//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Split Heritage // by Deathlightning21 //------------------------------// The sun shined into Sunlight’s room once more. With a groan, the young princess slowly raised from her bed and rubbed her eyes. She climbed out of the soft bed and over to her new mirror after she had broke her last one last night. She was a mess. Her mane went into every direction known to ponykind, her eyes were still dark pink from her crying, and the stained fur didn’t help either. She quietly pulled out her things to clean herself up and got to work. She had a rough night. After her mother left and kissed her forehead goodnight, Sunlight couldn’t seem to even get more than an hour’s worth of sleep until she finally collapsed. With the last touch up, she started to look like her normal self again. She activated her alicorn guise once again and trotted out of her room to find something to get her mind off of last night. Sunlight trotted through the castle and nodded to the occasional servant bowing to her, or a guard saluting her. She started to wonder how her mother could handle any of this attention that her people normally gave her. ‘Well,’ Sunlight started to think, ‘Mom isn’t a half changeling so she doesn’t have to block out the love overdoses…” With another sigh, she kept on her path through the castle’s many hallways. While Sunlight was not looking, a servant mare bumped into her and both of them crashed into the floor. Sunlight shook her head and looked at the mare in front of her. She seemed to be a maid that worked here in the castle. Her coat was a sandy blonde color which went well with her lighter blonde mane and emerald eyes. “Ohmygosh! I’m so sorry I wasn't looking…” Sunlight helped the maid up who was groaning. “I-It’s no trouble Princess Sunlight….” Sunlight had an even more worried look on her face. “B-But I trotted right into you! The floors aren’t so soft an-” Before the Princess could go on, the Maid simply shook her head with a smile. “I said it’s alright, Princess Sunlight. We might be mere servants in your employ but we know how to take a beating ourselves.” Sunlight slowly nodded, still not sure if this Maid was telling the truth about her condition. “Um… M-may I ask your name?” “You can ask me for anything, Princess. My name is Dusty Handmaiden, but most of my friends just call me Dust.” Dust smiled at the princess warmly. “It’s nice to meet you, Dust… um... say, I was wondering… What do servants do for off time?” Dust raised an eyebrow. “Why would you need to know that?” “I just need something to get my mind off of… something that happened yesterday...” Dust then understood what the Princess was trying to get across. The news spread like wildfire about what had happened yesterday to the young princess in Ponyville. How that cruel mare broke her fragile little heart was just terrible! Dust tapped her chin then got an idea. “Alright Princess, I have just the thing that somepony like you would just love to see.” Sunlight tilted her head and was about to ask what, but Dust just grabbed her hoof and whisked Sunlight away. Ponyville Sweetie Belle was just in a complete mind twister at the moment. She was trying to figure out what had happened with Sunlight the other day during their normal meetup. The events flashed through her mind in repeating fashion over and over again. With an audible grunt and a mental buck to the head, Sweetie laid her head down on the desk. “Sweetie? What seems to be the matter?” Spike asked, having heard the grunt on his way to the laundry room to wash some things up that was in the basket he was holding. “Oh it’s nothing, Spike… I’m just confused about something right now,” Sweetie explained to him, still having her head on the desk. “It doesn’t sound like nothing.” He had placed the laundry basket down and walked over to Sweetie Belle. “Now, let’s try to start from the beginning.” Sweetie raised her head and looked at her brother in law. “Well...You know Sunlight, right?” “Of course, who wouldn’t know about Celestia’s daughter?” “Well… I don’t know how it happened or what I did to set her off, but… I caused her to run off crying...” Spike was having a hard time believing that, she wasn’t called Sweetie for no reason. “How did you manage that?” “I already said I didn’t know what I did!” She said, slamming her hooves down and glaring up at him. “Easy, Sweetie Belle…” Spike held up his hands in defense, trying to show her he didn’t mean to make her mad. Sweetie’s face turned from an angry glare to a look of regret. “Sorry… I’m just so worked up about this.” She placed her face into her hooves. “What did I do wrong?” She asked herself and Spike. “I might know the answer to this little predicament.” A voice spoke up from behind them. Both of them