Changing Moon

by twilightaura

Chap. 1: Chrystal

Chapter 1: Chrystal

“Luna’s POV”

The sun rose over Canterlot, the last week before the famed hearts and hooves day. Almost instantly the city burst to life, just like any other day, the wealthy ones set about going to early morning art shows and other such activities. The more average class begin their daily jobs, happily catering to all those who enter their respective shops. The tourists set around the city, trying to see all the sights, in the little amount of time that they have to stay in the city. All of them were excited about the coming holiday; many of the ponies were busy helping set up, hanging up large holiday hearts, streamers, and other such types of decorations. As the city prepared, the royal castle stood above them all, barely casting a shadow over the city, the multiple turrets rising majestically out of the building. The sun rose all the way into the sky, slowly starting its trek through the sky, bringing light for the day to all the ponies of Equestria. However the light couldn’t seem to brighten one part of the castle.

That’s where I am, younger sister of the god/ruler/princess Celestia. My job is to make sure the moon rises every night, and goes down accordingly in the morning. I have only been back for a year now, and throughout that time it has been extremely hard to get used to the laws this new land holds. Speech was the first to learn, but after a while I could speak just like anypony else. Within this time I have learned all I can about this century, and though I slip occasionally, I am up to date. There is only one thing that bothers me more than anything; I am one of the loneliest mares out there! It is harder than anything to try to find somepony special, and since we are one of the rulers of the land that throws all the chance we have out the window (still don’t understand that metaphor, where is… GAH! Stop thinking about that!) Why is it that we don’t get a chance, WE SHOULD HAVE ALL THE LOVE!!! Three sharp knocks sound on the door to the chamber, knocking the thoughts from my head.

“third POV”

The door to the room opened slowly, revealing a saddened Celestia behind it. She had been worried about Luna’s well-being for the past couple of weeks. As soon as Hearts and Hooves day had come within a month of happening, she had started being even more reclusive than usual. Slowly she started staying in her room more and more, until finally she shut herself in her room completely and the only time Celestia ever got to see her sister now was when she would come to lower or raise the moon. It saddened Celestia to see her sister act this way, she had only just finally gotten her sister back after 1000 years of loneliness, yet she felt more alone than ever. Luna looked tired, physically and mentally exhausted. She seemed to put on the closest thing she could to a smile, which ended up as very small smirk.
“Good morrow dear sister, how did you sleep?” she asked, her voice shuddering as she tried to act nice, obviously showing her depression.
“Luna, sister, are you ok?” Celestia asked, concern etched over her face, and voice heavy with sadness.
“we are fine, do not worry, we are just dealing with some things on our own” Luna said dryly, trying desperately to get her sister out of the chamber, just wanting to have more time alone… in her soothing darkness.
“LUNA!” Celestia yelled, tears slowly sliding down her cheeks, “please let me know what is wrong!”
“nothing is wrong, I just need more time to think on some things”
“PLEASE! You are acting the same way you did all those centuries ago, please don’t do this!” Celestia yelled, tears openly flowing down her cheeks as she lowered her head towards the ground, making the flowing mane she had hide her face. “I don’t want to lose you again, I don’t want to lose you like that again”
At this point Luna couldn’t hold it back anymore, and she started to cry as well bringing her older sister into a hug, who returned it in turn. Calming down the two sisters went and sat on the bed, Celestia looking even sadder than before.
“What is wrong Lulu? I just want to know so I can help with whatever I can.” She said draping one of her large white wings over her younger sister. Luna stiffened immediately as soon as she said this, but sighed quickly and looked sadly at her sister.
“We are depressed sister, we- I wish that I could be happier, but with our form it makes it hard” she said, looking straight at her sister with tears trikling down her dark blue cheeks, “WE ARE A NORMAL BEING JUST THE SAME AS ANY OTHER PONY! DON’T I DESERVE LOVE LIKE THEM AS WELL?!?!” Luna yelled, accidentally tapping into the royal Canterlot voice, quickly flinching and muttering a quick sorry. Celestia stared at her sister in a mix of shock and Bemusement. Suddenly she let out a giggle and hugged her sister once again.
“You want to find your special somepony! How could I have not seen this? You are depressed because the holiday surrounding love is almost here and you are not taken yet. Thankfully I might have a solution.” Celestia stated, ending with a wink. Getting up quickly, the sun goddess quickly exited the room with a spring in her step.

