Princess Twilight Sparkle and her curious love life

by Idsertian

Lonely Night

Lonely Night

This is the story of a mare named Twilight.

Twilight was a student at Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns, where she was Princess Celestia's personal student. As the princess' personal student, Twilight's life was simple: she studied magic. Whatever theory, field or practical application the princess assigned her, Twilight studied it; learning how to manipulate the various magical fields, which ones to manipulate, and in what order. This is what Twilight did every day, of every month, of every year. And although others might have considered it hard work or boring, Twilight relished every moment of discovery, as if she had been made exactly for studying.

And Twilight was happy.

And then one day, something very important happened. Something that would forever change Twilight; something she had never even considered would happen to her until just then. She fell in love.

You see, Twilight thought falling in love was something that happened to other ponies. She would hear acquaintances, and later, friends, talk about boys, the colts and stallions that surrounded their lives, and would be utterly disinterested with the topic.

'What is the point?' she would think to herself. 'Why bother discussing something that will never happen to me?'

And she was right. What was the point? After all, didn't Twilight appreciate the graceful curves of her own gender, more than the angular lines of the other? She did, of course, but kept that little fact to herself. After all, filly-foolers, as ones such as herself were known, were considered to be oddities at best. Less charitable ponies might have referred to her as “unnatural”, “freakish”, or even “disgusting”. There were recorded instances, albeit old ones, of ponies being driven out of communities, even chased out of Equestria entirely in some very extreme cases, simply because they had the unfortunate luck to be born with a particular inclination.

Twilight had read all this in the books she avidly devoured between magical studies, and, even taking into account the efforts made by her own benefactor and mentor to change such attitudes in the past, decided to keep her proclivities to herself. At first she’d feared being cast out by her family, then expelled from Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, but as time went on, she began to fear getting found out by her friends. The thought of being chased from Ponyville by her friends, not to mention everypony else in the town, and having to return to Canterlot in disgrace was too much to bear. Yes, better that she keep her “interests” to herself.

This had the resultant effect that Twilight was left without a significant other in her life, a fact that she tried not to let bother her. Even after being sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia to learn about the magic of friendship, Twilight convinced herself that she preferred being on her own, nose buried in her books. After all, a partner would have just been a distraction, right?

And so this was how Twilight lived her life: hiding her real feelings, lonely romantically, though not wanting for friends, and doing her best to get by on a day-to-day basis.

But then she became a princess. And everything changed.


Twilight was reading. This was a very common occurrence. Indeed, one was more likely than not to stumble upon Twilight reading. She was laid down on some cushions in the main room of her library, book propped up against a stack of similar tomes, purple eyes silently tracking each line on the page with a speed that could only be attained through long hours of practice. Her wings were very slightly open, allowing the gentle evening breeze from her open front door to circulate underneath them, teasing the soft feathers on the underside. Wings had their uses, she supposed, but they made the sides of her barrel uncomfortably warm at times. The pleasant feelings caused by the air moving underneath them were just an added bonus.

But the breeze wasn't the only visitor allowed in by the open door. Drifting along on the currents Twilight welcomed into her home, were the strains of music; music that had a distinctly disco feel to it. Had Twilight been inclined to muse on such matters, she would have supposed that the annual Hearts and Hooves day festival was in full swing, and that Miss Cheerilee had finally convinced Ponyville's Mayor Mare to host one with the theme of the teacher's favourite music genre.

However, Twilight was trying not to be inclined in any such way and so attempted to concentrate on her book, with only the occasional ear twitch in the direction of her door, when the wind brought a slightly louder than usual burst of music.

Sighing, she turned the page with her magic, a deep pink glow briefly enveloping her book as the page flipped over, seemingly by itself. With Spike, her young dragon assistant, out enjoying the dancing and other festivities, Twilight was left alone in the library. A state she normally relished, but for the time of year.

Tonight, her friends were out enjoying themselves and having fun, searching for that special somepony amongst the crowd. Not so for the purple alicorn. On yet another Hearts and Hooves day, she would be without a marefriend on the one night the whole of Equestria celebrated love; a sad state of affairs indeed.

'No,' Twilight thought, frowning to herself. 'No pining for something you can't have, you know it’s not acceptable. You can’t afford losing everypony, least of all now. Just keep your eyes on the book and this night will be over before you know it.'

