//------------------------------// // War and Wedding Plans.... // Story: Dragon's Reign // by Vladimir //------------------------------// I stayed close to the ground as I rushed Aero and Petal. Petal sent that white beam at me. I cleaved the attack like one would use scissors to cut paper, raising my pistol I sent three beams at the two. Aero dodged, pulling Petal with him, the beams hit the ground they had been exploding crating crater. I sidestepped and appeared behind Petal, my pistol against his back. He jumped into the air the second I shot the beam. Petal growled in pain and as I looked back at him, I could see that the petals around his body were forming a new arm that he had lost. "Looks like Ovan isn't as powerful as we were led to believe." He stated, flexing his new hand. I holstered y pistol before making a stabbing motion at his head, he goes to dodge, but I arch my blade, going to the right, slicing his left side. He hisses in pain before drawing his own sword, this time Aero did not stop him. I side steeped behind him and stab my hand through his right shoulder, he growls in pain before going to take a swipe at me. I side step a few feet in front of him, the flames on my sword have returned in full force. "Look at you, stronger than you were before. Tch." He bit down onto his sword, before his eyes changed. "Well your going to lose!" He pulled the sword out of his mouth in a swift motion, the blade disappearing, his body growling taller, his tail extended, four wings on his back, two large horns on his head. I watch silently as he goes through his power up before I make any attacks. He roars at the sky, sending shockwaves through it. His petals have become larger like shields, his cloths are now all black body armor, and his class has changed, it's a mix between a Wyvern and a plant. He crouches low to the ground, before he vanishes. I move swiftly backward as he crashes his foot down to where I just was. I swing my sword at him, his petals act like a shield, thorny vines come out from under me and wrap around my legs and arms. "Ha! Looks like you won't be moving for a while!" He snarls out with a grin. He starts to punch my face, chest and stomach repeatedly. I take the hits, finding them to be weak, but he didn't know that...yet. After minutes pass, I finally decided to speak up. "Was that all?" I state in a calm tone, my 'wounds' healed instantly. I fluxed my energy, the vines are destroyed instantly, turning into ash. Petal's eyes go wide for a second, before he smirks. He raises a clawed hand the palm pointed directly at me, a bright sky blue sphere forms collecting more and more Energy. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Ovan is fighting with Aero. Ovan is torn up, but smiling with glee from a good fight. I look back at Petal who releases the sphere in a large beam of sky blue light heading right at me. I raise my sword, the tip pointing down as the beam hits me, in a swift motion I swing my blade up, cutting the beam in half while sending my own back at him. He barely dodges it, however I appear before him and cut deep into his shoulder. He yelps in pain before sidestepping a few meters away from me. "So you can take me like this huh? Tch. And here I thought"- a sadistic smile broke out on his face- "that I was going to deal with a weakling again!" He charges at me, another sphere forming in his hand. He never got the chance to use it however, for I swung my sword up, sending a wave of gold energy, severing his arm that has the sphere. His eyes go wide as he looks back at the sphere, it is the size of his head and explodes right next to him from how unstable it was. He is thrown to the right and slams into the ground then tumbles a few more meters away. I watched as he hit the wall of a castle, going through it. I then saw his arm reforming from his petals. I sidestepped to in front of him before kicking him upwards, he hits the ceiling and falls back onto his stomach. He rises after couching up some blood. I grab him by his throat before throwing him through a pair of doors leading to the throne room. "Crap...." I mutter under my breath. =======Chrysalis's PoV========== I had decided to go back into the throne room when the fight started. Luna and Celestia soon followed, Flame was with us, she had been happy that Nova was awake -as were we- but she was scared of the noises outside -not that we could blame her-. I sat on the steps holding the young girl who was clinging to me as if her life depended on it. There was a loud explosion just outside the throne room and crashing. Flame buried her muzzle deeper into my chest, I could feel tears staining my shirt. As she cried I rubbed her back gently. A person flew through the doors and crashed right in front of us, I was quick to move Flame and myself away from this guy. He groaned before the sound of bones popping was heard. "That's gonna hurt if I live through this. Why was I not told that he had gotten stronger