//------------------------------// // In one...two...three! NOPE NOPE TOO HIGH NOPE! // Story: My Little Portal 2 // by forevertheDoctor //------------------------------// Pinkie narrowed her eyes. She knew what she had to do. She shot a blue portal at the highest part of the wall that was near the button used to open the door. She leaped down from her platform, grabbed Dash and the cube and jumped into the orange portal down below. The two ponies and the one box fell out of the blue portal and landed by the button. Pinkie placed the box on the button behind the cracked glass wall. Dash ran to find the open door only to find a folded up staircase. She groaned. "How are we gonna get on that on time?!" said an exasperated Rainbow Dash. Pinkie looked around and soon her face brightened up as if she had an idea. Pinkie grabbed Rainbow's hoof and took several steps back. Before her Pegasus friend could protest, Pinkie had already started running. They leaped into the orange portal and flew out of the blue portal high up on the wall. They crashed on the platform that held the Emancipation Grill. They began to trot towards it until another prerecorded message interrupted them. "FOR GETTING THIS FAR, YOU MUST FEEL DELIGHTED, AND RADIENT IN SUCH A WAY THAT THE FUTURE SHOULD NOT START WITH YOU. PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR PRIMITIVE TRIBE AND SELECT SOMEONE BETTER QUALIFIED FOR TESTING." said the message. However, Pinkie and Dash were not listening, for they were too busy cheering and giving each other bro hooves. They walked through the Emancipation Grill to see what other challenges awaited them. There was an elevator, and Rainbow Dash walked into it, with Pinkie bouncing right behind her. The elevator dropped down to the next floor. There was another message but Dash ignored it and walked up the stairs. they were in another large testing area when suddenly they heard a familiar British voice. "HEY! HEY YOU! UP HERE!" shouted the voice. Dash and Pinkie looked around to find the only other talking being they have encountered in the facility. They found their robot friend who Pinkie named "Nigel" hanging upside down from a wire. He did not hesitate in speaking to the ponies again. "Oh brilliant! You found the portal gun! You know what? It just goes to show...people with brain damage are the real heroes at the end of the day. Shoot a portal at that wall behind me there, and I'll meet you at the other side." said Nigel. Dash saluted and Pinkie nodded vigorously. They obeyed, and they were soon face to face with their robot friend. He spoke to them again. "Ok listen, let me...listen though, it's pretty heavy. They told me never, ever, EVER to disengage myself from my management rail, or I would die...but...we're out of options here. So...get ready to catch me, alright, on the off chance that...I'm dead and might pop off this thing. Ready? One...two...three! That's high it's TOO HIGH! Alright doing it on three gives you too much time to think about it, let's do it on one this time. Ok, ready? One!" Nigel disconnected himself from the rail and landed on the ground in a shower of sparks. Dash was very confused while Pinkie was tearing up. She poked the small robotic sphere several times. He was not opening his eye.