//------------------------------// // Prologue- The Eve Of War // Story: The War For Equestria // by JPTrixie-Fan //------------------------------// They appeared with a flash of light, an unshakeable dark horde. A tidal wave of char black flesh blotting out all light, leaving a trail of destruction and death in their wake. It was the same across every city, wherever they appeared, no matter how thoroughly defended went dark within a moment. Reports of terror and decimation fell upon Canterlot's halls as one by one cities went dark, each passing second yielding another letter requesting aid. At eight sixteen am the first city fell, another hour saw four more major cities fall. By nine thirty two am all contact with the western half of Equestria had ceased. “Your Highness! We have received reports that several cities on the outskirts of Equestria have been attacked! It is not known who or what our enemy is or how they got through our lines so quickly but all reports ceased within minutes of the first. What are your orders?” Sergeant Silver Helm stated to Princess Celestia after taking a respectful bow. Princess Celestia sighed at the grim news then turned back to the sergeant. “Have every active officer in Canterlot report to the meeting room and send a message to have Princess Twilight return to Canterlot immediately. We will have a meeting to discuss how to deal with this threat as soon as she arrives.” Celestia turned to go toward Luna's quarters, stopping only to state “Also have all trainee officers at the academy attend as well. I fear we may need more than our veterans to deal with this...” with these ominous words she trailed off to her sister's quarters. Along the path she passed several portraits of generations gone by, she stopped at one; a male alicorn with an old weathered face, his face covered in scars, some faint, some almost fresh, eyes filled with pride, power and...a hint of sadness...welled inside him, unspoken, but still visible and preserved in this master-piece. She never understood this, every time she saw him she sensed it, but never had the courage to ask and now it is too late. “Father...” Celestia spoke softly and quietly, her voice shaking with the weight of her thoughts. “You fought so many wars across Equestria, you shaped our world and freed us from being barbaric tribes and now...” She paused, hesitant to speak her concerns. “and now..I fear a new time of war has started, but I don't know if I can handle it...I don't know if I can defend Equestria as you did...” A single tear rolled down her eye and she broke her gaze from the portrait, moving away as swiftly as she could as if trying to escape from her fears, from these feelings of dread that flowed through her, feelings that she might need to face trials as her father did for her kingdom... *** As soon as Twilight walked into the meeting room she felt the weight of the entire situation, mixes of veteran officers, scarred from years of battle, cadets from the military academy, not even graduated from their training and already forced into a war and even royalty, princes such as Blue Blood, princesses Luna, Celestia and now Twilight; Cadence and Shining Armour were in the Crystal Empire, too far away to reach Canterlot for this meeting. Twilight took a seat as Celestia explained the reports and everything they knew at this time. When she was finished the room burst into frantic discussion, many of the veterans arguing about ideas of how to deal with the threat or even find out what it is, quickly being shot down by other veterans. In the background many trainee officers were silent, overwhelmed by the situation or taking in the discussion. “We need to send out scout parties to identify the threat!” “And have them killed!? Whatever attacked us took out five cities in an hour! Sending a scout party is to condemn them to death!” “Then we lead our armies west and deal with the invaders head on!” “Without knowing our opponent!? Anything could happen! We wouldn't stand a chance!” As the debate raged on Twilight looked over the officers, seeing one cadet who rather than staring at the debate was making notes and staring at the map laid out on the table. Soon he raised his hoof and declared calmly “I have an idea.” His words barely audible in the uproar of the debate, going entirely unnoticed...CRASH! Almost unnoticed she corrected as Celestia brought order to the room with an authoritative stomp of her hooves. “I believe Cadet Diamond Shield here has an idea. Why not hear him out?” On Celestia's command the room waited silently for the cadet's idea. “If we are to have any hope of defeating our enemy we need to know what they are...” He left the words hanging for a second...possibly from nervousness? He cleared his throat then continued “So scouts are our best choice, I've looked at this map and there is a great deal of terrain to disguise a small unit. Also, from the few reports we’ve received it seems that the attacks occurred during a scheduled fog in the area. This worked to our enemy's advantage but now it can work to ours. I know a few pegasi from the academy who are strong fliers and would be suitable to scout...” As one officer readied to