//------------------------------// // Nightmare's Return (redone) // Story: Of Blades and Demons // by GuardianofRoin //------------------------------// A young colt woke up with a start, hearing the sounds of fighting outside. His coat was a royal blue with his mane and tail being a lighter shade, his small frame present under the covers of his bed. As he got up to look outside his wings grew visible, smaller than average near the point of being considered deformed. His father had always assured him that he was just a late bloomer and his wings would grow with time. His father always told him to be strong and have faith in himself, something he often lacked despite his father being among the vanguard of the fort. At Fort Neighers the creatures of the badlands only attacked it at night, the ponies who lived there sleeping during the day and awake at night. As such they were more reverent to Princess Luna than they were to Celestia, especially now that she had returned from her exile. Even the children were told stories about their Princess of the Night, how she had to go beyond the heavens to keep watch on them from the stars prior to her return. They were the wall that kept the dangers out of Equestria, they were the vanguard that kept peace for their country. Still, it did little to ease the nerves of the soldiers that stood watch. Each night it seemed they would either be facing some monster or a small force of changelings. Either way there always seemed to be fighting in the darkness around the village. As the young colt looked out the window he was almost immediately blinded by the sunlight, surprised there was so much activity so early. After a few moments of his eyes adjusting to the brightness he saw something that horrified him. Fires were strewn all across the fort. The alarm bells were ringing furiously. Soldiers were running and fighting through the streets. Pegusi soldiers were flying above and getting shot down with black arrows, falling to their deaths below. There was only one word that described what the young colt saw: hell. This was more than enough to shock the drowsiness from his system and made him rush to the main floor of his home, watching his father donned in full armor and a spear across his back as he spoke to his wife. The soldier's name was Galeblade, a stout pegasus stallion with a dark gray coat and a silver mane. His cutiemark was of a spear piercing through the heavens. His armor was not the gold of the royal guard of Canterlot but functional steel plate, the old dress armor discarded long ago by the soldiers of the fort in favor of better protection in their battles. He looked into the eyes of his wife with concern and fear in his eyes. "Swift, you need to get Bladechaser out of here! The enemy has breached the gate and I don’t know how long we can hold the fort. The town isn't safe for you, you need to get to Canterlot right away. You need to get out of here." Across from the warrior was a pegasus mare, her coat a deep lavender with a deep blue mane. Adorning her flanks was a wing lifted over a heart. She wore nothing save a set of saddle bags that were hastily strewn across her back, a short blade at her side should she need to protect herself. "But what about you Gale? The soldiers are dying out there! Nopony should be forced to have to fight and die like this! Please, you have to come with us!" The stallion shook his head. "As an officer I have a duty to lead my men. I cant abandon my squad like that Swiftwing." "And you cant abandon your family like this! I wont let my son grow up without a father. I will not!" "Mom? Dad? Whats going on?" The two parents swung their heads to see their son, Gale quickly trotting over and resting a hoof at his son's side. "Blade, I need you and your mom to go out for a while. Things are a little hectic here and I don’t want anything to happen to you. I'll send for you when it's safe, I promise." The young colt was hardly naive as he clung to his father's leg, crying for his father. "Please don't go dad! I don't wanna leave without you. I wont!" "Blade, there isn't a choice. I can't just-" Swiftwing bolted forward and took her son's side. "You can and you will, I'm not going to carry my son out of here unless you're with us. You're a soldier, you're supposed to protect those in need right? Well, these two civilians need an escort out of the combat zone and to safety in Canterlot. Isn't it YOUR job to make sure we're safe?" Gale sighed and shook his head, a smirk on his face as he looked up at Swift. "Sometimes I regret marrying you, always getting me in trouble with that loophole logic of yours. Fine, lets go, quickly!" Gale grabbed his son and helped him into one of the saddle bags, making sure he couldn't fall out accidentally during their flight from the fort. As soon as they got out of their home a group of pony bandits turned the corner. "Look boss, seems like we got more target practice. Hey army boy, why don't you get a shot at these whelps." From within the rabble of dirt caked ponies walked out a unicorn wearing the Fort Neigher's guard armor, stripes on the shoulder guards of the armor to show his rank as a lieutenant. His coat was a dark purple, nearing black with a mane that was a few shades darker. His cutiemark was of a black curved dagger. "Well well, seems Sergeant Gale is thinking about missing the fun. Tsk tsk." Gale scowled as he saw his fellow officer strode out from the group, his anger rising seeing the traitor responsible. "Lieutenant Grimm, I figured you would sell rations for bits but this is a whole new low for you. I should have just run you through the first day I met you." "Ah! Temper sergeant. We don’t want to set a bad example for your son now do we? Now, how about you die like a good obedient soldier. Don't