//------------------------------// // Chapter Fourteen: Return // Story: Thy Flesh Consumed // by tankmanbrony //------------------------------// Gorrog, stood on the charred ground of an large empty field. Here almost one year ago at the height of his triumph he had opened a portal to Hell, and brought over several thousand demons to his horde, along with a Guardian of Hell. Now it was but an empty charred field, grasses and small bushes encroaching along its edges. Gorrog stood in its centers, and placed a hand on the ground feeling warmth, as if this place was still connected to the temporary portal he had opened. This meant that the city he had crushed was near, and he knew that many demons had stayed behind, which would mean that he could gather them once more to his cause. Gorrog started in the direction of the city, retracing the path that his army had taken to this very spot. Gorrog’s bare head, poked above the hill, the sun shining upon his black flesh. Stood at its summit staring at the city. It was still in ruins, he saw none of the life, that had once lived in it. He smiled, and roared, letting it carry above the city, the spirit of a century of war in it. He made his way down the hill, walking towards the city, feeling the presence of fellow demons in it. Taking the better half of an hour Gorrog was at the outer edge of the city, and stared down one of the desolate streets, listening to any sounds he could make out. Something was here, what it was he could not say. Walking down one the side streets, he felt as if something was watching him, yet turning his head to either side he could not make out what it was. Gorrog smashed through one of the doors and looked at the inside of a large building, it was vaguely familiar, and something was off about this place. Shrugging Gorrog made his way down a hall and up a flight of stairs, passing a few skeletons along the way. He turned a corner and something streaked into a doorway. Gorrog ran after it, his heavy gait threatening to break the floor as one and a half tons ran across it. Crashing inside the room, he stopped, something was eerily familiar here. Gorrog looked around the room, scanning it for whatever had ran into it, and seeing nothing turned to leave. Screeching, something jumped onto his back, landing on it hard and digging claws into him. Gorrog rushed backwards attempting to smash it into a wall, but it leaped off him, landing upon the ground in front of him. It was a very light grey, its body thin and lean, with long limbs and a short stubby tall. Its eyes glowed green and it screeched at Gorrog, and it leaped at him, its claws outstretched and its small mouth open. Gorrog planted a foot into its face sending it flying. Standing Gorrog dived at it as the Vulgar attempted to resume its attack. Conjuring a plasma ball Gorrog threw it at the Vulgar, hitting it and sending it flying, missing its legs. On impact with the hallway wall, it dissolved into fire. Gorrog stared at the spot where the Vulgar had died, slammed his fist into the wall, ending chunks of wood flying. “It seems that her reach extends even here.” Gorrog left the room, his steps shaking the hallway. Taking the route out of the building he walked down another street, which connected to the main street, which would lead him to the main square. The smell of burning flesh caught his attention and he followed it, something was happening and he would find it. He broke into a jog, and saw the source of the smell. Several ponies were quickly making their way off the street and into one of the houses, one being carried on a stretcher, who was suffering from various burns along her body. “That’s a Hell Knight, run!” “Captain, we can’t run with her on our backs!” “Then drop her, better one die than three.” The two courtiers dropped the injured pony and ran, following the other ponies in a rush to get away from Gorrog. He walked over to the dropped pony and bent down over her. Normally he would have eaten the pony, but something stayed his hand. He placed his massive hand on her and picked her up and using his other hand, caressed her face, trying to wake the pony, and gather information on why they were in the city. “Stop that, I mean it…oh” She stared at the Hell Knight, and a look of pure terror appeared on her face. She screamed, not from her wounds but thinking that she was about to be killed. Gorrog continued to stroke her face, his rough skin and harder than necessary touch, quickly distracting her from the thought of being eaten. “Tell me why you are here and I will disavow the notion of eating you, refuse me and I will and know this I won’t start from the head like I normally do.” The mare gulped, her eyes glancing around looking for her comrades. “It is but the two of us and I grow hungry.” That quickly refocused the mare and she seemed to be gathering her thoughts, the threat of being eaten must surely disturb them. “We are a detachment of the Third battalion sent to investigate Fillydelphia and see if it could return to being a city in the Equestrian Empire. We have been fighting for a few weeks now and a new group of demons have appeared in the city.” “How many?” “We don’t know, we’ve been hard pressed with the current number, but these arrived in sufficient force that we could no longer operate openly, we’ve been reduced to skulking in shadows, along with the original group.” “This information has been helpful, as such I will spare your life, but tell your Captain this, the Imps, Maggots and Demons in this city are my soldiers, any attack