Twilight's frown tried to ease itself from her face as she once again lost herself in study, but her situation continued to play on her mind, making it increasingly hard to pay attention. All she really wanted was to be happy in life. That wasn't too much to ask, was it? Sure, she had great friends that made her happy, but… She wanted somepony who offered a little more. Somepony for comfort when life got too stressful, one who would offer a shoulder to lean on and a warm body to curl up close to at night. Was that so much to ask? Twilight's frown deepened.

“Stop it,” she spoke aloud, attempting to admonish her errant sub-conscious. The quaver in her voice robbed it of any authority, failing to convince even herself. “Aside from anything else, you're happier on your own. You know this.”

But she wasn’t. She really, really wasn’t. As she did every year when this realisation hit her, Twilight began to cry.

It was the same every year. She would try with all her might to put aside her feelings on this one night, but her loneliness would inevitably win out. She would then start thinking about all the fun her friends would be having, the fun she could not share in, and the tears would start. Slowly at first, as they are now, but soon Twilight would be face down, muzzle cradled between her legs to try and hide the sobs. As if on cue, her imagination broke free and visualised her friends having fun without her.

Rainbow Dash would be showing off on the dance floor, exhibiting her athleticism and her dance moves for all to see, making sure as many eyes were on her as possible. Pinkie Pie was no doubt well in her element, helping ensure everyone there was having as good a time as they possibly could, and maybe even better. Rarity was most likely sashaying around in one of her dresses, made specially for the occasion, sipping a drink and making eyes at the more presentable stallions. Even Fluttershy was probably having a good time, sat quietly somewhere away from the biggest group of ponies and enjoying the music.

And then there was Applejack. The only pony she cared for more than her other friends. Not that her other friends weren’t worthy of her feelings, it was just that Applejack was special.

From the moment Twilight had first laid eyes on her at Sweet Apple Acres, what now seemed like a lifetime ago, she had secretly appreciated the earth pony’s looks. Her coat was a pleasing shade of orange, her mane and tail were that rare shade of natural golden blonde and her green eyes, framed on either side by patches of freckles, glinted with an intelligence that her accent belied.

Her strength was also a wonder to behold. Entire trees were denuded of their apples with a single buck of her hind legs, she could easily pull three times as much as anypony else, even another earth pony, and still have the capacity for more. Twilight had experienced her friend’s uncanny strength first-hoof when, upon meeting her for the first time, the farmer had shaken her hoof with both of her own forehooves, holding herself up on her hind legs. The force of the shaking had been enough to make Twilight shift around on the spot, digging shallow tracks into the hard dirt underneath her with her hooves.

But it wasn’t just Applejack’s appearance and strength that had endeared her to the bookish pony, it was her personality as well. She cared for her friends and family deeply, often going far out of her way to help them, such as the time she volunteered to carry Fluttershy the long way up a mountain trail, simply because the fearful pegasus was too scared to move on account of the dragon above. Or taking the opportunity to earn more bits in Canterlot, so Granny Smith could get her hip replaced, when she could have been taking part in the festivities at the Grand Galloping Gala instead. She could also be stubborn sometimes, refusing help when it was offered to her. Infamously among her friends, she had tried to harvest the entirety of Sweet Apple Acres orchards all by herself, while also attending other engagements around Ponyville, ending up with the earth pony nearly dead on her hooves from exhaustion. But that was just her way, never wishing to burden anypony else around her and it made Twilight adore her even more.

And even though it could grate on other ponies, especially when she was being particularly brutal with it, Applejack’s honesty was a trait Twilight truly admired. When other ponies would be at least partially dishonest, Applejack simply told the truth as she saw it, however little the other party or parties involved didn’t want to hear it. She just wished that she shared the earth pony’s integrity enough to-

No. She wasn’t going to think about Applejack, not tonight and not like that.

The tears finally started rolling down Twilight's cheeks, then, as her imagination disobeyed her and spat a myriad of images into her mind of the one pony she had eyes for. The salty drops clung briefly to her chin, before falling and spattering onto the wooden floor. A small whimper escaped her throat and she dropped her muzzle to her legs, a sob heaving its way out her chest, followed by another. Soon she was crying quietly, but openly, her forelegs becoming wet with her sorrow.

“Why?” she demanded of the empty room. “Why can't I be like everypony else? Why can't I have somepony to love?” She continued in this way for a short time, matting the fur on her legs with her tears.