worry, your wife and brat will be with you soon enough." The bandits sprung into action and tried to overwhelm Gale, the soldier quickly bringing out his spear and impaling one of the attackers and swatting off the other two. "Swift go, NOW!" The worry and fear in her husband's voice showed this was their only choice, tears rolling down her cheeks as she turned and flapped into the air. "Goodbye.." As the son and mother ascended Gale began to spin his spear about, holding off the group of attackers. Gale continued to fight off the two grunts until his son was too far away to see. Once he was clear the pegasus delivered two quick and precise thrusts to the throats of the bandits, the brigands clutching their throats and keeling over. Grimm scowled and barked to the others. “Get your bows out and shoot the whore and brat down! I'll take care of this wretch myself.” With the orders given the bandits ran after the two, Gale confident his wife and son would escape. In the meantime, he had a score to settle. “By the authority given to me by the Fort Neigher's guard force, I hereby arrest you for the deaths of everypony at Fort Neighers and treason to the crown. How do you plead?” Grimm simply smirked confidently and drew his blade, poising it ready to strike. “Oh, how I would love to see you pull that off. This should be fun to see you fail. Very well, I plead guilty. Now, lets see you try to execute me.” (Treachery) Gale quickly lunged forward, the tip of the spear quickly deflected with the magically raised blade, Grimm moving in to lunge before the pegasus parries the attack with the haft of the spear. The pegasus managed to get some distance away from the skilled blade. If he could just keep his distance he would be able to take Grimm down. This however was easier said then done, the dark unicorn guard darting right at the lance wielder with a dozen swift thrusts which Gale was barely able to avoid. Something was off, Grimm was much stronger than normal. The pegasus was barely blocking the attacks in time, the traitor Grimm seeming to change. His coat was growing darker, a black aura seemed to be seeping from his eyes. This was getting bad. However, he wasn't out just yet. Quickly taking to the skies he began to make attack runs against Grimm, swooping down and delivering swift attacks to wear the unicorn down. The pegasus guard managed to deliver wound after wound but nothing that seemed to even give Grimm pause, merely weakening him slightly. This continued blow after blow until Grimm had enough of these games. Charging his horn he shot two magical bolts at Gale, barely dodging the first while the second went right through his left wing. The guard could just barely glide safetly down onto the ground, fatigued and in severe pain by his crippled wing. Gale barely managed to get enough distance to ready himself, knowing he had to either end this now or never. He lunged forward with everything going behind his attack, forgoing defense for one vital hit. He already knew that either way he would die. He had to hit, he couldn't miss! Grimm had to use his blade to force the tip of the spear away, just far enough for it to glance against his flank armor. Gale failed to notice the dagger being pulled out from Grimm's side, not before it was thrust right into his throat. Drops of blood seeped from his neck wound onto the haft of his spear, his grip faltering and his body collapsing to the side. As he lay there, the last bit of his life flowing out from his throat, he saw Grimm standing over him, his spear gripped in the traitors magical grasp. Those terrible words echoing in his final moments. “You're family will join you soon worm.” "Daddy's going to beat them and catch up with us, right mom?" Swiftwing was just barely holding it together, knowing the truth that she would never see her husband again. Her face glistened with tears of the greatest sorrow one could imagine: losing the one you loved most in this world. However, she didn't have the luxury of mourning now. She still had to get her son to safety and make sure her husband did not die for nothing. As she thought she would make it past the wall of the fortress she felt a sharp sting in her right wing, a barbed black arrow shot clean through and she was losing altitude. "Mom!" Blade scrambled out of the saddle bag and clung to her mother's side, beating his small wings as hard as he could but unable to get enough lift to stop their fall. Swiftwing struggled but was able to flap enough with her son to slow their fall, quickly turning and cradling her son between her legs to keep him safe. Swiftwing landed with a loud thud and a sickening crack, feeling the bones in her other wing break from the landing. Most would have gone unconscious from the fall, but Swift had too much to do before she could even think about stopping. She needed to keep her son safe. Seeing an old rotted tree nearby she put him inside a small hole in the trunk, just large enough to fit him without being seen as well as letting him see what was happening outside. He was battered and bruised in the fall but had no serious injuries. She looked to her son and gave him a stern look. "Stay here and be quiet. Unless your father, myself, or a member of the royal guard get you I don't want you to leave this spot." "Mom, you gotta hide too! We just need to stay and rest and then we can go like dad wanted. Please!" Swiftwing heard hoof steps coming and motioned for her son to stay, turning around to see Grimm walking towards her with her husband's spear at his side. With a smirk he tossed the weapon to her hooves, blood splattered over the haft of the polearm as tears came to her eyes. "You.. YOU MONSTER!" Bereft with grief and rage Swiftwing drew her short blade and charged at her husband's murderer, Grimm quickly