//------------------------------// // Only chapter // Story: Flash Light behind Photo Finish // by Bronydragon //------------------------------// Flash Light behind Photo Finish Hello everypony as you may all know, my name is Photo Finish. I am the best photographer in all of Equestria. I want to tell you a story. A story about a little filly called Flash Light. She was a bit like me just her mane and tail were a golden color and not a silver one like mine and her cutie mark was different too. Her father is called Bright Flash and her mother’s name is Soul Light. They owned a little photo shop in Manehatten and lived happily together with their little daughter Flash Light. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon and Flash Light played with her school friends at the local park, with their parents sitting atop a hill, having a picnic. The fillies and colts were chasing each other, giggling and laughing all the time. They were playing Frisbee and Hoofball, when a dark orange stallion with a black cloak all over his body and dark shades over his eyes sat down on a nearby park bench, pulled out a snack box, took a daisy sandwich out of it and munched on it absentmindedly. The fillies and colts ignored the new presence of the pony completely, until Flash Light, unfortunately, kicked the ball at the stallions head. The ball knocked down the hood of his cloak, revealing a mane which looked like it was made of fire, and his shades from his nose, which he was able to catch luckily. The threatening object came to a stop right in front of the surprised stallion and he picked it up. Flash Light ran to the stallion a lump forming in her throat. “I’m sorry mister I didn’t mean to hit you. I was just playing with my friends. Please don’t be mad at us.” She pleaded, little tears forming in her eyes. The stallion didn’t say anything, just stared at her for a while. After a few minutes of staring at each other Flash Light broke the silence, which made her more and more nervous with every passing second, and spoke up again. “Uhm, mister? Would you give me the ball?” The stallion shook his head to break out of the stupor he’d been in and smiled softly. “Only when I can talk to your parents for a bit.” “Sure!” Flash Light beamed. “They are right up the hill, having a picnic with some friends of them. Their names are Soul Light and Bright Flash and my name is Flash Light. May I ask what your name is mister?” “Well, since you asked so nicely.” The dark orange coated stallion said and tossed her the ball. “My name is Photo Finish.” “Have a good day then mister Finish and thank you for giving the ball back to me.” Flash Light thanked Photo Finish and sprinted back to her friends, which were impatiently awaiting her and the ball. Photo Finish stood up from the park bench and lazily walked over to Flash Lights parents. An hour later all the colts and fillies were exhausted and went back to their parents to grab a drink and something to eat. As Flash Light was nearly up the hill, she saw that Photo Finish was still talking with her parents. She approached the three of them as they were chatting idly. When they saw her coming their way, the faces of her parents lit up with big grins and they waved Flash Light to come to them. She arrived at their side moments after, nuzzling both her parents. “Hiya. How were the picnic and the talk with mister Finish?” she asked innocently. “Well my dear. We had a good long conversation with mister Finish here.” Her mother said in a strict tone, nodding in Photo Finish’s direction. Flash Light immediately shrunk under her mother’s gaze and laid her ears flat against her head. “He said how nice you were when you apologized…” her mother added, giving Flash Light a warm smile. “…and he is the top photographer of our time and wants you to model for him!” her father burst out, hugging Flash Light tightly. Flash Light was shocked and, when her father let go of her, eeped and tried to hide herself behind her long gold shimmering mane. “Your parents already told me that you are shy and they also told me that you dream of being a model. I could maybe help you to become a one and to overcome your shyness. What do you say?” Photo Finish offered, stretching out a forehoof. Flash Light looked at the photographer through a gap in her mane shyly. “Do you really think you can help me with that?” she asked with hope and anticipation swinging in her voice. “Sure as Celestia is raising the sun. Just one hoof shake and I will help you shine in all your beauty. That is, only if you want to become a famous model.” He replied with a reassuring smile on his face. At first Flash Light hesitated, but after a minute or two of staring at Photo Finish’s outstretched and unmoving hoof, she built the courage to shake it. “Good it is settled then. Our first session will be on Tuesday afternoon at five. Your parents will tell you about the rest of the plans. See you then.” He said, shaking her hoof, getting up, shaking her parent’s hooves and trotting away. Flash Light’s head felt dizzy. A famous photographer wanted her, her, to make constant photo sessions with her. It was just too good to be true. She pinched herself in the foreleg and yelped as the little amount of pain shot through her body. It wasn’t a dream at all. This was really happening. She finally turned her head to her parents and they were looking at her, metaphorically glowing with pride. “We are so proud of you sweetie.” Her father said and her mother nodded in approval. They were all at the verge of tears and enclosed each other in a loving hug. “Am I a model now mommy?” Flash Light asked innocently, showing off her best puppy dog eyes. “Yes, yes you are.” Her mother replied. At about seven, when the picnic was over and the kids were done playing, they all headed home. “Oh. I nearly forgot about that.” Bright Flash said to Flash Light. “Photo Finish’s shop is at Starswirl Avenue, just three blocks down from ours. We just have to go down Mane Road and will be there in about twenty minutes. He wants to take the sessions every Tuesday and Thursday at five p.m. Is that ok with you?” “Of course it is daddy. I really look forward to it.” Flash Light beamed. “That’s great honey, but don’t forget about school, ok?” Soul Light said, looking her daughter deep in the eye. “Don’t worry mommy, I’ll manage it.” Flash Light smiled. TUESDAY “Mommy, mommy! Are you ready yet? I want to go!” Flash Light rushed her mother in excitement. “Wait till I’m done combing your mane honey, your tail was a challenge itself. Besides, it’s only four and Photo Finish wanted to see you at five. We’ve got plenty of time left.” Her mother reasoned with her. “I know, but I’m so excited! I can’t wait anymore!” she said jumping from one hoof to the other. “Hold still my dear, or your mother won’t be able to get the knots out of your mane without tugging violently and I’m certain you would want to avoid that.” Bright Flash said, stepping into the room. “I’m sorry. I’ll sit still now.” “It’s ok Flash Light. You were running around the whole day. It’s no wonder your mane is tangled up like this.” Her father said, smiling softly at her. Half an hour later Soul Light was finally done combing her daughter’s mane and put the brush aside. “Are you ready? Can we go now?” Flash Light asked impatiently. “Yes we can go now honey.” Soul Light answered and she and her husband chuckled a bit because of the impatience of their daughter. The moment Bright Flash closed the door and locked it, Flash Light started to run in the direction of Photo Finish’s shop. “Wait Flash Light!” her mother shouted after her. “We have plenty of time, so even if you want to run there, please go with us instead of leaving us behind.” “Sorry mommy. I just want to go there really badly. I can’t contain myself for much longer.” “We will be there soon enough and we wouldn’t want you to exhausted, when you have your first session with Photo Finish now, would we?” her father threw in. They went along the mane street slowly and arrived at Photo Finish’s shop at five to five. “See honey? WE made it in time. So stay calm and don’t jump around, will you?” Soul Light asked Flash Light. “I’ll be a good filly mommy.” She replied. After checking Flash Light once more the three of them entered the shop. Inside was a