//------------------------------// // Justice Is Served // Story: The Price of Cider // by StormLuna //------------------------------// The hour long recess seemed to pass by all too quickly for the defendants and seemed to crawl by for the Apple family and Juice Bottle. Finally Luna came out of her chambers. Purple Mane said, "All rise, court is now back in session." Everypony rose and once Luna got to the bench she said, "You may be seated." Luna continued, "Today I have heard testimony from both sides. Because of events which have happened has caused huge amounts of money to be lost. I have went over all the testimony and I have reached verdicts for all four defendants. All four of you rise." Diamond Tiara, Filthy Rich, Flim and Flam all rose. Princess Luna started, "Filthy Rich, on the charge of fraud involving artificial deflation of cider prices using a lie I am sentencing you to 175 years in the dungeon." Ivory Tower asked, "Your honor, isn't that a bit excessive?" Luna replied, "Order in the court! Further interruptions will result in you being held in contempt of court Ivory Tower." "Yes your honor." replied Ivory Tower. Luna continued, "Flim, for the charge of accessory involving artificial deflation of cider prices using manipulation shall receive 125 years in the dungeon." Flim looked dejected as he knew that he would never see the light of day again. He began to tear up a bit knowing that his lies and deceit finally caught up with him. Luna continued, "Flam, for the charge of accessory involving artificial deflation of cider prices using manipulation shall receive 125 years in the dungeon." Like his brother, Flam looked dejected and was wondering what would happen with their strawberry fields and gold mines. He had a bad feeling that they would be seized by the government instead of being passed on to other relatives. Luna read the final verdict. She continued, "And Diamond Tiara, for using manipulation to cause a pony to send a fraudulent message which would cause financial harm to many ponies AND mail fraud will serve time in the Equestrian Youth Detention Center in Neigh Orleans until the age of 18 when she will be transferred to the Equestrian Mares Penitentiary where she will serve 25 years of hard labor." Diamond Tiara shouted, "WHAT? BUT I'M JUST A LITTLE FILLY. YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME!" Luna replied, "You're right. I will just have you sent to the Equestrian Mares Penitentiary immediately where you will serve a sentence of 40 years of hard labor. Now be quiet or I will increase that sentence by 10 year increments." The prosecutor, Diamond Wings asked, "Your honor, what shall be done with the assets of the defendants and what about reparations for the ponies across Equestria who were harmed by the actions of the defendants?" Luna received, "The assets of the defendants will be seized by the government of Equestria and sold off to the highest bidder. From the value of these assets, it is estimated that they are worth 2 billion bits. Sweet Apple Acres shall receive a sum of 5 million bits for financial compensation and because of the stress it caused the Apple Family. The Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company shall be paid a sum of 800 million bits and the remaining 1 billion 195 million bits will be distributed evenly among other cider bottling companies and other cider producers across Equestria which were harmed because of this. If the money generated from selling these seized assets exceed 2 billion bits, the surplus will be split evenly between Sweet Apple Acres and The Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company." The four defendants were sulking and Diamond Tiara went into a rage. She shouted, "Luna, you ruled against all of us because you are friends with the Apple family! You ruled this way to spite the four of us! I hate you!" Luna's eyes began to shine brightly and using the loudest form of the Royal Canterlot Voice she shouted, "I WARNED YOU YOU SPOILED LITTLE BRAT, THAT SENTENCE OF HARD LABOR SHALL BE LIFE!" Princess Celestia heard this and ran into the throne room. She said, "Little sister, you can not go sentencing such a young filly like that. The moral thing to do would be sentencing her to a juvenile detention facility until she is a full grown mare and then let her go." Luna, with her eyes still glowing a bright white, replied, "Listen big sister, I do not use your moral law. What she did aided significantly in the financial ruin of many ponies and I am punishing her to the full extent of Equestrian Law. I handle all the legal issues in Equestria, remember?" Celestia sneered, "Oh yes, you do all the work while I just sit on my throne being pretty. I'm out of here." While Celestia stormed out of the throne room Luna led Filthy, Flim and Flam down into the dungeon while the Lunar Royal Guard hauled Diamond Tiara to the Equestrian Mares Prison for a life sentence of breaking rocks for no reason. After returning from the dungeon Luna approached the Apple family and Juice Bottle she said, "Come with me to the Royal Bank of Equestria so I may write you checks for the money awarded to you." They followed Luna over to the Royal Bank of Equestria where a check in the sum of 5 million bits was presented to the Apple Family and a check in the sum of 800 million bits was presented to The Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company. Applejack said, "Wow your Majesty, I didn't know checks worth this much even existed." Juice Bottle added, "Thank you your Majesty. Now we can get back to business and Apples, I do want you to know that in three weeks I will be coming to purchase cider from you guys again." Luna said, "Oh and don't worry everypony, the price for cider has been returned to where it was before and is currently trading at 153.75 bits per barrel. Investors are now very bullish since this has been taken care of." Applejack replied, "Why thank you Juice Bottle, we will have a thousand barrels of cider ready for you when you arrive. I hope we can do business with you guys every cider season from this day forward." Juice bottle said, "I hope so as well." Everypony headed home and life returned to normal for cider producers and the juice bottling companies. The companies that had to go out of business were able to reopen after they received their portion of the reparations. While initially on a smaller scale before the crash, they eventually were able to return to their former size.