bound to it.”
“You honestly trust the word of a demon, that one in particular.”
“I might be evil, but at least I’m honest.”
The other Paladins clutched their weapons tightly, however they were restrained by the word of Luna who watched the two.
Gorrog while he towered over Spike was visible tired from tearing free of his restraints and Spike was fresh and in full Paladin armor.
“I suggest you lower your weapon, commandant, we serve the same purpose know.”
Spike regarded Gorrog, he was obviously exhausted and weakened from lack of food, the meals Gorrog ate during his stay barely enough to sustain him and the battering though the chains using up the majority of his strength.
Spike lowered his halberd and stepped away.
“If the Empress says you’re loyal than you’re good in my books.”
Gorrog say something in the way Spike looked at him, like he was analyzing him for some sign of betrayal or falseness. Gorrog stared at him, his gaze directed at how the dragon had changed. His body was toned and he seemed in extremely good physical condition. His armor was also in excellent condition, with heavy plates covering most of his body.
“Paladins to me, we have issues to address, the discovery of many incidents of demonic activity near Trottingham along with Germaney incursions.”
“Germaney” Gorrog asked?
“It is a small country north west of our borders and they have been probing our borders seeking to expand. You and two of the Paladins will be dispatched to deal with this, as a test of your dedication to our cause.”
Gorrog nodded and bowed.
“First however, I require my helmet.”
Luna clapped her hooves and two servants walked in carrying it.
Gorrog reached down and picked it up, and looked at the polished Hell Steel, staring at his reflection. He saw Luna and the Paladins in the background and for a second he swore he saw Abkesh in the helmet’s reflection.
“For the Empress” He shouted!