little stage with some lights around and a Neighcon right in front of it. The walls were filled with photos of famous ponies like Princess Celestia, Heavy Armor (captain of the royal guard) and much more. There were pictures of happy families, one extraordinary big with the Apple family on it, all standing next to each other in front of an unfinished barn and shots of models like Neighomy Campbell. At the right side of the shop a cashier stood, serving the last costumers. “Thank you for your visit. We hope you’ll come back soon.” “We will. Photo Finish did an amazing job.” When the other customers left the shop, the cashier turned to Flash Light and her family. “Hello. You must be Flash Light.” He said with a big grin on his face. “Photo Finish told me that you are beautiful and adorable, but you are topping my expectations by far.” “T…thank you sir.” She stammered blushing lightly. “However. Photo Finish told me to bring you and your parents to the actual photo studio in the back of the shop.” The stallion told them and held a curtain aside for them to go through. The three of them walked through the gap in almost entire darkness. “Mommy, daddy. It’s so dark in here. I can barely see something.” The little filly said, squinting her eyes. “We neither my dear.” Her mother answered. “We can’t see anyth…” A bright light flashed on and, after a minute of adjusting to the brightness of the now illuminated room, they slowly opened their eyes, flattering them to see better, and saw the room in its full glory. It was a giant room with many cameras, several stages, backgrounds and many other items for making photos of every kind. It was overwhelming for Flash Light and her parents, and in the middle of everything stood Photo Finish. “Are you ready for your shooting Flash Light?” the dark orange earth pony asked with a little smile gracing his lips. “Yes I’m ready Mister Finish. What do I have to do?” she responded, her eyes sparkling like thousands of stars in the night sky. “Well little Flash Light, go over to that stage we may start.” He answered, pointing to the biggest stage in the room. Photo Finish took picture after picture of Flash Light until after three hours and several rolls of film later he was finally done and hoofed his camera, together with the last roll of film, to his assistant, who darted out of the room and into a darkroom to develop the pictures. The first rolls of film were already developed when Photo Finish was still taking pictures of Flash Light, so they could all see the results already now. “I dare to say that these pictures are magnificent, beautiful, astonishing, if not perfect.” The fire maned stallion stated, as he laid the photos on a nearby table to show them to Flash Light and her parents. As soon as they saw the photos, the three of them were speechless. Neither of them had seen Flash Light in such perfection before. “They are amazing!” Soul Light and Bright Flash shouted simultaneously. “I expected nothing less. Now I want to have her modeling with dresses too. The next time we see each other that is. I already have some fashionista that want to have some posters for their shops and they still need a filly for their filly dresses. My assistant will take your measurements and the designer will have three to four dresses ready the next time we see each other, which will be on Thursday. I’ll also send some photos to modeling agencies and she’ll maybe have some offers when she’s coming again. I can assure you that they are paying very well.” Photo Finish responded, looking pleased with him. “That is if you don’t mind.” “Oh, no. We don’t mind at all. If our little Flash Light is happy we won’t complain.” Soul Light said, looking at her daughter happily. “Well we’ll see each other on Thursday then.” Photo Finish said and shook Bright Flash’s and Soul Light’s hooves, making an extra bow for Flash Light, which giggled in response. Thursday arrived and this time Flash Light went to Photo Finish’s shop on her own, because her parents had business to do. She hopped down the road happily, proud of herself of being a big pony, walking all the way to Photo Finish’s shop on her own. When she entered the shop Photo Finish’s assistant instantly recognized her and led her in the big backroom. There Photo Finish was waiting already, standing next to some mannequines of little fillies like her with fine dresses on. “Are these the clothes I will be wearing today?” the cerulean filly asked with sparkling eyes. “Yes they are.” He responded with a little grin. “Are you ready?” “Yes Mister Finish! I am! I am!” she yelled happily. Flash Light put on the first dress and the shooting started. With every photo Flash Light enjoyed herself more and more until, when she put on the last dress and Photo Finish made the last photos of the day, a little flash was seen under her dress by Photo Finish. This flash was caught on photo with the last click of Photo finish’s camera. “That was fun Mister Finish.” Flash Light said with glee. “You bet. And I think you got something out of it.” He said, pointing at her flank with a big grin spreading all over his face. At first Flash Light didn’t get what he was talking about, until she took off the dress and caught a glance at her flank herself. “I’ve got my cutie mark!!!” she shouted, beaming from ear to ear and hopped all around the room. “Hey Flash Light.” Photo Finish interrupted her. “Yes Mister Finish?” “Show me your cutie mark, would you. I haven’t seen it properly.” “Sure.” She responded, hopping over to him, showing off her cutie mark. It was a beautiful mare in a fine dress surrounded by flash lights. “It looks beautiful my dear. I think you should go and show it your parents, since we are almost done. I just want to take this with you.” The orange stallion said to her, taking some papers from a nearby table. “These are job offers. Please go through them with your parents and tell me if you are interested to take any of them next time we meet. Now off you go.” “Thank you Mister Finish. Bye.” Flash Light said over her shoulder as she was galloping out of the shop and right home. On her way home she was able to calm herself enough, so she wouldn’t burst into their house. Flash Light walked into the house like nothing happened and was greeted by her mother’s voice, coming from the kitchen, as well as the smell of Hay-bacon-pie. “Hello dear. How was the photo session?” Soul Light asked, walking over to the dining room to put the Hay-bacon-pie on the table. “It was awesome!” the little filly yelled happily, also walking over to the dining room. “Mister Finish had those beautiful dresses for me to put on and there were even some job offers for me already. Mister Finish wanted us to go through them together to see if we are interested in any offer. And I got something even better when I was there!” she told her mother. She waited patiently and with a huge grin on her face until her mother’s curiosity got the better of her and she walked into the dining room again. “What else do you…” “I’ve got my cutie mark!!!” she shouted as soon as her mother came in her field of view. Soul Lights eyes went wide as she saw the cutie mark of her daughter. She rushed to Flash Light and embraced her in a tight hug, kissing her all over the face. “I’m so proud of you Flashy!” Soul Light nearly sobbed in joy. “Just wait until your father gets home. Oh I’ve got a good idea. Oh we are so mean.” She giggles. “We’ll play a little prank on your father.” She added snickering. A short time later Bright Flash returned home. “Honey, I’m back.” He called out to his wife, but heard no response. He went further into the house and as he passed the stairs he heard sniffling from above. Bright Flash went up to investigate who was crying. As he reached the first floor he instantly saw, that the door to Flash Lights room was slightly open and Soul Light was sitting on the bed next to their daughter. He couldn’t see her face, but he knew he had to be there for her now, no matter what happened. His wife turned to him, a sad look on her face. “Our little Flashy she…” Soul Light said, lowering her head and turning it slightly away from him whilst closing her eyes. “What happened?” he asked in a worried tone, fearing to hear the answer. “She…” Soul Light stopped again, taking in a deep