Pony Versus Machine

by Smoker

9: I am Heavy Weapons Shy.

3:57 p.m.

45 hours and 3 minutes remain


“Woah ho ho ho hah!”

“Heavy, stop it!” Fluttershy cried at the giant man. “You might-“

“Do you jest, Flutter pony?” Heavy said as he did a pile driver. “Back in motherland, we did bear wrestling all de time!” He put Harry the bear in a headlock, and it roared, biting his arm. “Oh ho ho ho! You are no pushover, mister bear!” Heavy cried, not fazed in the slightest from the bear sinking its teeth into his arm.

“Stop it! You’re going to-“ Fluttershy yelled, but was interrupted by a loud CRACK.

“HAH!” Heavy laughed, stepping off of the defeated bear. “I am victorious!” He roared.

“Oh, now look what you’ve gone and done!” Fluttershy cried, rushing over. “You’ve gone and dislocated his shoulder! Now I need to reset it.” She flew past Heavy. “Hang on, Harry. This will only be a second.”

Heavy watched as Fluttershy gave the bear a “soothing” back massage.

Heavy blinked.

Then he winced.

Then he covered his eyes.

He uncovered one eye, and rapidly covered it again.

“Mother of…” Heavy mumbled, as he watched Fluttershy snap the bear’s neck.

“There you go! Feel better?” Fluttershy asked. Harry nodded, and licked her cheek. “Glad to hear it.” Fluttershy said, smiling as she smoothed her hair back down. Then Harry lumbered off, and she turned to Heavy, her smile turning into a frown.

“You’re lucky you didn’t do anything worse.” She admonished Heavy.

Heavy stood there, his jaw still dropped. Then he scooped Fluttershy up in one massive arm, and gave a deep, bellowing laugh as he stroked her hair. “You are strongest pony in entire town!” Heavy roared as he petted Fluttershy. “You are now Mini Heavy!”

Fluttershy promptly squeaked, shot out of Heavy’s grasp, and flew up and through the window leading into her bedroom.

“Flutter pony?” Heavy called. Then he walked inside. “Flutter pony, Heavy was not going to hurt bear. Heavy knows his own strength.” He called, trying to soothe her as he walked up the stairs.

Then he heard sobbing, coming from a door. He opened it to see Fluttershy crying quietly on a red-checkered bed. “Flutter pony, what is wrong?” Heavy asked, sitting down. “Do you not want to be mini Heavy?”

“Well…” Fluttershy sniffled, looking up at him with teary teal eyes. “I’m honored that you would take me on as your apprentice, but I… I just can’t accept.
“I’m not the strongest pony in the town; if anything, I’m the weakest.” Fluttershy buried her head in her hooves once more. “I – I spent the entire battle hiding under a flower stand, for Celestia’s sake!”

“Flutter pony, do not say that! You are strong-“ Heavy began.

“NO I’M NOT!” Fluttershy squealed as she continued to cry. “I’ve seen you fighting; wading through hordes of robots, carrying your enormous gun! I’m not strong or brave enough to do that! Go to Applejack, or Big Mac, or Rainbow Dash, or Twilight, or Pinkie – anyone but me! I’m just so pathetic!” She sobbed for a while more, feeling Heavy’s hand on her back.

There was a deep, rumbling sigh. “Flutter pony…” Heavy said. “Look at me.” Fluttershy looked up at him, sniffling. “Heavy will tell you story.” Heavy said. Then he reached into a breast pocket of his vest, so well disguised that it was almost invisible, and pulled out a crinkled, yellowed paper. He unfolded it and handed it to Fluttershy.

In the picture was a family. The biggest one was a man with a rich moustache; not as big as Heavy, but massive nonetheless. A plump woman with kindly old eyes stood next to him. In the lower part of the picture, three children were visible.

“See dis?” Heavy pointed at one of the boys, who was quite skinny. “This is me.”

“That’s you?” Fluttershy whispered, looking closer. “But – but here you’re tiny! And now you’re-“

“Giant man, I know.” Heavy chuckled. “This was long time ago, as you might guess.”

Fluttershy giggled lightly.

“Yes, dis was taken back in motherland.” Heavy stated. “The mighty country of Россия – Russia, in your words.”

“And this is your family?” Fluttershy asked.

Heavy gave another deep sigh. “Was my family.”

“Oh… I’m so sorry.” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Don’t be.” Fluttershy felt Heavy’s hand on her back. “Now Flutter pony, back then, when I was leetle man, Russia was in turmoil. Not everybody liked government; those who didn’t, called rebels. Rebels sent to… Siberia.” Heavy shivered.