interrupt, Celestia gave him a harsh look to back down and let the cadet finish. Diamond Shield looked at Celestia nervously and she nodded for him to continue. “I also know a few unicorns who are capable at protective magic and would be able to augment the pegasi vision enough to identify our enemy through the fog if nothing else. This would allow us to scout them while staying at a safe distance. We would need to move fast to reach them before the fog clears but I am confident we can manage. It is not without risk but I have enough faith in this plan that I am willing to accompany this scouting party.” With that decided the room emptied and Princess Twilight approached the young cadet who was gathering his notes; he wasn’t like the old veterans who were all dull coated and worse for their years. No, his coat was still brilliant white and his chestnut brown mane was tied in a low ponytail; oddly he seemed smaller than most of the other stallions she’d met and if she was honest he didn’t look like he belonged in the military at all. Twilight cleared her throat and raised her hoof to get the young soldier’s attention. “Hello, Diamond shield was it? That was a very impressive display earlier; how long have you been in the Equestrian military academy?” The white unicorn stallion immediately halted what he was doing and bowed to the alicorn princess; his dark eyes only raising to catch a brief glimpse at the purple mare before dropping back to the white marble at his armour clad hooves. “Two years, your Majesty.” The stallion answered formally, but with clear nervousness. It was obvious to Twilight that he was not used to dealing with royalty; she tried to find a way to make him feel more comfortable, after all she didn't like to be treated special because she is a princess. “Please just call me Twilight.” She replied, looking down at Shield as he bowed. “And you can stand up now.” She chuckled to herself. “Of course Princess.” He stood up quickly, his body tense and uncomfortable. Twilight watched him, trying to think of a way to break the ice. “You know, we still have a few hours before the scout party is gathered. Would you like to play a game of chess?” As she asked him, she wondered to herself how the game would go, she had studied every chess book in her vast library and new every trick and tactic used by professional players, as such she was never defeated. But...how would she perform against a trainee captain? Shield smiled lightly for the first time showing a slight relaxation, although not much. “I would love to Prin...Twilight.” He corrected himself. They walked together to a quiet room and set up a chess set. “How should we decide who gets to take the first turn?” “You can take the first turn if you wish your Majesty.” Twilight was surprised, both by the speed of his response but also that every book she had read stated that it was best to take the first turn, so why would he forfeit the chance so quickly...She thought for a moment, he used the word “Majesty” it was likely because she was a princess and he obviously didn't want to argue with her. She wasn't going to pass up the opportunity though. So she opened with an obvious starting move, bringing her king's pawn forward one space, a move that releases her most powerful piece as well as a bishop while sacrificing no protection from the pawns. His response was immediate, moving his queen's knight to queen's bishop six. It was a defensive move, although much less common. As she moved her queen out, readying for a fast checkmate, he moved the opposing pawn forward...it was to be expected though. As they played he quickly manoeuvred his knight to protect the unmoved knight and his rook's pawn forward as well. They protected each other but it served no purpose. Twilight started to doubt his ability as she took piece after piece, her queen eventually finding its way to rook in that same corner. It would take at least two turns to clear from the small group and it wasn't really necessary, she had this match won easily...but then why did shield look so confident, he was smiling. Although this was a friendly game that smile unnerved her...she soon realised what he was doing, but her pieces were all stuck between each other and her king was trapped by his queen and a bishop, it was a clever manoeuvre, she needed to checkmate him soon but nothing was in position...of course! Her queen could trap him. She spent her next turns desperately freeing her queen and repeatedly placing his king in check, to her surprise he led her queen through the labryinth of those four pieces. Then caught between the two knights, there was no way she could place him in check again without losing her queen and there was no other way to delay being checkmated herself in the next turn. She sat for a moment, in shock as she stared at the board. This game was a guaranteed win until the last few moves, how had it changed so drastically, She still had so many pieces, he had almost none...she played every move through her mind for almost 20 minutes before tipping her king in resignation. She paused for a moment in silence...”Those knights and pawns...you placed them at the very start of the game, how could