breath. “She got her cutie mark!” she shouted, revealing the, as he could see now, snickering Flash Light, who burst out into laughter. Both, filly and mare couldn’t hold it anymore and rolled on the bed, holding their stomachs while they continued to laugh their lungs out. “Oh I’ll so get you two for this.” Bright Flash growled playfully. He jumped on the bed, holding the two females under him and began tickling them mercilessly. “Take this you two! You shall receive no mercy!” he laughed as his daughter and wife tried to escape his tickle trap. His tickle attack ended eventually and he gave his daughter a kiss on the forehead and his wife a big kiss on her lips. When they parted again, Bright Flash ruffled Flash Lights mane with a hoof. “I’m so proud of you Flashy.” “And I even got some job offers from Mister Finish” she said still giggling a bit and enjoyed the feeling of her father ruffling her mane. “You know what Flashy?” her father asked. The filly shook her head. “I’ll get you your favorite chocolate-cherry cake.” He said smiling. “Really?” Flash Light asked with sparkling eyes. Her father nodded in agreement. “Oh my gosh! Thank you daddy!” she beamed, hugging him tightly. >> I will skip a few years now and just inform you about the situation. Flash Light finished school and became a famous and well paid model, earning enough bits to take care of her whole family. I will continue from a day not too far from when she’ll meet her fate. << FIFTEEN YEARS LATER THURSDAY Flash Light walked in into Photo Finish’s shop as usual, getting to her, now reduced to one day a week, shooting with the now elderly Photo Finish. A few years ago he changed his mane style to a face long, silver bob-cat and started wearing long clothes, covering nearly his whole body all the time, which everypony accepted as a new trend he tried to set. “Hello Mister Finish. I’m here.” The young mare called out to the photographer in her usual cheerful tone. “Hello my dear. You can go to the stage already. I’ll be there in a minute.” His voice came weakly from a side room. “O…Okay.” She responded, coughing forcefully. “Oh colt. This is getting to my nerves. And I feel so weak. But I couldn’t let anypony know of this. I don’t want them to worry about me.” Flash Light whispered to herself. Right then Photo Finish came in and strolled over to her. “Well my dear are you ready?” he asked, showing no sign of the weakness she had heard in his voice before. The shooting went on with little suppressed coughs from both of them and a little break for Flash Light, because she wasn’t feeling too well. In the same time Photo Finish needed several bigger breaks to rest, but Flash Light thought it was due to his age. The shooting was over and Flash Light was already halfway out of the door when Photo Finish called after her. “Flash Light. Please come back here for a moment and have a seat.” The young mare trotted back into the room and sat on a cushion across from Photo Finish. “Listen Flash Light. I noticed that you were coughing constantly through our shooting and you were a bit wobbly on your legs.” He mentioned concerned. “Oh it’s nothing, really. A minor cold at most. It’s ok.” She tried to wave off the subject, but Photo Finish wouldn’t let loose. “No Flash Light, it is something. Please promise me that you’ll go see the doctor today, or tomorrow at last. Let him make a complete check up with you. X-ray too. I just want to be sure that it is really nothing to worry about.” He pleaded to the young mare. “I don’t know. Do you really want me to go?” “Yes I want to be sure whether I’m right or not. Please do me the favor.” He asked her again. “Ok Mister Finish. You always wanted the best for me and I trust you.” She said happily. “Good, good. Please inform me of your test results when you got them. I might not be here the time you get them, so ask my assistant where I am, alright?” “I will Mister Finish. Thank you for caring for me so much.” She said, hugging the elderly stallion and walked out the door. As promised, Flash Light went to the doctor a few hours later. She made the complete check-up just as Photo Finish asked her to. The doctor told her that the results would be there in a week and a half. She bid him farewell and walked home. Once inside she was instantly approached by her worried mother. “Flashy! Where have you been?” she asked concerned and a tad bit hysteric. “I went to a doctor after my photo shoot and a bit of shopping in the mall. Mister Finish asked me to go because he was worried about my coughing.” She explained. “You know you should leave a message at least when you go somewhere. I was worried sick. You are lucky only I was home and not your father. He would have been really mad at this young filly. Anyhow. I think Mister Finish is right. We were worried about your well being too, but you called it off as a cold. It was good you went to the doctor.” Soul Light responded with a sigh. “Next time inform us when you are going somewhere please. We still worry about you even though you are all grown up now.” “I will mom.” She said with a light blush appearing on her cheeks. “So what exactly did you do?” “I made a complete check-up. The results will be there in a week and a half.” A week and a half later, Flash Light went to the doctor again, this time with her parents in tow. MONDAY They entered the hospital and searched for the doctor. Several stairs and misleading information later they eventually ran into the doctor when he exited a patient room. “Hello doctor.” Flash Light called out for him. He turned around and, upon seeing who wanted to talk to him, made a frown. His ears went flat against his head and he didn’t look too pleased that he had to talk to her, but he approached them nevertheless. “Hello Miss Light. I’ll take a guess and say that you are here for your test results. Well. Mostly everything is fine.” He said. “Well that’s great.” Bright Flash stated. “Wait. Mostly?” “Yes. Unfortunately there is something wrong with her.” The doctor replied, looking at the ground with unease. “What is it?” Soul Light asked, concerned of the wellbeing of her daughter. “She has cancer.” He spat out and flinched while closing his eyes. Nothing happened. He dared to open his eyes again and saw the three ponies in front of him wearing looks of disbelieve. “Don’t you think that joke was a bit macabre?” Bright Flash asked the doctor, chuckling nervously. “As much as I hate to say that to you, but I have to. This is not a joke. Your daughter Flash Light has cancer.” The doctor said again. “No! That can’t be! Not our little Flashy! The test result must be false! She can’t have cancer!” Bright Flash shouted at the doctor with tears in his eyes as grabbed him and shook him violently. It took Flash Light a moment to process the information. She had cancer. Not a cold or a flu; cancer. When her mind caught up with the incoming information, her face fell; tears welling up in her eyes and she and she buried her face in her mother’s chest, crying her lungs out. Soul Light was no better, but she was able not to scream from the pain she felt in her heart. She was as strong as possible for her daughter, silently shedding tears on her mane. She then hugged her and tried to calm her down. Meanwhile the doctor recovered from the shaking he received from Flash Lights father and spoke up again. “I’m sorry, but there is no way we could be wrong. Her cutie mark is the proof.” “What?” all three of them asked at the same time, looking at Flash Lights cutie mark. “You see, when a pony has cancer its cutie mark is vanishing slowly and when you look at her flank you’ll see that it lost some of its intensity.” He pointed a hoof at her cutie mark. They all looked a little closer and saw that her cutie mark had indeed lost intensity and thus was slowly vanishing. Flash Light fell back on her haunches, blankly staring ahead. Her parents rushed to her sides and gave her comfort as good as possible. “But.” The doctor continued and everypony snapped back to attention. Even Flash Lights gaze went to the doctor. “But we can save her life.” He stated. “Really?! This is awesome!” Flash Lights parents shouted in unison. “Yes. It’s very rare ponies come to us in the early stages of the disease, which we can therapy. Normally they do nothing, thinking