//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Back in Ponyville // by runforever101 //------------------------------// All of the ponies went home after Cheese Sandwich entered, they knew the orange party pony would help a lot. If he planned Rainbow Dash’s amazing birthaversary in one day, what could he do for Pinkie in a little less than two months? What was Cheese Sandwich going to do the first day? Well, let’s start with the end of the night before: Five out of the Mane Six gathered around and hugged Cheese Sandwich. “Hello, little fillies,” Cheese dipped his hat. “It’s so awesome that you’re here!” started Rainbow Dash, “Pinkie always has great ideas for our parties-“ “But we’re absolutely clueless!” Rarity sobbed, her magic pulling up a sofa to wallow on. “I’ve got the best ideas… But her birthday is a little while from now, isn’t it?” asked Cheese, raising his eyebrow. The girls all gave sheepish smiles. The awkward silence that took place for a few moments was broken by Twilight stepping forward. “Well, last year, Pinkie thought we were up to something and got really upset. It also wasn’t the best we could do…” “I’m sure it was great, But I’m happy to offer my services?” the stallion said with a bow causing a few giggles among the girls. “I’ll tell you what: how about we start planning a week from now? It’ll give me some time to get in touch with my ‘party planning senses.’” The Mane 5 nodded before Fluttershy raised her hoof. “Where are you going to sleep?” asked Fluttershy. Cheese looked up from under his hat and pondered this for a few seconds. “I suppose I’ll find somewhere…” said Cheese as he thought about it. Where will I sleep? “Ah’m sure you can stay at mah family farm for the next two months!” smiled Applejack. “Thank you kindly,” Cheese Sandwich said in his mysterious voice. “Please Cheese! You know us! You can be yourself around us!” beamed Rarity. Faster than you could say Chimmy-Cherry-Chonga, the party pony threw off his hat and shall, revealing a bright yellow shirt. “Whew! That was getting hot!” he laughed. The ponies all laughed and gave a millisecond for silence. “I have to go feed my animals, Angel gets mad if I’m a minute past dinner time. A week from now?” she smiled. “Of course!” Cheese sang, leaping towards Fluttershy. One by one, the other ponies left until it was just Cheese, Applejack, and Twilight in the library. “We should probably get going if Cheese is going to get in touch with his party senses or whatever!” Applejack grinned. Twilight waved them off as Spike walked down the stairs with a broom, smirking. “What are you so pleased about?” the lavender pony giggled. “‘Getting in touch with his ‘party senses?’ Yeah, riiiiiiight.” Spike rolled his eyes and continued to sweep. Twilight raising an eyebrow at her assistant’s snark, “Spike, what are you implying?” she asked “I’m just saying,” Spike said holding the broom still. “he and Pinkie seemed to hit it off pretty well,” Twilight looked out her window. Cheese was looking around the street. Looking around for somepony? Twilight gave a smirk that mirrored Spike’s. “Maybe you’re right, Spike.” She looked down to her assistant, who was quietly singing ‘I told you so.’ “And maybe you’re getting too old for me!” The princess gave her friend a noogie as the baby dragon spoke again. “I have seen your older pony books!” “WHAT?!” demanded Twilight feeling her heart drop. “Yeah, Glinda’s Guide to Getting Older!” Spike giggled. Twilight released a breath and wiped a bead of sweat off her and laughed. Cheese woke up the next morning with his energy level at an all time high. I can’t wait to see Pinkie today! He grabbed Boneless Two, his shawl, and his hat as he walked out his bedroom door and downstairs into the kitchen. The Apple Family was already awake and moving. Monday morning; it was a time for working. Apple Bloom was getting ready for school, Granny Smith was baking, and Applejack and Big McIntosh were discussing their plans to work on the farm for the day as they munched on apple pancakes. “Goooooood morning Apple Family!” said the party pony in an announcer-like voice. “G’mornin’,Cheese!” smiled Applejack. “Thank you, nice folks, for letting me stay! In return, I give you…” Cheese paused for dramatic effect, “...a thank you party!” Confetti sudenly rained from the ceiling as the guest pulled out an accordion and began to sing: “Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya, For lettin’ me stay! When I needed somewhere to stay, You did not say nay! Hey!” Apple Bloom danced along as the older siblings smiled, rolling their eyes. Granny Smith laughed, “Thank you kindly, Cheese! You’d best be on your way, though. I heard you had some party sense you needed to get a hold of!” “Oh! Yes, thank you!” Cheese Sandwich swallowed the pancakes Granny had just laid down for him and ran out. “He sure is something!” Granny laughed. “Yeah...” Applejack said dully, her grandmother mistaking it for longing. “Now Ah