catching the blade in his magic and impaling the mare with his sword. Blade could barely keep from breaking down as he saw it, his mother run through by the same stallion who killed his father. As he held in the panic and fury he remembered what his mother told him, to stay quiet and wait for help. Soon enough, Grimm withdrew his blade and trotted off, letting the young colt wallow in his sorrow until he felt he had no more tears to shed. What felt like an eternity later, after fainting in that rotted out tree and letting himself just sit there and die, he heard hoof steps coming to the tree. A gruff voice could be heard even in the young colt's stupor. "I'm sorry Princess Celestia, it seems every pony here has been killed. This outpost was completely overwhelmed." A regal sounding voice came in reply, soothing and radiant though also sorrowful. "I understand Major. As sad as I am to say it part of me always figured there would be no survivors.." A third voice came, much like the second but less mature and experienced. "And to think sister, this fort was one of the few places that truly understood my night." "I know sister, I'm sorry you had to see this. I know you loved this place dearly Luna." The name resonated within the young colt's mind, immediately recognizing it as hope. He was saved! Groaning out from both the pain of his injuries and the pains of his own empty stomach he worked his way to the opening of the hole in the tree, seeing the two princesses and guards all over searching the ruins. "Luna.." The lunar Princess turned around to the source of the voice, her eyes going wide as she bolted to the young colt. "Sister! We found one!" Celestia turned toward her sister and followed suit, the major calling for a medic before joining the two princesses. Luna arrived first and levitated Blade out of the tree and onto the grass, laying him out as comfortably as she could as a unicorn medic came up to them and started tending to Blade. The young colt was slowly blinking awake, seeing the Lunar Princess over him speaking along with Celestia and the Major. "It's OK. You're safe now." As Luna was comforting him he saw another Princess Luna walk into his field of vision, the others fading into mist and leaving behind a blank landscape. "You know Blade, you really should sleep at normal hours of the night instead of during the day. As much as I love you enjoying my night I'm not usually dreamwalking during the daylight hours." Bladechaser, now much older began to get up, the old wounds gone and his wings an appropriate size for a pegasus his age and strength. His stout body was firm and quick, honed after years on the guard. The cutiemark adorning his flank was of a single sword pointing upward with wings sprouting from the hilt. "Heh, what can I say? My sleeping habit is one of the few things I kept after Fort Neighers. Besides, fits my schedule as a Lunar guard rather well. Anyway, I'm flattered that you went dreamwalking just for little old me." His attitude toward the Princess was far less formal and revering after years of spending time with her, whether on his patrols at night or as her personal escort. He was one of the few who bothered to join the Lunar guard voluntarily and ended up as one of those assigned to her protection. Luna's gaze showed concern for her friend, knowing that what she would tell him later would bring about a change in the pegasus. However, it was something she could only entrust to him. "Blade, I- I actually wish to speak with you tonight. When you start your shift please come to my quarters. We'll have much to discuss." Blade was a little put off by the mystery as Luna severed her connection, slowly waking up and going about her day until he could start his shift. Night had fallen just as Blade put on the rest of his armor, rather nervous about what Luna wished to discuss with him. After knowing her for so long he didn't often see her worried like this. Last time was when there was an assassination plot on the three princess's lives. Sure, he had the chance to meet Princess Twilight in person, but could something of that scale be in the works? A smirking red unicorn bumped into Blade's side and chuckled. "Well come on Blade, whats with the glum face?" Wearing identical armor stood a red unicorn with a slicked back silver mane and unkempt tail, his cutiemark of a shield with a crescent moon. His left ear was also scarred, half having been torn off long ago. "Ah, hello Knightstar. Good to see you're feeling good tonight. The Princess asked me to meet her in her room. Seems rather important. And before you ask I'll introduce you when you can stop swooning over her long enough to make a good impression." The unicorn rolled his eyes at the pegasus. "Hey, not like I can get her to even look at me. You met here as a colt and stayed in contact since you came to Canterlot. It's not like we all have your advantage." Blade's gaze went downward as he remembered what had happened all those years ago, Knightstar immediately picking up on it. "Ah crap. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories. It's the anniversary of the incident, isn't it?" Blade nodded solemnly. "Twenty years. Twenty years since Neighers was destroyed. Twenty years since I lost..." The pegasus could barely stand to mention it, shaking his head before Knightstar pulled him close. "Listen, you have family here. Your mother Maddie, your brother Shade, hell, even me and the other guards here. We all got your back through thick and thin." Blade gave his friend a warm smile, nodding as he calmed his nerved. "Thanks Knight, I needed that. Anyway, better get to your station before Nightwing shows up and makes you trot laps around the city again." Knight wasted no time in dashing toward his post, the blue pegasus lifting off to meet the Princess as requested. After a few minutes of navigating the insanely large castle he arrived at a large circular door emblazoned with Luna's moon insignia. Giving a quick knock he waited. "Please, come in." With the OK from Luna he opened the door and walked in, Luna sitting at a desk looking over a report. She looked up at Blade and back to her desk, having second thoughts about this action but knowing it was too late to change her mind. "Blade, we have received reports of a criminal siting. Keep in mind I wouldn't normally be telling you this but it does concern you. We've spotted former Lieutenant Grimm near the border to the Changeling badlands." As soon as that name was mentioned a fire was rekindled in his chest. Grimm, the pony who had betrayed Neighers and destroyed his home. Grimm, who had went and attacked his father, the pony's own comrade in arms. Grimm, the pony had had heartlessly slaughtered his own mother right before his eyes. There was only one thought going through Blade's mind: Vengeance. "How old is this report? We need to create a hunting team immediately to find him. I swear I will-" "Blade enough!" Luna's voice boomed with a hint of the Royal Canterlot Voice, silencing him for a moment. "Blade, I didn't ask you to come here so you can pursue some vendetta. I asked you here because I know you are one of the best guards in my Lunar regiment as well as someone I feel I can trust to see this through. I want you to swear to me that you will capture him alive if possible." Blade was almost ready to just fly off on his own to find that murderer when Luna stopped him short, sighing to himself and nodding. "Fine, I'll try to get him alive. No guarantees though. I may have to kill him if we get into a fight." Luna was about to stare Blade down when she heard him relent on that, a surprised smile coming to her face. "I know how much this man has harmed you, but we must keep justice in mind when we go after a criminal. Kill if you must in this case, but we want him alive. There is a bigger threat than him, a MUCH bigger threat that we believe he has ties with and even aided in the destruction of Neighers." Blade's brow furrowed at the thought, wondering what might have the power to do such a thing. "What could this threat possibly be? How can it dwarf what Grimm has done?" Luna's eyes grew sorrowful, knowing that it was partially her fault that this had happened. "Tell me Blade, are you familiar with the tale of my banishment?" Grimm was leading a small band of renegade ponies through the caverns of the badlands, leading his new recruits to his master and the one who had gifted him with his power. He was barely recognizable now, his mane and tail taking on the look of ethereal smoke as his eyes had become slitted and serpentine. His power had also grown considerably since the attack on Neighers 20 years ago. Ah, how he relished that battle! Slicing Gale's throat open and pouring his blood onto the stone below. Running Swiftwing through the chest and discarding her like common trash. Crushing every pony who dared oppose him and even those who tried to run from him. That first surge of power was truly glorious! Soon he arrived at an ornate antechamber, the ponies behind him baffled by the construction and wondering about their new boss. As they came upon a diagram on the floor, Grimm gave a toothy grin and called out. "My Master, I have brought you more soldiers to join our cause." An unearthly cackle seemed to echo throughout the caverns and the chamber, a feminine and truly dreadful voice seemed to come from both everywhere and nowhere. "Ah, so good to see you remaining loyal Grimm. You have done quite well as my apprentice. Now, to prepare this new bunch of rabble to gain true power." Grimm stepped out of the circle as it began to glow blood red, walls of energy surrounding the ritual circle as the marauders bucked and punched at the walls. However, after only a few moments they had begun to scream and convulse in pain, their bodies morphing and changing from within in a twisted way. Their organs felt like they were melting and freezing all over in a new order, shadows coating their bodies and melting their flesh before reshaping them into something truly vile. Once the transformation had been completed they stood as menacing golems of ponykind, their coats pitch black with ebony wings and horns made ready for battle. Their eyes opened to show spheres of purple, glowing with a dark aura as the shadows themselves reshaped the bodies in their image. Their minds were gone, warped into beasts by the darkness within the caverns. Grimm smirked seeing the new battalion made ready, turning to the ethereal form taking shape beside him. Though far from solid it had a dominant physical presence, shifting shadows all in the shape of a tall alicorn, mane and tail billowing pure shadows in it's wake. "Soon, we shall be ready to destroy this pathetic land. Peace and harmony have made them weak, unable to survive. We shall shatter their fragile reality. But first, I need a proper body. Not some vagabond off the street or bandit, but a true scion of magical power on par with Starswirl the Bearded himself. Then we shall truly be unstoppable! Luna is no longer an option. She will expect me to use her. Celestia even more so since she herself banished me before. That upstart Cadance has nowhere near the power I require and is too far away for my essence to survive. No, we need that new Princess, Twilight Sparkle. You must break her heart and bring her to me. This time I shall consume her completely and take full control of her lifeless husk. Bring her to me Grimm, and you shall be rewarded with power second only to my own." The evil purple stallion bowed with a toothy grin. "Yes my Master, Nightmare Moon.”