The voice came suddenly, so suddenly in fact, that the tearful alicorn didn't even hear it at first, wrapped up as she was in her sorrow.

“Twilight? Is everythin' ok?”

Twilight's ear twitched. There was no mistaking that country accent.

'Oh no,' she thought. 'Not her, not now! She can't see me like this!'

Hurriedly, Twilight lifted her head and faced away from the voice, using a foreleg to quickly dry her face.

“Oh, App… Applejack,” she sniffed. She turned towards her friend, who was stood in the open door, and hoped she didn't look too much of a mess. “I uh, didn't hear you come in! Was…” she cleared her throat. “Was there something you wanted?”

The Earth pony took a step into the library, allowing Twilight to see the look of concern on her face.

I was walkin' by on my way home, when I heard somepony talkin’ to themselves,” replied the earth pony, walking up to Twilight and hugging her. “Next thing I know, I see you with ya face buried in yer knees, practically bawlin' yer eyes out.”

As Applejack stepped back to look at her, Twilight's nose tickled as the other mare's mane dragged lightly across her face. She noticed that, while her friend was wearing her trademark hat, the red ribbon she usually wore to tie her mane back was missing.

'She must have taken it out for the festival,' mused the alicorn. 'She should do that more.' She realised she was staring and looked away, trying not to blush.

“Oh, I wasn't… that is… I, um…” Twilight cast about desperately for an excuse, something she could use to explain away her red eyes and wet forelegs.

“Twilight, all’s I got to do is look at yer face ta see somethin’s wrong, so don't bother tryin' ta tell me otherwise,” Applejack said, not unkindly. Twilight felt a hoof on her shoulder and she looked up into Applejack's eyes. There was a gentle smile accompanying them. She lowered her ears reflexively, ashamed at trying to deceive her friend despite the insignificance of the lie, though the orange pony showed no sign of minding.

“Sorry, Applejack. I- Wait, how much did you hear?”

“Less than I’d like, but enough to be worried, sugarcube. Now, what's wrong? Why’re you in here cryin’? Some jerk stallion stand you up or somethin’?”

“No, nothing like that.” Twilight looked away from Applejack, down at the floor. She couldn't admit what was wrong, or at least how she felt, not to Applejack. Her wings fluttered, betraying her agitation.

“Then, what? I didn’t think that lessons on wing preenin’ could be so moving.” Looking back up, Twilight followed her friend’s gaze to her book, which was still lying open against the other books stacked up in front of her. She chuckled weakly at Applejack’s attempt at humour.

“Heh, no, it isn’t. It’s just…” Twilight trailed off. She really didn’t want to tell her friend why she was so upset. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Applejack, she just didn’t want to risk her friend getting weirded out because of the way she felt. Even if she didn’t find it weird, there was still the risk that she might put two and two together and-


She was taking too long. She had to think of something, and fast. But what could she say? I’m crying because I like mares? Because my preferences will make me a social pariah? Because I secretly have a crush on you and don’t want you to know in case you’ll hate me and stop being my friend and tell the others who’ll also hate me and then I won’t have any more friends and that will disappoint Princess Celestia and then I’ll have to leave Ponyville forever and never see you again and-

“Equestria callin’ Twilight! You still there, sugarcube?”

Twilight snapped out of it and focused on her friend. The other pony was looking at her with a mix of amusement and concern. Well, she didn’t have to tell her the entire reason she was upset, did she?

“I'm just lonely, I guess,” conceded the alicorn. She looked away from Applejack, trying to hide her face and missing the nonplussed expression of the other mare.

“Wha- Lonely?!” she cried. “What about your friends? Me an’ the others? And your family?”

Twilight looked back up at her friend, a deadpan expression on her face. She watched as confusion dominated Applejack's face for a moment, before realisation dawned.

“Oh,” came the reply. “Well, why don'cha get a date? Plenty'a ponies still at the dance when I left. I'm sure you'll fin-”

“I can't.”

“Come again?”

“I said I can't.” For what seemed the millionth time that evening, Twilight looked away from her friend again in shame.

“Course you can, Twilight,” said her friend matter-of-factly. “It's exactly the same as makin' friends, all you gotta do is talk to somepony.”

“No, it's not that simple!” Twilight cried suddenly, jumping to her hooves. She started pacing, wrestling with both her desire to keep her secret, and not wanting to lie to her friend. “I can’t because… I mean… it’s not possible for me to… URGH!”

