//------------------------------// // Date Twenty-Seven - Blue Belles and Green Mushrooms // Story: Cheerilee's Thousand // by xjuggernaughtx //------------------------------// Cheerilee leaned over the velvet rope, peering into the display. “Look at that!” she breathed. “I know! Isn’t it something?” Blue Belle pointed to the placard. “It says here that this vase comes from the Sumareian Era. The level of detail is just amazing!” Cheerilee nodded, stepping quietly to the other side of the display. She didn’t want to miss any of the exquisite craftsmaneship. “Oh, I never thought an exhibit of this magnitude would ever tour through little ol’ Ponyville!” “You should see the collection in the Manehattan Museum of Cultural History,” Blue said, shrugging. “This is nice, but that exhibit was truly incredible!” Cheerilee ripped her eyes away from the mask, her ears perking up as she stared across at the mare. “You’ve been to the M.M.C.H.?” “So many times!” Blue replied, rolling her eyes theatrically. “I used to live five blocks away. Volunteered there for a while, too.” Cheerilee clasped her hooves to her chest, sighing. “Oh, that would be like a dream come true. If it weren’t for the foals, I’d seriously consider moving there.” “That’s right!” Blue Belle said, smiling. “You’re a teacher, too! When did you start?” Cheerilee put a hoof to her chin. “Well, it was right out of college, so… about fifteen years ago, I guess.” Blue Belle gave her a big grin. “It’s been seventeen years for me. It seems like it was only yesterday.” She trotted over to a nearby ceremonial mask. “Time just flies, doesn’t it?” “It’s the foals,” Cheerilee said, nodding. “They’re so ‘in the moment.’ Every second with them feels so important.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Then you look up one day and find out that fifteen years has gone by…” Blue Belle elbowed her lightly in the ribs. “Well, just wait until you get to where I am. It’s even harder at seventeen years.” Cheerilee’s brow furrowed. “Well, I guess…” Blue tilted her head, squinting at the mask. “So how many do you teach?” “Right now, I have twenty, but it fluctua—” “Yeah, they stuck me with twenty-three this year. Oh, did you notice these?” Blue pointed to a series of stylized foxes carved onto the brow of the mask. “But twenty-three! Sweet Celestia, it’s so much more difficult!” Cheerilee scratched her mane, looking away for a moment. “I… I suppose, but I don’t see that it would make that big of a difference.” Blue smirked, rolling her eyes. “Oh, you’ll see one day. They’ll stuff a few extra foals in on your class one day, and then you’ll see.” Blue trotted to a bench and sat, groaning with relief. Lifting her rear hoof, she began to massage it. “All this walking,” she said with a small, apologetic shrug. “So tell me a little more about yourself. Where did you grow up?” Cheerilee hesitated for a moment before sitting. Something about this conversation was bothering her, but she couldn't put her hoof on it. “Well, my family owns a farm just outside Croopersville. We didn’t have much, but we managed. They even put away a little money to help with my college tuition.” Cheerilee rubbed her eye as it threatened to tear up. “I don’t know what I would have—” “Oh, I know exactly how you feel,” Blue Belle said, working on her other hoof. “My family was on a farm, too, but my father died.” The mare fished for a handkerchief in her saddlebags. Sniffling, she blew her nose into it. “Even though we usually didn’t have enough money for meals more than a few times a week, my mom somehow managed to save up enough money to put me through college.” Cheerilee leaned away, squinting at the royal-blue mare. Let's try something. Blue Belle turned, looking behind her for a few seconds before turning back. “What?” she said finally. Cheerilee kicked her hooves out in what she hoped was a casual manner. “I was really lucky, though,” Cheerilee continued. “I was accepted into Celestia’s Junior Officer Training Corps. They helped Mama pay for my college courses. We couldn’t have done it otherwise.” Blue Belle gasped, her hooves flying to her cheeks. “No way! Me, too! What rank did you get?” “I’m a, um…” Cheerilee cycled through military ranks in her mind, trying to remember which fell where. “Uh… corporal?” Blue Belle nodded. “I was a captain.” Cheerilee arch an eyebrow, frowning. “You must have been very talented. Why didn’t you stay in the military?” “Well, why didn’t you?” Cheerilee ran her tongue slowly along the inside of her teeth as she considered how best to answer the question. “Well, the truth is, I’m still in the military.” she finally said. “I do covert missions—” “Me, too! I’m part of Celestia’s secret guard!” Blue blurted before slapping a hoof over her mouth. “Ooh, I shouldn’t have told you that!” Cheerilee pursed her lips, crossing her legs tightly across her chest. “But my real passion is marine biology. I just returned from the Gallopagos Islands yesterday where we discovered three new species of fish.” Blue brought her hoof to her face, casually examining it for nicks and cracks. “That’s so amazing! I just got back this morning from the Hayman Island where we found thirty-three new kinds of monkies.” Cheerilee’s eyebrows knitted together. “What do monkies have to do with marine biology?” “They’re new,” Blue replied slowly, her voice filling with patience. “Sea monkies. Very rare. Nopony’s seen them before. I’m not surprised that you haven’t heard of them.” Cheerilee put her hooves on her hips, her lower jaw jutting foward. “I galloped a 10K last week—” “I won the Hosston Marathon!” “—but I caught a cold right afterward!” “I got pneumonia for nine weeks!” Cheerilee jumped up, throwing her hooves into the air. “Okay, I’m done. This is ridiculous!” “Huh?” Blue said, her face clouding. “Done with what?” “This!” Cheerilee replied, motioning back and forth between them with a hoof. “You must really think I'm an idiot.” Blue rose, her face turning purple as she flushed. “What’s your problem? I’m just trying to get to know you.” “Well, I’m wondering if anypony knows you with the tales you tell!” Leaning down, Cheerilee scooped up her saddlebags and threw them over her back. “Thank you for a perfectly dreadful date.” “Pfft! I’ve had way worse dates than y—” Blue squeaked as Cheerilee’s hoof encircled her muzzle, squeezing it closed with a grip of pure iron. With a grunt, Cheerilee dragged the mare forward until their faces were just inches apart. Blue ceased to struggle under Cheerilee's intense, unwavering stare. “No,” Cheerilee growled, shaking Blue’s muzzle slightly as she spoke. “No, you haven’t.”