My Little Luna


Chapter 2 [EDITED]

I...I just didn't think I was sane anymore. Then again, at least she's not an alien.

Luna! The alicorn princess, who rules over Equestria! Well, alongside Celestia. The same pony, who is immortal, and became Nightmare Moon! The same being who raises a moon for Christ's sake!

A Little filly from a children's cartoon show called My Little Pony no less, is in my apartment! As a filly! Haven't watched THAT show in... what was it like two years ago? While I was going over how this was possible in my head, she just... stared at me. With those...marvelous, cartoon eyes of hers. I believe they are to be teal colored. She was on the opposite side of the couch, in again, a tense little ball of fur. I could see the tears coming from her eyes.

"Shhhh, hey it's alright. You're the queen of the night after all."

I then notice that she already has her crescent-moon cutie mark imprinted on her baby blue flank yet. She's not a queen yet though I guess.

"Fwends?" she squeeked.

She started to relax her tense muscles, slowly scooting her way over to me. Still looking at me with those, I-don't-fully-trust-you eyes. She just started whimpering. She was scared. So of course she'll be showing it. "Maybe I can-", then the stench of an unwashed creature invaded my nose.

"My my, you haven't washed in a while have you?" She gave me a funny look. I was calm with my voice, "Come now, We'll get you cleaned up!"

I picked her up again and led her into the bathroom. She squirmed a bit, but settled down after about 5 seconds. I set her down on the toilet-top and turned on the warm water nozzle. I then put my hand under the flowing water, just to make sure it wasn't TOO hot. I go back to pick her up, but she is already at the side of the tub. Her eyes wide, curiosity replacing sadness. She had her neck stretched beyond the bowl of the tub looking at the flowing water. I gently pick her up and set her down gently in the warm water. Making sure there's enough water, I turn off the nozzle that was slowly filling the tub, not a moment ago. Luna had a big smile on her face. The first smile I've seen her wear. She was buzzing her, little foal wings with excitement.

She was splashing about the luke-warm water with her horn aglow. Don't know exactly what the glowing horn does, but oh well. Moving on. I picked up a bar of Irish Spring ad started to scrub her down. She looked like she had a soothed expression on her face. That is, until she decided to lick the bar... more like a crunched up disgusted face after that. After I was done washing her, I picked her up and dried her off. She went back to that frightened expression of hers after. Not as frightened, but a little bit cautious.

She looked tired as well. Like EXTREMELY tired after her bed, so I set her to bed in my room there after and proceeded to the couch for the rest of the night. I didn't here much, so I started drifting off into deep thought. How is she here? What will Celestia do when she finds her? IF she finds her. What will happen to me? How will I raise an alicorn princess? How long will I have her for? What would the government do if they found out?

Have I gone completely insane?




"What has happened to my sister?!" a slightly agitated Celestia spoke, while sunken in her thrown. Depression clearly evident on her ancient face.

"All we can confirm at this time, is that while handling the problem, she vanished." Hours after the moon princess' disappearance, Celestia made sure every agency in Equestria would find her sister safe.

A brown stallion was standing there. In front of the ruler of the land. He has been trying to figure out this...whatever it is that has happened. He had a cutie mark of a magnifying glass, and a notepad.

"We cannot pin-point the exact phenomenon in which this event has happened, but all we can conclude is that it had something to do with.... lightning.

Celestia rolled her eyes.

"Is that all the information you have at this point?"

He stumbled a bit. Shocked by her earnest remark. "Y-yes your highness"

A look of grave disappointment and sadness washed over here alabaster face of hers. Even greater than the one that I had mentioned before.

Her eye also gave a slight twitch knowing that they had made no progress whatsoever.

"Very Well. Keep up the search, I will be in my quarters."

"As you wish."

Celestia rose from the thrown and strutted down a side hallway. Maintaining her composure as she walked along. She did though, maintain her distraught look as well. She bumped into a maid as she followed the hallway down. "Evening mistress." The maid caught hold of her distraught demeanor. "Are you alright?"

"Yes yes, quite fine. Now go about your business." The white alicorn said as she was already ten steps off.

At the end of the hallway, were two, moderately large door.With a spark of magic that burst from her horn, she opened them. Walking through them she slams her bedroom doors behind her. She drops herself on the soft mattress. She stretched our all four of her legs and hooves.

She sighs.

"Oh Luna, where could you be."

She opens a near-by window with a glow of her horn. She then looks out unto the night sky, filled with the stars...and the moon. A white, glistening orb in the sky.

"I don't want to lose you another thousand years."

A tear runs down her cheek.


Is she going to be angry with me? Am I going to be punished for something I don't know of? Will I have to deal with the heartbreak, like that poor soul from My Little Dashie endured? Is anyone else going to find out?

I got up and headed to the door. Locked it up and threw my keys down on the coffee table. I heaved myself on the bed. I proceeded to take off my two sweaters and use them as blankets on the couch, since the covers were being used by my young companion in my room. I slowly closed my eyes thinking of what to come...

I was drifting...finally some sleep.

I heard the door creep open but I was too tired to care.

As I go out cold, I swear I could feel something warm-
