The Princess of Equestia

by Ugly-Duckling123

Chapter 4

Back in the Emerald City, Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy were being lead though the castle to see the Princess by Rarity. As they reached the giant wooden doors, Twilight held back a little thinking about how Flash had protected her, and because of that, was taken himself.

"What's wrong Twilight?" Fluttershy asked walking back to check on her friend.

"It's... It's nothing," Twilight said wiping tears from her eyes.

"Is it about Flash?" Fluttershy asked, as the others were coming up now too.

"N.. N...Yes!" Twilight cried. "Why would they take him? It was me they wanted. All because of this stupid thing." Twilight shouted ripping the necklace off of her neck trying to throw it away, only for it to tighten it's grip on her hoof again.

Suddenly Twilight felt that she was being hugged. She looked down to see Fluttershy with tears in her eyes, hugging her to help Twilight get though the loss she had just had.

"We will get him back," she promised releasing Twilight from the hug.

"Thanks Fluttershy," Twilight said sniffing, putting the necklace back on and joined the others at the door.

"You are about to see the Princess," Rarity said in her proud gatekeeper voice. "Only she can help you with your problems." she said looking at Twilight, who just nodded.

The doors opened to revel a throne room with a white Alicorn sitting on the throne, waiting to hear why they came to see her.

Rarity walked forward leading the others in and stopped in front of the Princess.

"Princess Celestia," she said "These ponies have come here to ask for help to get back some-pony the Changelings have taken hostage."

"And I want a brain," Pinkie stepped up.

"I want a heart," Rainbow said.

"Err... and I'd like some courage... Please " Fluttershy whispered.

Celestia looked at each of them then said "I'm afraid I can't do anything to help you."

"What?" the three mares who had spoken said, Twilight not saying anything.

"I'm afraid I can only tell you where Chrysalis's hive is," she explained "There I'm sure you will find everything you came looking for." She walked up to Twilight and put a hoof on her shoulder. "I think you'll find that necklace very helpful when the time comes my little pony. Now," she said spinning around to the others. "Chrysalis's hive is in the old abandoned castle in the middle of the Everfree Forest. I can not say where it is. But that is where you'll find Flash Sentry."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Rainbow asked heading for the door.

"Wait!" Twilight called, every-pony turned to face her. "It's me she wants. And I don't want any of you to get captured too. I... I have to... no, I'm going to do this alone."

"But Twilight we can help," Pinkie said looking a little upset at Twilight's words.

"Err... Yeah." Fluttershy agreed telling herself to be brave for her new friends.

"Come on Twilight," Rainbow said flying back down "A good solider never leaves a man behind, and neither do best friends."

Looking around at her three friends Twilight agreed that... "You're right," she said smiling.

"Good," Celestia said. "Now I can only transport you to the outside of the forest's tree line." she explained "You will need to find your own way from there."

The mares nodded in understanding, then lined up all with closed eyes.

Two Changeling lookouts were scouting the outside of the trees searching for anything strange or any pony.

Then there was a bright light, and on the outskirts of the forest, there now stood a scarecrow, a tin Pegasus, a lioness and...

"It's that Unicorn Chrysalis is after." one of them said pointing a hoof to the ponies.

"It looks like her plan is working then," said the other. "Quick we must tell her."

Twilight opened her eyes to see they were where the Princess said she would put them, on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest.

"Come on," she said stepping forward.

"Oh... My, it's so big, and dark, and we have no idea on what we'll find." Fluttershy said.

"Well I know two things on what we'll find," Twilight said turning to the others, "We'll find Flash, and the old hag that took him! Now come on!" And without another word she ran of into the forest followed by her friends.


After five minutes, Twilight and her friends were in total darkness. The light from the sun couldn't get though the trees branches above them.

"We're lost, aren't we?" Rainbow said to no one in mind.

"We're not lost," Pinkie's voice rang out "I know exactly where we are."


"In the middle of a big, dark, spooky forest with those mean things that took Twilight's colt-friend." Unseen Rainbow face-hoofed.

"He's not my colt-friend Pinkie, I just want to save him from the Witch." Twilight said lighting her horn so they could see.

