//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Octavia // Story: A Scratch on the Cello // by TheOriginalThundersky //------------------------------// Octavia’s first thoughts about Vinyl’s declaration were: Hello there beautiful, then Shut up brain, and finally Wait, did she say we were going to Canterlot? “Canterlot?” Octavia asked, uncertain of what she had heard. “Why?” “Well first of all because we got invited to DJ at Hell’s Demons!!” Vinyl grin was getting wider and wider after every word. “And secondly, we’re getting all expenses paid plus a salary of 16,000 bits!” Something inside Octavia’s head went BOOM as the realization dawned upon her. Going to Canterlot is a big deal by itself, not only was Vinyl bringing her there, but they were going to perform live at the second biggest bar in Canterlot. Just to top it off, they were also getting paid an insane amount of bits for it! I bet the beds in Canterlot are really nice and comfortable Octavia’s brain told her. I bet they are She responded, then, I really need to stop talking to myself and answering afterwards. Her brain ignored her train of thoughts and continued talking, and I bet that Vinyl’s gonna be really excited after such a big performance. Octavia could see where this was headed; or she could just be exhausted. That ended her conversation with herself quite quickly. “Hey Tavi, Earth to Tavi, Anyone in there” Vinyl’s voice shattered all of Octavia’s thoughts. “We’re going to Canterlot!!” Octavia half squealed, then she blushed. Octavia never squealed, she usually kept her calm about everything. “Umm, I mean great! Canterlot is great this time of the year! Now GET OFF ME!!” She said calmly, or tried… It is not easy to regain a proper composure while shoving a unicorn off of you. “We’ll talk about it later” Vinyl decided. “For now, let’s go say hi to this new student.” The crowd around the new student had slowly dispersed while Vinyl and Octavia were dusting themselves off. The couple approached the now lonely gray mare. Octavia decided to take the lead, since Vinyl’s social skills weren’t exactly very good. “Hey there” Octavia said warmly, holding out a hoof for the strange pegasus to shake. “I’m Octavia, and this is my friend Vinyl” “Heyy” Vinyl smiled and waved awkwardly behind Octavia. “Hello, my name is ummm, Derpy!” The gray mare responded. She had a very sweet voice, it was just a bit slurred and had a hint of nervousness in it. “Well Derpy, if you ever need help with something or just want to hang out, don’t be afraid to ask.” Octavia said kindly. “Alright, do you know what class we have in first?” Derpy asked “Yeah, here wait” Octavia stumbled with her planner and looked at the paper real fast. “We have ancient Equestrian in first and then music!” Seeming pleased, Derpy politely thanked Vinyl and Octavia and flew off in the direction of sports class. Octavia shrugged and started walking away from Derpy, towards Ancient Equestrian, dragging a confused Vinyl behind her. When they entered the class, Lyra and Bonbon were nowhere to be found. “Where are Lyra and Bonbon?” Vinyl asked. “I don’t know” Octavia answered. She had been wondering the same thing. “Last time I saw them, they were with Derpy. I’ll text them afterwards.” Suddenly, Vinyl winced. “Vinyl, what’s wrong?” Octavia asked, suddenly worried. “Nothing, it’s just… I had like a magic spark all of a sudden.” Vinyl sounded worried “What’s a magic spar-” Octavia wanted to ask, but the teacher had interrupted her to start the class. Octavia looked over at her marefriend, but Vinyl gave her an ‘I’ll tell you later’ look. Class seemed to go on forever, as it always does, but every time Octavia looked over to Vinyl, she looked as if she was concentrating, buy not on the class. What is she doing? Octavia wondered. Does it have anything to do with the ‘Magic spark’? At one point, Octavia had just blocked out the teacher, she was deep in thought. Maybe a magic spark is bad and Vinyl is in pain right now. She looked over to Vinyl, who had just started chuckling. Ok, scratch that, maybe… Oh I don’t know. Octavia was snapped out of her daydream by one of her classmates elbowing her. She looked up at the teacher who was looking at her expectantly. “Umm, sorry could you repeat that.” Octavia asked, realizing he had