looked up to see Rarity right there in the doorway. “Rarity?!” Both of them cried and rushed over to her side. “What are you doing out of bed?! With how close the baby is you should be in-” “Hush, Spike. When I hear my little sweet sister going through drama then I must be there to help her through it.” Rarity then pointed to Sweetie’s Belle’s bed. “Now get me on the bed.” With a sigh Spike picked up his beloved and carried her all the way over to the bed and placed her down softly. “Rarity… What did you say about knowing what's going on with Sunlight?” Rarity looked to her little sister and sighed. “It appears that the poor dear had a crush on you.” Sweetie Belle’s jaw almost hit the floor and her eyes went as wide as saucer plates “W-Wha wha wha… C-Crush…???” Rarity nodded. “It was quite easy to tell actually. The way she would talk about you with that happy tone, how she would just sit there and admired what you had to say...” Rarity giggled. “It was quite charming actually~” “This is serious, Rarity!” She sounded like she was about to actually cry. “How could I do that to her?! Just shoving Button Mash into her face like that is just so terrible!” She threw her head into the bed. “I’m terrible!” “Oh come on Sweetie Belle, its not like its your fault… Well, it kinda i-OW!” Spike rubbed his side after a hard elbow thrust and got the ‘shut it or you're on the couch’ look from Rarity. “What Spike is trying to say is that you couldn’t have possibly known about Sunlight’s crush when you told her about Button Mash.” Rarity tried her best to comfort her little sister in her time of crisis. “It was an honest mistake, Sweetie.” Sweetie Belle lifted her head to look at her sister. “But you didn’t see her Rarity, she ran off crying and didn’t even look back. I shouldn’t be anywhere near her ever again and I deserve anything Karma is throwing at me.” Rarity shook her head. “You’ll get nothing done avoiding Princess Sunlight like you plan to. You have to talk to her right away if you have any chance of fixing your relationship.” “Are you sure?” “Absolutely. I had to learn the same thing when I was around your age… Though it involved a giant snake monster and a petrified Rainbow Dash but thats a whole other story.” Sweetie Belle tilted her head slightly and was about to ask. “It’s better if I told you after this whole mess is cleaned up.” “Well, how should I do this? Write her a letter or something?” Rarity once again shook her head. “This is a very important matter Sweetie Belle, face to face is a more important way of working this out rather than a silly letter.” Spike scratched his head confused “But… Isn’t that how you asked me out?” “Hush, Spike.” Sweetie Belle looked to be in deep thought. “And whatever you pick, we’ll be there to help how ever you need us to help.” Rarity said to her placing a hoof over her sister’s own hoof. Spike joined in his own hand on top of Rarity’s and Sweetie’s hooves. “Alright, let’s go get my friend back.” Sweetie Belle smiled a hearty and determined smile. Canterlot Castle “Are we there yet?” Sunlight asked, trying to keep up with the maid who was much more in-shape then she was. “Almost Princess, it’s just right down this hallway.” “That’s what you said the last two hallways ago!” Dust giggled to herself. It was easy to forget that Sunlight was still somewhat of a child at heart and not an all powerful Princess like her mother or aunt. Just then after her giggling Dust spotted a wooden pair of doors that read “Staff Only” on a sign above the doors. Dust grinned and grabbed Sunlight’s hoof once more and rushed down to the set of doors. “Is this it?” Dust nodded. “It might not look like much but its something to see from the inside.” With that said, Dust opened the doors and reviled what Sunlight thought of a miniature juice bar. There were maids and butlers chatting over recent events, off duty guards drinking down cider and hoof wrestling, and ponies just seeming to have a good time with each other's company. “Welcome to the Servant's Quarters.” Dust smiled brightly at the stunned looking Princess. “This is… is… wow...” Sunlight tried to find the right words to describe such an unexpected sight. “I thought the servants just went home…” “Well, technically, this is our home. Most of us live here in the castle since we don’t really have homes of our own. Celestia and Luna are so kind for letting some of us stay here.” By this time most of the ponies noticed the Princess in the room and started to straighten up at the sight of her. Dust then turned to the ponies. “It’s alright guys, you can relax. Sunlight just wanted to learn more what we servants do and wanted to hang out with us… to, you know… get her mind off things.” Sunlight could see the faces in the room tense up and have a look of worry for