//------------------------------// // A Surprise // Story: Voices in My Head Resurrection // by firebirdabirdoffire //------------------------------// Voices in My Head Original 4 chapters by ponyofawesome92 Continuation by sonicgenerationsagenerationsmadeoutofsonic Chapter 10 - A Helpful Surprise "SURPRISE!" Mrs. Cake and Twilight clasped their hooves around each other out of pure reflex. The white pegasus giggled. "I love doing that, surprising ponies never gets old. You should see the looks on your faces. I didn't surprise you two too bad, did I?" The Pegasus was very, very expressive. "Ummm... I'm not sure." Twilight said as she and Mrs. Cake collected themselves. "The build up was unsettling enough for it to work. Or else I would have seen it coming." Mrs. Cake said. "I'm already very familiar with surprises like this." "A. Good. Build. Up." The Pegasus wrote it down on a note block and threw it backwards in the air where it disappeared into a little cloud with a little poof sound. "Um... Are you Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked. "No, what makes you say that?" The Pegasus "You look and act like her, same voice, same energy. You could be how Pinkie sees herself. Maybe your her ego perhaps?" "Nah. I'm her Superego. I don't think I ever saw the Ego or the Id, surprisingly. Oh almost forgot welcome to the mind of of Pinkamena Diane Pie, I have been expecting you." "You have?" Mrs. Cake questioned. "Of course, surprised? You said that you two were going into this mind more than necessary. Made it easier to prepare. Follow me, I'll bring you where you can help the two." Superego opened the door behind her. Behind her was a strange castle, the left side was definitely based on a barn, a gloomy cloudy barn surrounded in gravel in fact. It also had well. It was slightly darker compared to the side which had ripped decorations with tons of popped balloons and confetti on the ground. It was clearly based on Sugarcube Corner, but it was a little run down. That's obvious analog for the emotional state Pinkie's in. "Wow." Twilight said. "Tell me about it." Superego said as she escorted them to right side. "That one half used to be 24/7 Mardi Gras, no surprise there. Then the grumpy one started putting some ideas in the jolly ones head. Made my job certainly less fun. Both girls stopped listening to me, THE SUPEREGO! I'm basically their conscience!" She suddenly grew a frustrating tone. "I'm sorry, I'm just annoyed at what I don't the respect a Superego deserves... Surprisingly..." Superego calmly lamented. "Sorry to hear that." Mrs. Cake said. "It's nothing really. After years it's hardly a-" "Can we call you Surprise if you cut out using the word Surprise every other second?" Mrs. Cake got slightly annoyed at that little quirk. Superego gasped. It was nowhere near as dramatic as Pinkie would, but still comically dramatic. "An actual name? Deal! How can I resist!? I dub myself... Surprise!" If she somehow could knight herself to give her that title of a name, she would. Twilight observed Surprise. "Looking at you gives me the impression that Pinkie is a Pegasi born in a Earth pony body..." She theorized. "That would explain a lo... just something." Mrs. Cake remarked. "Actually, I wasn't Pegasus until later, when this mind became bipolar, or some other word like that. It's been a while since I read a dictionary, which isn't really that Surprising really. Oops. I mean; which isn't really unexpected. The last sentence was redundant. Can't remember much of what happened before..." Surprise was sinking in her thoughts. That caused from the fly against a wall. "What do you remember? It might help us." Twilight asked. "Lemme think. Life was so duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! Give or take a few Us and Ls. But then I suddenly had wings that made me enjoy my life more. And that sometimes distracts me from Superegoing. I think I could concentrate better back then too." Surprise shrugged. "Anyways, behind this door is your Pinkie." Surprise pointed. to the door next to her. "Don't be surpris-... Don't... Don't be shocked how it looks on the inside, it's always been a mess. But now it's been an unpleasant mess. Also don't Pinkie's appearance shock you." Surprise opened the door. It was dark, you could barely see the ruined party necessities. On the bed underneath the bed sheets was a small filly. It was Pinkie, she had a straight mane, she was lying on her side facing the wall. "Pinkie?" Mrs. Cake said. The pink filly didn't move. "Are you sleeping?" "Mmmno..." The Pink filly answered lazily. "Do you know why Mrs. Cake and Twilight are here?" Surprise asked. "Yes, but it's too late for me. Nopony would want me anymore anyways, I'm dangerous, I can't be trusted around ponies..." Pinkie said, never stopped facing the wall. "That not true!" Twilight said. "Fluttershy." She said as a counter argument. "You didn't do that, that wasn't your fault." "She must hate me, just like everypony else." "You know she would have to try," "She must be scared of me." She's too stubborn to accept that it isn't her fault. After what seemed like hours, they gave up for now. They left and closed the door behind them. "The poor thing, she really has the idea that she's a terrible, worthless stuck in her head." Mrs. Cake said. They were on their way to Pinkamena's room. "I'm not sure if I can help her... Pinkamena really did some damage on her." Twilight said. "Tell me about it, the other Pinkie is a li'l bit of a bully, she also feeds a lot of lies ever since I managed to get her out of the well outside." "Why didn't help Pinkie then? You're their Superego!" Twilight shouted. "Have mentioned I have my own problems? I have a shade of ADD... And my attempts have been futile anyway. The party obsessed one is down, and the other one's relatively happy for once, and both can possibly stay that way for ever. I know that's kinda unrealistic being stuck in one emotional state, but still. It's been confusing for me." Surprise lamented. "You're our only hope, Twilight. Not like this mind will fall apart if you don't, I just want everything to back to normal." To be continued...