The Phantom and The Princess

by Shazam 25

Dan's escape and Nightmare Moon rebirth

It was a quiet time for Clockwork as he watch Danny take care of another ghost. He smile and soon turn to another screen to see two Alicorns ruling their land in a fair way. He was happy for them, but there was something that was going to happen, something he knew he can't stop. He was the master of time but even her had his limits. He made both screens large at he forces on Danny and the dark blue Alicorn. He knew that they will met to stop a threat they both have seen before. It didn't take long before he heard a ghost sneak in and turn to see it head for a beat up thermos.

"You may think you can sneak past me, but I already knew of your arrival." Clockwork said, making the ghost stop.

Clockwork floated up to the ghost and continue, "If you take that thermos then you have dooms us. Because inside that thermos is the most powerful ghost to exist. Take that Thermos and you will not be rewarded well."

Clockwork then turn away and continue some more, "But I can see you don't want to listen. Go ahead and take it, after all everything is as it should be."

The ghost look totally confuse on what Clockwork was telling him, but it shrug and took the thermos and flew out of there. Clockwork just smile and let the ghost escape.

"Yes, everything is as it should be." He said to himself.

It did take long for the ghost to get far away as it can from Clockwork Lair. Once it thought it was clear it open the thermos with a proud smile. It knew what was inside and knew that it was very powerful.

A blue beam shot out and soon a ghost wearing a black and white jumpsuit, with red eyes and flaming hair. His long snake like tongue flew out of his mouth as it laugh.

"FREE! FINALLY FREE!" It laugh as it cape flap as if there was wind.

It turn to ghost that free it and saw it bow to it.

"It good to met my new master." It said.

"Hm? Master? Well, well, I have a follower, tell me who are you and why did you free me." It ask.

"I'm call Sneak, I was trying to free you under my princess's orders." It said.

"Princess's Orders?" The ghost repeated.

"Yes, she was long ago destroy and has been living as a shadow inside the castle she was defeated in." Sneak said.

"Is that so? Why should I help her? I got to deal with my too-goody-self." It said and started to fly away before Sneak spoke up.

"My princess wish to help you on that if you bring her back." He said.

"I don't need help." The Ghost said and started to move again.

"She is willy to work with you." He said.

"I say I don't need help." The ghost said again.

"She knows of you defeat and finds you are too weak to stop the one you're after." Sneak said again.

The Ghost turn and grab Sneak by his neck.

"WEAK?!", It shouted, "I"M NOT WEAK!!!"

"Yes, I know you're the most powerful ghost to exist, but my princess wants to get back at her goody-self too." Sneak said.

"Wait, You mean we are the same?" The Ghost ask.

"Yes, but her good-self has already been turn into her and free. She wants to get back at her good self for letting the ones free her." Sneak said.

"Hm", the Ghost said and let Sneak go, "Very well. Take me to her."

"Of course, my master. I should warn you though, the place she at is some thing you highly dislike." Sneak said.

The Ghost raise an eyebrow but follow Sneak anyway.

The ghost found put what Sneak told him was true, once Sneak lead him though a portal that he never seen before, he saw that the place was fill with ponies! As he look he saw there was three kinds, Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns.

"Your princess is a pony?" It ask upset.

"Yes, I did warn you but even the ponies here had their fair share of terror. It was mostly stop by six mares, that defeated my princess." Sneak said.

"Hmph, Take me too her resting place then and we'll do something about these ponies." It said.

Sneak lead the ghost away from all the ponies and soon came to some woods. They flew through them until they reach to what look like an old castle ruins. Sneak lead the ghost inside and call out, "My princess! I have brought the one you wanted."

Soon a black shadow move across the floor and rose up. The Ghost look at it glowing yellow eyes and watch as it look back at him.

"So the one that was defeated by your good self?" It ask.

"Yes, and who are you?" The Ghost ask.

"I was once Nightmare Moon, but I was reduces to a mere shadow after six ponies have defeated me." The Shadow said.

"Then why aren't you going after them?" The Ghost ask not seeing why this shadow wanted it help.

"I can not, for they hold the most powerful items in the land, we know them as the Elements of Harmony." The Shadow said.

