//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: The Princess of Equestia // by Ugly-Duckling123 //------------------------------// In the throne room Flash was still trying to get off the wall, as Chrysalis walked up to Twilight, her horn lit, fangs bared. Twilight all the while was trying to get away from her. But, as she was fixed to the wall and unable to move anything other than her neck, she wasn't getting anywhere that fast. Suddenly, the Crescent Moon Necklace began to glow blue and shot out at Chrysalis knocking her to the other side of the room. "You little bucking-filly!" Chrysalis screamed getting up eyes firing with anger. "I...I didn't do anything!" Twilight said looking around for help. "HEY! QUEENY!" Flash was off the wall, wings spread and charging at Chrysalis. With a 'THUD' they crashed into each other, and Flash flew back to help Twilight down and stand next to her. "That's for nearly hurting my friend." Flash said to Chrysalis. Chrysalis smiled, then with a 'CRACK' and a shoot of green flames there stood another Twilight wearing another Crescent Moon Necklace. She launched herself at the real Twilight spinning around beating her with her hooves. Suddenly the doors flew open and in ran Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy, watching Flash try and tell the Twilight's apart. "Which ones which?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm the real one," the Twilight on the floor was saying. "No she's not," the one on top fired back "I am." This kept going for five minutes until Pinkie had an idea. She ran over and pulled the Twilight's apart and said. "Both of you try and throw away your necklaces." "You know I can't get rid of it Pinkie..." the Twilight on the right said looking into her friends eyes. The one on the left did what she was told right away and threw the necklace to the other side of the room. "That's the fake one!" Rainbow cried and Flash was on top of the Queen, pinning her down. "With a 'CRACK' and some more green flames there were now two Flash Sentry's rolling around on the floor. they got up, and began to charge for one another. "What now?" Twilight asked looking from Flash to Flash, tears in her eyes "How are we going to tell them apart?" "HEY!" Rainbow called towards the Flash twins "Both of you, how do you feel about Twilight?" Shocking Twilight and the Flash's at this. "Well er..." one of them said, blushing kicking at the ground, not looking into the girls eyes. While the other let his heart out towards her. "I've loved you since the first moment I set my eyes on you Twilight," he said "Your mane, your eyes, your smile..." "That's the fake!" Rainbow cried attacking this Flash, head butting it. With one last set of flames, Chrysalis stood in front of the ponies again. Looking very annoyed. "How could you tell I was fake?" she asked Rainbow. "Easy," Rainbow said flying over to her friends "You let your heart out to Twilight with out any nerves of any kind." "If Flash really did feel that way about Twilight," Fluttershy spoke up "He wouldn't be speaking so openly about her, after just one day." Twilight, still blushing at Flash's reaction to the challenge just given to him, snapped back in to focus. "It looks like you're finished Chrysalis." "My dear," Chrysalis said smiling, "You've forgotten my Changelings." With a shriek that shook the castles walls, all the Changelings flooded into the throne room, and started to attack the ponies. "Pinkie talk," Rainbow cried beating two Changelings up "Talk like you've never done before." "Okie-Dokie-Lokie" Pinkie said bouncing up to the nearest Changeling, took in a deep breath and... "NOOO!" it cried and flew away as fast as possible. Everyone, retreat, it called out through it's mind. They're setting that pink weapon onto us again! About half the room stopped and ran out of the room as fast as they could. "Where are you going?" Chrysalis yelled after them "It's just a pony!" "Hey Chryssy," Pinkie said appearing right next to Chrysalis making her jump. Then Pinkie began walking and talking... "Why are you always so mean huh? I mean I thought you and your Changelings fed on love and all that. I mean I thought with all of that love flowing around, you would be as happy as me..." Chrysalis was now backed up against the wall, no Changeling coming to rescue her, they were either fighting the others, or too scared of Pinkie's voice. Chrysalis shot out a light from her horn, aiming it at Pinkie. Royal jelly formed over Pinkie's mouth sealing it shut. With another bolt from Chrysalis's horn Pinkie was set on fire. "That will teach you to be quiet." she said. "Help," Fluttershy called over to Twilight, "Help Pinkie's on fire." Running up to Pinkie Twilight shot water out of her horn, and Pinkie was put out. "AHHHHH!" Chrysalis shrieked "WHAT DID YOU DO! YOU LITTLE BRAT" Everyone, Pony and Changeling, froze and stared at Chrysalis slowly melt away. "I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS SPARKLE!" she cried with her last words before she was gone.