//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Maybe Love Bites Twice // by Fat1thatyoulove //------------------------------// Chapter 8 – Trust me The cooling tea that sits on the table stands as testament to the lengthy and unexpected amount of time Minty has stayed in the house for the three ponies to catch up. However, aside from monitoring how much time that has passed with every quick glance towards the clock she has fared well for the situation; even giving into the conversation when needed. But, as Sparky starts to stand from the table Minty's ears shoot up, "Alright, well we really should get to the castle, I'm sure Cadence will have something for you Violet." To the stallion's words the mare starts to stand but before she can really bring herself up the stallion's voice rings out again, "No no, Violet you can stay here ." His wings flair out a little as he speaks up, "I can bring anything back." Violet just gives a little smile to the comment as she shakes her head. Aerolight looks over the large mare for a moment but he holds his voice back not really knowing who's side to take. So he instead just stands as he turns his attention to the pale green mare beside him. Minty however does not even notice his stare as she continues to wait for the first pony to start towards the door. "Alright Violet..." Sparky pulls his satchel from where it drapes on the chair as he speaks up, "Then lets get going, the streets get crowded around noon." The light purple mare sparks her horn up to the cup and tea kettle as they float to the sink for later. Sparky now moves towards the door with Minty and Aerolight following after him, as the front door comes open everypony starts to file out into the late morning sun. As the door closes Violet begins to take the lead and pace towards the tall crystal structure that is clearly visible in the center of the city. - - - (A little later) The short trot through the city has fared well with the only pauses brought on by Violet's slightly slowed speed. But even this has been no problem thanks to how close the house really is to the castle. Within moments the large overhang of the standing castle comes over head. Aerolight turns his head from the tall light blue crystal as he starts to look around to the few crystal guard ponies, however a slight smile comes to his face as he realizes how happy or laid back they all look. In fact most do not even really turn their heads to the four ponies that continue to near the steps towards the castle's open doors. Sure being with Cadence's right hoof mare and heir to the throne should be something that does not really need to be looked into, but the young stallion still holds his smile with the knowledge these ponies are allowing a changeling into the castle without even knowing. The thought slowly starts to drain the smile from his face as he finds himself slowly drifting his head to the pale green pegasus that has stayed to his side for the duration of the trip. His stare does not alter the mare's locked gaze as she starts up the stairs and towards the castle. Aerolight however halts his trot for a moment as he watches the mare trot even past Violet and Sparky on the stairs. But, his pause is short lived as he tries to clear his mind with the trot up the stairs he now begins. Sparky turns his head from Violet for a moment as he holds a low whisper to the young stallion, "Hey Aerolight." The words bring Aerolight's trot to a stop as he looks to the pegasus. Sparky nods towards the door that Violet just now trots into as he speaks up, "I know you're trying to impress that mare and everything, but maybe next time you should not promise a tour of the Crystal Empire huh?" Aerolight cocks a slight smile to his face as he nods, "I don't tell just anypony who my family is." Sparky gives a little nod as he starts to trot towards the door, the young stallion follows after him. Just as they come into the castle a stallion's voice comes up, "Oh, Mr. And Mrs.Wave...Hello." The older and well dressed crystal pony brings a smile to Sparky's face as he moves next to Violet, "Hello Nimby, is Cadence and Shining here?" The crystal stallion shifts his eyes to the two other ponies in front of him as he slowly continues, "Yes, they are in the throne room...Should I inform them of your arrival?" Violet nods to the comment as the crystal stallion turns around, "Follow me please." As the group starts to follow after the pony Aerolight starts to turn his head around the castle's hallway. Castle are not something foreign to the stallion, especially seeing as how he has to go in one just about every week for his schedule, but the slight glow of the crystal's walls give off a completely different feel than the old stone of Canterlot. "Just one moment." Aerolight turns his eyes from the unique building as he