it is a normal flu or something and die slowly and painfully. Your daughter on the other hoof can be healed completely, because she made a complete check-up and we discovered the disease. We should start the therapy as soon as possible nevertheless. Every passing day increases the risk for her. I could even manage to get a free operation room in a few hours and we could start the preparations right away.” The doctor told them in a reassuring tone. “Wait. You said operation. Why does she need an operation?” Bright Flash asked. “You see, the therapy alone wouldn’t be enough to destroy every last cancer cell in her body at once. It is only designed for destroying the remains of them we couldn’t take out in the operation, while we still have to take out the rest ungually.” The doctor told them. “Good to know. What do we have to do now?” Soul Light asked. “Nothing for now. We will take out the infected cells in an operation and will soon start the therapy. There are some minor side effects, but she will survive and have a normal life again. Later on you have to fill in some forms and we’ll take care of the rest.” “That’s good.” Bright Flash responded with a relieved sigh. “Ok sweetie, you go with the doctor now, we’ll see when we can stop by to visit you and you don’t worry one bit about it now. We’ll also cancel your next photo shoots when we know how long you’ll be here.” “Ok dad, but I feel bad for not going to my photo shoots.” Flash Light responded, looking down ashamed. “We’ll say it was a bit too much for you lately and you took a vacation because of all this. It’s all right.” Her mother said in a reassuring tone. “Ok, but please tell them I’m really sorry. I don’t want them to be mad at me.” Flash Light asked her parents. “We will Flashy, but now you should go with the doctor. We want this to be over as soon as possible.” Her father replied. Flash Light nodded and went with the doctor, while her parents went to the information desk to wait for further information. “Now this could sting a little bit.” The nurse said as she drugged Flash Light to prepare her for the operation. “It’s ok. *yawn* As long as I’ll be all right again I don’t mind.” The young mare muttered, getting sleepy already. When she finally fell asleep, Flash Light dreamt of her early fillyhood. She played with her friends, ran through the park and ate chocolate-cherry cake. She was lying in the grass and let the sun send its warmth in her body. She dreamt of her parents sitting on her bed, reading bedtime stories to her. It was a good time for her, but the images faded away eventually and she saw nothing but black for minutes. She knew she was waking up and was somehow sad she couldn’t dwell in her memories some more, but she also knew everypony would be worried sick if she would just stay asleep. Flash Light woke up slowly. Her eyes opened but everything was in a blur. For a minute or two she couldn’t focus on anything. She could just see two colorful blobs in a pool of white. When her focus finally returned, Flash Light could see her parents standing beside her bed with relieved expressions. “Oh Flashy! You are finally awake!” they both said tearing up. “Finally? What happened? How long was I out?” she asked with concern written in her face. “You were out for the whole night. It was seven thirty when they rolled you in the wake up room, but you wouldn’t wake.” Her mother sobbed, hugging her tight. “We thought you had fallen into a coma.” Bright Flash said with shaky voice and hugged her as well. “Sorry.” Flash Light said her ears flicking back against her head. “I just had such a wonderful dream about my fillyhood days that I stayed a little longer. I thought I wouldn’t sleep so much longer when I enjoyed the moment.” “It’s ok Flashy. We were just worried about you. As long as you are cured everything is fine.” They reassured her, smiling happily. “I’m afraid that would not be entirely correct.” The doctor said suddenly. Neither of them noticed him entering the room. “What do you mean by that?” Soul Light asked, already tearing up again. “You said you could help her!” “Yes and we were certain of it, but unfortunately some parts of the tumor were too close to her spiral cord and we couldn’t take them out without risking to damage it and maybe cripple her for life. You see. Normally we can just get our unicorn surgeons to isolate the infected fabric from the other layers and cut it out. But in the case of your daughter we could not do this. The magic of our surgeons could have disturbed the flow of her natural magic and crippled her for life. So we had to leave some of it inside. But please don’t panic, we can solve this problem too. At first we wanted to send her into therapy just once, to get rid of possible leftovers we couldn’t spot, but with the situation now she has to come to therapy once in a month. It will guarantee that the cancer cells are staying inactive and don’t spread again.” The doctor told them, trying to calm them down even though there may be long time effects that they cannot foresee. “I…I guess it is ok as long as I can continue my normal life. I don’t mind going to therapy once in a month.” Flash Light threw in, voice still shaky from the shock. “I can assure you that, as long as you come to therapy every month, you can live your life just like before.” The doctor reassured her with a small smile. “Now you can go home if you want. Just be careful with the stiches. If they are tugged at too hard, they’ll come loose and the wound may get infected. I would rather keep you here for a week or two, just to be sure you’re ok, but you are in a stable condition and there is no need to keep you here any longer. And I’m certain you’d love to go home instead of staying here, lying in bed all the time. And, all other things aside, the food here tastes horrible.” The doctor said with a warm smile until his last sentence, where he stuck out his tongue in disgust. Flash Light couldn’t suppress a giggle at the sight of the doctor’s face. “Are you sure our little Flashy will be ok?” Soul Light asked. “Yes, she’ll be ok as long as you watch out for her wound and make sure she is coming to the therapy every month.” He answered. “So Flash Light. I’m sure you can’t wait to get home again.” The mare nodded eagerly in response. “Then off you go.” “Alright Flashy, that’s good news.” Her father said and turned to the doctor. “What do we owe you doctor?” “Nothing.” He answered, looking at three, now dumbstruck, faces. “Wa…Bu…Huh?” Bright Flash managed to stutter out after his brain caught up to what the doctor just said. More or less. “Yes you heard right. You don’t have to pay one single bit. Somepony, who wants to stay hidden, already covered up the costs for the operation and is also taking care of the running costs for the therapy.” “You’ve got to be kidding us?!” all three of them shouted, mouth hanging agape. “No. It’s the truth.” “Well. Whoever is paying the bills doesn’t really matter, but please thank the generous pony and say that we will take care of this ourselves.” Soul Light looked determined in the doctor’s direction. “Well. The pony knew you would react that way and said that Miss Flash Light would be able to repay her debts in later years, if she still wants to, insisting that, for now, you save each and every bit you can for yourselves.” The doctor stated. “I don’t want to be mean or something, but you have to decide if you want to leave now or want to stay. I have more urgent cases to take care of at the moment.” “I’ll leave!” Flash Light blurted out all of a sudden. “I thought so.” The doctor replied with a small grin, sticking his tongue out a little. The next day Flash Light went to Photo Finish’s shop early in the morning. Over the years Photo Finish had told her lots of stuff, which includes that he always got up early to look at all the photos hanging on the walls of his shop and his work room to dwell in memories. However his routine was coming along, it was abruptly interrupted by the ringing of the shops doorbell. “We’re *cough* still closed. *cough* *cough* Come back *cough* later. *cough*” said Photo Finish, not turning away from the photos. “Oh, I think you can spare some time for me.” Flash Light responded teasingly, wearing a sly grin. The photographer’s ears perked up at the sound