“Siberia?” Fluttershy asked.

“One of most hostile and unpleasant places on my planet.” Heavy explained. “So cold that if you cried, tears would freeze while still in eyes. Eyeballs themselves would freeze in short time, if not warmed.”

Fluttershy winced. “Yes, I know. Nasty.” Heavy mumbled. “Even worse were the Siberian gulags; like prisons which forced you to work, and gave very little food.”

Heavy looked at Fluttershy, and Fluttershy saw the pain in his eyes. “My father was rebel, Fluttershy.” Heavy said quietly.

“Oh…” Fluttershy said, her eyes widening. “So you were sent to…”

“Yes.” Heavy said simply. He shivered again. “Even talking about that place makes Heavy feel cold. Heavy spent six months of his life there, Flutter pony… felt like six years.”

“And then they let you go?” Fluttershy asked.

Heavy shook his head. “Those who go to gulags, Flutter pony… do not come back.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened even further, and she shrunk into the blankets.

“But one day…” Heavy’s back straightened a little bit. “One day, Heavy decided he would not take it anymore. Leetle stove in kitchen; Heavy stole burning embers from, and set fire to gulag. Then prisoners escaped, and overwhelmed guards with sheer force of numbers.”

“Oh… my.” Fluttershy said.

“Many prisoners died to fire and guns, but a good few escaped, and made it to nearest town, five miles away, after six hours of walking.” Heavy shook his head. “Soon after, Heavy escaped to ship, and made it to America – land of free, home of brave.”

“So, a happy ending?” Fluttershy asked, a flicker of hope in her voice.

Heavy didn’t look at her. “Heavy’s family… no make it out of gulag fire.” He mumbled.

“Oh… you poor thing…” Fluttershy whispered. Then she saw a glint. “Aw, don’t cry, Heavy… It’ll be okay…” She said quietly, flying up and drying the tear on the giant’s cheek.

“What? No! Heavy does not cry!” Heavy said with a sniff. “Crying is for leetle baby men!”

Fluttershy smiled softly. “It’s okay, Heavy… we all cry.”

“Not Heavy.” Heavy said quietly.

There was a pause, then Fluttershy asked politely, “But what does this story have to do with me? Why did you tell me this story?”

“Flutter pony…” Heavy sighed. “Heavy still remembers the strength leetle Heavy had when he decided he’d had enough, and set that fire.” Heavy looked into Fluttershy’s eyes. “Heavy sees that same strength in you.

“You may not have strongest muscles, Flutter pony. But you definitely have strongest will.” Heavy picked Fluttershy up. “And Heavy has faith that you will make the best Mini Heavy that will ever live.” He smiled. “What say you?”

Fluttershy paused, then a smile slowly grew on her face. “I’ll be happy to be your… ‘Mini Heavy’.”

Heavy gave another deep, roaring laugh, petting Fluttershy on the head. “Eez gud!” Heavy stated. “Let us celebrate by eating sandvich!”

“Sandwich?” Fluttershy asked.

“No! SandVich!” Heavy stated, pulling out his sandvich. He set Fluttershy down, then tore his sandvich in two, and handed one half to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took a bite, and her eyes widened. “Wow! This is incredible! What’s in this?!”

Heavy shrugged. “Sandvich is simple to make, but hard to perfect. Takes bread, and tomato, and lettuce, and most importantly…” Heavy pulled out a little slice of meat, and waved it in front of Fluttershy. “Baloney! Perfect fuel for killing tiny cowards!”

“Baloney? What’s that made of?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Eez pi-“ Heavy said, but was cut off by a squeal.

A pig ran into the room, and whimpered something to Fluttershy. “There there, Mr Squiggums, it’s okay. You’re just hearing things again. Nobody’s going to hurt you, I promise.” Fluttershy hugged the pig, then she turned back to Heavy. “Sorry; What’s the baloney made of again?”

Heavy paused as he looked at the pig, then at the baloney, then at Fluttershy’s smiling face. “Erm… Baloney eez…” Heavy stuttered. “Eez… cheese!”

“Huh. It doesn’t taste like cheese.” Fluttershy stated, frowning a bit.

“Eez… eez special cheese, with unique flavor! Yes, that is it!” Heavy said hurriedly.

“Oh.” Fluttershy paused. “All right then.” She took another bite of her sandvich.

Heavy exhaled in relief, mopping his brow with his sandvich before taking another bite from it.


“Okay, Flutter Pony!” Heavy said. The two of them were now outside; Heavy had promised to show Fluttershy how to fight like him.