watches the crystal stallion dip into the throne room's closed doors. However, the stallion is only absent for a moment as he comes back to the room, "They wish to see you now." He moves aside as his words come down. Violet and Sparky take the lead inside with Minty and Aerolight close behind. Much like Canterlot's throne room the bright open windows shine into the room, but without the different shades of color brought on by the stain glass. Cadence and Shining both stand near the middle of the room as they hold their eyes to the four ponies that come in. For the moment though Violet and Sparky take the brunt of the attention as Cadence speaks up, "Did you get your mother's letter as well?" Sparky brings his voice up as he steps aside to reveal Aerolight a little better, "No, we just found out about Princess Luna when Aerolight stopped by." A happy smile comes up to Cadence's face as she nods to the dark yellow stallion, "Nice to see you Aerolight..." She sighs a little as she continues, "We all really need to get together on just a normal day." As her voice comes down the armored stallion next to her speaks up as Shining holds his hoof out, "Violet I know you probably want to help but we think it would be best if you just go home, the crystal heart started acting strange last night and in case it expels any magic you shouldn't be here." Violet just blinks to the comment as Sparky brings his voice out, "What's wrong with the heart?" Everypony holds their attention to the two ponies in front of them as Cadence speaks up, "We're not sure...Which is why we are a little worried. Princess Celestia wants to use the Heart to help Luna.-.." The mare's voice slowly is rolled over as Shining's comes in, "...But we can't let Twilight take the crystal heart with her if there's something wrong with it." Minty's eyes stay focused to the conversation as Violet desperately tries to fight her growing need to speak out. Sparky takes notice to the mare's tightening face as he speaks up to the best of his ability, "Did you tell Celestia?" Cadence shrugs to the comment as she nods, "She still wishes the heart to be moved. We were going to wait for Twilight to arrive, but there is no way we can release the heart to her if it is still acting like this." Minty slowly leans her head to Aerolight as she speaks up, "We can leave now...Thank you for the trip." Aerolight blinks to the mare's comment as he turns his head to her, but before he can whisper back the doors to the throne room comes open, "Sorry to bother you, but Twilight Sparkle has arrived." Cadence nods to the comment as she speaks up, "Oh please send her in." To the words the stallion opens the door a little wider to the two ponies in the doorway. However as you look over everypony in the room you pause your trot as you think to yourself, so much for this being some special mission. The mare next to you does not share in your surprise as she trots into the room with a smile and laugh, "W-what is everypony doing here?" Her eyes slowly drift to the unknown pale green pegasus next to Aerolight. But before she can bring her voice up again Shining speaks up, "They were just stopping by..." He turns his head to Violet as he nods, "You should get home." You and Twilight both blink to the heavier feel of the room as the lavender mare next to you speaks up, "Is something wrong?" Shining nods as he continues, "The Crystal heart has been acting up and we don't think its safe to move." "Acting up?" Twilight cocks her head to the comment as she continues, "Princess Celestia didn't say there were any problems." Cadence nods to the comment as she speaks up, "We have sent her letters, but she keeps insisting that there is no problem." You like everypony else just continue to volley your head back and forth to the conversation. Twilight taps her hoof to her mouth as she slowly brings her voice out, "Have you tried any spells on it?" Shining shakes his head as he answers, "We have not opened the chamber since this morning." "Alright." Twilight's voice takes on a firm know it all tone as she straightened her posture, "I can calm the magic and we can get it back to Celestia, if there is something wrong with it she will be able to-..." "NO." Your ear flicks to the unfamiliar voice as you like everypony else turn to the pale green pegasus next to Aerolight. Twilight just blinks to the mare's hard expression as she squints her eyes, "I'm sorry?" "Are you really this blind?" Violet and Sparky just blink to the mare's sharpe voice as they turn their eyes to Aerolight for the moment, but his confused expression brings no answer as he like everypony else just listens to the mare. "You will not be removing the heart from the crystal empire." Twilight slowly shifts her eyes to the dark cream colored stallion behind Minty as she speaks up, "Aerolight