
by Harmony Charmer

"I'm the K to the I-N-G..."

"Alright, the camera's on!" Twilight announced, flapping her wings excitedly off-screen. Sombra glowered at the strange device before him and groaned loudly.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this..." he muttered, closing his eyes as he put his hoof to his head in annoyance.

"Too late to back out now, Sombra!" she said in a clipped tone, then cleared her throat, "Now, go!" Sombra let out a ragged sigh and closed his eyes as he furrowed his brows. He opened his eyes, his ears flattened against his head irritably.

He took a small breath and grumbled, barely above a whisper, "I'm the K to the I-N-G, S-O--"

"Say it louder!" Twilight exclaimed. Sombra's ears perked up and he quirked a brow upwards.

"What?" he blurted, narrowing his eyes at her furiously.

"Say it louder!" she repeated, "I can barely hear you!" Sombra held up a hoof in anger and glowered at her.

"I said I would do your stupid video and you won't even let me finish, even though you whined about it for ten minutes!" he argued, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Come on, just talk a little louder!" she pleaded. Sombra shook his head and stood up from where he was sitting in front the camera.

"I'm done here," he said. Just as he was about to walk away, he was surrounded by a field of magic and lifted off the ground. The video went to static as Sombra let out a loud yell, then angrily shouted, "Twilight!"

The video came back, this time sideways, showing Sombra and Twilight's hooves. Sombra was holding up his right foreleg up to his face, which was cut out of the frame.

"I said I was sorry!" Twilight shouted.

"You just threw me!" he exclaimed, then cringed as he hissed in pain, "Ugh, my head is killing me..."

"Look, I didn't mean to throw you like that," she told him, trying to offer him consolation, "will you please finish the video?"

"Wha- No!" Sombra shouted, letting out another hiss, "Gah, I think you gave me a black eye!"

"Again, I said I was sorry," she reminded him, her patience wearing thin, "will you just finish the video? Nopony's going to see it!" After a moment of silent consideration, Sombra let out a ragged sigh.

"Fine," he said, "I'll do it; but you better not show anypony!" Twilight giggled, which did nothing to ease his doubts.

"You have my word," she said, then walked over to the camera, which then went to static.

"Alright, now, go!" Twilight announced, much like in the first take. Sombra was facing the camera again, wearing a pair of black sunglasses, covering his eyes completely.

"I'm the K to the I-N-G, S-O-M-B-R-A," he droned, "And--"

"Smile!" Twilight chirped. Sombra pulled his shades down, revealing one of them to be dark violet and halfway shut, frowning as he did so.

"You know what? I'm done here," he said, tossing the glasses off to the side. Just as he was about to get up, the door to the library opened, an explosion of confetti and streamers bursting forth.

"Hello, everypony!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, who came hopping in. She stopped suddenly, cocking her head to the side as she raised an eyebrow. "Are you making another Twilightlicious video?" she asked, walking over to where Sombra was sitting.

"'Twilightlicious'?" Sombra repeated, glancing over at the camera, in front of where Twilight was standing, "Are you saying you've done this before?!"

"Well, n-not n-necessarily, no," Twilight stammered, causing Sombra to fume.

"Oh, yeah!" Pinkie chirped, "Me and the girls did them, too! Well, mine was Pinkielicious, but still!" Pinkie gasped loudly as she put her hooves to her face dramatically. She leaned towards Sombra, her nose slamming against his. "That means your doing Sombralicious!"

"...I'm going to kill you for this," Sombra growled under his breath, glaring at Twilight from the corner of his eye.

"Oh, I got one for this!" Pinkie exclaimed, "He's the K to the I-N-G, S-O-M-B-R-Y, and the thought of ponies seeing this make him really shy!"

"Alright, I'm done," Sombra said, holding his hooves up in surrender, then walking away. The camera zoomed in on Pinkie, who watched as Sombra stalked off angrily. She faced the recording device awkwardly, then grinned.

"He's Sombrylicious!" she chirped, winking at the camera as the video went to black.

The Mane Six watched in pure shock as the video unfolded before them, their eyes wide and mouth agape. Sombra was among the audience of ponies, mirroring their expressions. Not long after, the girls burst into laughter and began leaning on one another for support. After regaining some of his sense and getting over his initial shock, he shook his head vigorously.

"You swore you'd never show anypony!" he roared at Twilight, who was laughing with her friends. Twilight continued to laugh, rolling out of her chair as she doubled over.

"But, it's too hilarious!" she exclaimed, letting out a loud guffaw. Rainbow Dash finally ceased laughing and put a consoling hoof on his shoulder.

"I know how you feel," she told him as he shrugged her hoof off of him, "you should've seen how much they were laughing at my video!"

Sombra let out a huff of annoyance and began to walk away from the remaining laughing ponies. Pinkie, who finally stopped giggle-snorting, hopped over to her unicorn friend.

"Cheer up, Sombry!" she said, pulling him into a one armed hug, "It's all in good fun!"

Sombra glared at her and growled angrily. "I hate you all," he muttered under his breath, prying himself from Pinkie and storming off to his cot.