just asked her a question. The teacher sighed. “I said that we would have a question that would lead in to next class’s lesson. I had asked, in the sentence ‘We are in the year 4998 A.H.’ what does A.H. stand for?” Octavia knew this because Lyra kept talking about it when she was drunk, her one hidden secret, Lyra was going to enjoy next class. “After Humans” Octavia responded smiling at the many arguments to come between Lyra and the teacher next class. The bell rang and everypony packed up their stuff and started walking towards the exit. Vinyl and Octavia were finally alone outside. “Soo, what is this ‘magic spark’?” Octavia asked. “Oh, that’s just when all of the magic in a unicorn’s body peaks for an unknown reason. Usually it means something big is going to happen.” Vinyl said, getting Octavia all worried again. “But what I had wasn’t a magic peak, it was Lyra activating the telepathic link she had placed on me this summer. We had no idea how to use it, but she figured it out and told me where she was.” Octavia let out a sigh of relief. “So where are Lyra and Bonbon?” She asked. “They’re with Derpy in the locker rooms, it seems they have something pretty cool set up.” Vinyl said with a glint in her eye. This is going to be just great! Octavia thought, following Vinyl to the locker rooms. They entered the locker rooms, it smelled the same as all the other locker rooms in the world. Like sweaty teenage fillies. They looked around but didn’t see Lyra, Bonbon or Derpy anywhere. Then they heard a whisper. “Pssst, come here!” That was definitively Lyra, the pair moved towards the sound, they found the three ponies sitting in the shower area. There was some sort of hologram of the school, and a couple of green and yellow dots moved around the school. There was also one red dot in the office. “What is this?” Octavia asked quietly. “It’s the school” Derpy answered “We can see and hear everything” Octavia was confused. “Why?” She asked. “Just to see what’s going on” Lyra said. “So we had something to do while skipping a class as boring as Ancient Equestrian.” “Just to have you know Lyra, we are learning about humans next Ancient Equestrian class.” Octavia said teasingly. Lyra got a wild look in her eye. “Humans?” She asked in a dangerous tone. “Oh god, not this again!” Bonbon tackled Lyra to the ground and started to talk to her about humans. Lyra seemed to calm down. “Try not to talk about humans to her when she’s not drunk.” Bonbon said, flashing a murderous glance at Octavia. “Hey Hey HEY! Calm down” Vinyl yelled out, protectively wrapping her hooves around Octavia protectively. “We’re all friends here. This was all happening very fast, and Derpy just smiled at them while thinking about her past. She had a short flashback. Derpy closed her eyes, trying not to remember. The memories became stronger. She pushed them away and opened her eyes. Bonbon’s eyes widened as she saw Derpy rise off the ground and open her eyes. They were glowing yellow. “ENOUGH!!!” Derpy yelled. Everyone turned around as Derpy spread her wing and a wave of pure power spread out over the room. The next thing they knew, everyone was on the ground and Derpy was standing in front of them with that weird grin. “Did I miss something?” She asked. Everyone was too stunned to answer, so they simply stood up and started walking to music class, but something had changed. The bond between the two couples had grown deeper, and they knew it, they were just too afraid to admit that a little gray pegasus could have such power. As they were walking, Octavia took Vinyl’s hoof. “Thanks for sticking up for me back there.” She said. “Hey, no problem” Vinyl answered. They shared a quick kiss before moving on to music class. “So, are you going to ignore instruments and just do a buckload of theory like you did last year?” Octavia asked Vinyl. “Nah!” Vinyl responded “I might just try the Cello!” “You playing the Cello?” Octavia laughed “I’d love to see that happen.” Luckily for Vinyl, the teacher did have a spare Cello and Vinyl decided to fulfill her promise and learn to play the large wooden string instrument. At first it was complicated because she couldn’t handle the bow well, but after a few tweaks and many hints from Octavia, Vinyl managed to play her first note, a steady G. Music class