of her voice. “Flash Light?” he asked, turning around slowly. As soon as his eyes met the ones of the younger mare, he started beaming from ear to ear. “You’re here! You are alright! I’m so happy it wasn’t… How come you are here? Our next session is still some days to come. Oh who cares? At least you are all right!” he blabbered out, completely forgetting his weakened state and enclosed her in a tight hug as they both rushed at each other. “Yes I am all right. Thanks to you.” Flash Light said happily, deepening the hug. Photo Finish slowly pulled out of the hug, looking her in the eyes again. “Why is that?” he smiled nervously. “You were right. I was ill.” She said, completely oblivious to the shocked expression, which lingered on Photo Finish’s face for a mere second. “I had cancer, but they got almost everything out.” At that statement Photo Finish clearly winced. “What’s up?” Flash Light asked, concerned about the elderly stallion. “You said almost. That means there are some remains. Please tell me everything that happened at the hospital.” He asked her. Flash Light told him everything about what had happened in the hospital and when she ended her story she smiled. “See? Everything will be alright.” She said to him. “Celestia Damned! Nothing is going to be alright! Why must the world be so cruel?” he mumbled under his breath, the beaming face of his falling to a deep frown; but somehow Flash Light was still able to hear some of it. “Damned? Is something wrong?” she asked choking an eyebrow. Photo Finish’s head shot up in an instant, adoring a beautiful fake smile. “Oh it’s nothing. It’s just that you will have one less day in your schedule to work or relax. That’s all.” He said convincingly. “Oh that’s what it is.” Flash Light smiled. “You don’t have to worry. I have to go every third Sunday of a month and I’m doing nothing all day long; just lying in a machine that stops the leftover cancer cells from spreading. I can even sleep while they are doing it. It’s no problem at all.” “Oh. Yeah. That is good. Very efficient. So I take it you’ll just continue your life like before then.” Photo Finish said, putting on a small smile. “Yep. Just like before. When the stiches are healed that is.” She said a little bit annoyed, sticking out her tongue. “That’s good, that’s good.” The elderly stallion mumbled. “Oh! Just look at the clock! Time is flying. The first costumers are coming soon and I have to prepare the shop.” “Don’t you have your assistant for that?” “Yes. He could do it, but I like to get things done my way and no pony can do them the way I want except me. How many times do I have to tell you that you silly filly?” he responded playful. “As long as it takes you to drop that workload to your assistant. You are not the youngest anymore. And stop calling me filly. I’m a grown mare now.” She teased. “Well then, until next time my dear.” Photo Finish responded and turned to his pictures again. Flash light bid goodbye to Photo Finish and left the shop to go for a walk. She loved the mornings when the streets weren’t that busy. The birds chirping in the trees, the salesponies opening up their stores and the other ponies that were enjoying the morning like her. It was so peaceful. After a walk a few days later, just when she came into her parent’s house, her mother called her from the kitchen. “Flashy!” “Yes mom?” “There is a letter for you on the kitchen table. It came while you were visiting Photo Finish.” “Thanks mom.” The young mare went to the table and opened the envelope. Dear Miss Light, I hereby invite you to the Royal Canterlot Fashion Week as a model and also a guest of honor. I know of your shooting star career as well as the recent events in your life. Therefore I’m sad that the doctors couldn’t cure you completely, but I think a day at the most important fashion event of the year as a model and in the VIP section with me will lift your spirits in no time. Princess Celestia Flash Light read the letter again and again. She couldn’t believe it. Princess Celestia wrote her a letter to invite her to the most important fashion show in all of Equestria. “MOM!!!!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!” she screamed nearly hysterically. “COME HERE FAST!!!!” “What happened Flashy?! Is something wrong?” her mother asked concerned. “Here! Read that!” Soul Light took the letter in her hooves and read it. She read it again, and again. After a while she was just staring at it as if it was some sort of hieroglyphs. Flash Light; unable to wait for her mother’s reaction, poked her in the side, breaking her stupor. “Mom? Are you ok? What do you say?” “Yes. I’m ok. You are going to the Royal Canterlot Fashion Week!!!!” she burst out, hugging her daughter tighter than she ever had. “Mom…. I can’t breathe.” Flash Light pressed out. “Oh. Sorry Flashy. I’m just so happy for you.” Soul Light said giggling all the time. “It’s ok mom. I’m super giddy too.” She responded hopping up and down. “Just wait until dad comes home and hears that!” “Hear what?” Came a deeper manly voice from the door. “Honey? What are you doing here?” Soul Light wondered. “I forgot my hat as I went to work, so I turned around to get it.” He stated. “So what is it that you wanted to tell me?” “I have an invitation to the Royal Canterlot Fashion Week from Celestia herself!” his daughter shouted. “Whaaaaaaat?!?! You are invited?! Oh my Celestia! That’s great!!!” “It is! I can’t wait to go! But wait. I’d have to cancel my schedule for the week.” She noticed getting hectic. “Don’t worry Flashy; we’ll take care of it.” Her parents said. “Oh thank you mom and dad!” she smiled, hugging them tightly. “But I’m saying Photo Finish that I’m not coming to our sessions myself.” “Alright Flashy. We’ll take care of the rest.” Her parents hollered after her as she was speeding out of the house already. A short time later Flash Light was skidding to a halt in front of Photo Finish’s shop. She pushed open the door to see Photo Finish going into the studio room. She followed him behind the curtains and wanted to call his name as she heard him coughing really badly. In an instant she was rushing to him and supported him. “You don’t sound too good. What’s going on?” she asked concerned. “It’s nothing. Just a cold. It’ll go away in a few days.” He defended. “That doesn’t sound like a cold. More like you are coughing up your lungs.” “That’s normal at my age. Every little cold or fever sounds worse than it is. When you get to my age you will have to deal with younger ones who are concerned about you too. Trust me, it’s normal.” “Ok. I trust you. But you should go to bed or at least put on some thicker clothes. Your suit won’t do.” Flash Light asked him, concern in her eyes. “I’ll put on a pullover. But say. Aren’t the old ones normally telling you young folks to take a scarf with you or something.” He asked slyly. “Hey! We are allowed to care for others too.” She responded, her tongue getting some fresh air. “Well. Whatever. I’m sure that is not the reason you came here in the first place my dear.” “You’re right.” The mare beamed. “Princess Celestia invited me to the Royal Canterlot Fashion Week!” “Good. She sent it faster than I expected.” The elder stallion said grinning. “Wait a second. You knew that already? How?” Flash Light asked flabbergasted. “I have my connections my dear. Not to mention that I was the one asking her to invite you in the first place. She was already having an eye on you so it took nearly no time to convince her that you simply have to attend at the fashion week.” He elaborated with a big grin. Flash Light sunk to her haunches, her mouth hanging agape and looked at Photo Finish. “You did all this for me? But why?” “Because you are a beautiful mare and you have it hard enough with the operation and the shootings all the time. I also love you like the daughter I never had, Celestia wanted to see you herself and it is a perfect excuse for me to go to the fashion week myself. Unf…” Just before Photo Finish was ending his last sentence, Flash Light jumped forward and tackle hugged the old stallion. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” she cried in his mane. “How can I ever repay you for this?” “You don’t have to. I know Princess Celestia for quite some time now and she trusts my word when I say I have a talent in Manehatten.” He smiled weakly. “But I have to repay you somehow. You are so generous to me and I’m only on the receiving end.” Flash Light pouted. “No you are not silly. You gave me the opportunity to make you shine above the rest. Your beauty and your passion are my payment. And I earn quite a bit when I’m selling some of your photos.” He tossed in, grinning widely. “You are popular now and you are not getting snobby like all those so called Canterlot elite ponies. I couldn’t ask for more. Just promise me to stay true to yourself and to keep smiling. When you do that I’m at peace.” “Of course I’ll stay just like I am now. I’ll never change.” The young mare sniffled, rubbing a tear away with her hoof. “Thank you for everything.” They both shared a deep hug for a while, before Flash Light had to go and Photo Finish had to open up his store. Home again, Flash Light told her parents that it was Photo Finish who asked Princess Celestia to invite her to the Royal Canterlot Fashion Week. And, seeing this coming, their mouths were literally hitting the ground. They wanted to go to Photo Finish and thank him for being generous in such a way, but their daughter held them back and explained to them that he was thick headed like always and wouldn’t change his mind. So they let it be and celebrated with a chocolate-cherry cake. ONE MOTH LATER SATURDAY Flash Light and her parents were standing at the train station in the early morning. The morning dew was still present on the grass just outside the station. The sun was just rising above the horizon and just a few ponies were waiting for the first train of the day. A refreshing wind was gently blowing through the station, waking everypony with a cold tickle as it was drifting by. “Oh I’m so excited! I’ll be in Canterlot this afternoon! I still can’t believe it!” Flash Light said hopping up and down. “We are so proud of you Flashy.” Her mother said. “But keep your cool. You don’t want to mess around now do you?” “No. I’ll be good. Promised.” The young mare replied. But it’s so cool that I’m able to go to the Royal Canterlot Fashion Week! I’m just so excited.” “I bet you are. We hope you make new friends while there.” Her father threw in. “I will.” Flash Light said, hugging her parents tightly. “Oh, oh! Here comes the train!” The three of them stepped back as the train rolled into the station, steam hissing from the wheels. Flash Light hugged her parents once more and said goodbye, before she showed her train ticket and got aboard. As the train was gaining speed, the young mare leaned out of a window and waved her parents goodbye once more. “See you next week mom and dad! I’ll miss you!” “We’ll miss you too flashy!” they said together. With these last words she began her way to Canterlot and the Royal Canterlot Fashion Week. In Canterlot the train stopped and Flash Light stepped outside. “So this is it. I’m so excited!” she giggled. “Flash Light! Over here” somepony called out to her. “Huh? Who’s calling me here?” she wondered and turned around, just to see Photo Finish standing there, waiting for her. “What are you doing here Mr. Finish?” she asked him. “Well. I came here to pick you up. We don’t want to get you lost.” He said winking at her. “You are doing way too much for me Mr. Finish.” Flash Light responded playfully adapting a lightblush. A thing she learned to do over the years. She got in the waiting chariot Photo Finish was leading her to and as they were in the old stallion just said. “To the hotel” and the chariot drove off to the city. About ten minutes later they reached the horseton hotel; one of the fanciest and most expensive hotels in Canterlot. “You can’t be serious?!” Flash Light asked Photo Finish. “I’m going to stay here for the week?” “Yes you will. Princess Celestia herself reserved the best suite for you. She thought you deserve it.” “Really?! She did?!” “Yes she did. How about we go up and have a look around it?” “Waaaay ahead of you.” She said, already trotting to the entrance. Once they were both inside the room after they got the keys, the young mares jaw hit the marble ground. Everything was made of the finest materials. Not one spot was to be found and the view over the city was astonishing. “Can this day get any better?!” Flash Light asked herself beaming from ear to ear. “I think there is a way it can.” Another female voice answered her, much to her surprise. She spun around and standing there in all her glory was no pony else but Princess Celestia herself. “I…You….Wha…Thi………I’m honored your majesty.” She stammered out bowing to the ground before the princess. “I’m flattered, but there is no need for you to bow.” The princess said. “I wanted to see the beautiful young mare, my dear old friend Photo Finish was talking about for so long, myself and I have to say he wasn’t lying as he told me about you.” Flash Light blushed deeply and started giggling as she tried to hide behind her golden mane. “Oh please stop it princess. You are honoring me too much.” “Not in the slightest my dear. And I’m looking forward to the time you’ll spend in the private area with me when you are not presenting the newest dresses of the top designers of Equestria.” After the princess ended her sentence, Flash Light momentarily froze up, her eyes were growing to their boundaries and her mouth tried to form coherent words, but was failing her completely. “Is everything alright my little pony?” Celestia asked a tad bit concerned, eyeing the young mare. One second later the model was hugging the princess tightly and was crying tears of joy into her flowing mane. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Princess Celestia!!!” she cried out. The princess, after overcoming her shock to such an emotional reaction, hugged her back. “It’s alright my dear, but if I were you I wouldn’t do this in public. My guards are rather nervous when it comes to close contact with other ponies and we both have a reputation to hold.” Princess Celestia winked. “Ok. I will pull myself together from now on. But I just had to thank you princess. Please understand.” “I do understand. It’s not every day that the princess of Equestria is coming to you.” She responded giggling. “Yes. It’s very rare.” “Sadly I don’t have any more time bonding with you Flash Light. I have duties to fulfill.” The white alicorn said and turned to Photo Finish. “I’m glad you introduced me to her my friend. She’s not like the other stars. She kept her ways and didn’t let the fame get the better of her. But now I must go.” Thank you princess. I’ll see you later.” Photo Finish said and Princess Celestia vanished in a bright flash. The next morning Flash Light was getting ready for the second day of the fashion week. The day before she had no appointments and just cantered the streets to get to see more of the city. She was styling her mane as she heard a knock on the door. She went to the door where a young stallion, a royal guard gave her a letter. She thanked him and went back into the suite. On the letter were the appointments she had for the day and the possibilities to see Princess Celestia. Flash Light was getting excited again. She rushed back to the bathroom and grabbed her hairbrush to finish styling her mane. After she was finished she wanted to lay the hairbrush aside as her eyes fell on the number of hairs stuck in it. There were many more than usual. Nearly the whole brush was full of hairs. ‘Strange.’ She thought. ‘Normally I’m not losing so many hairs. Well. I bet they just grew out at the same time. Happens.’ She shrugged and went outside. Once in the flow, Flash Light enjoyed herself immensely. She showed many new dresses to the Canterlot nobles and was able to mingle with Princess Celestia and Photo Finish quite a bit. As the end of the week neared she was walking on clouds. Everything was so perfect and she even became friends with the princess. It was the last day of the fashion week as she walked into the private area of Princess Celestia. One of the designers had some problems with his collection and she could go early. Just as she walked in she heard Princess Celestia and Photo Finish talking. “Hello you two. What are you talking about?” she asked curiously. “Oh. Hello Flash Light. We were just discussing a few designers. What about you? Why are you here already?” the old stallion asked. “The last designer had a problem with his collection and I wasn’t needed anymore so I thought that I’d come over.” She smiled. “Say. What I wanted to ask you Photo Finish. Is it normal that I’m losing a big amount of hair?” “What? What are you talking about Flash Light?” he asked. Concern evident in his voice. I’m losing more and more hairs as it seems and I wanted to know if that’s normal.” She questioned again. “Oh I’m sure everything is going to be alright.” The old stallion said, but looked in Celestia’s direction with his eyes seeking a positive answer in hers. But the princess was just shaking her head and looked at him with sadness. Photo Finish breathed out heavily and turned to Flash Light again. “I’ll tell you when we are back. For now enjoy the last day of the fashion week my dear.” He said with a false grin. “Ok. That’s good enough for me.” She said and took a seat next to the princess. The Royal Canterlot Fashion Week was over and Flash Light was home again. For now she kept her hair loss a secret to her parents and told them about her week in Canterlot. Needless to say that they were proud of her daughter and were giving her so many hugs, that she thought she might die due to the lack of oxygen. Later that day she went to Photo Finish’s shop to get the answers she wanted. As she thought, the old stallion was in the back of his shop in his private room. “This is bad. I didn’t expect it to start so soon. If we just had more time left.” Photo Finish mumbled to himself in his room, not noticing Flash Light. “I don’t want this to end so soon. It was such a good time.” He silently sobbed. Flash Light’s eyes went wide and she wondered what he was talking about. Now she needed some answers. Gaining some courage to interrupt the old stallion in his thoughts she knocked on the door. The photographer spun around in his room and approached the door slowly. “Who is there?” he asked, masking all the sadness she heard from before. “It’s me Photo Finish. I wanted to talk to you.” She said upon entering the room. “Oh Flashy, it’s you.” He acknowledged and let out a heavy sigh. “What do you want to talk about?” “I wanted to talk about what we wanted to discuss after the Royal Canterlot Fashion Week.” “I thought you’d say that.” Photo Finish said, his determined face vanishing into thin air. “So you want to know everything? Right?” “Yes. I would appreciate that very much. It just unnerves me that I’m losing such a great amount of hair.” “Well… It has something to do with your therapy. You see… The X-rays that are used to get rid and to inactivate the cancer cells are affecting your body as well. You’ll lose all your hair eventually and that you’ll get a bit weak from time to time.” He said, head hanging low. “What? You mean I’ll lose my hair completely? And there is no way around it?” she responded panicking slightly. “I’m afraid that the only possibility of keeping your hair would be to stop the therapy, but that could mean that the cancer returns and kills you this time. You’ll have to deal with it.” Photo Finish answered, misery clear in his features. “No! That can’t be it! There has to be another possibility!” Flash Light cried, tears forming in her eyes. She grabbed the old stallion and shook him. “There got to be a way! Please!” “I’m sorry. *cough* There is no other way. *cough*” he said, trying to hold back tears of his own. Flash Light saw his tears because something wet splashed onto her fore hooves. She glanced down onto them, but what she saw was red and definitely not a tear. It was blood. Flash Light’s eyes grew even wider and she looked back at Photo Finish. From his mouth a little trail of blood was trickling down. “Photo Finish! You are bleeding out of your mouth!” she screamed now. The old stallion looked at her and touched the corner of his mouth with a hoof. As he withdrew it, a good amount of fresh blood was on it and he looked sadder than before. “And there I thought I had more time left. But they said it was a miracle I was still alive, so I shouldn’t be too surprised.” He chuckled miserably. “What… What do you mean miracle? More time? What is going on here Photo Finish?” “Well… I’m dying.” He stated dryly and with a small smile now adoring his lips. “What?! But you can’t die! Not now not here!” she sobbed as she caught the stallion in her front legs while he was slowly dropping to the ground. “I have to tell you something my dear. I was not honest with you.” “What do you mean? Why are you saying this?” “Ssssh. Please just listen. I’m an old stallion and I lived a good life. I travelled all over Equestria and made many friends. But you are one of my dearest friends Flash Light. So I want to clear things up with you before I have to go.” “No! I don’t want to hear that!” she cried in his shoulder. “I knew what was wrong with you. That’s why I sent you to the hospital. I knew that you had cancer.” “W… What? B… b… But how?” she asked him between her sobs and his coughs. “I saw your cutie mark. When ponies have cancer their cutie marks start to vanish slowly. And I noticed that yours lost a bit of color. So I sent you to take care of the matter before it gets ugly. But unfortunately it was too late to get rid of it completely. I’m sorry I didn’t see it earlier.” “You don’t have to.” Flash Light said softly. “But why do you know this? It’s not like…” “Yes it is. I have cancer too my dear. And I hadn’t anyone to see the signs before it was too late. Why do you think I was wearing these suits all the time? And my changed mane style? All to cover up my vanished cutie mark and that I’m bald. I didn’t want to see others, especially you, worry about me. And with that all of you gave me so many beautiful memories I wouldn’t have if you knew about my illness. I was able to see you all smile and enjoy life. And it was wonderful. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I just wished you would’ve been somewhere else while life slowly crept out of my body. Or. On second thought. I like it this way. I can spend my last moments in this world with one of my best friends ever.” He told her, smiling all the way through. Flash Light was staring at him the whole time, tears running down her cheeks and falling onto Photo Finish’s chest. “Oh. Before I forget it. I also paid your hospital bill. And if you want to protest, save it. I had my reasons. Besides. You made up for it more than enough already. Now I’m tired, very tired. I have to sleep now.” “No! Don’ go! Don’t leave me! You can’t do that!” Flash Light panicked, shaking the stallion. She softly laid his head on the ground and galloped out of the shop to the hospital. But before she was out of the room she heard him mutter something. “Thank you Luna. It’s beautiful here.” Ten minutes later she was back with an ambulance in tow. They rushed into the back room and checked for the old stallion. “No pulse!” One of them shouted. “Prepare a defibrillation spell! I’ll go for the heart massage!” the other shouted back. They fought for several minutes but Photo Finish was not coming to. All the while Flash Light was standing beside them and prayed that he’ll wake up. “Damned! Miss. I’m sorry. There was nothing we could do anymore.” “B… b… No! There has to be something! Anything!” “I’m sorry, but it seems that his soul has already passed on to the sacred lands. We can’t revive someone even if the body is fully functional if the soul went there.” “No….” she whispered and slumped down next to Photo Finish’s slowly cooling body crying into his chest. An hour later the corpse of Photo Finish was taken away to be prepared for the funeral. Flash Light was still there and sobbed as two stallions carried out the dead photographer. When they were gone, Flash Light went through Photo Finish’s gallery and his work rooms. She couldn’t believe it. One of her best friends was dead. She had so many good memories of them and now he was gone. She was wandering around a long time before she looked up. She was home now, standing directly in front of the door. It was good to be home, but it had a sad aftertaste. She knew she was not the pony that went to Photo Finish’s shop this day. She was somepony else. As she walked through the door her parents greeted her like normal, but when they didn’t get a response