With that inarticulate shout of frustration, she sat down on the floor with a thump, her back to Applejack and head hung low. She heard her friend approach, but didn’t look up. Instead, Twilight wished she would just leave, or that she herself could disappear into a hole somewhere and never come out, just so she wouldn’t have to be in this conversation any longer.

“Twilight,” she heard Applejack say. “Twilight, obviously somethin’s bothering ya. Now, I don’t know what it is, and you don’t have ta tell me anything you don’t want to, but y’all should know you can talk to me.”

Twilight smiled up at her friend, ears flat, but grateful.

“Thank you, Applejack. I want to tell you, really I do, I’m just scared to.”

“Scared? Why?”

“I’m scared of losing you as a friend. Of losing the others. Of being forced to leave Ponyville and disappointing the princess. Please Applejack, please don’t make me tell you.” Twilight looked at her friend with pleading eyes.

“I ain’t gonna make you do squat, Twilight,” replied the farmer, gently. She sat down in front of her royal friend. “I just said you don’t have ta tell me anything. But why would you think any of us would stop bein’ yer friends? Heck, Twilight, if bein’ shy were such a bad thing, plumb none of us would hang around Fluttershy!”

“It’s not shyness. I… I’m just not like other ponies, ok?”

“Now there’s an understatement if’n I heard one! Element of Magic, alicorn princess formerly a unicorn, saviour of Equestria… Do I need ta go on?” She cocked an eyebrow at Twilight.

Twilight smiled again, in spite of herself. Applejack certainly had a way of making her feel better. Suppose she did tell her what was really bothering her? Would it be so bad?

“No,” she answered, chuckling slightly despite her unease. “But I didn’t mean like that. I meant… Argh.” Twilight fell silent again. No. Bad idea. She wouldn’t understand.

“Argh? That’s what you meant?”

“Yes. I mean, no! I mean, ugh, AJ I’m not, I mean I am, no…” Twilight struggled once again with her feelings. She’d been at this deception so long now, it was tiring. No one around her knew who she truly was. Not her friends, not her family, not even the princess knew (she hoped). Which was a good thing, right? But she was so lonely, so tired of keeping the facade up, and she just wanted someone to talk to…

‘No,’ said that irrational, yet oddly sensible part of her mind that helped keep her secret. ‘Tell her, and it will all fall apart. You’re better off on your own.’

Twilight knew her mind was right, of course, it always had been. What sense was there in ruining it all now, just because her crush was cracking a few jokes and making her feel good? Reluctantly, she abandoned the idea of telling Applejack what was really going on.

“Look, Applejack,” she began. Her head dropped again. “I can’t tell you what’s wrong. It’s just too personal a-and I’m ashamed of it. If anypony found out… You’d all abandon me, my family would probably disown me and I don’t know what Princess Celestia would think. She probably wouldn’t care, personally, but she’d have to be seen to do something, which probably means she’d take away my title and maybe even my wings, and-” Twilight felt herself hushed by a hoof against her mouth. Her startled eyes discovered the owner to be one Applejack of the Apple family, albeit looking very serious. Said pony took her hoof away and sat down.

“Twilight, I want you to listen to me very carefully,” said the farmer, locking eyes with Twilight. The princess suddenly felt terrified, yet utterly calm at the same time. As she stared into her friend’s green eyes, butterflies were doing loops in her stomach, while her heart felt like somepony was injecting liquid nitrogen straight into it. The only thought that echoed in her mind in the moments before Applejack spoke again, was:

‘Oh Goddess, I said too much! She knows!’

Her fears, as it turned out, were unfounded.

“I don’t know where ya’ll are gettin’ the idea that your friends are gonna up and abandon you, but it’s going ta stop. Right now.” Her expression softened a bit, resolving to one of sympathy. “Because we’re exactly that, your friends. Now, I can’t speak fer your family, or the princess, and I don’t know what kinda terrible truth about yerself it is that you’re guardin’, but I do know there ain’t no secret that’s gonna split us all from you; least of all me.” Applejack suddenly leaned in to nuzzle Twilight's neck, the alicorn returning the gesture automatically, startled by both how easily the motion came to her, and Applejack’s kind words.

‘She smells like grass and cider,’ she thought involuntarily. Another blush threatened to rise on her cheeks at the rogue thought. The two ponies pulled away from each other again, and Applejack continued speaking.

