Phineas and Ferb / My Little Pony Crossover

by ChristophR

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Phineas and Spike were flying towards Canterlot in Twilight's balloon, when Phineas began to feel weird. "Whow" he said "I feel like I forgot something… something important…"
"That really sounds weird" Spike said "Don't worry, we are here. Lets search for my friends and for Princess Celestia. I am sure they can help you remember that thing."
And with that they arrived in Canterlot and left the balloon.
"Hey, where is your platypus Perry?" Spike asked.

Perry did also leave the balloon, but he searched for a place to hide so he could become Agent P. He needed to go back to Danville as fast as possible! Who knows what Doofenshmirtz was up to?
Now Perry was glad he had his arm-communicator to call Major Monogram: "Good morning, Agent P! What is it? Wait, where are you?" Perry showed Screen-Monogram the place full of talking ponies und Monogram answered: "Oh, I see, you are stuck in another universe. Don't worry, we will find a way to bring you back to Danville. Just… hang on…" Monogram ended the call.

In Danville Major Monogram talked to Carl, the intern, in panic: "Carl, how in all of the world do we manage to bring Agent P back to our universe!?"
Carl was relaxed and answered: "Well, I got a plan. I noticed that we also got people from another universe here. It seems like they are from the universe Agent P is stuck in."
"How do you know that?" Monogram asked.
"Cameras in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard" Carl answered "There is a way to make Phineas – who is in the other universe – and these pony-things communicate with each other! Agent P could make it look like Phineas would 'find' Agent P's communicator, and we could 'lose' a communicator in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard. So they can communicate without knowing about us!"
"That is brilliant, Carl!" Major Monogram said "I call Agent P!"

Meanwhile up in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard, Pinkie Pie said: "I am bored. Lets do something! Hey, green guy, what are you doing normally?" Ferb pointed at the teleporters. "Building!" Pinkie Pie said "Oh, I will construct a giant muffin!"
Twilight walked up to the teleporters and said: "These teleporters together with my spell must be the reason for the universe-switch! If we want to get back to our universe, we must repair and use the teleporters, but in our universe there must be spoken the teleport spell at the same time. And without connection to Equestria it is impossible."
In that moment Rarity said: "Wow, I got a strange feeling… like I forgot something…"

In the meanwhile at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. in the middle of the Tri-State Area, Doofenshmirtz worked on his dialogue: "Ah, Perry the platypus! You think you can stop me? I think not! Okay, then the trap, and then... blah, blah… Behold the 'You do what I say'-Inator! It makes everyone do what I say and blah blah… Where is Perry the platypus anyway? He was supposed to be here about an hour ago! If he does not come within the next hour, I will just start this whole thing without him!"

Oh no, will Doofenshmirtz really take over the Tri-State Area? Or will everyone get back into their universes in time? And what is all that forgetting about? To be continued…