why are you in the Crystal Empire? StoneGem said you took the day off?" Minty trots a little in front of Twilight's gaze as she shakes her head, "Did you hear what I said?" The mare's sharp voice brings both confusion and annoyance to your mind as you just stare to the mare not understanding why she is being so fierce, especially to two ponies she does not know. Twilight's voice comes back a little sharper as she takes her attention to the mare, "Excuse me but who do you think you are?" Minty's eyes flash green as she takes a step forward. Your eyes widen as you watch the all too familiar shine of magic rush around her figure, and within the blink of an eye the magic comes down to reveal a spine chilling sight. "I am the Queen of the changelings and the rightful ruler of Equestria!" Where the pale green coated and mint maned mare stood now stands a bright white coated and blonde maned unicorn mare. However the thing that floods your memory is the burn scar that sits to the upper left side of her chest. It only takes a moment for everypony in the room to jump into action as Sparky moves in front of Violet, you, Twilight and Shining spark your magic up and as Cadence screams out towards the door, "Guards! Guards!" The door burst open to the first two armored ponies as everypony stares to the white coated mare. However, in this instance Aerolight has come in front of the queen. Twilight's voice is the first to ring to the room as her horn's glow lowers, "A-Aerolight step aside." Your magic completely fades to your body as you stare to your son that now stands sure eyed and firm in front of the mare. "No." Aerolight’s words break Twilight's spell as she just blinks to the word, Shining and the guards however do not flinch to the words though. "N-no? Aerolight do you know what you're doing?" Twilight's eyes widen as she shakes her head slowly, "D-do you know who that is?" Aerolight swallows hard as he nods, "Yes, YES I do!" His words take the mare behind him by surprise as she just stares to the back of his head. You and Twilight both are stunned silent as you try to bring your voice out, "S-son she tried to kill you before you were even born! W-why are doing this?" Aerolight straightens his postures as a green magic starts to form around his shaky hooves, "I-I am doing this because...Because I-..." Ffffzzzaappp! Aerolight's words are cut off as the mare behind him sends a small bolt to the back of his head, "He is under my spell! I give myself if you will listen to me!" You and Twilight both bring your magic up again with a burning parental hatred to the mare, but before you can act the guards from the door have rushed past you as they move to detain the mare and stallion. Shining's voice comes up as he quickly gallops in front of you and Twilight, "Put them in the dungeon." The unicorns in the small group of armored ponies spark their horns up as they pop from the room with their teleportation spell. Twilight's voice is quick and building in emotion as she speaks up, "W-why did you take Aerolight?!" Shining slowly turns around as he brings his voice out with a low and calm tone, "We don't know if Aerolight is under a spell or not, w-we can't risk him being out until we know what's wrong with the Crystal Heart." Twilight's eyes flutter to the words as she shakes her head, "N-No, I can break the spell on Aerolight." Shining brings the mare in for a hug as he nods, "The knockout spell will stay on him for a few hours...You just have to wait until then." Twilight continues to shake her head as she repeats herself, "Aerolight didn't help on his own, h-he wouldn't." She turns her head to you as she continues to shake her head, "H-he wouldn't." You nod to the words as you bring your own hug over to the mare, "Of course..." As you feel Twilight's emotion starting to get the better of her you turn your attention to Sparky and Violet as you clear your throat and try to hold your own composure, "V-Violet I want you to go home until we figure out what's going on." The light purple mare shakes her head as she straightens her posture and turns to Cadence, despite her better judgment she brings up her front hooves one at a time as she hooves out her comment. Cadence blinks to the mare as she shakes her head, "I don't want you working on the heart Violet..." The mare holds an annoyed stare to the comment as she again hooves out a comment. However Shining is the one to answer her request as he nods and turns to you and Twilight, "She's right...We can't let you two take the heart until we know if somepony is waiting for you." You nod to the comment as Twilight starts to pull her head from you, "H-how long do we have to wait for Aerolight?" Shining brings his trot up as he answer her, "A few hours...You can wait here, I have to alert the guards to be on watch." End of chapter 8