"Elements of Harmony? HAHAHAHAHA! That rich, defeated by goodness. It so funny that I'm dying with laughter!" The Ghost laugh before a blast know him into the wall.

"You may think that Elements are nothing but jokes but they could easily defeat you as me!" The Shadow yell.

The Ghost pull itself off the wall and look back at the shadow. He was quite surprise at the power that he was hit with and stood in front of the shadow.

"Tell me, why do you want my help?" It ask.

"I not strong enough on my own, but with the two of us, we can easily rule this land. Help me get my body back and I'll help you get back at your good self." The Shadow answer.

The ghost had to think about it. This shadow was strong, it thought some more before nodding it head.

"Very Well, I'll help you. All I need to know is how I can bring you back." The Ghost said.

"Thanks my dear friend, what is your name?" The Shadow ask

"Dan Phantom." The Ghost answer with a toothy smile.

Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle, Luna had just lower the moon and was about to her to her room for some sleep when she ran into her sister, Celestia.

"Hello sister." Luna said.

"Hello Luna, are you off to get some sleep?" Celestia ask.

"Yes, I had a long night and it was fun." Luna answer.

"Of course, I'm on my way to raise the sun. Have a great sleep." Celestia said and walk away.

Luna smile as her sister walk away. Once she disappear around the corner, her smile faded. The really reason she was so tried that it was because of nightmares she keeps having. She hasn't told anypony about it. She is the princess of the night and she get nightmares, she was afraid if the others found out, she maybe laugh at. She shook her head and started to head for her room.

Back in the Ghost Zone, Clockwork watch as Luna get in her bed and turn to see Danny doing the same thing. They soon both feel asleep and started to have their nightmares. He wave his hand and the screens combine together to show Danny and Luna ready to fight their evil-selves.

"You are not alone Princess Luna, You and Danny will soon met and work together to stop the nightmares you both have." He said as he watch the fight end with a bright light. He smile as he watch the rest. He soon charge it back to where Danny and Luna both snap awake from their nightmare.

It sure has been quite this past few days. Rainbow Dash thought as she sat on her cloud.

It been ten days since her and her friends last adventure and it was getting boring. She sign and decide maybe flying could clear her head for a while. She took off and look over Ponyville. It was peaceful today she admitted, she was so busy looking over Ponyville that she didn't see a green beam coming at her from above. She was hit and push into the ground. Most ponies turn in surprise to see Rainbow Dash sudden crash into the ground and quickly help her out. Rainbow try to stand up and flip her wings but felt pain go through them.

"AHAHAHAHA! So much for the fastest Flyer!" She heard.

All ponies look up to see Nightmare Moon floated in the Sky with Dan next to her smiling.

"What?! Nightmare Moon?! But I thought me and my friends turn you back into Luna!" Rainbow yell in surprise.

"Heh, you did! But you only remove my power. Thanks to my new ally, I been reborn and now to make the Night last forever!" Nightmare Moon laugh.

"Not going to happen." Rainbow said ready to fight.

"Oh please, I just took out your wings you have no chance against us." Dan said before he disappear and reappear behind Rainbow.

"I can't stand loveable things like yourself, so I'll just have to get rid of you." He said and threw a kick to the side of Rainbow face and knock her into a build that she went through.

Rainbow roll across the ground and soon come to stop. She was knock out by the kick and couldn't move. Dan floated to her and smile.

"You weren't a challenge. I don't get how you can beat Nightmare Moon.", He said and held up his hand that had a ecto-blast ready, "Good bye."

Before Dan could fire, he was blast away by a powerful beam that push him into a house near by. Nightmare Moon watch and saw the rest of the of the Mane Six rush up to her.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy shouted and flew up to her.

Fluttershy lift her friend head and place her ear near Rainbow's heart.

"She still alive, thanks goodness." She said making the other relax.

"Well, well, the rest of the Elements." Nightmare Moon said as she floated down.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack ask in shock.

"Nightmare Moon?! But how?!" Twilight ask as the rest look in shock.

"I have a new friends to thank for that." Nightmare Moon said and Dan push himself out of the rubble.

