//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: My Little Luna // by IAMCHEEZY //------------------------------// "Hello." "Huh?" "Sorry to barge in uninvited but you know how it goes." "Wha-?" "As you know you've had a pretty pitiful life, especially since your brother's death." Who is this?! "I'm just a dream, but you would know that, since you have created me," said the voice a little mischieviously. "So maybe I am, maybe I'm not your imagination, but I still intend to help you." Help me... with what? And how does this guy know what I'm thinki- "Oh one question at a time please!." "How can you read my thoughts?" "I, am but a humble dream. As I told you already." "Alright, now who the hell-" "Does my name change anything?" "I guess not, but-" "Then pray tell why you must ask?" Hmmm, why would it- "Oh! I see! It doesn't! Well that was a waste!" "Alright, this guy is really getting on my nerves-" "No need to have bad relations at our first meeting." "First meet-?" "Too late times up! You have a filly to tend to!" "But-" BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! *** I slowly open my eyes- SON OF A BITCH! I don't even have time react before my face is assaulted with a series of blows(mostly at the cheek bone area). Quickly followed by a, less-then-comfortable take-off, jump using my face as propulsion. WHAT THE HELL?! I felt around the couch to see if my little friend was still here. She wasn't. I looked around the room. There you are. I saw the small ball of fluff, shaking in the corner where the white walls met. The color of her blue fur shined in the overcast sunlight. Her eyes were filled with tears, and terror. Looks like I do got a filly to tend to. "You're welcome." Huh? Oh whatever. I quickly sprang up and made my way over to the little pony I had just got aquainted with the night before. I want to be angry, but she's just afraid right? Also like to mention, NO ONE can be angry at someone as cute as this! She pointed to the, still ringing, alarm. "Hey now its just an alarm everything's fine now." I said in a soft-soothing tone. Luna looked at me with those huge cartoon eyes of hers. "It's safe. Trust me." "...You pwomise?" She eyed me carefully. "Yes I do." I eventually find the off button and turned the god-forsaken thing off. I looked back with wary(more like tired) eyes back at the toddler. "See? Nothing to worry about!" She unfolded out of her ball-like state. She looked up at me, then looked at the alarm. She started walking to the metal object. Carefully, she stuck her hoof out to it. She was shaking like hell(bless her heart). The little foal finally gathered the courage to touch it.. She got a huge grin on her face. "Aaaawwwwaaarmm," she said as trying out the new word. "Awarm! Awarm!" She managed to spit out a few gleeful words. Damn that voice is cute! Walking over to me, in her new found pride, she strutted along the carpet like she owned the place. Luna paused, and looked upward to me. Her grin was- no wait, it wasn't a grin anymore, she looked very unsure all of a sudden. "What's wrong my little friend? Is I-" Her stomach proceeded to grumble loudly. "Oh oh, I see, come now, you need some breakfast!" She looked at me confusedly. "You know, breakfast!" Luna had an even more questionable look on her face. "Bweaakkfaass?" I pick the, now curious little foal, up from the cold carpet surface and make my way to the kitchen. I set her down on the counter, and begin to work my magic.Now where did I put the butter... *** "Excuse me! We think we've found a break in the problem!" The same brown stallion was back, but this time, having a more prideful demeanor. Celestia looked up from her chair. "I told you, I don't want to be disturbed right now." Her voice barely keeping the motherly calmness she usually posses. Having the slightest hint of venom. "You don't understand your highness! We have found a-" His voice was cut off by a blast of magic whizzing by him. He stood there paralyzed. "I told you to leave my presence. It has been a month and all of your so called 'searches' have ended up cold. Now GO!" Using the Royal Canterlot voice maybe was too much, she thought, but if that's what she had to do to get her point across, then so be it. "I erm... okay. If that's what you wish." The brown stallion left, with all of his pride washed away. "It's been a month. Maybe I should take this manner into my own hooves." The alabaster princess said under her breath. "Well! Sending away that poor soul won't help at all!" I know that voice... "Its me! The King of Chaos himself!" Discord appeared in front of Celestia. He was sitting in a grand, floating thrown with a crown on his noggin, and a cane in his right hand. The cane had a small golden bust of discord's head. "Go away. I don't need to be pestered by your antics." Celestia was angry now. If no one will allow her to mourn in peace, then she will vent her anger if necessary. Discord slumped out of his chair and grew inexplicitly tiny. The bust started to speak. "Excuse me, but can't one of your dear friends help out in such a case?" He grew back to normal size. "It could easily help you find your sister!" he grew a large smile. "I don't need your help." Discord frowned. "I wasn't referring to me! I was referring to...someone else." "Who in the world would you be referring to?" "Who would you think?" Who in this world would possibly know my sister's whereabouts. Then it hit her like a freight train.If she's able to help Twilight during The Tree of Harmony incident, then... Two guards were stationed outside of the thrown room. They were talking to each other when a huge white flash burst from the double doors. One was thrown off his hooves, the other flew out of the way just in the nick of time. Celestia laughed