“First thing you must remember!” Heavy stated. “Your gun must never leave your side!” Heavy pulled out his huge minigun. “This is Sasha. Sasha, say hello.”

Heavy revved up his minigun, then fired it into the air briefly, eliciting a squeak from Fluttershy. “Oh ho ho! Sasha likes you, Fluttershy!” Heavy stated.

“So, um… do I get to fire it?” Fluttershy asked, then cowered when Heavy glared at her.

“I am only one touches Sasha.” He stated. His tone left no room for argument.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have asked…” Fluttershy whispered.

“But you may have Sasha’s sister!” Heavy continued, and Fluttershy looked up as Heavy pulled an even bigger gun out of his backpack. “This is Natasha.” Heavy said. “Sasha’s sister. Does less damage and spins slower, but fires cripple bullets which slow target.”

“Ooh! Can I try it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well of course!” Heavy stated. Fluttershy reached for Natasha, but Heavy stopped her hoof with his hand. “Just remember, Flutter Pony.” Heavy said seriously. “Without heavy weapon, Heavy weapons guy is just guy. Gun is not just weapon; it is extension of body. Gun is life.”

Fluttershy paused. “So… can I use it now?” She asked.

“Of course!” Heavy said, smiling as he passed her Natasha with one hand. Fluttershy took the huge minigun, but was dragged to the ground.

“Rrgh… this is really heavy!” Fluttershy said, struggling to pick up the gun.

Heavy stared at her for a second.

“Oh… right.” Fluttershy said, blushing.

“Put back into it, Flutter Pony, and use wings; I’m confident you can do it!” Heavy said, smiling.

Fluttershy grunted, and flapped her wings rapidly. Soon, she was hovering with the gun, just two inches above the ground. “I’m… I’m doing it!” she panted.

“Gud! Now try and fire!” Heavy encouraged. “Press leetle trigger under handle!”

Fluttershy obliged, finding the small trigger and pressing it. The gun spun up, and fired with such force that Fluttershy was knocked back. It was as though a rocket had been strapped to her chest; Fluttershy screamed as the gun flew around in loop-de-loops, as she desperately hung onto it. It was almost comical.


The gun abruptly stopped firing, and promptly fell like an anvil, Fluttershy still being dragged along with it. She screamed until the gun came to an abrupt impact with the ground.

“Flutter Pony! Are you okay?” Heavy asked.

“I’m… fine… just a little… disoriented…” Fluttershy said, dazedly stumbling around in circles.

A few minutes later, Fluttershy could see straight again, and walk normally. “Perhaps Natasha is not for you.” Heavy said, shaking his head.

“Then what gun will I use?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, ideally you would use Sasha, but she is mine…” Heavy put his hand to his chin in thought. “Brass beast is even heavier than Natasha… Tomislav is broken… Huo-long Heater requires experience, and consumes lots of ammo… are there any other big guns?” he paused. “Maybe…” he clapped his hands. “Yes, that might work!”

Heavy walked back to his backpack, and rummaged around, eventually pulling out a third minigun. This one was similar in size to Sasha, but was more angular in design. The ammunition stock and muzzle were hexagonal, and the stock was made of wood. Also, a symbol was etched into the stock: a crossed hammer and sickle.

“This is iron curtain.” Heavy stated, setting the gun in front of Fluttershy. “Is has same statistics as Sasha, but has different design.”

Fluttershy tapped the stock. “Is this… wood?” She asked.

“Made from finest trees in all of motherland!” Heavy said proudly. “Also, wood is lighter than metal, so you might be able to pick this one up easier!”

“If it’s lighter and does the same damage as Sasha, why don’t you use this one?” Fluttershy questioned.

“One: Heavy had deep emotional attatchment to Sasha.” Heavy said. “Two: Heavy is heavy weapons guy, not medium weapons guy. Now go, pick up.”

Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around the handles of the gun, and was actually able to pick it up without even using her wings. She pulled the trigger, and the barrel spun. The gun fired harmlessly into the air, but instead of being knocked back, Fluttershy could now plant her feet into the ground, meaning that she wouldn’t go flying.

“I’m… I’m doing it! I’m a heavy weapons guy!” Fluttershy cried, as she began to slowly walk forward.

“Good work, Flutter Pony!” Heavy said, patting Fluttershy on the head. “You are greatest Mini Heavy, in history of world!”

Fluttershy stopped firing, exhilaration still coursing through her. “So, what now?”

Heavy chuckled darkly. “Now,” he said, “We start the really fun stuff.”