Maybe Love Bites Twice

by Fat1thatyoulove

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – A galloping heart and fluttering wings

The room's air hangs heavy with the same musky scent that clings a little too the two ponies since their previous activities. The covers of the bed sit in disarray and the gold armor that was so carelessly tossed to the floor of the room now shines from the white light of the moon that sits outside.

However, despite the lacking blankets the two ponies continue to lay comfortable against the other. But, unlike their first encounter the mare has fallen into a peaceful sleep from what the young stallion can see.

Her lightly freckled nose and head are buried a little to the stallion's chest, which allows Aerolight's position the perfect view of the mare.

Strangely though, the mare's sleep chases away none of the thoughts that have started to swell in the young stallion's mind since he found himself in this situation again.

Milky slowly starts to stir as she nuzzles her head into the stallion a little more. But the mare does not settle as she slowly starts to open an eye to the pony she lays up against.

Aerolight's eyes shift from the mare's stare as he brings his low voice up, "Sorry to wake you..."

A little laugh comes up from the mare as she closes her eyes, "Not really easy to sleep with somepony staring at you all night." The mare slowly brings her eyes open a little more as she turns her head to get a better look of the stallion's face, "Are you not tired Mr.Guard Pony?"

Her playful well spoken southern tone rolls through the room like a breeze through tall spring hay as she gently brushes her hoof to the stallion's chest.

However, Aerolight's demeanor stays the same as he brings his low voice out again, "Why did you come here tonight Milky?"

The mare's little smile fades for the moment as she just looks over the stallion.

Her silence brings Aerolight voice up again as he holds his soft pink eyes to her emerald gaze, "Why did you really?"

Milky takes her hoof from the stallion's chest as she closes her eyes and adjust her head too the pillow with a little giggle, "Perhaps you should just rest your mind Aerolight you must be-..."


The stallion's voice slowly brings Milky's eyes open, but she does not dare turn her eyes towards his as she just listens to his voice.

"...When you left that night I couldn't get you out of my head, and-and when I finally get you out of my head you show up here tonight." Aerolight swallows as he runs his hoof to the mare's side, "And now i'm afraid to close my eyes because I keep thinking I'm just going to wake up and find you gone again."

Aerolight lowers his head to the mare's left ear as he continues, "So please Milky...Tell me why you're here. Because I can't close my eyes not knowing if this was something more than just one night."

Milky holds a straight face as she continues to stare to the stallion's chest, "I can't tell you Aerolight."

The words bring the stallion's voice up a little as he takes his hoof from her side, "Why? Why can't you tell me Milky?"

To the slightly louder voice Milky turns her head a little as she looks to the stallion's distressed face, "I-if you can't tell me at least tell me what this is? B-because I don't want to guess like last time."

Milky holds her low smile to the stallion's face as she brings her head from the pillow a litte more, "Aerolight, you know that answer. And you know why it is the answer."

Aerolight's eyes turns from the mare's face as he slowly brings his voice out, "T-then at least let me know you...Not just somepony you pretend to be."

The smile to the mare's face slowly fades away as she shifts a little back from the stallion, "N-no."

Her slight stutter brings Aerolight up a little more as he sits up right, "Why? I-I've already excepted what it means Milky..." A slight laugh comes from Aerolight as he shakes his head a little, "I'm in bed with you Milky, and I know what you are!....J-just tell me who you are."

"Aerolight..." The stallion's pink eyes turn Milky's gaze as she sinks a little more to the pillow, "...go to sleep."

The nonchalant words bring Aerolight's voice up a little more as he turns more towards the mare, "I'm not going to just wake up tomorrow and guess what happened to you Milky, I-..."


Aerolight's head falls back to the pillow with his eyes closed and his mouth open as the green small quick bolt of magic smashes into him.

Milky looks over the little particles of magic that fall back to the bed as she sighs, "You should have just went to sleep Aerolight...It would have been much easier."

As the words loft into the now silent room Milky slowly adjust her head back on the pillow beside the forced asleep stallion, however as she looks him over she moves a little closer to him.

- - -
(Across Equestria)

The gust torrent of rain screams into the crystal house and onto the nice red carpet in front of the door as the light orange coated and wet dark blue and orange maned pegasus quickly comes inside. The door closes a little louder then Sparky would have wanted, but its slam is covered by the thunder of the rain outside.

A light sigh comes from the drenched stallion as he turns his attention to the key rack on his right, the key ring in his hoof finds its place quick as the stallion trots a little more into the dim house. The dark world outside makes the house seem a lot darker then it is, but truthfully the kitchen lights do not really illuminate the whole downstairs living room.

Sparky shakes his head a little to dry his mane as he starts to flex his wings from the heavier water soaked satchel around him as he starts to look around the room. However, he holds his voice down as he takes notice to the ponyless area.

The stallion squints to the room as he trots a little towards the kitchen table, but he only needs to take a few hooves towards it before his eyes catch the folded up piece of paper that reads, dinner's in the oven.

Sparky turns his eyes a little to the oven for the moment before he brings his trot back towards the stairs a little further behind him.

His hooves are quite up the stairs as he holds his head down a little for some extra kind of silence, but as he reaches the top of the stairs he takes notice to the brightly lit cracked door at the end of the hall.