the Princess. This caused Sunlight to shy away from them and blush. It seems that about the whole castle heard about her outbursts. “So, as her loyal servants and best of friends, we are going to show Sunlight here a grand time!” The ponies cheered and Dust swung a hoof over Sunlight’s shoulder. “Come on, I’ll show you around.” Dust explained and showed what the Servant’s Quarter had to offer. Their first stop was to the counter were many drinks were being served to the ponies there. “Two Sweet Apple Acre Ciders, please.” The pony behind the counter nodded and started to pour the drinks for the two mares. “What’s cider?” Sunlight asked her tour guide. “Cider is one of the best drinks out there. And the ones made by Sweet Apple Acres is the best cider you will ever taste.” The pony placed the two mugs in front of the mares and went to serve other ponies about. Dust grinned and picked up her mug and started to chug the sweet drink down while Sunlight slowly picked up her drink with two hooves and lightly sipped her first drink of cider. The drink taste so good~! Sunlight grinned and continued to sip from the mug as if it was a cup of tea. Dust placed her mug down and looked at Sunlight. The way she was drinking it just made her chuckle lightly. “I can see this is your first cup of cider.” Sunlight nodded, still having her grin on her face. “So Princess...” Dust started, lightly pushing her empty mug away mentioning for a refill. “What do you do all day?” “What do you mean?” “Well, it’s just that you never come out of that room of yours. The only time I do see you out of your room is when you're either with your mother or stepping out to let us clean it.” “I-It’s just that I’m in there studying my magic… and… stuff...” It was the half truth Sunlight just told to her new friend. The rest of that truth was that in her room, that’s when she could be in her real form and not in the Alicorn one. “Oh, alright then.” Dust could see that Sunlight was hiding something but she didn’t want to push the Princess any further. Sunlight returned to her drink, sipping the cider happily. As Sunlight was sipping, Dust started to hear the music cue up for a dance. “Hey Sunlight, wanna dance?” “I-I don’t dance…” She said through the mug as her mouth was still inside it. “Well, you don’t learn anything by not doing it.” She grabbed Sunlight by the shoulders and dragged her to the dance floor, leaving her poor mug falling to the ground. A group was already at the dance floor, dancing to the upbeat music that the band was playing. The music was unlike anything Sunlight had ever heard. Most of the dance music she had heard was from formal parties with royal guests and fruit punch. Here, the punch was replaced by the sweet taste of cider and the musician's violin was be played in a much simpler fashion. Dust had brought them to the center of the dancing, which made it no easier for Sunlight to start dancing. The Halfling watched as Dust cut loose as she seemed to dance like no tomorrow. Unsure of how to dance to this new music, Sunlight started to mirror Dust’s movements and started to dance just like how her friend was and was loving the feeling of each of the movement she mirrored. “Thats it, you’re getting the hang of it!” Dust cheered the young princess on as she danced. The other ponies seemed to stop and watched the princess dance and cheered her on. The feeling Sunlight was having was nothing short of amazing and wonderful. As the song started to finish up, Sunlight was now dancing on top of a table! When the song finished the servants cheered and applauded Sunlight for her mad dance skills. Sunlight was panting and looking at all of subjects cheer for her, and the love she was feeling from them tasted to amazing! It was like someone mixed in her favorite foods into a smoothie (ew). She was far too busy drinking in all of the love when she failed to notice her hooves starting to be caught in a green magic. Sunlight had her eyes closed, taking all of the love, then suddenly… It all stopped. She opened an eye to look at the ponies who were once cheering and chanting her name… yet were now staring up at her in shock and confusion. “What?... Is something wrong?” She asked them but no one seemed to answer her. Dust timidly stepped forward and was trying to form words to say something. “What is it Dust?” “Y-Y-Y-Your a…” “A what?” Sunlight had this bad feeling building up in her chest slowly. “A changeling spy!” One of the guards spoke up, quickly getting off of his seat and reaching for his spear. Some of his fellows started to follow suit. “How dare this bug impersonate one of our princesses!” Sunlight looked down at herself and gasped. Her guise had fallen and now she was fully exposed to them all. She looked back at the approaching guards, looking