The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab

by Fuzzyfurvert

117. Kissiekissiesmoochface by Knight of Cerebus

by Knight of Cerebus


Twilight ran her tongue along the insides of Celestia's cheeks, leading to a very passionate winny. The pair descended onto the mattress, their wings surrounding each other in a cloud of their own fluff. As Celestia reached the roof of Twilight's mouth, Twilight's mind lost control and her animal instinct basked in the raw, naked pleasure of the moment.

Ears flicked, nostrils flared and lips smacked, but no matter how their faces twitched, the pair made sure to never breach contact. Once breath became a problem, they began to breathe through their nostrils. A sigh escaped through Twilight's lips, though this was quickly cut off by another insistent push into her mouth by the elder alicorn.

A strong hoof rubbed against Twilight's back, holding her firm against her former mentor's warm, rigid chest. In turn, Twilight melted around the softer shape, her pudgier, less-trimmed body draping across the larger mass.

Both had lost track of the time when they returned to the world of not-Twilight and not-Celestia, respectively. There may have been ponies watching at the window, there may have been royal duties to attend to, and there may have been the ever-looming potential for scandal, but in that moment there was only a kind of overwhelming, titanic joy, smothering the pair of them emotionally like the downy wings and blankets smothering them physically.

One looked at the other with bright, vibrant tears threatening to spill over her cheeks, and found everything she was feeling at that moment reflected back at her in her lover's eyes.