see why you let him stay the night…” Granny smirked. Applejack blushed furiously. “No Granny! He just didn’t have a place to stay! Besides, I think it would be adorable if he went with Pinkie.” Granny grinned, “I’m sure they’ll be cute… when they start singing when a pony sneezes!” “Granny!” Big Mac scolded. “I’m just saying, they’re both nice but they will cause trouble.” Cheese knew what he would do: he expected to walk suavely into Sugarcube Corner and see Pinkie Pie working the desk. He would proceed to say, “I heard there was an amazing party planner in this establishment?” The stallion expected she wouldn't know who he was and say, “Yes, and who are you?” “The second best party planner in the world, looking for the first!” He would then lift his hat, revealing those lively green eyes and bouncy mane that seemed to mirror the mare’s. Pinkie would be so surprised that she’d dash into an embrace and he would lift her up like in the romance films and put her back down and hug her like no one has ever been hugged before. Afterwards, he would invite her for a walk around Ponyville with him. This is it! This is it! Cheese Sandwich tried to open the door by slamming it open, like in the old western films. Cheese fell over himself but seemed to come back up like an inflatable tube man when he opened the door. Stay cool, stay cool… maybe she didn’t see it… “I h-heard there was an amazing party pony in this house-I mean establishment!” Stuttering…not good! Cheese started sweating and let his already face-consuming blush turn a shade darker. “Yes-“ “The best party planner in the world! No wait! Woo? Wait, what?!” He was shut up when a hoof came in contact with his face. The punch sent him stumbling backwards. “Wooing me? I’m a married mare!” Cheese observed the attacker: She was a middle-aged mare with a blue coat and pink up-do. “Ah! I’m so sorry ma’am!” BE COOL, BE COOL! CELESTIA HELP ME! The mare threatened to punch him again when a new voice mixed into the angry voice of the older mare. “Mrs. Cake? Is everything okay?” Cheese Sandwich knew Pinkie Pie was pretty; her sapphire-blue eyes were simply alluring, one of her best features aside from her personality, the orange stallion decided. But geez… Cheese Sandwich didn’t remember her being this pretty. Her tail and her forelock swayed as she walked, but the way she walked...Cheese couldn’t help but notice, despite her worry for Mrs. Cake, she still had a slight bounce in her step. Cheese regarded her beauty with complete awe. BE COOL!!! Am… am I drooling? Ohmyprincessespleasehelpmeletarockdroponmyheadorsomethingthisisthemostembarressingmomentofmylife! “Cheese?!” Due to the stallion’s lamenting, he didn’t see Pinkie jumping on top of his head and wasn’t able to support her weight. Long story short: he fell down. Time seemed to stop as he looked into the mare’s eyes. They were so happy. A smile spread across her face. He couldn’t help but smile too. Cheese didn’t even register the pain in his head as he hit the ground. He tried to hide his blush by looking away. Ugh, cowponies don’t blush! Wait, is she blushing too? Pinkie got up too soon for Cheese, who stayed on the ground a second longer. When he got up, Cheese was hugged again by the party pony around his neck. “I’m so happy you’re here!” Pinkie beamed. Composing himself, Cheese returned the hug she was choking him with. “Cheese! We need to have a ‘Cheese is back in Ponyville’ party!” Before he could even reply, Pinkie rushed around the shop collecting supplies. Smirking, he got into a running stance. “Wait for me!” The party ponies rushed through the store. When Cheese caught up, Pinkie gasped. Nobody had ever been able to keep up with her. The pink one took this as a challenge. She narrowed her eyes and sped ahead. Cheese sped up too. When Pinkie gathered all the supplies, she abruptly stopped. Cheese, of course, didn’t expect this and tumbled to the ground. As he recovered, Pinkie gestured to the full-scale party she set up. The stallion’s euphoria at the sight of the party caused his stetson and shawl to shoot off. “Woah,” Cheese Sandwich drawled in awe as he got up. “This is a party just for you!” Pinkie grinned as she turned on some music. She started doing a unique kind of dance with Cheese along side her. Pinkie Pie didn’t expect him to bump into her and fell over. Cheese looked at her in concern at first, but the mare started laughing and so did he. When he put his hoof out for her to grab and stand up, she pulled him down. They both started roaring in laughter until their sides hurt. Suddenly, Pinkie pulled Cheese up. “C’mon! I need to show you around Ponyville!” At high speed they raced through the town, with Pinkie naming everypony that the stallion didn’t know. Once that was done, neither of them knew what to do. “Maybe we could throw another party… together?” asked Pinkie Pie. “YES!” Cheese Sandwich cheered. So together they decorated Saddle Street with streamers, banners, and