//------------------------------// // What is that? // Story: Cheese Pie // by CarmenColor //------------------------------// Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie were trotting into SugarCube Corner, giggling together. "I hope Rainbow Dash thought her birthaversary was epic!" Cheese said, smiling. The party he was referring to had just ended, and the two of them had been walking around and talking about parties and other fun stuff. "I'm sure she did!" Pinkie said happily. The pink pony was just relieved that Rainbow Dash had been able to have a good time after the whole Goof Off fiasco. The mare was still feeling pretty bad about that. "After all, a party planned by two super duper party planners would have to be amazing!" "Yeah! Whew!" Cheese rubbed a hoof across his forehead and sat down on the couch. "That really was quite a party! Wow, I'm more tired than I thought. Do you have any fruit punch?" He smiled at her. "Oh, of course! I'll get some!" Pinkie hopped over to the refrigerator and opened the door, looking around at the many different things that crowded it. She reached in a hoof and began to search around. "This might take a little while..." "Oh, that's okay, I can't wait..." Cheese said, looking around. The bakery was a very nice place. He could see why Pinkie enjoyed living here, and he supposed that it wouldn't be hard to love living inside a place that makes sweets. Just as Cheese was about to start daydreaming about food, he noticed something on the floor. A small white clump of something that he decided he had to investigate. Hopping silently off the couch, he crouched down to examine it. "It that...?" He frowned and sniffed the little white clump. "It's bread..." The party colt looked around, spotting another little bread crumb a little ways away. And after that, another. There was a trail of them. Seeming a little suspicious, he followed the trail of bread crumbs. Why were there bread crumbs all over the floor? It didn't really make sense. Cheese reached a garbage can and raised an eyebrow. Why would anypony throw away perfectly good bread? To the colt, this just seemed to be making less and less sense. He looked around and spotted Pinkie Pie still searching through the fridge. Almost hesitantly, he peeked inside the garbage can. The resulting scream of horror could be heard halfway across Equestria. Was that? No, it couldn't be... But there it was, right there in the garbage! What was it doing in there? Who would throw that away? Why would they throw that away? And what had happened to it? The object to which all these questions were directed was a sandwich. A cheese sandwich that looked like somepony had punched it. "Cheese!? Is something wrong?" Pinkie glanced over at him. "What are you doing looking through the trash can? There's no fruit punch in there." Cheese Sandwich was staring back at her, still mortified by what he had seen. "Pinkie? Why is there a beaten up cheese sandwich in your garbage can?" Pinkie looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" "This!" The colt reached into the garbage can and grabbed the sandwich, holding it out to her. "Why? Why would anypony do this to an innocent cheese sandwich...?" Pinkie frowned and bit her lip. "Oh, that... Well, um..." Cheese looked at her, his eyes wide. "Did you do this!?" "No!" she said quickly, then thought for a second, "...yes..." She hung her head. "But please don't be upset! I only did it because I thought you were trying to take over my place in Ponyville!" Cheese Sandwich looked at her, seeming very conflicted. He wanted to believe her....but then again, that poor sandwich... "But I wasn't trying to take over your place in Ponyville! We talked about that already!" The colt wasn't sure how to feel. Cheese sandwiches were very important to him. "Well, I know that now!" Pinkie said, rolling her eyes, "But I didn't know that before! I did that before I knew any of that!" "I don't know if I can be friends with somepony who does things like this to sandwiches..." Cheese said suddenly. "What? Wait! Just hear me out!" Pinkie cried desperately, still searching for the fruit punch as she spoke. "When you came along, all my friends started like you better and they were saying your parties are better than mine, so I was upset and I thought that maybe my cutie mark was wrong and I'm not suppose to plan parties..." Cheese Sandwich just stared, not sure if he should feel sorry for her or still be upset that she defiled a sandwich. His expression kept changing between anger and concern. Pinkie noticed, and she didn't know what it meant, so she just continued. "...I decided that I had to find my place to fit it here, but after trying like a whole bunch of other things, nothing was working. I was just so frustrated that I couldn't do anything...but then I was looking at some pictures from my parties, and I realized that I was doing what I was supposed to! I was making ponies smile!" She hesitated for a moment. "And then...?" Cheese asked, intrigued by her story now, even though he was still conflicted. "Well, I got so revved up about proving myself, that I came up with the idea of the Goof Off, and I was really upset since I still thought you were trying to replace me, so I kinda...made a sandwich...and punched it...." She hung her head again. "Oh, and I found some fruit punch for you...." She held a jug of punch out to him, and he took it. "I'm really sorry about what I did..." Cheese Sandwich looked at the sandwich in his hoof before throwing it back in the trash. "I know, Pinkie... I guess I should have waited for you to explain before getting upset. Now, let's have some of this fruit punch!" Pinkie looked up, a little surprised that he was letting it slide, but happy nonetheless. "Okay!" she said, giggling a bit and grabbing some glasses. By the time the two ponies had finished drinking the jug of juice, they had forgotten all about what had happened.