This brings a little smile to the stallion as he sparks his trot up a little quicker, within moments he has come to the door as he opens it slowly just in case the mare is a sleep.

But, as the door opens the light purple mare sitting in the middle of the bed surrounded by a few stacks of paper looks up.

As the wet maned stallion comes in a slight smile comes up to his face at the sight of the mare, "Hey Violet, thought you would be asleep?"

Violet shakes her head as she brings her hooves up.

As of lately the mare's puffed outsides have started to prove a little bit more of a challenge then the younger mare would have thought; and as a result leaving the house has proved to much of a problem. Half because of the mare's own over protection complex and half because it is just to hard to balance when communicating.

But, the mare has no problem when she is sitting down, and judging by her speed and length it would be a good guess no pony stopped by today. Sparky holds his smile as he speaks up, "Ya the first event went well." He nods towards the rain hitting the window in the room as he continues, "They held the rain until after the show."

Sparky turns back to the mare with a little smile as he trails on, "Some ponies were a little disappointed that the Wonder Bolt's halftime show was just somepony cloud shaping...But." His wings flare out a little as he continues, "...It wasn't anything I couldn't make interesting."

As his words come down a few orange sparks of magic zap to his wings.

Violet just cocks a little smile to the stallion's showing off, but she holds her comments back as the stallion quickly speaks up, "You really should come next time Violet, the seats of the stadium are still brand new and I can make sure they're comfortable."

The words flick the mare's ears as she nods her eyes towards her puffed out mid section.

Sparky takes a few more steps towards the bed as he shakes his head, "Violet I have seen other pregnant mares at the show."

Violet shakes her head as she takes on a know it all persona and brings her hooves with a quick comment.

Sparky just rolls his eyes as he speaks up, "Oh ya? And how do you know more then me?"

The comment brings a quick smile to the light purple mare as she holds her hoof towards something near the door. Sparky turns his gaze to the hoof's point as he quickly notices the stack of books, "What's all this?"

Violet's blue magic comes over the first book as it stands up to show its name off.

Sparky look over the title as he speaks up, "Foal carrying 101?" A slight laugh comes from the stallion as he turns back to the mare, "I think you have to much time on your hooves."

Violet's slight smile is brought to an end as she sparks her horn up to collect the scattered papers around her into one stack.

As the stack comes together it floats over towards the pegasus, "This what Cadence wanted you to do?"

The mare nods as she starts to stretch her hooves a little, all the while still collecting the pens and scraps of paper from the bed as she floats them towards the side table behind her.

Sparky squints to the stack in his hoof as he speaks up, "But wasn't this going to take you a week?"

Violet happily nods as she moves a little more to one side of the bed in a more comfortable position.

The stallion just blinks to her nod as he moves the paper to the dresser, "After I bring this to her tomorrow you are getting out of this house."

The comment flicks the mare's ear as she cocks her head to the stallion as she brings her hooves up.

Sparky blinks to the mare as he rubs his hoof to his neck, "Oh ya I forgot we were going to Ponyville tomorrow."

Violet rolls her eyes as she sparks her hooves up again.

But Sparky just waves to the comment as he laughs, "Of course I had the letter sent. I even got the tickets for late tomorrow afternoon." He taps his hoof to the wet bag as he smiles.

Violet holds her eyes to the stallion with a doubtful gaze as she just looks him over. The gaze does little to the stallion as he speaks up, "Ooohhh, the stare." He holds a little smile as he speaks up, "You're going to be a scary mother."

The comment flicks the mare's ear as a slight wheezing laugh comes from Violet.

The laugh only grows the stallion's smile as he brings a hoof to his chest, "That just means I'm going to be the fun one."

His words stop the mare's laugh as she now cocks an eyebrow to him.

Again her stare does little as Sparky moves a little more towards the bed, "Did that make you mad?"

Violet squints to the comment as she shakes her head, but her horn sparks up as a book floats up from the side table next to the bed.

Sparky moves his hoof to the book as he looks over the title, "Daddying for derpys?"

Violet holds a little smile as she hooves out a little comment.

Her words bring Sparky closer as he speaks up, "Oh small words huh? I need small words?"

The stallion's tone brings a little wheezing laugh from the mare as she happily nods her head.

Sparky just holds a smile as he steals a quick kiss before tossing the book back to the end table, "I'm a big colt, I can read anything." His trot comes back towards the dresser in the room as he continues, "I'm going to get something to eat, and then I can read a little in these all knowing books of yours."

To the stallion's turned head Violet sparks her magic up to his mane, Sparky instantly turns back to the mare as he awaits the mare's hooves that always follow this little trick of Violet's.

However, Sparky blinks to the mare's request as he speaks up, "You want a milkshake and hay fries?"

The mare bites her lip as she slowly nods and brings her hooves up again.


The words quickly brings the mare's head back into a nod motion as she smiles.

Sparky gives a little smile as he turns his attention to the rain still pelting against the window, "Y-ya...I can get something in a little."

Violet gives a little smile as she turns her attention back to one of the other books at the end table behind her.

To the mare's turned eyes Sparky adjust the uncomfortable wet satchel around him as he tries to plan out for the mare's late night request.

End of chapter 4