Where in the world is Spike?

by GrouchoMarxDisciple

Chapter 1


(T) Once upon a time...

Spike was reading a book. It was called: "How to fart" (but upside-down because he couldn't read). And then, Twilight thought that Spike farted (but it was actually Owlicious). So Spike packed his bags of tooting.

(R) So Spike ran off. And Spike ran off to the forest. The EVERFREE forest. And then Spike was like "It's kinda spooky in here" (he kinda said it like Applejack). He said to himself "I didn't fart!"

And then Zecora came and said "What is that nasty smell? It smells like someone put in gel."

Spike replied "I ran away from because Twilight thought I farted." Then he started thinking. And he thought "What about all my friends? Twilight and Applejack and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and..." *audible gasp* "RARITY" He shouted. "Why would I run away from such fabulousness?"

(T) Twilight went to look for him. She had seen that Owlicious had been reading the fart-book (right side up too), and then she got mad and said "How dare you fart in my face?"


(T) Spike had left a note with a heart and Twilight and the Main six on the front, but especially it had Rarity, who he was kissing on the cheek. The note said
"Dear Twilight and Rarity *sigh*, and Fluttershy (and then) Pinkie Pie (and then Fluttershy):
I love you all very much, and I hope you all have a good time without me.
Love, Spikey-Wikey."

(R) Twilight was trying to find Star-Whirl the Bearded, and then Twilight found the note. She looked at the note and she started crying. She said, in her best Rarity voice:

(R) Meanwhile, Spike was with ran away from Zecora, and then he ran all the way back to Ponyville. He missed Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, cuz they were his dearest (and only) friends.

(T) Twilight decided to go to Sweet Apple Acre [sic], and then she didn't see Spikey-Wikey there. But then she went to the Everfree Forest and said "I might faint, because I miss him so much. It's just, this is just so SCA-WY"[sic]. And then Twilight woke up and it was night. The day passed through time. And then she saw...


(T) The Timberwolves yelled


(R) But then, Spike woke up. And Spike said "I must-a find-a Twilight" (In his best Mario voice).


(R) But then Spike went by to smell the flowers. And then he found Twilight (Twilight was in the flowers. She had accidentally ate a bee.) She opened her mouth to talk to Spike, and the bee flew out.


(R) And then she said "Spike! I missed you so much! I missed you more than the birds and the bees would sing!"

(T) And then one of the Bubblebees (sic) stung Twilight right in the nozzle (sic). And then Spike said "TWILIGHT! DON'T GET STINGED BY A BEE!" But then, one stinged him right in the heart. And he was like "AAAAAAAAAAAAGH, I'M GOING DOWN!"

(R) The bees finally stopped stinging, because the biggest, fattest bee said "Don't you touch my son!" (she ate the son). And then they went home. Everypony was waiting there, and all the Main Six were waiting (besides Twilight, because she was taking Spike home.) All the other ponies already knew Spike was coming home because Pinkie Sense.


(T) And then when Spike saw the thing, it looked like *fishface* without a face. It was like this creature that comes from bees, and it was trying to eat his skin (or scales, or armor, or whatever) so that he would be naked bare. It had followed him there all the way from the Everfree Forest. It could talk and it said: (Demon voice) "You are going to DIEEEE."


(T) Then Spike read one of Twilight's books, and it was a book about how to get rid of the Sword (Twilight had just made it from Zecora.) He grabbed one of Twilight's pens, and said "This is going to huuuuuuurt..." And then he grabbed her quil and poked himself in the ankle. And then he fell over, screaming and wrything.


(R) And then Spike got up, but then he had to go to the pony hospital (cuz' when he stabbed his ankle the thing just went under his scales (or skin, or whatever) and he said it didn't work so he is now bleeding really bad.) So they had to take him to the pony hospital, and the nurse there said *plugged nose* "Y'all need to go to Dr. Eyeball!".


(R) So Spike, Twilight, and all the others went to see Dr. Eyeball.


(T) And then... it happened. It striked (sic) again. There was another sword, he said HIYAAAAAH And he stricked. And then another sword striked too (he fell first on his buttock and then on his face). So first it got up on to Spike and jumped and landed in Spike (and then it farted, because why not?)

(R) It was then that Dr. Eyeball came in. The weird thing was that Dr. Eyeball was just a floating eyeball. He was like as big as a pizza, and he was only an eyeball.


(R) He was like four pizzas wide, and about as tall as (T). He took a very, very close look at Spikey-wikey, and then he's like "I know how to take care of this!?" And he pulled out a needle, a shot that the hole was a big shot. But instead of a needle at the tip, it was just a hole. He shoved it into Spike's knee, and he took out the Sores-


(R) He took out all three Sores, and he shoved them up Twilight's mouth. And he said "Hold these, please."

(T) And then, they went back into Twilight's mouth...


(T) So instead, they jumped out and one went onto her head, like an arrow. But they were planning to do the same thing *karate chops*.


(T) Then Dr. Eyeball laughed and said *deep voice* Twilight Spahkle... and then he said saw them on her head. And then they were like *ninja pose* and then he was like GRRR and then they were GRRR.

(R) And then Twilight just said "I've had enough of this." And then she used a spell to put them away forever. So they were never seen again and that was the end of the story.