than last time!?" The man growled out. Luna and Celestia drew their weapons. Celestia wields a claymore while Luna wields a scythe. I was quick to hide Flame s I could draw my own, jagged long sword, until Nova broke the doors down with what looked to be his...hand? Nova moved quickly, quicker than I had ever seen him move before, he punched the top of the mans head so his face was slammed into the hard floor before he stopped on the mans head. Nova then picked the man up with his hand and through him at a wall, cracking it. His sword became engulfed by new, golden flames that seemed to dominate the room and warm us up. The man got up t his feet, coughing up blood. He noticed us, and he appeared before the three of us. Celestia growled and swung her claymore downward, he dodged but the force she had swung it caused him to recoil. She had cracked the floor, the clacks went all the way across the room, breaking a far wall. Luna swung her scythe sending a sharp gust of wing that cut his armor and caused his blood to spray out. I took a fencing stance, and lunged forwards, a thin small beam was sent out, going through his right shoulder. He stared at us in surprise, but then smirked when he spotted Flame. Luna and I growled at him, the two of us no longer giving out warnings. No one, messes with our family. Ever. He went strait towards her, Nova noticed this too and followed, but was stopped by Celestia. "Watch. She won't be hurt at all." Celestia told him, Nova nodded his head, the golden flames dying out just as quickly as they had appeared. Luna and I kicked both of his sides in, he gasped in pain as his eyes went wide. Luna grabbed his left arm while I grabbed his right, and we pulled them. Hard. He let out a roar of pain as we dislocated his arms, before we both kicked him as hard as we could, right where it hurts! He kneeled down, gasping for breath and in pain. I sliced his arms off, while Luna destroyed his petals. He stared up at us, fear starting to show in his eyes. I grabbed his head with hand, barring my fangs, I snarled at him. "No one, goes after our baby. Ever!" I snarled into his face. After that, Luna raised her scythe, and swung it down onto his head, cutting it off. His body slumped onto the floor as his head flew through the air. However, his body turned into petals, and flew out the window, following the wind. Flame had ran up to us, and clung to us tightly, sobbing into our chests. We hugged and held her close to each other, rubbing her back gently. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turning around, I saw Nova's smiling face. "It's good to see you two again, you too Flame. And it is also good to know that you call us family." He said to me. Luna and I blushed before smiling back. We shared a kiss before Flame clung to Nova, happy to see he was fine. An explosion sounded from outside and Discord's and Ovan's bodies were flung into the room, hitting the thrones and crushing them slightly. I looked to see a second man, walking into the room. His body was covered in black fur, he has two large red wings, a long whip like tail, claws on each hand and foot. On his head are what appear to be elongated ears, while his eyes were deep green and yellow, full of despair. He looked at Nova, his gaze seemed to get colder. "You have caused us some problems. I will end this now." A neon green javelin forms in his hand, and rushes Nova. The golden flames formed once again, the two clashed weapons. Nova and the man silently glared at each other, before punching each other back, sending energy sparks everywhere. Nova silently stared, as did the man. The mans wings spread out as he appeared before Nova, punching Nova in the face. Nova flew back into the wall behind the destroyed thrones. The man shot out a silver beam at Nova while he was down, the explosion shook the whole room. Nova leaped from the smoke and kicked the man out of the room and outside. We followed and the true fight between them had began. =====Nova's PoV============ I kicked Aero from my family and outside. We both took tot he air, clashing creating shockwaves and sparks. Aero would nick me from time to time before I would cut him as well. I slashed the air downward sending a wave of golden energy at him, he swung his javelin sending out a silver wave, our attacks connected an exploded. The winds picked up as we clashed once more. Aero whipped his tail at me, knocking me out of the sky and into a house. The ponies in said house screamed like children, feeling their home. Aero fired another wave at me, I fired my own wave back at him. I heard a scream of agony and looking around I saw griffins and minotaur's fighting with changelings and ponies. I looked back at Aero as he flew down to me. I leaped into the air and did a spin kick, hitting him into a building, as he crashed and flopped from roof to roof, I followed him from the air, my golden flames on my sword, while his javelin was silver with silver flames on it. Aero