Midnight Appointment

by Holocron

(Bonus) The Next Day

Princess Luna calmly walked into the Canterlot Throne room. She has just returned from surveying the night and doing her best to "satisfy" her subjects, to help them appreciate the night more. When she entered the room, she noticed Princess Celestia standing in the room.

"Sister?!" Luna inquired with a curious tone. "What are you doing awake? It's almost three in the morning."

"We must talk dear sister." Celestia calmly stated.

"Of what?" Luna asked.

"I understand that you wanted to be more appreciated." Celestia sighed as she continued. "But your approach tonight was.....well...."

Princess Celestia guided her sister a somewhat sized crystal ball, showing her the images of ponies fleeing for their lives and cities being flooded.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS??!!" Luna demanded.

"This is what happened after you finished Luna." Celestia explained. "I agree that making the Moon bigger, by bringing it closer was an eccentric way to draw attention but it has brought disaster to Equestria."

Luna was dumbfounded, shocked, embarrassed and shocked. She thought she did a good job but it seemed like all she did was screw up big time.

"You must put the Moon back to where it was." Celestia suggested/ordered. "Manehattan, Filly Delphia, Baltimare, Yanhoover, and Las pegasus are flooded and the Hayseed Swamps are rising."

"Yes sister." Luna said with a sad expression.

With a grimace and maybe even a tear in her eye, Luna flew out into the remaining night to fix her mistake. It was only an hour before she returned and surprisingly had a big smile on her face.

"Luna?!" Celestia said in surprise. "Did something happen?"

"Something amazing and remarkable!" Luna said with glee. "While we was out moving the Moon back into place, we noticed countless ponies cheering for us and calling out our name with praise and worship!"

"That's amazing." Celestia smiled. "It seems you are beloved after all."

"Actually it seems nopony knew we were the ones who brought the Moon too close." Luna explained. "So when we put the Moon back into place, everypony thought we were a hero!"

"A hero?!" Celestia responded with a smile. "It's the least you deserve!"

"It's a start." Luna smiled. "Well now that we've 'Saved' Equestria, we shall go to bed."

Luna trotted off with a smile on her face. Despite the beginning, tonight was a good night.

"A hero eh." Celestia quietly said to herself, with a small chuckle. "I'm glad she's happy."

"A hero." Luna said to herself in triumph. then a thought hit her. "Maybe we should wear a cape."