“Back to Luna’s POV”

Ever have a feeling when the world seems to grind to the halt and then start up going twice as fast? That’s how I felt after Celestia had gone out of my room, prompting me to gallop after her. She has to be joking right? With a yelp, I got pulled into one of the guest rooms, if you could call them that being more lavish than the most popular hotel.
“Take off the regal disguise, don’t worry the room is blocked from all outside eyes.” Celestia said, giggling slightly as her horn lit up, completely encasing her body in pink. As the spell faded, Celestia stood below Luna, around the same size as an average pony, her hair turned Hot pink which fell in haphazard ways across her face. I couldn’t help but laugh as she prodded the unruly hair.
“My hair never wanted to obey me” she said, a small pout forming on her face. With some concentration, I too cancel the spell holding my regal form as it was and in what felt like a flash of violet blue, was standing at eye level with my sister. With a flash, Celestia summoned a blue Lily out from thin air, smiling wildly.
“If this doesn’t get you noticed by somepony, then I don’t know what will…” Celestia said as she placed the flower in my hair. Almost instantly I felt my wings disappear, and my body stretch to fit myself. The entire process took only a minute, before my body stopped morphing. Summoning a mirror over I gasped in shock. The mirror showed a beautiful light lilac mare, with striking features and (whoa!) an extremely amazing flank. Her eyes were a deep emerald, and in her deep blue hair there sat a beautiful deep blue lilac.
“What do you think of how you look… Lily?” Celestia smirked, as she too donned a disguise, this time looking like a white Pegasus with violet hair. I watched her walk over to the window, before looking over her shoulder at me.
“See you tonight dear sister.” She said. With that she jumped out the window, making me groan suddenly realizing where she had been disappearing too for the past few weeks. Lighting my horn up in a bright blue aura, I teleported down to the gardens, surprising two mares who had been going for a stroll. Mumbling the password to one of the many secret passages out of the castle grounds, I ventured into the city. I felt great about this! By the end of today, I am sure I will have found somepony that likes me!

“8 hours later”

Argh! How could it be so hard to meet somepony! I have literally been combing the streets for anypony single and not a single one of them are! I sighed heavily as I sat down near a fountain. I appeared to be in one of the more fancy parts of the city. There was a small squeak near me, before there was a loud crash. Looking up, I noticed a mare had tripped over one of the benches and fallen down. Quickly walking over, I reached out my hand, trying to help her up
“Oh my Celestia, are you ok?”
“Ow.. I’m fine, don’t worry.” She started as she got up, suddenly starting to check me out. Sadly I had started doing the same thing. She was amazingly beautiful; her coat was a deep maroon, with deep forest green hair and eyes. She smiled at me slightly, before taking my hoof and pulling herself all the way back up to her feet.
“My names Lily, what’s your name?” I said, smiling wildly at her
“I’m Chrystal, nice to meet you Lily.” She said before turning to start walking away.
“wait!” I yelled, making her turn around again, “I was just thinking of going and grabbing some food, would you like to come and join me?”
“Are you asking me out Lily?” she asked, bemusement written all over her face.
“If that’s what you want, then yes.” I said, walking forward to catch up with her, bumping into her with my flank.
“Lead the way then.” She said, before moving slightly moving closer to me, as we walked towards one of the closer cafes.

“Later that night (3rd POV)”

Celestia laughed loudly, feeling a little bit tipsy after the night she had just enjoyed. Reaching the chamber of her sister she slowly opened the door to the room.
“Luna! How was your night? I had a great night, you would have no idea how many ways Rainbow Dash can use her tongue, when she says under ten seconds she means it!“ Celestia laughed before noticing that her sister was dead asleep. Moving closer she noticed her sister was talking in her sleep, something she should learn to stop. She continued saying “Chrystal” in her sleep before she rolled over and groaned happily. Smiling, Celestia exited the room, smiling with happiness from her little sister finally finding somepony to love.