Dragon's Reign

by Vladimir

Nova's powers and Ovan's awakening....

I dodged a black and red beam coming from my right, it managed to get my arm an part of my side while dodging. Discord's sword was already flowing with his black and red aura flames, ready to make another attack. I gripped the hilt of my blade tighter with my right hand, a deep purple aura spiraling into my hand in the guard until it erupted in black and green flams. We both raised our swords and swung down, sending two waves with turned into beams clashing against each other, Discord's was pushing mine back further, until mine seemed to grow and began to push his back before the two beams exploded.
Discord's surprised look on his face was all I needed to see to understand that my powers were truly becoming a force to reckon with. Discord then did something I did not expect, he pointed a finger at me, and at the tip, his black and red aura began to form a sphere, moving in a lightning like motion going towards it. I wen to swing my blade down, but it was too late Discord had already fired his attack in a large devastating beam heading right towards me. I raised my sword with the flat pointed at the beam, using it like a shield over my left arm. The beam hit me and pushed me back into a wall of the crystal castle until Discord slashed at me with his sword, sending a second beam at me but less large and dense in power.
Growling I moved my left hand out catching the beam and pushing me further into the wall, the crystal breaking under the intense pressure, soon both beams touched. My eyes widened as they began to destabilize, a bright white formed in front of me as hey exploded right in my face.

=========Luna's PoV=============

We watched as the two titans battled it out. We gasped when we saw Nova crash into a wall from the first beam, but when the second beam stuck him, we began to worry. Discord was not playing fair, though since they were training for a war, it made sense. But to use two destructive beams on one target while they struggle with the first one seems rather...how did Nova say it, 'Jerk-ish'? However, when a bright white light flashed before our eyes, and a loud explosion sounded off. A cloud of dust floated ad obscured our view of Nova.
I could see Discord's eyes moving quickly, as if anticipating Nova's next move, however his eyes soon widened when the dust cloud vanished, and we gasped. There standing in a crater was a tall white figure, his hair was long and bleached white, his clothes seemed to be different than Nova's, he's wearing a white overcoat, large baggy white...pants? His shoes have been turned into saddles, his sword was all white and mainly a katana with a black moon with white stars circling around the hilt, his hands were ash white and his fingertips were black claws. He sported a long tail that slowly whipped about, on his back were six wings in total, however where there would be hooks or claws on the wings, there were strange sharp toothed heads without eyes. On his face was a white and black mask that resembled the demonic face of Nova, two horns coming from the sides of his head and pointing forwards.
"Who are you..." I heard Discord say to this new entity. This being flung his hand back while the sword flew into his hand and as soon as it was there, it swung down, sending multiple shockwaves and thunderclaps resounded throughout the air, the wind picked up so harshly we all shielded our eyes, forced to squint.
"I said, "Who are you?"." Discord repeated the question. But it didn't seem to register to this new being as it started to look round, as if looking for something. That is, until it's gaze was set upon Chrysalis and Me. The being went to step towards us, however it was stopped by one of Discord's beams which was easily swatted aside by the beings white hand. "Do you not understand me? I asked you a question." He growled out.
The being looked at discord, before it let out a bellowing, deafening, wailing roar was made from the thing as it's mask opened up, making cracking noises as if it had not been used in a very long time. Then, something chilled us deeper to the core, even Discord seemed to be slightly terrified. It spoke.
"It seems that I was drawn out. How lovely. I can finally fight! HA! Hahahahaha! Finally!!!!" It let out a shrill laughter after it spoke in a high pitched echoing voice before he vanished from view. Out of nowhere Discord was in the air above a tower of dirt. The creature appeared above him before kicking Discord back into he ground passing the sound barrier. He raised his sword, a white and purple aura spiraled into the blade, large white and purple flames erupted like a tower high above his head. Discord jumped out of the earth, only to freeze by the sight before him. We all gaped at the raw power this thing had at it's disposal.
The creature's mask began to vanish in parts, revealing his face, it looked exactly like Nova's, however he has a manic smile on his face, his yellow and black eyes showing glee seeing Discord in slight pain before he let out another shrill laugh pass his lips before swinging his sword down, sending a large beam at Discord, who charged enough energy sending his own beam. Discord's beam stood nary a chance, as this creature's beam cleaved through Discord's slamming into him sending him into the ground before it exploded sending a large dome of white and purple miles into the sky, the gusts of wind knocking us over. Looking up at the creature, his manic smile soon became non-existent when he saw me and Chrysalis on he ground, covered in dirt.
Why was he no longer smiling? What did we have to do with him? Before I could question anymore, he appeared directly in front of the two of us.
"Why are you both on the ground? Our mates are too good to be here. You both should be someplace higher up.." He said to us, It shocked me from the compassion he held for us, the same compassion...Nova...did...
"N-nova...?" I asked with a nervous tone. He looked at me, his eyes brightened slightly.
""Not quite. You see I am a part of him that also loves you both. You are Ours. And I am part of his true power. The power to protect, or my favorite...Destroy." He explained to us. But he seemed to be different, more importantly, if he wasn't Nova, who was he?
"Then, who are you if you aren't Nova?" A grin formed on his face, before lifting Chrysalis and I from the dirt.
"My name is; Instinct, though most call me, Lunar Fang." He said, which surprised us. Instinct, Lunar Fang? Was he Nova's sword?
"No, I am not the sword. That was the name I chose. Instinct is my actual name though. But, you may call me Ovan. Backwards for Nova, get it?" He laughed again, until he stopped and raised a hand, catching Discord's flaming blade. Discord was covered in bruises, cuts and holes. His clothes were torn to shreds, his chest was exposed, however it was has a large gash on it, the wound bleeding profusely. Ovan looked at Discord before nodding his head in approval. "I like you Discord, your a good match, however it seems my time is up. Maybe next time we can battle again when you aren't holding back and then I can do the same." That statement took us all by surprise. Ovan was holding back? Yet he managed to injure Discord in such a way only from a few messily moves? However, Ovan began to change, turning back into Nova, as he gasped for breathe and fell to the ground. Discord soon joined Nova on the ground, both unconscious from their fight.
We rushed them into the medical ward, where they were charged to be staying in there for most likely a week from magic deprivation.