you have known they would be so important?” He looked at her for a moment, taking a deep sigh to calm himself before talking. “You have learned to play from books haven't you?” She was surprised at his response, before she could respond he continued. “I could tell from the way you play, your first move was to free your queen and bishop, a text book opening...from there it was obvious, you took every unprotected piece but disregarded my strategy, it was easy to lure your queen into that corner where she would be unable to get in my way, all of your other important pieces were easy to trap in your own ranks.” As he explained his answer she watched his eyes, they were nothing like she'd seen before in any military pony. There was a burning passion in how he spoke, overcoming even his sense of who he was lecturing...she didn't mind though, it intrigued her. She shook herself out of her thoughts, trying to concentrate on what he was saying. When he eventually stopped, they sat in silence, his eye dropping to the floor in a macabre expression. There was something else past that passion, she wanted to ask what it was but before she spoke he quickly stated. “It was a pleasure to face you princess, but...” His words trailed off with his gaze, after a moment he looked back at her and stated. “The scout party should be gathered now, I need to go.” With that he left before Twilight could say another word. *** The library was deathly silent as it had been since Twilight left for Canterlot early that morning. Spike lay on his back staring into space as he wondered what news was so urgent that Celestia couldn’t even tell Twilight what was going on in the letter; he was starting to get bored of lying around and worrying about Twilight was getting him nowhere, he’d have to try to take his mind off it but how? He glanced over at the bookshelves for anything to entertain him until she came back, but it was pointless; there were only so many books in such a small library and he’d read them all several times, in fact he’d read them so many times he could recite his favourites from memory. With a sigh Spike rolled onto his stomach and stared at the door. Finally, after a few more moments of boredom he felt the build up of magic in his throat and with a belch of flame a scroll materialised in front of him. “Finally!” He exclaimed in relief and unrolled the parchment. As his eyes panned across the words his expression sunk and he slowly lowered the letter, letting it hang limply in his claws; before he could finish reading a knock came at the library’s door and he left the letter on a nearby desk. The door creaked open to reveal a dark brown Pegasus stallion in a royal blue cloak with a pair of bandaged wings, his black mane had started to grey and his face had a very distinct scar across his right eye. Spike had gotten to know him well in the past few years since he moved to Ponyville with Trixie. “Hey Broadsword, what’s up?” Spike greeted the elderly stallion with a hoof bump; it was the way he greeted every stallion he knew. “I’m here to return some books Trixie borrowed a few months ago; she would’ve returned them herself, but they’re a bit overdue.” Broadsword joked as he strolled into the library. Spike laughed as he took the books from the pegasus’ saddle bag and started to re-shelve them. “It’s alright I’m sure Twilight doesn’t mind if… wait a few months?! Seriously?” The purple dragon asked in surprise. “Yes, she stated that she didn’t fancy getting in trouble…” Broadsword chuckled lightly and glanced at the letter Spike had left idly on the desk. “hmm?” “What’s this?” the stallion asked pointing towards the unravelled scroll with his hoof. “Oh yeah Twilight was called to Canterlot on urgent business, but it looks like there’s something big going on because she doesn’t even know when she’s allowed to come home yet.” Spike explained as he returned the last book to the shelf and picked up the parchment. As he continued reading his eyes went wide and he turned to the old Pegasus with a look of shock spreading across his face. “This can’t be…” “What’s wrong?” Broadsword asked as he examined the letter; as soon as he read the final line his grew wide with shock. “No…” *** The mist surrounding the city was thick and the air reeked with the smell of death...They were getting close. The scout party stopped for a moment, Hoof Print got down, inspecting the ground at their feet, there was a clump of large rocks together where a trail of damaged grass began. “It looks like they used these rocks to conceal themselves before the attack.” He stated. Diamond Shield and the rest of the scout party started searching for any clues as to the identity of the assailants; it would be dangerous to scout them without any hint as to what they might be capable of. As they circled the rocks Diamond paused...it was odd, there was no trail on any other side of them, it was almost as if they came from the rocks themselves. That was absurd of course...They must be capable of flight, probably pegasi or griffons... Still it would be dangerous to fly in these conditions, the speeds you'd reach and the short vision would make foreseeing obstacles a challenge. “It looks like