ended too quickly. They got out of class and went to eat lunch. The four friends decided to sit with Derpy, who was strangely eating three muffins, a carrot muffin, a hay muffin and a chocolate chip muffin. “So Derpy, how’s the saxophone going?” Octavia asked her. “It’s going really good, I’ve been playing it for 6 years now!” Derpy answered biting into her hay muffin. “Wow, that’s great!” Vinyl said “I’ve been playing nothing for 6 years, but if someone brings up theory, I can answer almost everything.” “I hate theory” Derpy said. “It’s all mixed up letters and things. I just like playing.” Bonbon sighed “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I just wait for class to be over and play on my phone or help Lyra with her lyre.” At this, Bonbon poked Lyra and they started laughing. Math was next and the teacher decided to watch a movie with the class. The five friends were starting to like this teacher more and more. The teacher looked extremely surprised when seeing Derpy though. He stared at her throughout the whole movie, he looked like he wanted to say something but knew he couldn’t. At the end of the class, the teacher gave homework, but not a lot. Just enough for the ponies to start getting an idea of what was going to be happening in the first semester. Their last class was sports, which was quite enjoyable because they were playing dodgeball and the two teams had 2 unicorns 3 pegasi and 5 earth ponies. Which allowed for many strategic possibilities. Vinyl decided to take offensive with Octavia, Carrot Top, Bonbon and Berry Punch while Lyra took the defensive with Derpy, Pinkie Pie, Thundersky and Anon Wings. The game lasted a long time, but the other team won when Pinkie caught all 12 balls at once and threw them at the other team, but Trixie used her magic to slow them down. The whole team caught the balls and pinkie was out. After that, everything spiraled downwards and the other team won. Vinyl and Octavia were walking back after the dodgeball game and talking about what they were going to do in Canterlot when Lyra and Bonbon jumped them. “You two are going to Canterlot too!?” Bonbon asked. “Well, yeah” Vinyl responded “You two going also, Why?” “Bon managed to save up enough money to buy a trip to Canterlot for the weekend.” Lyra said quietly. “I’m paying for the food.” Vinyl and Octavia looked at each other and nodded. “Don’t worry, we got you two covered.” Later that night, Vinyl sent an e-mail to Million Maker asking him for a down payment of 500 bits for their friends, and confirming the performance with Octavia. A couple of minutes later, Vinyl got a call from Million Maker. “Hello?” Vinyl asked picking up the phone. “Hey DJ PON3?” Said a rich voice from the other side of the phone. “Hello Million Maker, are we good for the weekend?” “Yes, of course, and about your two friends, we got them covered, no down payment needed.” “Great” Vinyl responded happily. “Alright, see you tomorrow at the Ponyville airfield.” Million Maker hung up after telling him the tickets would be sent by e-mail. Vinyl checked her e-mail and found four tickets on a MareBus A-380. She checked the class and called Octavia. Meanwhile, Octavia was practicing the Cello when she got a call. She picked up and heard Vinyl talking excitedly on the phone line. “Slow down there sweetie!” Octavia almost yelled. “What were you saying?” Vinyl took a deep breath and answered. “Octavia! We’re flying first class tomorrow!” “What?!” Octavia had never flown first class, her family was never rich enough to afford it. “That’s amazing! What about Lyra and Bonbon though?” “Million decided they could tag along too, so we’ll tell them tomorrow that they should leave their plans for Saturday afternoon open.” Vinyl said. “Vinyl, this is amazing! If you were here right now! I would kiss you!” Octavia heard the line go dead. Oh God! No, NONONONONO! I said something wrong what did I do!? Octavia started panicking when suddenly, WHOMP! A mass of white fur tackle-hugged her from behind! “Hi” Vinyl said! “I’m here, do I get a kiss?” Instead of a kiss, Vinyl got a slap in the face. Octavia looked at Vinyl’s puppy eyes and gave in. They shared a long kiss before Octavia had to push Vinyl off her for the third time that day. “Come on” She said “Let’s get ready for Canterlot.”