finally stopped his flopping and jumped into the air, inly to have me kick him into the last house he hit. I sent a wave of golden energy at him, the attack hit it's mark and destroyed the house. The gust of wind knocked griffins, minotaur's, changelings and ponies over. Aero appeared before me, his left leg and right arm regrew and his javelin returned. Our weapons clashed against the other again, more sparks flying. I could see Boulder and Gilda dealing with the small attack along with the changelings and ponies. Boulder and Gilda worked together perfectly. "It seems we have not considered you and your allies to be this strong. But it changes nothing, you will fall. And we will rise, even if I die here today. Lord Richard will end you all...." Aero said to me. I shook my head from side to side. "He won't, you know why?" He looked at me with a questioning look before I answered him. "Because we have a reason to fight, to live and if need be, to die. Richard only cares about conquest, nothing more, nothing less. He will never change." I explained before he nodded his head and sent a silver wave at me. I was beginning to grow annoyed by this fight. I changed my form, my new wings were golden, while my shoulders had golden flame caller, my tail was long and whip like, however at the tip, it was spiked, my hands and feet turned into claws, my cloths changed slightly, forming an all white tail coat, pants and shirt. My eye colors grew darker -darker for purple- and brighter -brighter for white-. I raised a hand and swept the wave in half like it was nothing. I stared at Aero, who stared back. We looked a lot like each other, just different colors. He raised his javelin before he threw it at me, I knocked it aside with a wing at the direction of most of the griffins and minotaur's. It exploded in a large silver dome, the wind knocked everyone over, including us. We landed on two different buildings I got up, my eyes met with Aero's and e rushed each other. I punched his right cheek while he punched my left. His tail whipped around and mine did the same. We both impaled each other on the other's tail. I moved away from each other, out tails covered in the others blood. Our wounds healed and we rushed each other once again, except this time I kicked him in the side, sending into another building. I saw Sapphire moving all the civilians inside the castle out of the corner of my eye. Aero appeared before me and knocked me into the ground with his left wing. He approached me, but soon froze when I stabbed my hand, strait through his heart. His eyes widened as he looked down. My hand all the way to my wrist, had pierced his heart. I twisted my hand before pulling it out. Aero grasped his chest, and was ready to fall. Until a woman came, her power was stronger than Aero's. She picked him up over her shoulder, looking at me, she held a sort of pity, before vanishing. The griffins and minotaur's that were left, soon vanished with her. I looked upon Canterlot, to see it smoking an rubble once again. I sighed before flying back to the castle. When I landed, Discord and Ovan had came to and gaped at my new form. "Is that permanent?" Ovan asked. I nodded my head before he grinned. "Badass bro, badass." He complimented me. I nodded my head again until Luna and Chrysalis rushed us, Luna to Ovan and Chrysalis to me. We shared a passionate kiss before we were both dragged to separate rooms forcefully. I did not mid, the two of them must have been needing us and we were going to deliver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chrysalis and I were panting and sweating. She had a large smile on her muzzle as she kissed me with fever. "You certainly know how to please a woman, Nova~." She purred to me. I nodded my head before kissing her back, holding her close to my body. We lay naked under the covers and Chrysalis sighs happily, laying her head on my chest. "It's good to have you back Nova. We missed you greatly." She said to me softly. I nodded my head before smiling. "Well there is something we want to ask you girls." She gave me the continue look. I nuzzled her gently, kissing her neck softly causing her to gasp. "We were thinking about you know, if you two wanted to marry us?" I asked slowly. Chrysalis stares at me before she screams happily, hugging me tightly ad kissing my face repeatedly with fever. "Of course we will! Luna and I will marry you!" She then kissed me again. The door burst open wit Luna running in naked, Ovan being dragged behind her with a large grin on his face. "You too? We're getting married t Nova!?" Chrysalis nodded her head. Luna screamed happily pouncing me, as Ovan went back into my body to rest finally. We kissed passionately Luna and I. Chrysalis nuzzled us gently before the two of them got a gleam in their eyes. I gulped audibly as they jumped me. The rest f the night was full of fun and then sleep. All of us had smiles on our faces, we were finally going to become a true family.