“Like I said before, you don’t gotta tell me anything, Twilight. You’re lonely, that’s why you’re upset and that’s all I gotta know on the subject. If you ever want to tell me any more than that, that’s up ta you. You know I'll always listen and I ain't gonna judge you for nothin'.”

Twilight was simultaneously relieved and taken aback by the words of her friend, though she knew she shouldn't be. Applejack was one of the kindest ponies she knew, second only to Fluttershy, but the fact that she wasn't being interrogated by one of her friends to find out what kind of dark secrets she was carrying was an utter relief. Tears welled up in her eyes for the second time that evening.

“Applejack,” she started, her breath hitching. “You have no idea what that means to me right now, thank you.” She threw her forelegs around the earth pony, beginning to sob into her mane. “Thank you for being so understanding.”

It was barely a few seconds before Twilight felt Applejack return the hug in earnest, squeezing her tight. She began sobbing even harder.

“It's alright, sugarcube,” she heard her friend say. “You're ok. Let it out.”

The two ponies sat together for awhile, the only sound from either of them being Twilight's crying. Once she had calmed down to just sniffles, she pulled away from her friend, drying her eyes and trying to get her breathing back under control.

“S-sorry,” she stammered, wiping her eyes. “I guess I needed that.”

“Ain't no problem, Twi,” answered her friend. “'S what I'm here for.”

Twilight glanced at the clock she kept on one of the library's bookshelves. Ten o' clock.

“Oh! Applejack, I'm sorry to have kept you so late, you probably wanted to be back home by now.”

“Don't you worry about that, Twilight. I think shoulderin' a few of my chores tomorrow morning because I'm sleepin' in is punishment enough for Big Mac, seeing as how he was teasin' me for supposedly making eyes at some pegasus stallion.” Applejack wore a smug smile, causing Twilight to giggle.

“He said that?”

“Less said, more implied. Because, you know, 'Eeyup'.” Applejack's attempt at impersonating her less than verbose older brother's deep voice was too much for Twilight, who burst out laughing.

“Well now,” said the farmer. “That's a happier Twi, fer sure.” Twilight brought her laughter under control before replying.

“Well, not really,” she chuckled. “But thanks for the laugh, anyway.”

“You're welcome.”

Silence followed for a few moments. Twilight began to feel awkward, as if she should say something, but didn't quite know what it was. Fortunately for her, a certain young dragon chose that precise moment to interrupt the awkwardness.

“Hey Twilight! You wouldn't believe what a good dancer Cheerilee is when she gets going, she had the whole place cheering her on and- Oh, hey Applejack! I thought you went home?”

“Hey there, Spike. I was on my way there, just decided to stop by and talk to Twilight, since I was walkin' by and all.” Twilight was grateful the farmer hadn't told her number one assistant just why they'd been talking. But then the purple dragon innocently asked the one question she hoped he wouldn't, even as she knew it was perfectly reasonable for him to do so.

“Oh yeah? About what?” Spike raised an eyebrow curiously.

Twilight had a track record for not remaining entirely cool under pressure.
Her time-travelling escapade, the “Miss Smartypants” incident, her magical flame-out when trying to understand Pinkie Pie’s “Pinkie Sense”, her nearly disastrous entrance exam as a filly… All spoke of her tendency to over-react to, and obsess over, problems.

As a result of these shenanigans, Twilight had made considerable efforts at trying to keep her highly active imagination under wraps when stress threatened to consume her. Tonight had not been one of her better nights, but in a flash of her usually brilliant self, she came up with a get-out clause that would prevent Applejack from having to come up with one of her infamously unconvincing lies.

“Just icky, grown-up girl stuff, Spike,” Twilight lied smoothly. “Nothing very interesting for a baby dragon.” Spike “harrumphed” at that, closing the library door with a claw.

“Well, when you guys start talking about hoards of tasty gems, or need a ferocious fire-breathing dragon, let me know,” replied the dragon, walking past them to the stairs. “For now, I'm going to bed. Goodnight you guys.”

“Goodnight, Spike.” Twilight let out a sigh once Spike was out of earshot. Too close.

“Spike don't know either?”

“No,” answered Twilight. “What would be the point? He's too young to understand.”

“Hey, I'm an adult and I barely understand any of this 'grown-up girl stuff',” joked the farmer.