"Lucky shot, Now let see if you five can hand me." He said and made three more of himself appear.

All four Dan's charge and deliver a punch to four of the mares knocking out Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie. Twilight was quite surprise that this...thing...take her friends down in one hit. She turn to see the four creatures turn back into one and watch it walk to her. She stood her ground and ready herself to fight.

"Oh cute, you going to fight me? I'll you pops for that, however", Dan said before disappear and reappear behind Twilight, "there no way for you to stop me!"

Everything slow down for Twilight, She could see the creature hand coming to her and then a blue and yellow beam knocking it away. Twilight turn to the sky to see both Celestia and Luna floating there.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" Twilight shouted happily.

Both the Princesses land and notice that five of Twilight friends where knock out and turn back to her.

"Twilight, what happen." Celestia ask.

"I happen." Nightmare Moon said as she step up.

"It can't be!" Luna gasp in shock.

"Hello Luna, my good-self." Nightmare Moon said as Dan walk up.

"So this is your good-self, huh?", Dan ask before he smile, "She doesn't look that strong."

"You would hold your tongue if I were you!" Celestia yell not liking how this creature was picking on her sister.

"Ah, but your not." Dan said and flew up to her.

Dan threw a punch, only for Celestia to place a shield in front of her. After Dan pull back, Celestia fire a beam that Dan jump in the air to dodge. Celestia follow and try to ram her horn into him. Dan move to the side then elbow her back to the ground. Celestia recover and fire another beam that Dan block with his own shield. After he drop it, he saw Celestia rush to him and threw punch that Celestia dodge. Celestia got behind him and fire another beam that push him to the ground.

Twilight, Luna and Nightmare Moon watch the fight and Twilight couldn't help but to smile. Celestia was winning, looks like this danger is going to past quickly, however, Nightmare Moon laugh got her attention.

"Well Dan, What do you think about Celestia now?" She ask.

Dan stood up and crack his neck.

"Not bad, not bad at all.", He said and brush some dust off him, "Now I don't got to hold back."

Twilight and Both Princesses were surprise to hear that. It was holding back?! They got their answer when Dan fire an ecto-blast at Celestia who place a shield in front of her to block it. However, that just what Dan wanted and flew behind her. Celestia turn her head and saw Dan ready to throw a punch and she had no time to get away. Both Twilight and Luna thought they heard some snap and the next thing they knew Celestia slam into the ground. Dan floated above her watching Celestia trying and failing to get up. Twilight quickly rush to her teacher aide. Dan saw her and was about to fire another ecto-blast when another beam knock him away. He stop and turn to see Luna fire another blast that knock him away even more.

"YOU DARE TO STIRKE OUR SISTER!" Luna shouted in her royal Canerlot voice.

Dan look at Luna in surprise as he saw her eyes glow and her mane flow through the air as dark clouds appear to form. Dan watch as Luna fire a really powerful beam that actually hurt him and was fling back. He stop himself and saw Luna charging up for another attack. Luna fire but Nightmare Moon jump in the way and place a shield around them.

"I don't need your help!" Dan shouted at her.

"My good-self is more powerful when she angry, I hate to say it but we need to return." Nightmare Moon told him.

Dan had to agree, The attack he took just now would have kill him if he wasn't already dead. He stood and call out, "SNEAK!"

Sneak appear and bow to the two of them.

"Make a portal to a place call Amity Park! We will cause terror there, plus my good-self can't stop us." He said.

"Right away my master." Sneak said and open a portal behind them.

"This make us even!" Dan said and grab Nightmare Moon by the tail and jump in the portal. Sneak follow after them with a evil smile spend across his face.

"Twilight, I'm going to follow and make them pay for what they done, you stay here and take care of Celestia and your friends!" Luna said with her anger still raging and jump in the portal before Twilight could said anything.

"Be careful Princess Luna." Twilight whisper, hoping that Luna could stand up to the two of them.

Back in the Ghost Zone, Clockwork watch as Dan and Nightmare Moon escape though a portal and hear what Twilight said.

"Don't worry my little unicorn, She won't be alone for long.", Clockwork said as he smile, "Everything is as it should be."