on them is an attack on me, strike at the newcomers as you will and remember this your Empress and I are allies, forced ones but still allies, I will remember this.” The mare stared at him, thunderstruck. He dropped her, and left the street moving towards where he thought his demons would be lurking, leaving the mare in the growing shadows. He entered the square, the scene of a great slaughter of two entire Royal Guard divisions and thus his demons would probably stay here, awaiting his summons. He lifted his head and stared forward at a moderately size tower, there he had killed a messenger who had sent word to the Equestrian High Command that the city had fallen. He opened his mouth and roared. Long and loud, he let it fill the square, rising over the sounds of the night. A hiss greeted him, it was close, and an Imp stepped into the light. Behind it stepped a maggot, and soon others followed, demons and a pair of cacodemons, even an Arch-Vile. His army was once again taking form around him, and no longer would he be at the mercy of others, he would command an army once more, and bring destruction and ruin again. “Brethren, tonight we shall strike against The Black Tide, and bring ruin to them, we shall establish ourselves in the world and create a new Hell!” A roar greeted him, and the collective approval of his new horde. Now united we shall bring forth another Demonic War he thought. “Arch-Vile how many demons do we have, and of what types?” In a harsh and hoarse voice the Arch-Vile answered. “We have two hundred and two Maggots, one hundred and thirty seven Imps, and about twenty Demons, and a pair of Cacodemons.” “How long have you been fighting?” “We have been fighting for several months now, we have sustained minimal casualties and have limited our engagements.” “Excellent, soon we shall reunite with the rest of Hell’s Fists, and sweep The Black Tide aside with one fell strike.” Gorrog turned away from the collected demons and looked at the rest of city, his gaze wandering over the various opening into the rest of the city, this being the main square had several routes into it. He could feel eyes upon his back, and looked at the host around him. Something was off, despite the gathering of demons around him, all his forces gathered around him, it only served to remind him of how feeble they currently were, cut off from the majority of his armies that still resided in Hell. Gorrog turned to Arch-Vile and gestured for him to come to his side. “As the most sentient demon here until we reunite with my Black Hell Knights, you are my second in command.” The Arch-Vile bowed and then pointed across the square. Gorrog following his malformed hands saw several ponies gathering in the entrance of the square. They were organizing into battle ranks. “Traitors.” Gorrog hissed, sudden fury forming in his voice. Gorrog conjured a fireball, catching the attention of the his demons, who all stared intently at him. “Soldiers of Hell, our enemies gather, gaze upon tonight’s meal, and remember I am with you now, none shall stand against us!” He started running towards the end of his army facing the ponies the demons parting before him. His own ranks formed behind him, Demons and Maggots in front, Imps in the rear. All behind him however, casting the image of a grand army behind its leader, ready to die at his command. “Charge my brethren!” He broke into a charge bearing down on the Ponies, who had assembled into a spear wall, similar to ones he had seen employed by them in the Battle of Field of Tears. He would need to force an opening in it and quickly. “Imps concentrate on the spear wall!” The fireballs started to rain down upon the ponies like hail, striking them and setting one on fire. Gorrog was closing the gap, roughly ten yards away when something knocked his legs out from under him. The glow of a unicorn’s horn in the fire light caught his attention. Something about these ponies was different, normally Gorrog was barely affected by their magic, only the Alicorns strong enough to affect him. Gorrog skidded to a stop roughly twelve feet in front of the ponies, the rough cobblestones scraping away at his skin. Several arrows impacted his shoulders and he grimaced at the pain, slowly rising to a standing position. He roared the ponies in front of him, the light of the fires giving him a far more menacing look than normal. Around him Maggots and Demons surged forward, around him in a tide of flesh, something was wrong about this battle he realized, something tugging at the back of his mind. “Imps engage in close quarters” he yelled, and the additional weight of numbers pushed back the ponies, their ranks threatening to buckle. “For the Empress!” A battle sounded behind them, and Gorrog saw from across the square a much larger group of ponies than what they were crushing, charge at their head a Paladin, his armor reflecting the light of the fires. “Arch-Vile get me reinforcements, now!” The Arch-Vile nodded and started pulling demons from Hell into the battle. Gorrog would have to counterattack them, but if currently he was surrounded, and did not have sufficient forces to divert to either assault. A single demon assault by him while it would be devastating would not work, he needed something to delay them, or a choke point, if they could only find one. He could only think of one, the street where the feint had emerged from. It seemed ironic to him that their victory would come from the enemy’s strategy. “Break through their lines!” The ponies were starting to break, Gorrog’s forces