Fluttershy was lying down with her paws over her eyes trying to block out everything around her.

"Hey you over there. Do you need help?" someone called. A small grey filly came out of the trees walking up to Twilight, as though the others weren't there, staring right into her eyes.

"Err... Yes please," Twilight said not thinking on why a filly as young as this one was running around a forest like this. "You see, we're trying to find an old castle. We think a friend of ours is being kept there." she explained "Do you know where it is?"

"Of course." said the filly smiling "I'm Dawn, and I live in this forest you see. I know where everything is, and what monsters there are, and everything. Come on I'll show you where the castle is."

As Dawn turned around no one saw her eyes flash green for a few seconds.

As Twilight began to follow the filly, Rainbow caught her shoulder. "I don't trust her Twilight. Don't you think it's a little odd, that a filly as young as her is living alone in a forest like this."

"Yeah," Pinkie agreed. "And as soon as we're lost she comes out of no where telling us she'll lead us right to where we want to go."

"No," Twilight said shaking off Rainbow and blinking her now sightly tainted green eyes. "Now come on, we're going to lose her." she said running after the filly.

Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy looked at each other worry in each of their faces. Then followed the two deeper into the forest.


They followed the filly for ten minutes, before they saw their destination. The Changeling Hive.

"Humm..." Dawn said looking at the rope bridge "It looks like it would only take one pony at a time." she said turning to Twilight eyes flashing green a little bit. "After you." Dawn stepped to one side to let Twilight go first, across the bridge.

Twilight stepped forward, a sleepy look on her face eyes turned green. Step, by step Twilight made it across the bridge. Unknown to her that her friends were being attacked by some Changeling guards.

As Dawn made it to the other side to be with Twilight, Twilight called out into the fog, "Come on every-pony, we need to save... that guy who was with us." she said forgetting Flash's name, and continued to the castle not noticing that her friends weren't there anymore.


When Rainbow woke up she, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were alone in a cell together fixed to the wall with some green stuff on their hooves and paws.

Rainbow pulled with all her strength at the stuff to get her hoof free. But it didn't move.

"Great." she groaned looking around the cell. Then seeing some orange... "FLASH!"

The others looked up to learn what Rainbow was shouting at.

"Err..." Flash said as though he had just woken up, with bleary eyes he saw Rainbow who was trying to get her hooves free again. "It's no good Rainbow. It's royal jelly, the stickiest thing ever, you wont..."

"Finally!" Rainbow cried, getting her right hoof off of the wall, and started pulling at the left.

Only just noticing what he was seeing, Flash's eyes looked around the room. "Rainbow. Where's Twilight?"

"Somewhere upstairs looking for you with that traitorous pipsqueak Dawn."

"Oh no..." Flash said trying to pull his hooves off the wall now too.

"Wha... What's wrong," Fluttershy asked scared at how hard Flash was pulling at the jelly.

"That Dawn, is Chrysalis's number one Changeling to bring back unsuspecting ponies to the hive." Flash said resting for a bit. "Ponies think an innocent little filly like her, wouldn't do them any harm. And if they do, or they know about the Changelings, she puts a spell on you to make you forget what you were doing before she found you."

"Then lets get out of here and rescue Twilight," Rainbow said now tending to pull Pinkie and Fluttershy off the wall.

"But... But we'll be going up against Chrysalis, and... and all her changelings and..." Fluttershy said as she was let down from the wall and going to get Flash down.

"Fluttershy," Rainbow called to her from across the room. "For once in you life be a brave lioness. Your friend is out there somewhere," she pointed to the door, "And she may be in trouble. You need to muster all the bravery you have, and come with us to rescue her. Understand?"

"Yes" Fluttershy said.

"What?" Rainbow asked putting a hoof to her ear.

"Yes" she said again.

"Still can't hear you..."

"Yes!" Fluttershy roared, all fear gone from her face as she got Flash down, and went to help with Pinkie.

After she was down, they went to the door and Rainbow bucked it off it's hinges. "Where are all the guards?" she said looking around.

"It doesn't matter," Flash said leading them out of the cell "Come on this way." He said leading them down the corridor, eyes flashing green.