they came looking for her. She was in her room now, sitting on her bed. Her parents approached her and were about to ask her what was up when she burst out into tears once more and told them about what happened at the shop. They were listening intensely and hugged their daughter tight while she told them everything. When she was finished she reduced herself to crying into her mother’s chest and was thankful to hear her strong heartbeat. “I can’t believe it.” Bright Flash said. “All those years. I feel so bad.” “I too honey.” Soul Light responded, still shocked about what her daughter just told them. “Don’t feel bad.” Flash Light said, calming down slowly. “He said it was alright and that he was grateful for the years that he had left.” A week later Photo Finish’s funeral was taking place in the Canterlot Gardens. High society ponies from all over Equestria were there and even some other races like gryphons. Outstanding all of them was Celestia. She wasn’t masking her emotions like most of the time ponies knew her, but shed tears for the photographer and friend. Flash Light was standing next to Celestia with her family. Some ponies were holding short speeches about him and bowed their head for the stallion. Flash Light thought that it should rain because of the occasion, but she knew that he liked sunny days better and wouldn’t have it any other way. And so did Celestia. After all the other ponies were through with their speeches Celestia went forth and stood in front of everyone. “Dear guests. Today I’m standing here not as the ruler of Equestria but as a friend of Photo Finish. I have known him for many years and over those he grew closer and closer to me. I am saddened by his passing and it hurts me deeply to lose a good friend like him. But because of the fact that I’ve known him for so long I know that he wouldn’t want to see us being sad. He’d want us to keep him in good memory and not being sour about losing him for the rest of our lives. He once said, a photo lasts only so long, but ponies will last as long as others remember them. They’ll always be there right in our hearts. Now is the time to keep him alive in our hearts and to remember him as the great stallion he was.” Celestia concluded. After her speech Celestia went back to Flash Light’s side and the ceremonial burning of the body so that he would be truly free and not bound to this ground began. Many cried through the ceremony and even Celestia was. Flash Light stared into the flames as tears were streaming down her face and she could swear that she saw a smile on the stallions face. It seemed that he had gone in peace. When the ceremony was over and the daylight began to fade the guests slowly walked away and scattered in every direction. Flash Light and her family were leaving too as a pure white wing stopped them. The young mare looked up and saw Celestia waving goodbyes to some of the guests but stopping her to advance any further. “I’ve got to speak to you Flash Light. Would you please stay for a bit longer?” “Sure Princess. Whatever you wish.” She replied. After everyone except Celestia, Flash Light and her parents were gone, Celestia spoke up. “I’m sorry I held you back my dear, but Photo Finish gave me something for you at the Royal Canterlot Fashion Week for when he passed on. Guards.” She said and a royal guard hoofed over a rather large box to Flash Light. “I do not know what is inside of this box. He said it is for your eyes only and that it might help you in the future.” She added, bowed her head to them and walked away. Flash Light was holding the box in her hooves shakily. She was at the edge again. Her parents went to her and took her home. In the next few weeks Flash Light’s condition got worse. She wasn’t going out anymore and the rest of her hair fell off. Her fur was still there, but something was missing. Her cutie mark. She had fallen into a deep depression and because of that had lost her cutie mark. Normally something like a depression wouldn’t cause a cutie mark to vanish, but in her case it was. Her cancer therapy and the loss of her hair made it happen. Now from her point of view she was no pony. She was a shadow of her former self. She began eating more and more and became chubby over time. She was sad to no end. She just couldn’t let Photo Finish go. One night she was getting hungry again and went down in the kitchen to grab something to eat. On her way up she stumbled over a box that was lying in the darkness. “Hmmm… That box seems familiar.” She said to herself. “Ah. Now I remember. This is the box from Photo Finish. I have totally forgotten it. Maybe I should take a look inside. What harm can it do?” She put her midnight snack on top of the box and carried both up the stairs. Once in her room she lit a candle, took a bite out of the food and opened the box. “This can’t be!” she whispered as to not wake anypony. Inside the box there were a set of mane and tail wigs, a neighcon camera and a letter. She put the wigs and the camera aside and took the letter in her hooves. Dear Flash Light, I’m sorry that I’m doing it this way, but I thought it would be the best way to do it. I knew that at some point you wouldn’t be able to be a model anymore without your mane and tail hair. So I thought. Maybe you’d like to follow me into the photography business. It’s just a suggestion and you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. I just wanted to give you another opportunity. You meant very much to me. Like the daughter I never had. But that’s not all. I also want you, if you accept, to run my shop. I know that you’d be just perfect for the job. I already asked Celestia and she is holding the shop for you. I also give you half of my saved up bits for the start. The other half goes to my loyal employees. So whatever you do. I hope that we can both be proud of you. Your Photo Finish After she read the Letter, the plate she was holding fell to the ground and shattered to pieces. Seconds later her parents were standing in the door frame. They saw the shattered plate but what shocked them more was that their daughter was crying. Not like so many times before, but with a smile gracing her lips. She was crying tears of happiness. “What happened Flashy?” they asked in unison. “Do you remember that box I received from Princess Celestia after Photo Finish’s funeral? I just found it again and finally looked inside.” She said, crying harder while holding out the letter to them. They took the letter and read them, tears forming in their eyes too. “This is so unfair! He made me shine and did so many nice things for me and I wasn’t able to repay him.” She cried out. Her parents ran up to her and hugged her deeply and together they enjoyed the presence of each other like they haven’t for years. Even in his dead Photo Finish brought joy to Flash Light’s life. “I know it now!” She suddenly shouted out, startling her parents. Soul Light was the first one to recover. “What do you know now Flashy?” “How to thank him! I know how to thank him! I’ll take his offer and take over his shop!” Flash Light cried out eagerly. The next week Flash Light was setting everything for the takeover. She even got an audience with Princess Celestia to inform her about it. And that is when it happened. She was just telling Celestia how she would make other ponies shine as a flash was coming from her flank. “Wha… What happened?” Flash Light asked puzzled and looked at the princess. Celestia in response was nearly beaming. “My dear. I think you should get a stage name.” Flash Light looked at her, mouth hanging open. “A name like Photo Finish.” I was looking at my flank and there it was. Photo Finish’s cutie mark. So if you haven’t already noticed this, this is actually the story of how I became Photo Finish. I’m still using this name in memory of my old friend and the accent to mask my origins. All that because he gave my life reason again. And the plus to this is that I can finally repay him by making others shine. I’m very grateful for what he did for me and every evening and morning when I’m standing in front of the mirror with one of my old model photos attached to it, I remember everything again and just can’t stop myself from crying a bit. I have a life again and all that thanks to this great stallion. Thank you Photo Finish.