“I know it isn't fair of me to tell you something's wrong without telling you what, AJ, but-”

“It's ok, Twilight, I told you. It's your business, you tell me if and when you're ready. For now, I'll just listen when you need it, ok?”

“'d do that? For me?”

“Well, duh. Ain't I said it enough tonight, Twilight? I'm your friend, silly filly.” Applejack booped Twilight's nose gently with a hoof. “'S what friends are for.”

Twilight giggled. The gesture would usually annoy her, but coming from AJ, it just felt right.

“Thanks, Applejack.”

The other mare glanced out of the window in the door, before looking back at her.

“Say, Twilight,” she started, another kind smile on her face. “Nopony should be alone on Hearts and Hooves night, how's about an unplanned sleepover? Not sure I'd feel right leavin' you alone when yer this upset.”

Twilight started, again fearing her friend had realised what was going on, before her brain pieced together what was being said. She grinned, partly out of relief, and partly out of joy. Applejack wanted to sleep over! Ok, it wasn't anything to do with how she felt, but still! It was Applejack! However, it paid to be prudent, no need to drop any unnecessary hints.

“A sleepover? I'd love-I mean, wouldn't that keep you from your work tomorrow?” Applejack waved a hoof dismissively.

“Nah. This time of year, we're just waitin' on things to grow. The only stuff needin' done is feeding the animals, and Big Mac can do that. Besides, I said I'd put him in his place, didn't I?” This last was punctuated by a mischievous grin on the farmer’s face.

“Yeah, big brothers need that sometimes,” Twilight chuckled. “I'd love to have you over tonight, AJ. Thank you. I don't know about you, but I'm thirsty after all this talking. You want some hot chocolate?”

“Let’s treat ourselves. You got anythin' harder?”

“Umm,” Twilight thought for a moment. “I still have some of last year's cider in the basement, would that do?”

“Yup, I reckon it might.”

“Perfect! I'll go get it. You make yourself comfortable.”

Twilight practically danced down the stairs to the lower floor of the library, nearly face-planting at the bottom in her eagerness to find the drinks. Using her horn as a torch, she rummaged around in the basement for the crate of cider. Discovering it tucked away under one of her workbenches, she pulled it out and lifted one of the bottles close to her face with her magic, inspecting the glass container for cracks, or any sign the drink had gone bad.

As she turned the bottle, she came face to face with Applejack. Or, at least, her photographic doppelgänger on the label. She was stood alongside her family, with Big Mac as stoic as ever, Granny Smith delivering a warm and comforting smile and Apple Bloom, who was grinning ear to ear, enjoying what was likely her first time being photographed for the label.

Twilight stared at the image of her friend, feeling that sensation of her stomach flipping once again. It was just a picture, there were hundreds like it in Ponyville, but to Twilight, it had captured her friend's essence perfectly. None of the rest of it mattered. Not the family around her, not the barn behind her, just Applejack herself. Her happy smile, her cocksure stance, that glint in her eye that said she could handle anything-

“Twilight? Ya need any help down there?”

The real Applejack's voice cut through Twilight's daydream, startling her. She shot a guilty glance back up the stairs.

“No thanks,” she called back. “I got it!”

She looked back at the bottle longingly.

“I love you,” she whispered. Gasping, she clapped a hoof over her mouth. The words had left her unbidden before she could stop them. It wasn't a true admission, she'd spoken them to a bottle after all, but somehow she felt better for having said it. Not a huge amount, but her thoughts were calmer now, at least.

Now that she'd said them, Twilight was no longer certain her conviction to not tell her friend those exact same words would hold forever. The thought terrified her, but she pushed the feeling to one side. Tonight, Applejack was still her friend and so tonight, she was going to get drunk with her.

Bringing the bottle to her lips, Twilight laid a gentle kiss on the picture of the farm mare. Levitating it onto the workbench she'd found the crate under, she left it positioned so that the picture of Applejack appeared to be watching over the basement.

Satisfied with the placement, Twilight picked up the crate with the rest of the bottles and trotted back up the stairs to where her friend was waiting.

Yes, tonight might not be so bad after all.

For the rest of that evening, and indeed some of the following night, Twilight stayed up with Applejack chatting, playing games (albeit in a slightly drunken manner, including an ill-advised attempt at flying while under the influence) and generally doing the things that friends do when having a good time together. When they both finally tired enough of their antics to fall asleep, Twilight did so with her head resting on an orange back, the scent of grass and cider filling her nose.

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