=========Nova's PoV==========

I opened my eyes slowly, the light burning them slightly, I hissed in slight pain as I closed them quickly, wincing from the sudden movement.
"Welcome back to the living there Nova. Your other half really did a number on me." I heard Discord say from next to me. Opening my eyes again, I looked to my right, seeing Discord laying in a bed, bandages all over her chest, arms and torso. "He was a challenge, capable of dealing massive damage, eve when holding back. I couldn't even touch him." He explained. I looked down at my hands, before noting at my fingertips were ash white claws.
"What happened to me?" I questioned in shock and awe. Discord cleared his throat before speaking.
"You're other half, Ovan took over when you had taken too much damage, you looked pretty badass except for the fact that he almost managed to kill me from his speed, power and energy attacks alone." Discord said to me, his voice grave and serious. Out of nowhere, flashbacks of the fight played through my mind and I understood what happened. The door opened revealing Luna, Chrysalis and Celestia, they looked worried about us, until they smiled, seeing that we were awake. We talked for hours until Discord and I were discharged from the ward.
I yawned from being tired, somehow I felt even more tired from waking up from a week and a half nap. So Luna and Chrysais decided to bring me to our room to head to bed. As we cuddled with each other, I thanked the other part of me for allowing me to gain more power. As my eyes began to close, I could hear his faint chuckle and echoing voice calling to me.
"Anytime Nova, anytime indeed." I then drifted off to sleep, unaware of the enemy forces growing stronger and deadly by the second. This battle was going to be long, and was going to be hard, but I- er we, had to win, for the fate of the world was resting in our hands.