//------------------------------// // Prolouge // Story: Dark Fate // by mili71 //------------------------------// Prolouge Malice. Ambition. Hate. Desire. All emotions Sombra ever felt. Did he feel love? Did he feel sorrow? No pony will ever know now. Especially Princess Twilight Sparkle. She wanted to know more about him. Intentions, his anger, and past. She got more then she bargained for. -- "C'mon Twilight!" Yelled a baby dragon. "We're about to miss the train home!" The lavender princess galloped onto the train, with only mere seconds to spare. The two were in the Crystal Empire, trying to find backround information on the malicious King Sombra. They only found a book, and even that could've been a lost cause. Sombra never revealed his past. Which is why the two were searching for the book in the first place. "Uhh.." Twilight sighed. "We... We got the book, Spike. We did it." "C'mon, Twi. Let's go rest. I'd be better if we sleep now." Spike chirped "Can I read the book?" "You really shouldn't. You've been up all night lately digging up information about King Sombra. And the only source we have? An old book that may not give information at all." "It may, Spike. Not won't. I'm reading." -- "I guess you were right, Spike. Nothing." "Told you." "Wait. I missed a page. Strange, I never do that." Spike rolled his eyes as the two got off the train. Twilight gasped and exclaimed rather loudly. "I FOUND IT!" "Woah, Twi. Chill." "It says here that Sombra was a unicorn born in the Crystal Empire, and- " "Calm down, Twilight! Wait until we get back home first." Twilight shrugged and went along with it. They might as well get home first, then she could read to her heart's content. -- "This is amazing!" Twilight exclaimed with glee. "Sombra's past is more complicated then ever imagined!" The unicorn, known back then as Sombra Dark, was in truth a kind soul. However, seeing his home in poverty, the Crystal Empire, he began to seek power. He wanted to end this poverty, so his home that he loved dearly could be at peace. He stumbled upon a rare form of magic: Dark Magic. When he began to experiment with the magic, he soon lost control and began to harbor new feelings. Being he was the only unicorn in the Crystal Empire, he began to think highly of himself and lowly of others. The good side of Sombra fought the evil brought on by the Dark Magic, to no avail. Soon, the darkness took over his soul entirely, and he turned into the tyrant, King Sombra. "I never would've imagined his story to be this hate-filled..." Twilight trailed off. Twilight then let out a large yawn. "I guess I should get to sleep... I have a meeting in Canterlot tomorrow." Twilight trotted to her bed, getting in and tucking herself up. She closed her violet eyes and fell asleep. -- That night... She was galloping. She didn't know why, she just... Was. Besides the gallop, she had an unknown sense of fear. The darkness was fast approaching. Ever faster, she was trying to flee from the shadows. She even lifted off the ground a feet feet, to see if her wings would move her faster. She would do anything, anything to escape the coming darkness. Nothing worked. No matter how fast she galloped, or flew, or even attempting to teleport, the darkness was always right behind her. Until she was enveloped. She woke up, gasping for air. 'Was that just a dream?' She asked herself, unaware something was amiss about her. She looked out her window. Still the middle of the night. 'Phew. Just a nightmare.' She lay back down, once again falling into the depths of sleep. 'Just a nightmare...' How very wrong she was. -- Twilight let out a rather loud yawn. She had a dream last night, but couldn't remember it. She shrugged. It couldn't be that important. "Twilight? Are you up yet?" Spike called from downstairs. "Hurry up! We have to go!" 'That's right.' She thought to herself. 'Going to Canterlot for business.' "Coming Spike!" She yelled. "Hurry! We're about to miss the train!" For some reason, she felt annoyed with the sound of Spike. Must be just waking up so abruptly. Unfortunately, these feelings weren't going to stop for the foreseeable future. -- She rested herself down on one of the mattresses of the train, and Spike was droning on and on about the agenda, to the point where Twilight said, "Spike, can you just be quiet?" She didn't mean to say that. But the damage was done, she hurt his feelings. She decided to let him do his own thing while she took a light nap. 'Might as well.' She thought. 'I'll apologize after I wake up.' Then she fell asleep. -- She awoke in a dark castle, aware that this was a dream. Either way, the castle was awfully familiar.... "Hahahahahaha....." A low, evil laughter echoed through the chamber. All around her, she was enveloped in the sound. Where was the laughter coming from? And more importantly, who was the laughter coming from? She looked around, until seeing a mirror. The mirror itself was really elegant, so, Twilight went up to give it a closer look. When she was finally right in front of the mirror, the image of her shifted. Twilight couldn't believe what she saw. She had a dark red and gold gown on, with matching wings that resembled a butterfly. Her horn was red, orange and yellow, and much larger. She had silver armor shoes and a crown, adored with gold and blood-red rubies. And her eyes were red with purple smoke. What was this? Was this... Her? "Alluring, isn't it?" Said a sinister voice from behind her. Twilight now knew who she was dealing with. "Sombra!" She exclaimed, attempting to attack him. He simply dodged. "Try to destroy me, you destroy yourself." He said. "What?" She asked. "I'm a part of your mind, Twilight." He said bitterly. "Emotions you've never had. Hate, fear, and desire." "B-But... We destroyed you!" She said, shaking. "You destroyed a physical form, not me entirely." He hissed. "This is my domain now. I will make your life a living hell." -- Twilight woke up. Oh Celestia... What was she going to do now?