balloons. Cheese started playing the accordion and Pinkie baked all kinds of foods. When the mare finished, she wiped some perspiration off the top of her head and beheld the growing party. It seemed as though everypony in town was dancing to Cheese’s music. Wow! He looks so happy! His smile is so cute! The pink party pony ran over to him with happiness blinding her. She stole the microphone and started singing along to his song. The male was surprised at first, but it was okay. She has such a pretty voice… After the party ended late into the night, both party ponies said goodnight and went their separate ways. The week went on like that. Cheese went to Sugarcube Corner, they threw a party together for some random reason, they talked about themselves, and finished the night with a huge party for all of Ponyville. Saturday night, they didn’t throw a party. “We should start planning tonight’s party now! It gets so much better every night! I was thinking Dashie would hide in this HUGE-MONGUS cake and she would fly and and do a rainboom! Maybe a double rainboom… MAYBE A TRIPLE RAINBOOM! You always make the party a success, What do you have planned?” Cheese couldn’t help but blush at the compliment as he laughed in excitement. “Actually Pinkie, I have something else planned…” Cheese grabbed Pinkie’s hoof, causing her cheeks to turn scarlet. He ran at top speed and tossed her onto his back when she wasn’t keeping up. The sun was setting when Cheese arrived at the location. It was the lake, there some candles were hanging from a tree and some sat in the sand making a path. The birds sang happy songs as the body of water glittered with the light of the ending day. Pinkie cooed in wonder. Cheese held her hoof as he led her down the romantic path. When they reached the end of the path, the candles broke their straight formation and broke off into a large circle. Inside was a picnic blanket and basket full of sweets. Pinkie’s eyes sparkled. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She tackled him with a hug. The orange party pony wobbled a bit, but steadied himself and returned it. They sat down and began to feast. “Wow Cheese! This cake is amazing! Did you make it yourself?” “Well…n-no.” Color started trickling into his cheeks. “I-I’m not good at baking…” Ugh, she probably thinks you’re so annoying with all that stuttering. What happened to the confident Cheese who led his date here? He then realized he hadn’t actually made eye contact with Pinkie until now. Pinkie smirked a bit as she saw Cheese at lost for words. “I’m s-sorry for stuttering… Oh I did it again! Sorry, you’re so pretty… Wait, wh-what? I’m so-“ Cheese was suddenly cut off when Pinkie kissed him on the snout. “You need to calm down, silly!” Pinkie giggled. Cheese’s small stream of pink on his cheeks turned to a red-face mess. “I-wait… Did you just kiss me?” Pinkie kissed him on the snout again and giggled. “And I just did it again!” “S-sorry for all the nervousness. I’ve never met a mare like you…” He gave an anxious chuckle and broke eye contact as he rubbed the back of his head. “It’s okay! You’re cute when you get all nervous!” “Well, you get cute when you talk about parties! I can see how much you care about them.” “Of course I do! It’s my cutie mark and your’s too!” She rubbed her nose against his as she said that. “…So is this a date?” “Um… yes?” smiled Cheese, hoping she wasn’t uncomfortable with the thought of dating. “Whoopee! Now I have a coltfriend!” She attacked him with another hug and they both started laughing. They talked for a long time before Pinkie started falling asleep on Cheese’s shoulder. “I didn’t know you ran out of energy,” Cheese joked. Pinkie good-naturedly stuck her tongue out at him. He lifted her up and started to carry her home. She positioned herself so that her front legs were wrapped around his neck and her head rested on top of his. “Your so silly, Cheese! One second you’re cool like a cowpony, the next you’re silly like me!” He raised an eyebrow. “Which one do you like better?” “Definitely the silly one,” She said in a yawn. Cheese thought about that for a second. After the party Pinkie planned, his silly side was released and he started planning parties. He remembered that some mares he liked and clients he wanted laughed at his antics. That hurt. So the orange party pony started acting cool, and it worked. It wasn’t like he didn’t like that side of him… he just felt different. I totally like the silly side better too. When he reached Pinkie’s house, he handed her off to Mr. and Mrs. Cake, who promised to get her into bed. Cheese dipped his head and began to dance off into the night. He was so happy about his day with Pinkie, he did a few spins on his way to the Apple Family farm. He was so dazed by the success of his date, he didn’t realize there was a pony in his path. They both fell backwards. Cheese rubbed his head and looked to the victim of his happiness. “I’m so sor- Berry Punch?” “Hey cutie!”