I am the hammer. The edge of his sword... and unfortunatly, the partner of a purple unicorn with wings.

by ThatRarityIsaSpy

Chapter 11

Please no, please no! Please no! Please no!! Twilight screamed on the inside as her shield spell slowly faded to nothing, the dozens of daemons that surrounded her all grinned wickedly, wanting nothing more than to tear her to shreds.

"Cease resisting......."

Thoughts of her family rushed into her mind, as she imagined her final moments, being shredded to tissue paper by these despicable monsters.

"Cease resisting...."

All those good times with her friends invaded her brain, she wondered how they'd react to find out she had died a horrible death, being torn apart by daemons.

"Cease resisting..."

She thought about Princess Celestia, and how disappointed she would be over the fact that she had allowed herself to be tempted by a daemon, and how mournful, to learn her faithful student died such a painful death.


Draigo almost jumped out of his skin. The form of Twilight suddenly floated quite a few feet in the air and was filled with a bright glow.

"What the hell....."

Without warning, a massive explosion shook the very foundations of Slannesh's realm, shaking the earth. Until then, Draigo opened his eyes, surprised he was still in one piece. And to top it all off, there was Twilight, standing there, looking around as if she had no clue what just happened.

"What the hell was that?!"

"I have no idea!"

Well, at least all those daemons are dead. Draigo thought as he looked around. For how long, that's the question.

"We best get moving." Draigo said, not really liking to be the guy who had to point out the obvious.

"Yeah, let's go."

By the throne, what was that? Perhaps.... she is more powerful than we thought her out to be?... No, she's stronger than I thought her out to be..... this might make this a bit more bearable.

"And I say! You are Princess Twilight Sparkle?! By heaven! It sure is an honor to meet you! How about this, you see, we've just been making a few breakthroughs in scientific research, and we need a mind as good as yours to help us! How about that?"

"No, Twilight." Twilight muttered to herself, as she kept walking, pretending not to hear what the.... whatever he was, just said.

"Lord Kaldor Draigo? Hammer of the Emperor? Brother, would you like to lead an eternal crusade against the dar...."

"Go away." Draigo said flatly. The.... Daemon? Thrall? Projection into the warp? Just vanished in a snap. Strange.

Things really don't make sense in here. Hey, maybe I can explain it!

"Twilight Sparkle, how would you like to be the first to try and research the war...."

"NO!" Twilight said. That timing couldn't have been better. Seems whoever is behind this can get into our heads.

"Haven't given into temptation yet?" Draigo asked as they walked past more people giving them compliments and handing them positions of honor.

No reply. Just the evil eye.

"Whatever. Let's keep going......." Draigo said slowly as a bunch of men ran up to him, asking for him to lead yet another false crusade.

Because this is the warp, and the warp can be described as "MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE" we can assume that while Slannesh is busy pleasuring his/her/it's self while keeping watch at what's going on in it's domain.

The form of the Dark Prince grinned to itself, smiling, and coming up with a plan that would entertain him.

That's saying something.


"News Cypher?" The Emperor asked as his personal messenger returned from his task.

"It is true. Every last detail of it." The Dark Angel replied. "A damned world, cloaked in eternal darkness. The five portals to the warp, the daemonic armies, I've seen it. It..... it... my lord, does it not offend you? Does it not offend you that our enemies, though defeated, dare insult us like this?"

"Of course it does. But.... we can have our own little way of exploiting the dark gods, much as they did exploit us. Now, then... which amongst my sons is closest to Terra?"

"Rogal Dorn."

"Excellent. Call him here. I need to speak to him. Also, have Manus to return. I have a task for him..... oh... yes.... what news from Equestria?"

"Nothing. We've managed to keep the disappearance of Twilight quiet..... those Equestrians sure are good at withholding information. The official records on the planet says that we don't exist. That all other sentient beings aside from the ones referred to as "pony" have little to no clue that we even exist."

"Very good...." The Emperor said to himself. "I see Celestia has a few tricks up her slee...hooves...."

"I depart now milord." Cypher said as he disappeared mysteriously as he had come in.

"This place is quiet... too quiet...." Twilight said as they passed through the beach.

"Well, the last two places were too loud." Draigo replied. "So.... what's the point of this?"

"You tell me.... hey.... I should add this to my journal!"


"And in what seems to be the last part.... we are met with....."


"Met with...."



"We're here." Draigo said looking grimly at the massive structure ahead.

It was said that Slannesh liked visitors and intruders. More souls to corrupt, all the better for him.

The case with these two would be no different. The evil god grinned wickedly as he wondered what he would have in store for them.