The Continued Adventures of Tyro

by RainbowsAreMagic

Flight of the Pegasi

Chapter 3: The Flight of the Pegasi

Pinkie Pie had pulled through amazingly. Within hours of returning to the bakery, she produced a number of small, light, and durable rolls for the pegasi to carry with them. They didn't taste very good, but Pinkie assured Rainbow Dash that they would provide far more energy than regular bread would. The pegasus looked doubtful, but took her at her word. Fluttershy accepted her own supply with a quiet word of thanks, and the two pegasi began their journey.

Fluttershy could tell her friend was nervous about what lay ahead. Entering the forest was one thing, but looking for trouble there was something else entirely. Fluttershy knew the outskirts of the Everfree Forest well, but even as the two walked between the sparse trees near her cottage she felt unsettled.

The forest grew silent as the pegasi followed the old road to the Palace of the Sisters. That was the first thing she noticed. As Rainbow Dash chattered, Fluttershy shushed her gently. "Do you hear that?"

Rainbow Dash listened for a moment before replying, "do I hear what?"

"That's the problem, Rainbow Dash. At this time of day, the forest should be buzzing with activity, but I can't see or hear any animals at all. If they're here, they're hiding."

Rainbow Dash was nonplussed. "So?"

"If they're hiding, that means they have something to be afraid of, Dash. We'll be lucky if I can find any animals to talk to, at this rate."

"Let's keep moving, then, Fluttershy. Staying here will only make us a target."

Quickly, the pegasi resumed their travel. It was a short while before they reached a familiar clearing. Rainbow Dash looked around uncertainly.

"Isn't this that clearing where we met the manticore that you helped before?" No sooner had Rainbow Dash spoken than an orange paw reached out of a large bush and pulled Fluttershy inside.

"Rainbow Dash, I found the manticore... there's a small cave that I think he lives in over here. I think you might want to come inside and see." Fluttershy looked up at the dangerous creature, stroking one of its paws as the other pegasus cautiously pushed through the undergrowth.

"Fluttershy, get away from that thing!" Rainbow Dash was horrified.

"Don't be silly, Rainbow Dash. Manticores have long memories, and are pretty smart. This fellow remembers me from when I helped him before." She stopped a moment to think, as Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. "I think he's trying to protect me. He pulled me over here to get me out of the open, so I could share his hiding spot." She stroked the manticore with a hoof as she spoke. "He's shaking like a leaf, Dash. Primus must be pretty nasty to scare a manticore."

Rainbow Dash's stomach rumbled. "You know, now might be a good time to get something to eat. If this is a safe. Place, we should take advantage of this opportunity. We may not get another."

Each of the pegasi dug one of Pinkie Pie's travel rolls out of their packs, but Fluttershy surprised her companion by offering hers to the manticore.

"Fluttershy, are you crazy?" The blue pegasus opened and closed her mouth a couple times. "Why would you give him your food?"

Fluttershy smiled. "He offered us a safe place to rest. We should at least repay that hospitality."

The manticore ate Fluttershy's gift in a single bite, then looked at her entreatingly. "All right, you can have two," the pegasus conceded, and dug out another one for her grateful friend. Rainbow Dash looked at her like she was crazy.

"Dash, a little kindness goes a long way. Next time I see this fellow, he'll be a lot more interested in helping me." She looked at the manticore, who returned her smile.

Rainbow Dash had been given something to think about. He embodied loyalty, but it had to be earned first. That was what Fluttershy was really doing. By offering a gift of food to the no-doubt hungry manticore, she had earned its loyalty. Now she could count on him to help her in the future. He was a friend.

"I think I understand now, Fluttershy. Your kindness earned you his friendship, both before and again today."

Fluttershy smiled. "Maybe you should mention that in your next letter to the princess, Rainbow Dash. It looks like you learned something today about friendship."

The pegasi had already finished their meals, so they politely bid their new friend goodbye and continued on their way. To Rainbow Dash, the forest seemed a little gentler now. The silence was still oppressive, but it was a little easier now to bear. With warmth in their hearts and food in their stomachs, the pegasi were cheerful, even in these unwelcoming suroundings.

It seemed like no time at all before the pair reached the Palace of the Sisters. They could see the resting place that had held the Elements, as it lay empty. The ruins of the palace surrounded them.

Rainbow Dash seemed unnerved. Fluttershy knew this, and worried for what they might find. As the pair—for neither pony strayed far from the other—searched the ruins for hints of the released power, they found nothing, and then nothing again. The palace was empty. Nothing was there.

It was only when Fluttershy peeked over the cliff that either found anything out of the ordinary. It lay far below, in the wild forests beyond the ruined palace. Just what it was, neither could be certain, but something was down there.

Rainbow Dash, seeing her companion looking over the cliff, walked over to join her. "What is it, Fluttershy?"

The yellow pony's response was uncertain. "There's something down there. I'm not sure what, but there's something."

Rainbow Dash thought quickly. If Fluttershy became frightened, she wouldn't be able to fly. "Fluttershy, you stay here. I'll go down and check this out."

With that, the blue pegasus flew down from the cliff, approaching a rock formation that didn't look quite right. Then it moved, and Dash was able to see it for what it really was: a giant... something made out of dirt, rock, and plantlife. It looked unnatural as it rose to its feet, standing like Spike did. The thing was huge, and looked dangerous.

Remembering Twilight's caution, Rainbow Dash kept her distance, but it was to no use: the thing had detected her presence. It turned toward her, and boomed, "What mortal dares seek out Primus, primordial power of nature unbidden?"

That voice was as loud as Luna's Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice, and Dash stumbled in the air, startled by the volume.

The voice went on, however. "For what purpose have you come here, into my domain? Perhaps you intend to seal me away again? Not this time!" The primordial seized a tree, sending it hurtling at the pegasus, missing by inches as Dash dodged out of the way.

This was too much. She never would have admitted it, but Rainbow Dash was truly scared of this monstrous creature. Quickly, she flew back to the top of the cliff, to where Fluttershy waited.

"Okay, I've seen what we came here for. Let's get back to Ponyville. Let's go!"

Fluttershy quickly agreed, and the two rose above the trees, speeding back to Ponyville—and more importantly to Dash, away from Primus.

It was only when the pegasi reached Ponyville that the extent of the precautions became clear. Princess Luna was there, supervising preparations, probably because Twilight was in Canterlot looking at dusty old books. The two flew down to speak to her.

Rainbow Dash was direct, as always. "What's all this fuss about?"

The princess closed her eyes for a brief moment before answering. "Ponyville lies right next to the Everfree Forest, which is where the danger lies." The pegasus could hardly disagree with that claim. "With that in mind, the entire forest and the surrounding areas are under quarantine—no one goes in, and absolutely no one comes out. We were only awaiting your safe return to make the announcement."

Sadly, the princess of the night turned to Fluttershy. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but the quarantined area includes your cottage. Rainbow Dash has offered a place to stay in her cloud home nearby, if that is alright with you. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, but we just can't take the risk..."

Fluttershy looked unhappy, but she readily agreed that it wouldn't be safe to stay so close to the forest. Flying back to her cottage, she stopped to pick up Angel and a bag of carrots, then flew up to Rainbow Dash's cloud residence to finally get some rest. It had been a long day.