outnumbering them and their ferocity caused several of them to desert their positions. Gorrog pushed passed several of the smaller maggots and smashed into the ponies, attempting to find the unicorn who had struck at him. He tore a pony off the ground and bit its head off in one fluid motion and spat it out having no time to eat the pony. He saw a unicorn and as he went for her, her horn glowed and Gorrog felt something pushing at him, trying to stop him. Had he been a common demon it might have worked but not on a Hell Knight, he sent an Earth Pony flying when he tried to stop Gorrog from attacking the Unicorn. He punched the Unicorn breaking her jaw and sending her sprawling. He felt exhilarated, this was where he belonged, on the battlefield, striking down his enemies with raw, brute strength. He turned to see the progress the other ponies were making and realized that they were only seconds away from colliding with his demons. The Paladin struck first, wielding a massive war hammer. He smashed an Imp flat into the ground and started making his way towards Gorrog, sending demons flying with strikes from his war hammer. Gorrog roared, and knew he had to protect the Arch-Vile, as the Paladin was making a turn towards him. Gorrog hurled a plasma ball at the Paladin attempting to get his attention, however he knew that Drakes were immune to the fire and heat that made up a substantial part of the damage that plasma balls did. However the blast of them, enough to pop a nearby pony’s eardrums were very good at getting attention, and he was suddenly faced with a creature that could hope to equal him in physical might, despite the size difference between the two still favoring Gorrog. “I shall slay you demon and bring your head to the Empress.” Gorrog snorted in derision, he had plans for this Drake’s skull. The Drake charged and slammed his war hammer into Gorrog’s chest knocking him flat. Gorrog saw the Drake raise his hammer to crush his skull and as he brought his hammer to its apex, Gorrog kicked his legs out from under him, rising quickly to his feet. The Drake was rising as well, war hammer in hand ready to strike at Gorrog at the first opportunity. He would not give him that opportunity, both warriors faced each other, war hammer and claws at the ready. Their troops clashed around each other in the ruins of the first sack by Gorrog, this was his conquest and he would not give it up. Gorrog swung out a fist baiting the Drake to swing, and started circling him. The two battlefield titans occupying each other’s whole attention. With one exception. Gorrog knew what the Arch-Vile was doing and several more Maggots had been teleported in, ready to strike, all the needed was a signal from Gorrog. “Paladin, look around you, my demons in particular, what do you see. A hope of victory, some small concession? Look again, stare death in the face.” Gorrog let drool begin to start flowing down his mouth, washing some of the blood off it. “Keep your heresy, demon I shall strike you down and bring honor and glory to my brotherhood.” He charged Gorrog, and swung his hammer trying to take Gorrog’s head off. Gorrog back stepped, and the hammer missed him by several inches. “I will take your head Hell Knight!” “I thought you Paladins knew my name?” Fear suddenly flashed in the Paladin’ eyes the only thing visible beneath his armor, its plate of interlocking steel and on the bottom end of his tail chainmail covering every other part of his body. “You know my name.” The Paladin clutched his war hammer tightly in his armored fists. “Then I shall bring great honor to my order when I bring tales of your defeat.” He charged swinging his war hammer downwards attempting to crush Gorrog’s skull. Gorrog side stepped it and grabbed the haft. Pulling the Drake towards him he wrapped his free hand around his helmet and using it slammed him into the ground, the Drake too off balance to stop him and dropping to his knees. Gorrog kicked his back, sending him sprawling into the cobble stones. Now he had to make sure the Drake did not rise. He started heat the metal and crushed the skull of a pony in his fist as he had foolishly tried to stab Gorrog with a sword. The ponies used spears and ranged weapons on his kind for a reason, it was much safer to be at range than up close. “MAGGOTS to me, tear this drake apart!” He shouted and twenty maggots detached themselves from the battle and leaped on the drake allowing Gorrog to resume his command of the battle. These drakes would be a tough match for his Hell Knights as they were a challenge for even him. The screams of the drake as the maggots started to take his armor apart and start attacking his flesh. Normally a drake of that caliber could and often did kill larger numbers of maggots than what was tearing at him now, but not one on the ground with the maggots already crawling over him. The ponies were starting to fall apart with the fall of their leader and Gorrog watched as the Arch-Vile sent a few walls of fire into the ranks of ponies, many of them turning and running back the way they came. “Hold, we do not possess the forces to chase after them, let them run all the way back to their Empress and send her the news of my return and that I do not suffer betrayal lightly.” The Arch-Vile nodded and the rest of his forces started to descend on the dead. Something caught his eye and he stared at it, the demons had stopped burning away, he saw corpses on the ground that belonged to his forces. This was abnormal, and told him one thing, something was very wrong.