we're dealing with enemies that can fly; that at least narrows down what we can expect. We should follow their trail cautiously to Fillydelphia, from there we can hopefully identify who they are and where they may strike next.” The acting sergeant: Diamond shield stated as he pointed his hoof towards the city. The scout party moved through the fog, it was already starting to fade when they arrived at Fillydelphia. The party stood in shock at the decrepit ruins of the once great city; it looked as if it hadn't been inhabited in decades or centuries. It looked like the horde had long since passed, but there may still have been stragglers and so the party moved cautiously into the city walls. The city was a pitiful sight, corpses lined the street, coated in the debris of crushed buildings and broken walls. It was a massacre, blood and organs strewn about as they were torn from fleeing victims....what kind of monsters would do this? The party searched the crowds of bodies, near the city guard they found their foes...Char black skin, sewage green eyes, wings and horns... These were Changelings. This is bad they thought in unison. “Everyone!” Diamond shouted to draw back his party. “Our enemies are Changelings, we need to check their path and return to Canterlot immediately. There is no time to waste!” As if summoned by the command a group of more than a dozen Changelings appeared, taking the party by surprise.”Stragglers! Quickly everyone to your battle positions!” The party closed ranks around Diamond, only six ponies, two unicorns, Diamond Shield and Silver Arrow, two pegasi, Flash Beat and Lightning Stride and two earth ponies, Hoof Print and Muscle Bound. Easily outnumbered by the Changelings. The earth ponies took the front, readying their bows as Diamond conjured a shield to surround the ponies, a clear blue glittering barrier, deflecting the sickening green javelins of magic the Changelings sent forth. As Silver Arrow finished readying his spell Diamond dropped the barrier and the earth ponies let fly their arrows, followed by the crackle of silver lightning, cascading from foe to foe dropping them from the sky as the arrows tore through their vulnerable flesh, the pegasi darted out through the skies, their lances piercing skin and shedding the lifeblood of the Changelings. Muscle Bound sheathed his bow and pulled out his thorned shield, his powerful hind legs and onerwhelming weight throwing him forward like a boulder, crushing the grounded Changelings under his mass. Flash Beat and Lightning Stride flew around in a pincer strike, catching the reinforcing Changelings between them. From behind, the Changelings regrouped, casting bolts of green light into the Unicorns as they closed ground. Glancing shots cutting at the sides and hooves of Diamond and Silver as they readied their spells; the Changelings came too close, crashing into the newly erected barrier and leaving no pause long enough to free Silver's lightning. Hoof Print drew back his bow once more in an attempt to stop them, but he was swatted back by a charging Changeling. Muscle Bound quickly stood over him, pulling his shield back in an attempt to protect his fallen comrade and enduring blasts from Changeling spells. Seeing this Lightning Stride and Flash Beat charged at the two groups; Flash Beat crashing into the Changelings behind Muscle bound, impaling the beasts with his lance and leaving Muscle free to barrel through those in front of him. Lightning Stride however found himself caught in a hail of blasts, his fur shredded and his skin torn as he was shot from the sky. This distraction was enough, Diamond lowered his shield as Silver unleashed his power once more, tearing through the remaining Changelings and crushing the will of the remaining Changelings causing them to flee. Using this opportunity Muscle grabbed the injured Lightning Stride and with extreme haste the party fled. After covering a significant distance back into the mist they inspected Lightning. The injuries were all shallow and he would recover, but for now battle would be suicide. They were only a scout party and an injured one at that...But they still had a job to do. “Muscle, Silver and Flash. Stay and protect Lightning. Be ready for a swift retreat, do not engage the enemy under any circumstances. Hoof Print, you're with me. We need to determine their path before we return.” A practiced “Yes Sir!” followed Diamond's speech, it was the first time it had been directed at him, he would have smiled if not for the dire conditions. The two raced through the fog, being careful to avoid any Changelings that may be nearby. After catching onto the trail of the Changeling horde they realised where they were leading...No...They were heading towards Canterlot! They returned quickly to their party and hastily made their return to Canterlot. Luckily, there were still four Cities between the horde and Canterlot. They needed to return before the horde could break through their defences. Without the element of surprise their assault would not be as fast as it was but there was still a strict time limit. Fighting their blatant fatigue and injuries the party began making their way back to warn Canterlot.