to arrest her! “No, wait! I can explain everything!” Sunlight tried to stop them with her begging words but they kept on advancing to her. Her body was shaking and her tears were forming quickly. Was she really going to be arrested and shunned by her own people?! The thought made her quiver in fear and hiding her head under her hooves, she started to whimper. “Stop right there!” Somepony spoke up from the crowd. Sunlight lifted her head and looked to the voice. It was Vanilla standing right at the door. The guards looked at her in confusion. “Why should we? Our orders are to bring in any Changeling spies that we find!” The lead guard pointed his spear Sunlight’s way. “And I think we just found one.” Vanilla trotted forward and socked the rude guard right in his gut. He wheezed out a curse and fell over holding himself. Vanilla shook her head and moved up to the shaken Sunlight. “Are you alright dear?” Sunlight nodded her head slowly. “Good. Lets get you back to your room and have a little chat about this.” Sunlight looked down the whole way as Vanilla marched her back to her personal quarters. Outside the Castle Sweetie Belle was trotting towards the castle’s large shining gates with fiery determination. She approached the two guards whom seemed to be talking to one of the maids. When the maid caught sight of Sweetie Belle, she threw her a scowl and trotted away. Sweetie wondered what that was about. She shrugged it off and looked to one of the guards. “May I come in?” “What for?” “I wanted to see the Princess about something. I have a message from Rarity that she wanted me to deliver to the Princesses.” Rarity had told her sister that this little fib was sure to get her inside. The other guard looked over Sweetie, then grew a look of distaste. “Strong Hoof, this is that mare! The one that Dust told us about.” “You mean the one that-” The other guard nodded his head to Strong Hoof. Strong looked back to Sweetie with the same look the other guard had. “Sorry miss, but the princesses are not seeing anyone today.” “But I have to-” “Quiet! We will not let you inside this castle, nor will any guard.” “You don’t understand, I’m trying to-” “Oh we understand well enough little girl.” The other guard spoke up. “Now beat it before we make you leave.” Sweetie sighed and slowly trotted away from the two. She was so close to apologizing for what she did to her, and now the entire castle was angry at her. She must have made Sunlight feel so terrible that the whole entire guard wanted to lock her away for what she did. She made it back to where Spike was waiting for her. “So, how did it go?” “I didn’t even make it inside the castle. Apparently they know what I did to Sunlight.” She sighed and sat down right there. “This is hopeless.” “Now don’t go talking like that. I’m sure there’s a way we can fix all of this before it gets any worse.” Spike looked to his side and saw a female guard trotting by them. “And I got just the plan to sneak you inside. Wait right here.” Sweetie tilted her head as she watched Spike trail after the female guard and lead her into an ally. Moments later she heard a loud crashing noise and Spike walking back with a bag he must have found in the alley. “What's your size?” “My size? What's that got to do with anything?” “I have a plan!” Spike grinned but Sweetie had a bad feeling about Spike’s new ‘plan’. Near Sunlight’s Room. Vanilla closed the door to Sunlight’s room and sighed. She hoped that this wouldn’t reach back to Celestia or Luna. If they found out that Sunlight blew her cover then the whole city might be in uproar. She feared for how Sunlight might be treated then if this went from bad to worse. “Um… Excuse me.” Vanilla turned around to see Dust standing right behind her. “Oh, Ms. Handmaiden. Cleaning duty is not for another 5 hours. You should just go back to your break.” “I’m worried about Sunlight. Hay, ALL of us are worried about her… If.. If that was even her.” Vanilla scratched the back of her neck. “Well… That was her. That was just a spell that had gone haywire and turned her into that new look. It’s nothing to be worried about at all.” “But I didn’t see her horn glow, so that couldn’t have been a spell.” The maid was getting serious now. “What are you hiding, Vanilla?” “Me? Hiding? Surely you jest, Ms. Handmaiden.” Vanilla chuckled and patted Dust’s shoulder. “Now just run along and return to your break.” “No Vanilla, I know something is wrong with Sunlight and I have to know!” Vanilla sent a deadly scowl Dust’s way. “You don’t have to know anything Ms. Handmaiden! The Princess’ wellbeing does not concern you or any other part of the staff. It was a misused spell and that’s all there is to it.” “N-Not all of it…” The two peaked their heads up and looked at Sunlight who was still looking like