//------------------------------// // Nature Unbidden // Story: The Continued Adventures of Tyro // by RainbowsAreMagic //------------------------------// Chapter 4: Nature Unbidden Morning came far too quickly for Twilight and Tyro. They had spent long hours the day before poring over ancient copies of even older texts, stored deep within the famous archives in Canterlot. Even there, with the help of almost a dozen archivists, the two had found little information of use. There was only brief mention of the lost Element of Balance, similar to but distinct from the Elements of Harmony. Tyro was able to learn more about how his new magic worked, and the many limitations it had. Twilight had focused on passages referencing Primus, with much less success. She found only a few cryptic references to primordial spirits, and not much else. Even the princesses admitted to little knowledge of the name, and most of that long forgotten. Twilight wondered just how long that chamber had been sealed away, then decided she didn't want to know. As Twilight woke, she stretched, then quickly went to the kitchen. Some tea would be just the thing to help her wake up. Unfortunately, there was none left. As she groaned, Tyro walked in, blinking owlishly. Owlowicious blinked back at him in a similar manner, and Twilight laughed, smiling. Perhaps she could do without the tea after all. Tyro was all business, it seemed. "We should get everypony together and share what we've learned. I'm anxious to find out what Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy found in the Everfree Forest, and I'm sure our friends here will want to know what we found out from the archives." Twilight nodded with a yawn. "That sounds like a great idea, Tyro. How about you get everyone together while I go back to bed..." Tyro laughed at her suggestion. "Sorry, Twilight, but if I have to be awake, so do you. I'll get Pinkie Pie and Rarity if you get Applejack. We'll have to send one of the princesses' pegasus guards for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. I heard they're both at Dash's fancy cloud house or whatever it's called." Twilight agreed with his plan, leaving to find Applejack. Tyro followed her outside, but split away to head into the middle of Ponyville. Rarity and Pinkie Pie wouldn't be too hard to find. It was less than an hour later that everypony had once again assembled in the library. Tyro and Twilight looked uncomfortable, and the pegasi looked a little shaken. It was time to solve the mystery. Twilight felt uncertain, but someone had to speak. "Our research yesterday turned up some information, but what we found was of little use in finding out about this Primus. Essentially, we don't have anything." Tyro nodded sadly in agreement. Rainbow Dash stepped up, with a glance at Fluttershy, and began to tell everything she could think of about what she had seen. A giant made of plants, dirt, and stone; that was what she spoke of. A monster that could have easily destroyed her but never attacked, and a frightened manticore. A creature that named itself a force "of nature unbidden," yet seemed unnatural itself. It was Twilight who broke the silence once again, as her friends listened closely. "I know," she declared, "what Primus is. After hearing Rainbow Dash's description, everything I found in the archives suddenly makes sense." Tyro nodded in agreement. "Your information was what we were missing before. Now it all fits together." Twilight began to explain her conclusions. "Primus is one of a small number of ancient beings, called primordials. As Rainbow Dash was told, Primus symbolizes unbidden nature. That probably doesn't mean a lot to you, but this will. Unbidden nature made the Everfree Forest the way it is. The clouds that move on their own, the animals that don't need to be woken up in the spring. That is all because of Primus' influence." Tyro took over the explanation. "It's worse than that, though. The area that is now Everfree Forest was created last time Primus was released. Now that he is out again, the primordial's influence will spread over the land once again. In perha a two weeks, probably less, the boundaries of the Everfree Forest will begin to expand. If we cannot stop Primus, eventually all of Equestria will become like the outer parts of the Everfree Forest. We can't let that happen, or Equestria as we know it will come to an end." The room was shrouded in utter silence. Twilight glared at Tyro, who quickly tried to make things sound a little optimistic. "On the other hand, my Element of Balance was able to seal Primus away before, even if it was at the cost of its bearer. If it comes to that," he said sadly, "that is a sacrifice I am ready to make, if I must, and without hesitation." A range of emotions crossed Twilight's face, from horror, to shock, to even a hint of anger. Seeing her expression, Tyro quickly went on. "Fortunately, that shouldn't be needed this time. My predecessor didn't have the Elements of Harmony, and we do. This time, things will be different." Everypony looked relieved. Over the few weeks they had known Tyro, he had earned their friendship, and the prospect of losing that was disheartening. Twilight, however, saw through his words to the truth beneath them. There was something else, something he seemed reluctant to talk about... but what?