//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Phineas and Ferb / My Little Pony Crossover // by ChristophR //------------------------------// Chapter 5 Agent P managed to shoot a tracking device at Discord before they lost him. Now he and Spike were walking into the direction the tracking device pointed to. "So" Spike asked "you are a secret Agent?" Perry nodded. "And that means Phineas doesn't know about your secret identity… Well, that's what this Monogram guy said. Wait a minute… that means… when Fluttershy and Phineas are in one single cage, you won't be able to help me with you secret agent powers and I must save them alone!?" Perry stopped and realized that Spike was right! But then Perry continued to walk after Discord ignoring any following questions of Spike… because he was thinking about how to manage to save Phineas without blowing his secret identity… "Oh, so that's why Phineas and Perry are in your universe and you are in ours!" Isabella said after getting an explanation from the human-ponies "But why is everyone a zombie under the control of a so-called 'Doofenshmirtz'?" "We don't know"Twilight answered "It has nothing to do with our universe-switch!" Suddenly there was something beeping, and the group found an arm-communicator. Twilight took it and saw princess Celestia on the other end! "Princess Celestia!" Twilight shouted "What happened? Why are we here? Why…" "Stop!" Celestia said "Here's the short explanation: You are in that universe because of a switch between your spell and these teleporters, and you have to come back as soon as possible, because otherwise you will disappear forever!" "Well, that explains most things, especially why we are forgetting more and more things… When was my birthday again?" Rainbow Dash said "But there is still one thing I don't get: Who is that Doofenshmirtz who seems to control this whole city now?" In that moment Major Monogram jumped into the picture: "WHAT!? Oh no! Doofenshmirtz took over the Tri-State Area!" "You know that guy?" Applejack asked. Monogram answered: "Umm… yeah, something like that. The only thing you have to know is that he is evil and shouldn't rule the Tri-State Area now! So, since… umm… our best Agent isn't here now, could you please save the Tri-State Area?" "And quick please, so we can get you back before you disappear!" Celestia continued. Then the screen turned off. "Um, where does that Doofenshmirtz live?" Isabella asked. Ferb turned around and said: "I think I can see his house." The other people turned around too and realized that they were standing right in front of the largest building in the city called "Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated". Perry and Spike in the meanwhile arrived at Discord's new hideout, a big cave in the shape of Discord himself! "I am impressed" Spike said and then looked to Perry. Perry in the meanwhile turned into pet mode, because of Phineas. "Oh, yeah, that's right" Spike remembered "My first secret agent mission, a jump into the cold water! Okay, Spike, you must be strong now, it's only in your hands to save the lifes of your pony-friends. You are Agent S! Let's get this over with! Into the cave!" And with that he and Perry ran right into the Discord-shaped cave… To be continued…