a half changeling. “It’s alright, Vanilla… I trust Dust with this.” “But Princess, she might let the rest of the castle know! This is a very important matter, you can’t just trust a random servant you just met today.” Vanilla fully turned to Sunlight. “Now go back inside and get some rest before anyone else sees you.” “Vanilla, your screaming might let the rest of the castle know about me.” Dust was now shocked to see Sunlight have such a stern tone and face. She always thought of her as a fragile little thing. “Now let Dust inside so I can explain it to her.” Vanilla sighed and, shockingly, smiled. “Alright Princess… You win.” Vanilla chuckled and trotted out of Dust’s way. “You can go in.” Dust blinked at the beefy mare then looked at Sunlight. She had a look that was just begging Dust to come with her. Dust slowly nodded and trotted into Sunlight’s room. Sunlight followed her in and Vanilla closed the door behind them and kept watch for any other ponies looking to talk to the Princess. Sunlight trotted over to her bed and Dust soon joined her on it. “So… Is this a spell? … A curse maybe?” Sunlight shook her head and shifted into her normal alicorn look. “This is the spell.” She shifted back into her halfbreed look. “This is normal.” “So you are a changeling?” Sunlight shook her head again. “N-No… You see… It all started when my mother met my father. He was a Changeling exile who was banished from his hive after the attack on my cousin’s wedding day.” “Princess Cadence?” Sunlight nodded again. “They fell madly in love with one another after staying with the other inside a cave. That’s where my father lived before he met my mother.” Sunlight looked down at her hooves. “Then I was born… The doctors and nurses were shocked at first, scared even.” She chuckled. “Scared of me…” “Why didn’t they tell anyone?” “Luna explained everything to them and made them promise to keep their mouths shut about me being half changeling.” She looked back to Dust. “She can be very scary sometimes..” Dust nodded. “So… What happened at the Servant's Quarters?” “I think it was from being tired and all the love I was eating.” “You can eat love?!” Dust looked at her in shock. She thought those were only rumors and scary stories about how Changelings interacted with other species. “Sure, all changelings need love to survive… Well, not me. I can still eat normal foods and can even sometimes block out the love around me.” Sunlight shifted uncomfortably. “But it smells so good sometimes… And I normally get overdosed sometimes when me and my mom visit the town. When that happens, I just normally pass out and my mom just says I have a medical condition.” “You overdose on it because you drink too much of it?” Sunlight shook her head. “No, its more like I pass out because I block it out and it overwhelms me.” “I see…” Sunlight sighed and layed down on her soft bed “It’s not easy… I can never go outside and let them see me for who I really am, wearing that stupid get-up just about everywhere I go… It’s so terrible…” She sniffled. “I know it’s safer to wear it because some ponies won’t understand… Like that guard at the juice bar.” Dust hugged Sunlight lightly and nuzzled her under her chin. “Thats not true. When you left, everyone - besides those plotholes - was so worried about you.” Sunlight looked down at her maid friend. “We are your faithful servants, Princess Sunlight, and your best friends.” Dust smiled at Sunlight warmly. Sunlight smiled back and nuzzled her friend. “I should get going. Don’t want Vanilla throwing me out when we’re like this~” Dust giggled and started to get up. Sunlight was confused by what Dust said. Don’t ponies normally lay down together in a bed nuzzling each other? But before Sunlight could think more about it, Dust laid a sweet, quick kiss on Sunlight’s cheek and scampered off. “See you later Sunlight.” And with that, she was out the door. Sunlight blushed hard and held the kissed cheek. She smiled and laid back down on the bed. Castle Gates “This is not going to work, this is not going to work, this is SO not going to work…” Sweetie Belle had that doubt on replay the whole way to the gates. Spike had the bright idea of dressing her up in some guard armor, thinking that would get her in. She sighed and kept trotting up to the gate. Strong Hoof, one of the two ponies at the gate, looked Sweetie Belle over as she approached. With a nod to the other they both opened the gate for Sweetie Belle. “Huh… I guess it did work…” Sweetie Belle relaxed and trotted through. “Good work guys… See you later… At the place we meet up.” Sweetie Belle said in her best gruff and tough voice. Strong Hoof just rolled his eyes. “New guards..” Sweetie Belle trotted faster when she was inside. Nothing was going to stop her from reaching Sunlight now.