The Winter Alicorn

by MathewSwiftMLP

Prologue : Legend of the Seasons

A Fanfic by Mathew Swift and CrunchtheDestroyer

Edited by NotARealPonydotcom

The Winter Alicorn

A Frozen and My Little Pony Crossover

Prologue 1:

Legend of the Seasons

Have you ever wondered how the seasons change in Equestria? How nature works it's magic? How the snow falls in the winter; how the flowers bloom in the spring; how the heat intensifies in the summer; how the leaves change color and fall from their trees in the autumn? It seems that nopony, not even Princess Celestia, is working the seasons. There have been rumors that there are more than Luna and Celestia—more alicorns, that is—bringing happiness and joy to Equestria and its loyal citizens. That there are more princesses in the kingdom, hidden away to control the balance of the seasons.

The rumors are true.

There is a place, tucked away in a forbidden valley, that is known as the Valley of the Seasons. There, all four seasons live and rest in peace until their time. It is a place that they may call home, a place where they can just be themselves. A place where the Seasons live in harmony.

There are four seasons, as you all know very well. Three of them are princesses, and one is a prince. Like their aunts, Luna and Celestia, they are Alicorns: immortal, magnificently powerful, and capable of using the abilities of all three types of ponies—Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasus. With their magic and other special talents, they are able to make their purpose—the passing of seasons—a reality.

Maple Phoenix is like any regular gentlecolt: compassionate, kind, and caring. He's also quite full of laughter. He is the Prince of Autumn, as his appearance will easily tell you—his mane is colored with the shades of the rejuvenation season: copper-red, lemon-yellow, and sunset-orange; his coat is the color of a sky at twilight, with scarlet blended into it; his cutie mark is an oak tree sporting grand, orange leaves on it's dying and graying branches.

Sunflower is the princess of the Summer, and the hardest to describe. Why? Well, you can barely see her during the day—her shining, golden mane and tail reflect the sunlight in all directions, creating a blazing aura about her. Her's is an interesting legend, as well: abandoned by her family in a dark and freezing forest, a young Sunflower brought the touch of heat to the coldest day in the land with her magic. For this, she was gifted with her Alicorn status, and it is said that in this moment, her lavender coat and emerald-green eyes became the colors of the morning sky. She is slightly older than Phoenix, but her magic keeps her looking young, as it can for anypony she wishes to reward.

Tulip Rose is the adventurous one. Naturally, as the Princess of the Spring, she loves nature, and communicates with that which other ponies can't. Her mane, a brownish-red flurry, is often found twisted into two lengthy pigtails, her own favorite style. Her coat is a gentle shade of turquoise, and can usually be found to be accented by the small pink robe she wears to hide her wings, since she does not like to use them. Her cutie mark consists of her namesake—a tulip and a rose. She is the youngest of the Seasons.

Winter Winds, the Princess of Winter, is the most majestic and the most unique of all seasons. Her uniqueness is not found in her cutie mark ( a flurry of pure white snowflakes), though, nor in her coat (light-blue, like a frozen lake) or mane (a large white ponytail, similar in a way to Tulip's). It is found in her magic. None of the other seasons have magic as powerful or as plentiful as hers. She, like her winter, can create snow from thin air and freeze the water in lakes to ice. In truth, she can control the entire element of cold itself, her power is so great. Even her emotions have an effect on her power, changing the intensity or frequency of a snowstorm she summons. She is the eldest of the Alicorns of the Seasons, yet she displays such love, daring, and energy that she is most closely bonded to the youngest of the Seasons, little Tulip Rose...

It can very much be said that Tulip and Winter are like sisters!

The next part is like the video. Listen while you read:

There was a tradition in Equestria involving the Royal Seasons, and it went something like this: the head of each town in all the land would choose four gifts from the citizens of that town to pay homage to each of the Seasons, in order to maintain harmony throughout the year. Each year, Tulip would refuse the gift, saying that it is a gift enough for everypony to get along and have fun during her spring. For whatever reason, Winter's gift was forgotten after a while, perhaps because her's is the harshest (t hough certainly most beautiful) season. It seemed everypony neglected the loveliness of wintertime, thanks to its frigid temperatures. Winter liked to remember her first nights outside of the Valley, over a thousand years ago.

It was a beautiful December night, and Winter Winds flew through the cold, night sky. A town has been asking for snow for Heart's Warming Eve, some sleepy little village called Ponyville. Winter felt excited, but maddeningly nervous. She was recently shown by Princess Celestia how to create the snow and ice, and she was hoping to make Ponyville's wish come true. She reached the town and found its center. Winter checked to make sure that nopony was watching her, then flew down to the town. She gazed up at the moon after landing, and noticed a silhouette coming closer to her. As it grew in her vision, she saw it was Princess Luna flying towards her, and she smiled.

The Princess of the Night landed next to the light-blue filly and gave her a nod. It was time to bring winter to Ponyville. Winter took in a deep breath and began to sing. As her voice serenaded the silent town, white magic poured from her horn into the air, solidifying into cold, crystalline snow.

"Let It Go" (The Winter Alicorn Version)

As she became silent, so too did the swirling snow, falling peacefully to the now-blanketed ground. The snow-covered Ponyville was a beautiful sight to behold, Winter thought, and as she turned to Luna, she could see on her face that the Night Princess thought so too. She looked back out at the town and gazed upon her handiwork: the midnight-blue sky was flecked with white powder that drifted along in the gentle winter breezes; the rooftops looked like the roofs of gingerbread houses, caked in layers of sweet, white frosting; everything, in fact, seemed sugarcoated, and pristine, and very, very beautiful.

Princess Luna turned to Win ter. On her face was a small, satisfied smile.

"Well done. Very well done."

That had been a long time ago, though. Now, it did not seem like such an accomplishment to Winter: other ponies certainly never said so. They were, apparently, too busy adoring Spring and Summer and Fall. Yes, Phoenix's Fall was gorgeous to look at (so was Winter), and Tulip's Spring was a wonderful time to play (so was Winter!), and Summer was the best time to get a tan (okay, so Winter couldn't do that). But what made Winter so unpleasant? Certainly ponies could see through the coldness in the air and ground, and see Winter's beauty?

Evidently, they could not. And that made Winter very, very sad and very, very lonely.