hysterically. The guard who was thrown to his feet watched her in silent horror. The other maintained his composure. "Princess! What's happened?" Celestia only laughed harder. "A breakthrough, a BREAKTHROUGH my dear friend!" And with that, she was gone as quickly as she came. Discord stood there. A smile growing ever so bigger across his serpent-like face. He laughed to himself. "If only you knew my dear. If only you knew." *** Ding! "All done!" Mmmmm. Toast and butter. It isn't meat, so she'll at least accept it. I look to Luna, who is anxiously waiting for... whatever-it-is from the metal box that is the toaster. I dug for some of my old china, that I had in my cabinets. I had picked out a small, silver plate and placed the toast carefully on the plate. "Food?" Wow. Your vocabulary astounds me. I set the golden-brown substance in front of her. "...Safe?" I chuckled. "Of course it's safe!" She groaned a bit. Her eyes brought her back down to the slightly-overcooked bread. She poked it thoroughly. She picked it up with both hooves, probably her magic hasn't come to her yet. Then, I hear the huge CRUNCH! that followed. Just when I think I see her about to open her mouth in shock, it replaced shock with her gobbling the whole thing down. "Mmmmmmm!!!" Oh she's so adorable, but I'm more filled with awe at the moment on how she ate the damn thing so fast. Her eyes were closed. She had her mouth agape. Letting saliva flow freely from her mouth. "Pretty good I assume!So what do ya want to do now? We got the whole day to ourselves until nine!" She stopped her indulgence for a moment to look back at me. "Well, I do have a job silly." "Job?" At the beginning of this week, I never would realize it would be ending in me explaining the meaning of the word 'job' to a filly Luna. "Jobs are what we do to keep ourselves safe and comfortable." Luna opened her mouth to say something, but it was then replaced by a knocking on the door. I slowly turn to her. She looked frightened. In my best Elmer Fudd impression I say,"Be vewy, VEWY, quiet." The little filly laughed a little, but still had a worried look on her face. "Hello? Are you there Matthew?" Dear God. Joe Ann you scared me. "Just cleaning up the hallways. Would you like to help?" This would sound lazy to the average person, but when she is this old... "Uh, sure Joe! Be out there in a minute! Still finishing breakfast!" I walk over to the frightened filly. "Will you be alright if I go for a bit?" She nodded. "Good. Don't be too loud." And with that, I slipped out of the room. "Ah! There you are Matthew! Now, take this feather duster and get those cobwebs up there! You know me, to short to get up to the high areas." She smiled at me. Her dentures showing a pearly-white grin. "And thanks again." I gave her an exhausted look. "When have I ever let you down?" "Touché." It was a modest day in the apartment complex. Not much too sounds, as per the usual. After a few hours, I turned in the cleaning supplies and headed back to room 777. "Have a nice day Joe Ann!" "Alrighty then, see you next week then?" I shot a mischievous look her direction. "What makes you think I'll stay?" We laugh. "Alright see you later." I opened the door to the stairwell and almost closed the door behind me when I hear her call out. "Oh! And Matthew?!" I have to return the call but I still continue to close the door, "Yes?" "I know of your brother!" I walk up the stairwell, my mind focused on my brother. I had a huge look of sadness and grief evident on my face. My brother. No, not just my brother, my FAMILY, is all gone as well. I didn't snap out of it until I hit the door at the top of the stairwell. Keys? Good. I open the door to find my little companion at the doorstep. My worries of my brother and family left me immediately. "Aw. Were you waiting for me?" Luna was shaking. "What happened my dear?" She was staring me down, with a pleading look. "Wha, what is-" Oh goodness gracious me. I pick her up from her position in front of the golden brown door. I burst through the bathroom door. "Depends how long you're here, but trust me, you'll find out how to go on your own." Being covered in piss is NOT what I wanted today. Luna is in the corner just whimpering. "Hey, hey its alright. You don't know about toiletries yet." I begin to stroke her mane thoroughly. The tenseness in her back slowly going away as I do so. "Trust me. It's alright. It's truly alright." Finally she smiled softly. I take a glance at my watch. "We got a few more hours. Wanna have another run in the bath?" Her cartoon eyes opened even wider then they already were. "Yesyesyesyesyes!" Still wet from the hours-long bath she took, she followed me to my bedroom. I motion for her to come up on the cushions which she gladly obeyed. 7:00, time to go to bed. I rest her head on the pillows and pull the covers over her. "It's time to rest now little one." She resumed to have tears in her eyes again. "No, no, no. Everyone needs sleep. Good night." I stroked her mane a few more times and turned on the nightlight next to the bed. "I have to go anyway. Catch ya later." I close the door behind me, hearing soft whimpering as I go. Every step I take I can hear the whimpering growing louder. God damn it. I don't want to leave her. I rush over to the phone. I dial in a few numbers. "Yeah, Matthew what do you want?" I feigned sickness. "I don't feel too well. I don't think I'm going to be able to come and play tonight." He made a long, exasperated sigh. "Fine, since this is your first time ever being sick, you can have the paid day off. BUT NO MORE. YOU GOT THAT?" I couldn't believe it. "Thank you sir." I slept well that night, knowing that for one, I'm still getting paid. Two, in my arms, I have a filly who's cuddling against me under the covers.