//------------------------------// // Introduction to All New Things // Story: Pearl // by A Hoof-ful of Dust //------------------------------// Sweetie looked up at the sky, the twinkling stars and deep indigo ripples. Spotlights from the stadium still moved across the clouds. She felt incredible. Giddy. She had thought she understood what Lyra had talked about, about the rush that came after a killer gig, but she now knew she hadn't. This was it. This was absolutely it. Fat Stacks came rushing up to her, fast as his girth would allow. "Kid!" he rasped. "Kid, was I wrong about you! That authenticity stuff, they ate it up! I was thinking we'd reposition your image in Filly Explosion!, make you the Poet. You're troubled and sensitive, but deep and--" "No," Sweetie said, cutting him off. "No?" "No," she repeated. "I was talking it over with the girls after the show, and we all agreed that I'd be better off going in a different direction." "Different...?" His cigar hung slack in his mouth. "Yeah, I'd like to pursue more a singer/songwriter kind of thing, and they're wanting to push more into girl rock. You can see how we'd all be eager to leave Filly Explosion! behind. It was a good experience while it lasted, but I think we're all ready to move on." Sweetie walked past Fat Stacks, his stunned gulping reaction saying all that was needed. It was the last time she ever spoke with him.